Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by squidman001 »

The Empire also gets the Eclipse and the Sovereign class ships, and they both have super lasers. They can take out space bases with one hit, as well as capital ships. The only problem with those is that they can't shoot small ships, so some escorts would be needed.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Samuel »

The Empire also has a smaller ship cap- unmodded, its only advantage is its capital ships produce fighters. Unfortunately they only have a couple in their hangers.

As for our war... it would be nice to know exactly how we compare against the other the other factions.

And finally CarthageZahn must be destroyed.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Bluewolf »

Well, there's the Death Star. But that's more of a joke than anything else since apparently all it's turbolaser gunners are taking the day off for the game.
And this particular mod doesn't seem to let me build it unless there's something special I have to do
I have ran into this as well. For some reason even though I am tech 5, have research buildings etc, I dont' get the build death star option. I try moving heroes to certain places etc but I never get the option. Is it campaign mode only or something? I mean I get the Sov and Eclipse but no DS.

Oh and if you can get the Eclipse with fair escort, you have already won 95% of your battles. Get it over the Sov, its worth the extra cash and wait for it to build. You can one shot anything but a fighter. In fact you can fire the superlaser so fast that you can destroy a station before it spawns fighters.

To keep it alive, make sure you have one ship go into the battle first as otherwise it will scatter the ships around and you may lose ships to early enemy fire (The Eclipse class tends to scatter fleets slightly for some reason). After that you bring in your capital ships etc. I recommend those carriers as they give several extra fighter spawns and TIE Defenders. Seeing as only overwhelming cap fleet fire or overwhelming fighter bombing can really ruin the Eclipse, having extra fighters is worth it. ISD's can provide covering fire as well. I also think an Intidictor would be useful later on as well. Just put in an empty corner of the map and turn it on. With this, set up you should be able to win a lot of battles. The Eclipses superlaser has a fast recharge and does have guns itself so its not paper. Usually most fleets will fall apart. This is what I have found from medium though, it may be different on Hard.

Also the superlaser might cheapen the Lets Play if you are not too careful. It may not but just keep that in mind. In my game I could just take it through ernemy space and basically raid it with little losses just due to it being able to one shot virtually anything.
Not sure if Mara Jade and Piett is able to do so however.
Mara Jade is a hero killer like Boba Fett and Piett, iirc is just has a special ISD with a beam weapon.

Around Tech 4-5 you get access to the Arc Hammer which can produce Death Phrase troopers on any planet you own which the ship is orbiting. They are pretty potent. Also LAAT gunships are deadly once turret and anti air surport is gone. They are also good scouts. Another late game unit which is useful is the droid tanks. Faster than AT AT's and with a fair amount of firepower.

Oh and on removing corruption and all that jazz, taking planets from TZC can break chains corruption too. Once it gets a foothold it can spread pretty fast. Now back onto the in game:

"We need a have an active fleet close by the edge of our territory to make sure planets are not loss. We should also press on removing the space mafia as soon as possible. On top of that we must pick what planet is most valuable to do without corruption".
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

Bluewolf wrote:
Well, there's the Death Star. But that's more of a joke than anything else since apparently all it's turbolaser gunners are taking the day off for the game.
And this particular mod doesn't seem to let me build it unless there's something special I have to do
I have ran into this as well. For some reason even though I am tech 5, have research buildings etc, I dont' get the build death star option. I try moving heroes to certain places etc but I never get the option. Is it campaign mode only or something? I mean I get the Sov and Eclipse but no DS.
By default the Death Star requires possession of Endor to build. For my version I changed it to Coruscant. I am deliberately not building many research labs so that the tech progresses slowly and we get to see all of the units in action.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Thanas »

montypython wrote:Vader also can remove corruption too, in addition to Veers as mentioned. Not sure if Mara Jade and Piett is able to do so however.
Mara Jade can remove corruption as well. You need to use the "eliminate hero" slot, however.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Bluewolf »

By default the Death Star requires possession of Endor to build. For my version I changed it to Coruscant. I am deliberately not building many research labs so that the tech progresses slowly and we get to see all of the units in action.
Of course...the Death Star 2...Endor.....how stupid am I. :|

But you edited to the XML files to change that I guess.

(Also, sorry to bother you but I replied to your PM on the custom campaign stuff)
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

Admiral Sheppard's orbital sterilisation of the Pelranius system (as Corulag was now known) had led to protests in the streets of SDN, a sight not seen since the last of the worker riots in the Empire's initial consolidation. Ordinarily such protests would be ignored, if not put down harshly, but the tacit approval of the Emperor resulted in the charges against Admiral Sheppard gaining traction within fleet command. Grand Moff Stuart's disappointment at the severe losses taken during the engagement almost certainly helped the process along. However Moff Sea Skimmer intervened, calling in some favours to get Admiral Sheppard ordered back to the HPCA system, claiming that disciplining him would be a 'Strategic Space Command internal matter'. Task Force Biocide was split up and relegated to defence of the southern frontier, with the flagship ordered back to SDN.

Commodore Rath got off more lightly. Ordered to permit the vilification of Admiral Sheppard, and facing three consecutive setbacks, Imperial Propaganda were in desperate need of a hero to prevent the public's morale reaching all-time lots. With public support firmly behind the commodore, and the serious question of whether the crew of the Necromancer would even accept another commander, the council quietly ordered fleet command to drop the court martial. There was a brief, closed disciplinary hearing and the commodore's 'provisional' promotion was rescinded. Captain Rath returned to the Necromancer to supervise final repairs.

Meanwhile the remains of Task Force Reprisal licked its wounds at Decue. Frustration mounted on every ship in the fleet as each week the orders remained the same. 'Hold position'. 'Defensive posture'. 'We must rebuild before we can attack.' In meeting rooms buried below SDN City, Admiral Samuel argued passionately for an attack before the cultists could full fortify their position. The Emperor refused to weigh in on the issue, seemingly preoccupied with matters arcane and incomprehensible to the rest of the Empire's rulers. It came down to a close vote in the council, and by a slim margin the counter-attack was authorised.


The task force reformed around the INS Star Fist, fresh from the Pelranius system. It was reinforced by two Victory destroyers pulled from local defence duties (replaced by pairs of Acclamators) and two brand new Strike assault frigates. Admiral Samuel was still concerned about the lack of a replacement carrier and subsequent weakness in starfighter capabilities, but the Star Fist's substantial complement seemed to be enough to make the mission viable.

Code: Select all

Task Force Reprisal (II) - Admiral Samuel commanding
  Fleet Combat Squadron
    INS Star Fist       - StellarFortress - Battlecruiser      - Admiral Samuel
    INS Necromancer     - Imperial II     - Heavy Destroyer    - Captain Rath
    INS Lord            - Victory         - Destroyer          - Captain Relvenous
    INS Mann            - Victory         - Destroyer          - Captain Shroom
    INS Dominant        - Victory         - Destroyer          - Captain Thanas
  First Strike Squadron
    INS 'Gripper'       - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Commodore Darkevilme
    INS Studibaker      - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Captain Crossroads
    INS Deactivator     - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Commander Raesene
    INS Pinto           - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Commander Modem-Fax
  Space Superiority Group
    INS Revisionist     - Venator         - Space Control Ship - Captain Bluewolf
    INS Kali            - Carrack         - Gunship            - Commander Beowulf
    INS Durga           - Carrack         - Gunship            - Commander Phantasee
On entering realspace, the Star Fist's powerful scanners revealed moderate orbital fortifications, a dozen small ships, a pair of destroyers and a swarm of fighters. The fleet advanced in close order; it complicated manuevering, but Admiral Samuel did not intend to waste the Star Fist's firepower by having her stand off from the fight.


The fleet was immediately mobbed by the enemy fighters, who simply flew through the Imperial interceptor squadrons at full speed, heedless of casualties. The Kali and the Durga roared after them, spraying laser fire at the swarms and drawing the attention of the cultist X-Wings. Within a minute the first line of ships were in firing position and began to destroy the enemy frigates one at a time with careful, co-ordinated fire. The cultists seemed to be ignoring the Strikes, preferring to focus their fire on the INS Lord.

“Captain Relvenous, pull back before you take damage. I don't want any foolish sacrifices in this battle, we have superior firepower and can afford to be cautious.”

“All too happy to Admiral. Damn...” the comm crackled “enemy fighters are going for the engines as usual.”

Commodore Darkevilme was grinning viciously as the second enemy frigate exploded. She blinked and returned her attention to the tactical map. “Captain, have no concern, we shall stand shoulder-to-shoulder to conceal your retreat.” “Crossoards, Raesene, Modem-Fax, close up, we will block their line of fire to the INS Lord.”

“Confirmed.” Captain Crossroads fought for balance as the Studibaker's shields caught more than her fair share of the intercepted enemy fire.


The Imperial fighters had now cut down nearly half of the near-suicidal cultist fighters. With the INS Lord out of range, the enemy ships had switched fire to the next target in the Imperial battle line, the INS Mann.

“Captain Shroom, retreat! We have more than enough ships to finish this.”

“Sir, incoming fire from the planet. Looks like a large-scale planetary ion canon.”

The brief flurry of dazzling blue bolts slammed into the INS Mann, knocking her shields and engines off-line.

“Damn, so they did have time to emplace one. Rath, Thanas, manoeuvre to support the Mann!”

The ion pulses scrambled electronics, but did little serious damage. On the INS Mann, damage control teams struggled to bypass circuits, bleed charges and reset computers. The ship started to take serious hits to her outer hull, but began to pick up speed again. With five of their number already destroyed, the enemy would not be able to do critical damage before the Mann was able to withdraw. Or so Admiral Samuel thought.

A second stream of pulses rose from the planet and zapped the limping Victory destroyer.

“Sir, origin co-ordinates for that burst were different from the first, they must have two emplacements operational.”
With her engines, shields and fire-control now hopelessly scrambled, the wounded INS Mann began to drift. The last remaining enemy figthers came in for the kill, unloading everything they could into the ship.

“Admiral! We've lost all power, every system is down!” Captain Shroom's voice was filled with desperation and despair. “Admiral! Help us!”


Whooping and howling filled the comm channels as the cultists made their delight plain.

“Damn them, no more, no more!” Captain Rath ordered the INS Necromancer ahead, closing to point blank range with the enemy. “Take them down!” The ship advanced in a halo of TIEs, as Commander Starkiller prepared to finish the last of the enemy fighters.


The Necromancer's shields were battered down by the combined fire from the station and the destroyers, but her guns could not be silence and quickly destroyed the remaining enemy frigates.

“Damn it Rath, I didn't order that! I have had enough of your insubordination!”

The Necromancer began to take damage, but long range volleys from the Star Fist and the Dominant smashed the enemy destroyers into wrecks. Meanwhile Commander Redleader's bombers had started taking the enemy station apart, and Darkevilme's frigates were standing ready to finnish the job. All except one, that is.

“Err, Commodore, I think you'll have to count me out.” Captain Crossroad's voice sounded mournful. “We've lost primary and backup fire control... don't think the engines are working right either... in fact I'm not sure anything is working right, the old girl is coming apart at the seams.”

“One should not hunt when sick Captain, not if one has a choice.” Commodore Darkevilme was quieter now, almost philosophical. “Stay back, their death is upon them now, we need only stop the carcass twitching.”


The last few cultists chose to spend their final minutes sending a dark, defiant chant out into subspace. Admiral Samuel insisted on listening to it as the station was destroyed, the chanting breaking apart into shrieking and curses before falling silent.


Imperial losses : The Victory-class INS Mann was completely destroyed. Very few crew made it off and Captain Shroom was not among them. The 'Starship Studibaker' was damaged beyond the point of economical repair; the ship was already a patchwork of quick repairs and jury-rigs from previous engagements. The hulk will be sent back to SDN, for eventual restoration as a museum ship. Fighter wings took minimal attrition in this engagement.

Cultist losses : Total – 9 frigates, 3 heavy gunships, two destroyers, several wings of fighters and a medium-sized space station.

The ground assault was led by Major RogueIce, who has been despatched from 'HAB' to field-test a new vehicle design. Officially, no one in Task Force Reprisal had a clue what 'HAB' was, although Admiral Samuel's personal sources led him to believe that it was a secret experimental weapons production facility somewhere in the HPCA system.

In any case the Juggernaut proved ideally suited to the volcanic terrain on Gaius. The first of the huge armoured vehicles was dropped along with a platoon of supporting repulsortanks, led by Lieutennant Cards.


The first cultist installation appeared undefended. Major RogueIce led a stormtrooper company in capturing several minor installations, but the ion canon proved to be booby trapped. Fortunately the techs detected the energy build-up in time and for once, no troopers were lost.


As the operation was wrapping up a platoon of rebel tanks made an abortive attack on the Imperial force. It was at this moment that the second ion canon resumed firing on the fleet in orbit. Demanding an immediate end to the threat, Admiral Samuel ordered Major Phongn to deploy immediately his AT-TEs as close to the combat zone as possible. The walker tanks advanced and quickly destroyed the second ion canon.


The cultist light tanks made a last-ditch defence effort but were trivially despatched by the AT-TEs.


The relative lack of cultist ground forces in this system remains a mystery at this time.

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Raesene »

Ah, good to be back in space again... and kicking/pushing some cultists into the madness beyond death...

Interesting formation in the topmost picture - looks like a star destroyer is holding position within the Star Fist ! I thought the motto is to engage the enemy more closely, not the flagship ;-)

"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Thanas »

Captain Thanas delights in the promotion, his new ship and the great losses inflicted upon the enemy fleet. By my estimate, the cultists lost six times the resources and men we did in that battle. Furthermore, we have taken back the lost planet.

I don't think they'll be able to mount another offensive in that sector soon.

The Star fists slow hyperdrive however makes her unsuitable to anything but sector flagship, therefore construction should start on ISDs and Dreadnoughts as soon as possible.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Lord Relvenous »

Captain Relvenous sends his regards to Admiral Samuel for this glorious victory in the name of the Emperor. Captain Shroom and his crew will be mourned, but more importantly they will be avenged. Death to the cultist, fanatical, and illogical!
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

I live again! And the "Old Bucket" Gets to survive just enough to be turned into a Museum ship! Love it.. Wonder what ship I will recieve next... Hopefully another Strike, seem to live best in those.

And also this Victory was a true one.. We inflicted far heavier damages then we got this time around. The Cultists lost substantial fighter groups which should prove useful in up coming battles.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Bluewolf »

Bluewolf is pleased with the result with this battle and, though saying this will probably end in my death, I have lived through quite a few engagements. It is a good thing to retake this system.

I do wonder what I will be transferred to though if you phase out Venators.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

“Here's what we believe happened. The 'blood god' faction made contact with this 'consortium', promised to share the spoils from Gaius if they sabotaged our defences there. Once the deed was done though, they didn't hold up their end of the bargain. The Consortium were prepared for that, and had a fleet ready to attack the cultist's forward base on Dantooine, now stripped of the bulk of its defenders. From what we can tell, there was a hell of the battle, the local Companion Cube probe found a lot of debris fields. As you can see, the Consortium held on to the system, but their space forces are almost non-existent. This window will not be open for long before they manage to reinforce their new Dantooine outpost.” Director Weemadando's transmission ended abruptly.

“I am absolutely against this.” Moff O'Farrell's hologram flicked for a second as the holocam adjusted itself. “Yes we can take the Dantooine system, but can we hold it? Our local fleets are already overstretched, our defences in dire need of reinforcement. How long will Dantooine survive once Admiral Samuel has moved on to fresh conquests?”

“With all due respect to the Moff, I totally disagree.” Admiral Samuel's face was stoic. “If we leave Dantooine in Consortium hands, we are giving them a back door into Imperial space. Furthermore, taking Dantooine will make prosecuting a campaign against the so-called 'death machines' far more viable.”

Emperor Wong waved a hand. “Enough. I will allow the council to vote on this. They do so like their delusions of relevance. Grand Moff Stuart has already despatched reinforcements, you are to wait at Gaius for their arrival. You will have your orders shortly Admiral.”



In the end Admiral Samuel's arguments won out, not least because the council wanted to restore public confidence in the Empire's ability to take systems from the enemy. With the two new light carriers from HPCA, the fleet was ready to proceed. Captain Bluewolf was given a field promotion but chose to continue commanding his squadron from the smaller INS Revisionist.

Code: Select all

Task Force Reprisal (III) - Admiral Samuel commanding
  Fleet Combat Squadron
    INS Star Fist       - StellarFortress - Battlecruiser      - Admiral Samuel
    INS Necromancer     - Imperial II     - Heavy Destroyer    - Captain Rath
    INS Lord            - Victory         - Destroyer          - Captain Relvenous
    INS Dominant        - Victory         - Destroyer          - Captain Thanas
  Rapid Strike Group
    INS 'Gripper'       - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Commodore Darkevilme
    INS Deactivator     - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Captain Raesene
    INS Pinto           - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Commander Modem-Fax
    INS Kali            - Carrack         - Gunship            - Commander Beowulf
    INS Durga           - Carrack         - Gunship            - Commander Phantasee
  Starfighter Support Squadron
    INS Revisionist     - Venator         - Space Control Ship - Commodore Bluewolf
    INS Flaming Thetan  - Legacy          - Light Carrier      - Captain Karick
    INS Defenestrator   - Legacy          - Light Carrier      - Commander Kitty
The newly enlarged fleet jumped to Dantooine.


The Star Fist's powerful scanning arrays soon confirmed the Director's intelligence; enemy space forces were negligible. Fighters streamed out of the new carriers as the Imperial fleet powered ahead. Commander Starkiller was glad of the opportunity to give the rookies some easy first kills before they were thrown into a real battle.


Reduction of the enemy space forces took less than five minutes. The enemy attempted to bargain and plead for their lives, addressing several of the fleet's senior officers by name and offering enormous bribes in tight-beamed communications. Admiral Samuel ordered maximum output from his flagship's jammers, muting the perfidious enemy transmissions. Soon they ceased for good as their station was blown to scrap.


Imperial losses : three TIE fighters, two of them due to a landing bay accident.
Consortium losses : a small defence station, a wing of curiously designed starfighters.


Orbital scans detected significant enemy forces on the planet. The Emperor was keen to capture the former cultist production facilities, so Admiral Samuel ordered a large force landed on the edge of the theatre shield cover. Major Phongn's AT-TEs and Major RogueIce's command Juggernaut were landed along with supporting tanks and stormtroopers.


The landing zone was attacked almost immediately by an enemy force of infantry and shielded war droids. Lieutennant Cards quickly had his repulsortanks take out the droids, while Major RogueIce demonstrated his preferred solution to enemy infantry attack.


The victory was short lived as the strike force was soon attacked by enemy attack airspeeders, which proved able to dodge the main guns on the tanks and highly resistant to the repulsortank's secondary blasters. Major Phongn was determined to advance despite the air attack, destroying two enemy bunkers, but the fire was starting to degrade the armour on his AT-TEs. Only the AA turret on the Juggernaut seemed to do significant damage to the enemy craft, and sustained fire eventually drove them away.


The victory was short lived. Major Phongn continued to advance, destroying several civilian structures that the Consortium had converted into militia barracks, but the airspeeders returned and harried his walkers mercilessly, eventually destroying both AT-TEs. Meanwhile stormtrooper teams deployed from Major RogueIce's juggernaut managed to disable the shield generators, but were forced back under armour cover by relentless aerial harassment.

Orbital turbolaser fire destroyed the rest of the Consortium's ground forces, but could not do anything about the airspeeders. Lieutennant WesFox took his TIE Defenders down into the atmosphere with the intent of attacking the enemy aircraft, but with an ETA of seven minutes it was likely the entire advance force would be destroyed before they could reach the combat zone. Fortunately Major RogueIce had ordered immediate fortification of the drop zone, and a second Juggernaut and automated field repair unit were already in place by the time he made it back, airspeeders in tow.


The juggernaut's modular field-replacable armour proved an unexpected lifesaver, as the automated repair droids changed out the plates while still under enemy fire. Co-ordinated barrage fire from the tanks and both AA turrets eventually downed the enemy airspeeders, who had no base left to return to.


Admiral Samuel's request to rename the system 'Phongn' was mysteriously blocked by imperial edict. His second choice of 'Shroom' was approved.


“No, that's ridiculous, stations of that size cost as much as two cruisers, static defences are of no use once we...” Captain Thanas was not allowed to complete his argument.

“Captain! You're not looking at the big picture. The Consortium has a proven ability to infiltrate our lines.” Moff O'Farrell pounded his fist on the table for emphasis. ”If a force gets past the frontier...”

“That's exactly why my rapid response fleet must be funded!” DarkEvilMe snarled. “You humans are simply...”

Her voice trailed off as the room suddenly went dark. A relatively quiet but insistent alarm began to sound. Grand Moff Stuart was staring at his screen in horror.

“Officers, councillors, I think we will have to suspend this debate. We have a new problem.” He touched a control and the main screen lit up with a composite strategic display.


“Major enemy fleet inbound on ASVS. They're less than an hour out.”
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Bluewolf »

"I am pleased with my promotion and again on how another planet is now in the our Empires hands. May planet Shroom stay as a bastion of hope an-

what....no that can't be right..

Oh holy..."
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Ok, just went back through the WHOLE thread and took inventory... So far we have had 19 posts worht of engaments and story.

Code: Select all

Empeor Wong
Bounty Hunter Stark 
Grand Moff Stuart
The Vortex Empirer
Karmic Knight
Companion Cube

2nd post
Ryan Thunder

3rd Post
Scottish Ninja
Darth Yoshi

NO Newcomers

5th post

No Newcomers

*(my First engagement)
Master of Cards 
Force Lord
Jonen C

8th Post
*(my second engagement) 
Necromancer of Rath
Cpl Kendall

9th Post
*(3rd enagagment)

10th Post
*(4th engagment)
Luke Starkiller
Romulan Republic
Imperial Overlord
Lord Relvenous
Chris Ofarrel

11th Post
*(5th engagment)
No Newcomers

12th Post
Jason L. Miles

13th Post
*(6th engagment)
Fax Moderm1

14th Post
(7th engagment)
Rogue Ice
Admiral Drason
The Defensetrator

15th Post
(8th engagment)
No Newcomers

16th Post
(9th Engagment)
No newcomers

17th Post

18th Post
(10th Engament) Loss of ship
No Newcomers

19th Post
No Newcomers
The list shows where everyone entered and how many posts.. I'll go back to update it making a full list of ALL engaments... Quick note, Ive lived through 10 Engagements, losing my ship but living on outing #10. heres to another 10 maties!
Praying is another way of doing nothing helpful
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Raesene »

I have to thank the Admiralty for the confidence placed in me by my promotion :-)

Can reinforcements reach ASVS in time ? If not, I'd suggest assembling a fleet in a neighboring systems so we can retake it quickly while enemy positions are still weakened.

"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

"All you have to do is to look at Northern Ireland, [...] to see how seriously the religious folks take "thou shall not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable." George Carlin

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Bluewolf »

"Captain Raesene, I hardly think that anything can reach that system in time. Even any ships from SDN which has a faster space lane link with ASVS would not be able to come in time and taking ships from SDN would leave that system dangerously unprotected. Best we can do is to do as much damage to the attacking fleet as possible, try and keep morale high and planning a possible retake. We could take some of their mad larders down with them though."
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Raesene »

"Commodore Darkevilme, the Deactivator is fully at your command. We are awaiting your orders."

"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

"All you have to do is to look at Northern Ireland, [...] to see how seriously the religious folks take "thou shall not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable." George Carlin

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

The list shows where everyone entered and how many posts.. I'll go back to update it making a full list of ALL engaments...
If it helps, here is my master list of characters.

Code: Select all


INS Star Fist         - StellarFortress - Admiral Samuel
INS Revisionist       - Venator         - Commodore Bluewolf
INS Dharma II         - Guardian        - Commodore Knight
INS Necromancer       - Imperial++      - Captain Rath
INS Lucky Bastard     - Legacy          - Captain Hotfoot
INS Black Prince      - Legacy          - Captain Verhec
INS Flaming Thetan    - Legacy          - Captain Karick
INS Lord              - Victory         - Captain Relvenous
INS Dominant          - Victory         - Captain Thanas
INS Gripper           - Strike          - Captain Darkevilme
INS Deactivator       - Strike          - Captain Raesene
INS Defenestrator     - Legacy          - Commander Kitty
INS Kali              - Carrack         - Commander Beowulf
INS Durga             - Carrack         - Commander Phantasee
INS Python            - Guardian        - Commander Monty
INS Pinto             - Strike          - Commander Modem-Fax
INS Degan             - Guardian        - Lieutennant Commander Patrick
INS Karmic            - Tartan          - ? 
INS Sutra             - Tartan          - ? 
INS Syndrome          - Acclamator      - ?

Destroyed/Scuttled/Scrapped, commander escaped

INS Big Stick         - Peacemaker      - Captain Julian
INS Thermopylae       - Legacy          - Captain Spartan 
INS Loyalist          - Victory         - Captain Force
Starship Studibaker   - Strike          - Captain Crossroads
INS Parasite          - Acclamator      - Captain Vortex (later killed)
INS Indestructible    - Acclamator      - Captain Decue (later killed)
INS Lightning         - Strike          - Commander Raesene
INS Dharma            - Carrack         - Commander Knight
INS Knight            - Guardian        - Commander Net

Destroyed, commander killed

INS Walk Softly       - Peacemaker - Commodore Tithonus
INS Laguna            - Peacemaker - Captain Adrian
INS Final Judgement   - Peacemaker - Captain Pelranius
INS Fervent           - Victory II - Captain Glider
INS Indestructible II - Victory    - Captain Decue
INS Gallifrey         - Victory    - Captain Parallax
INS Mann              - Victory    - Captain Shroom
INS Muffin            - Legacy     - Captain King
INS Full Refund       - Legacy     - Captain Nephtys
INS 'Resistance'      - Venator    - Captain Vanas 
INS Thunder           - Strike     - Captain Ryan
INS Ford              - Acclamator - Captain Prefect
INS Losonti           - Acclamator - Captain Tokash
INS Empire            - Acclamator - Commander Ekiqa
INS Sphinx            - Broadsword - Captain Enigma
INS Bush              - Carrack    - Commander Stas
INS Monster           - Guardian   - Commander Lag
INS Snardbody         - Guardian   - Lieutennant Commander Zed
INS Terix             - Victory    - n/a
INS Tantra            - Tartan     - n/a

Other Characters (living)

Emperor Wong - Leader of the Rationalist Empire
Grand Moff Stuart - Fleet Commander
Companion Cube - Director of Braintaping Rearch, unwilling probe droid
weemadando - Director of Imperial Intelligence
Moff Skimmer - In charge of the SSC reactivation effort
Lieutenant Kuroneko - nav officer on the Necromancer
DEATH - mad machine intelligence
Moff O'Farrell - Planetary defence advocate
Darkstar - High Prophet of the Blood God
Starfleet Jedi - Elite fighter squadron, disciples of Darkstar
Lieutennant Cards - TIE Mauler driver, now repulsortank platoon commander
Captain 'Ninja' Scottish - Stormtrooper commander, scout bike enthusiast.
Commander 'Luko' Starkiller - CAG on the 'Resistance', Avenger pilot.
Commander Redleader - TIE bomber leader
Commander Temjin (wounded) - TIE Scout leader (still recuperating)
Lieutennant WesFox - TIE Defender leader (based on the Star Fist)
Captain Jonen - Artillery commander.
Major RogueIce - Juggernaut enthusiast.

Other Characters (dead)

Sergeant Kendall - Bravo Company, 3rd Assault Regiment
Ensign Schuyler - in engineering on the INS Walk Softly
Captain Vortex - station commander at Weyland during rebel attack
Lieutenant Surlethe - on the Weyland station during rebel attack
Special Operative Stark (pilots Gunship STRAK) - during the capture of Gaius
Darth Yoshi (rebels/culstists) - pilots a Super Gunship
HSRTG (rebels/culstists) - pilots a Support / Command Ship
Commander Peptuck - TIE Avengers, killed by friendly fire in the taking of Peptuck.
Major 'Brother' Gaius - AT-STs, Maulers, Repulsortanks - Killed on Gaius.
Sergeant Kendall - AT-PTs/AT-RTs, killed on Kendall
Lieutenant Flagg - Stormtrooper commander, killed by rebel assault on Gaius
Major Phongn - AT-ATs & AT-TE enthusiast, killed on Dantooine.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Gentlemen... We do not have much time... I think we are all in agrement the incoming fleet will cripple our forces in a head to head fight. As I see it we have but two options.

Either we stay and fight, tooth and nail, take as many of them down as we can... Or, we withdraw, fall back and group up with our mainforces.

Then we can muster Proper forces to strike at this acursed Cultists. I do not like either option good Captaisn and Generals, but we have little time to make a decision..
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

how modded is this?

looks nothing like what I remember

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Darkdrium »

Assuming the waiting line isn't too long, maybe I can enlist in the Empire? I swear to use my hatred of all things of the Consortium for the benefit of the Emperor.

And by the way, this is what justify bigger stations.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:how modded is this?
Oh, moderately modded :)
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Lord Relvenous »

I feel that the loss of our forces at ASVS would be a dire blow to our naval power, one which we might not be able to overcome. We must continue in our policy of overwhelming firepower. While it will be a loss to abandon ASVS, it will be a temporary loss. The hated enemy cannot surely hope to retain a world so close to our main avenues of power, and we must punish them for their audacity. However, it must be on our terms, in a way that such a fight does not bleed us dry.

However, if the honored Council decides against this, I am prepared to sell my life in a patriotic sacrifice to strike against the Cultists. The INS Lord and the INS Dominant will teach our enemies the folly of underestimating a ship with the title Victory!
Last edited by Lord Relvenous on 2009-04-20 12:04pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Darth Onasi »

Oi oi, where am I? :P I believe I survived the battle a few pages back.
Oh and that portrait of Raymus Antilles really annoys me. Why does he look like a buff action hero?

Edit: Still that fleet doesn't look so bad, usually the scum come at me with 30 Y-Wings minimum. :x
Last edited by Darth Onasi on 2009-04-20 12:10pm, edited 1 time in total.
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