Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Samuel »

I've been told FoC let you place ground defensive installations at your pleasure, rather than randomly scattered. Is there truth to this? And if so, what are the limits? For example, is it possible to have the power generator for the shield projector (IIRC there is one at ASVS) under the shield?
You can place them anywhere you want- it just needs a slot.
A couple platoons of stormtroopers and one of AT-STs is easy enough to replace (compared to capital ships).
Buildings auto produce garrisons. That makes defense fun.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by RogueIce »

Does anyone have the link to that ship guide with the pictures and descriptions? It'd be helpful in giving recommendations if I knew what the various ships were and what they could do.

IIRC the link didn't provide such valuable data as how many and what type of cannons a ship had, or the number of fighters it would spawn, but it at least gave a rough idea.

I mean, how can I give any suggestions on what to do when I don't know what the difference between a Steller Fortress or Thranta War Cruiser is?
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Chris OFarrell »

Vehrec wrote:
Chris OFarrell wrote:Okay.

Question the first, is there ANY chance of nearby fleets getting to ASVS to reinforce the defenses before the enemy arrives?

Question the second, if we withdraw, will we have enough time to load up the ground troops, sabotage all surface to space defenses and get out in good order before the enemy fleet arrives?

Question the third. If we pull back and regroup with a larger fleet, how long will it take before we can turn around and attack, with overwhelming force? *Assuming* That this isn't simply phase one of a multi-prong attack on our Empire. I can see Darkstar launching raids against other core planets, of a minor size that their garrisons can defeat, but ONLY if the garrisons are there, simply to pin those forces in place...given the lack of heavy orbital defenses on our core planets...

This is going to be nasty.
Question: How much defense does the Turtle Moff consider to be enough defense?
If the Glory hound will read the reports my staff prepared, you will see that I advocate merely a buildup around our most critical planets that we can ill afford to lose such as SDN and ASVS. The typical enemy raiding fleet is comprised generally of only light capital ships with hyperspace capable fighters and perhaps one significant fleet combatant. A heavy space defense platform in Geosynch over the critical industries, backed up with a moderate mobile fighter force and perhaps even a couple of surface to space weapons, would prove more then ample, AND free up many ships badly needed on the front lines, given current attrition rates!

Now if we all turn to page 773 subsection twelve, we can see the allocation of resources as outlined would be as follows....

*insert 16 hours of absurd budget summaries from the pencil pushers here*
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

If there's a way to control where the buildings go, I don't know what it is, it seems pretty random to me. However your base is surrounded by build pads for small turrets, so you can decide what to build where with those.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Bluewolf »

I think you can move building locations on pads as well but correct me if I am wrong.

I think its too early to guess what the Rebel/Cultist ground assault will be though. They may have sent just one tank or they may send the whole hog. I think due to this we should have some ground forces for retaking on standby but our main focus should be the space battle at hand.

Out of interest, can enemy ships big enough use their turbo lasers on the land battles?
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Thanas »

Orbital bombardment is available, yes.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Force Lord »

The rebels/cultists, however, can only fire ion cannons from orbit. Still, it fucks like hell if all of your units can't move.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Bluewolf »

Then our focus should be even more fixed to that Cruiser, if that goes down, not only do they lose the ability to fire from orbit, they also lose a potent ship and a major leader/hero. The plan of staying near the station is a good one as any reinforcements can also quickly get into the fight and open fire.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Samuel »

Starglider wrote:If there's a way to control where the buildings go, I don't know what it is, it seems pretty random to me. However your base is surrounded by build pads for small turrets, so you can decide what to build where with those.
http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/827314/st ... =mediaFull

Click "base layout"- it is the button with the magnifying glass under fleet 2 on the planet screen.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by TithonusSyndrome »

So I leave for finals and come back to find out that I left the duty of preventing saboteurs from entering my ship to Colfax in some capacity. :lol: I'm glad at least that my death was met with the proper respects.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by White Haven »

Finally got around to reading this thread...I both approve and submit White Haven as captain of....er....something.

Additionally, in a continued homage to a recurring NPC theme from an RPG long since defunct, I hereby enlist the McSoldier clan in the defense of the realm. Notable members of the clan include Weapon McSoldier, who was thrown out of a belltower by a sniper and impaled by his own bayonet upon hitting the ground, Flyboy McSoldier, who was killed by the first shots of a carrier battle in an incident of friendly fire, and an unnamed McSoldier whose dropship was shot down on approach to a warzone, falling out of the wreck and smashing the Helmet of the Golden M against the ground at terminal velocity. No family more devoted, no soldiers more expendable and interchangable, the McSoldier clan volunteers for all your expendable duties.
Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the poster. The thread topic winks out of existence and reappears in 1d10 posts.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Lord Pounder »

No fleet is complete without it's very own Major Asshole and his cousin, Gunner 1st Class Philip Asshole.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Necromancer of Rath »

Given Captain Rath's tendency to act without orders and disregard them, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out the Asshole family tree had branches on the Necromancer. As to this Darkstar character...even I have to admit it makes the DEATHbots a secondary concern.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

“The enemy is nearly upon us, coming in numbers far superior to our own, possessed of a false courage granted by insanity. It is true that we could retreat, we could run, hide, cower from the wrath of these fanatics. But if we do that, not only do we sacrifice the lives of every one of our citizens on ASVS, not only do we hand the enemy a forward base from which to strike at the very heart of our nation, we abdicate our responsibility to defend the secular peoples of this galaxy. Our people have sacrificed everything to give us the best ships, the best training, the best tools they could provide with which to fight the madness. I am asking you all to do your duty here today, to very likely give your lives in the service of the Empire, but most of all not to betray that trust. For if we do, I fear the galaxy will fall into darkness.”

“Man your stations, charge shields and weapons, and make ready to blast these sorry wretches all the way back to the rim. The enemy heavy cruiser must be destroyed, or they will burn ASVS to a cinder.”

Captain Onasi clicked off the comm. “ETA?”

“They should be dropping out of hyperspace just about.... mark. Three to five minutes at sublight sir. As you predicted, they're approaching from the far side of that sensor blind.”

The cultists took their approach slowly; it seemed like an eternity to Onasi, waiting in the CIC of the INS Darth. Eventually the blurred shapes of the cultist capital ships began to emerge on the magnified visual display.

“That's it, full power and hard to port! Maintain speed, but don't get us any closer than you have to.”


The cultist fleet was accompanied by more fighters than Captain Onasi had ever seen, a plague of metal mosquitoes out to sap the life from his capital ships.

“Brigadier Drason, do you have a solution?”

“A few more seconds Captain... Firing now.”


Hypervelocity slugs slammed into the misshapen enemy flagship, battering her shields and knocking a few weapons out of calibration, but doing no serious damage. “Fuck” Captain Onasi momentarily lost his composure “that thing is even tougher than it looks.”

The enemy fighter squadrons washed over the Imperial ships, far outnumbering the interceptors sent up to stop them. Lances of blue ionic energy struck the two Victory destroyers over and over, until they were almost powerless to resist. The cultist capital ships followed close behind and poured fire into the INS Darth. The Imperial flagship gave as good as she got, but the enemy bombers were barely hindered by the overwhelmed friendly fighter squadrons, and they unleashed wave upon wave of proton torpedoes.


“Captain? How's it going up there.”

“Not good Brigadeer.” The deck was shuddering now, the damage control display starting to light up all over as shields gave out and systems failed.

“We've almost ready for another shot. Hang in there.”

The hypervelocity canon fired again, this time doing significant damage, but it wasn't enough.

“Captain Solauren! Don't give up, that flagship is vulnerable, you have to...”


With the Darth gone, commander of the battered Imperial fleet passed ot Captain Solauren, currently trying to coax the INS Defiance's engines back into some kind of life.

An insufferable nasal voice spilled out of the speakers. “And lo, finally the delusional Imperials are shown the true folly of their works, the sweet lies that are their promises of safety and order, the utter inferiority of their starships and their tanks. For now we, the servants of the Master, shall rain death and destruction upon their holdings, shall slay their allies and bathe in the blood of their loved ones, as is...”

“How is that crap getting through?”

“Sir, when we lost the Darth we lost half our jamming capability, but I don't know how they cracked our secure...”

“It doesn't matter, just sanitise our comms ASAP! Engineering, you said I'd have thrust by now!”

“We're starting to make way sir. Shields still out.”

“It doesn't mater. Take us in close to that flagship. Give it everything we've got.”

The last of the station's bombers launched, weaving and jinking in a desperate attempt to find a route through the cultist fighters to hit their flagship. Few made it, and the Defiance was taking heavy damage from the circling enemy destroyers.

“...their attacks were as nothing to the faithful, for the Blood God gives us strength, he proclaims that the Imperials are wholly inferior, from their pathetic hyperdrives to their puny turbolasers, that they could never stand against our jihad, that their...”

The CIC was a mess, severe shock damage taking its toll on the equipment and the crew. “That's it sir, primary and secondary fire control out! Still firing on manual, but we've lost nearly all...”

“Then ram them if you have to!”

Brigadier Drason fired again, just as the Defiance made her final charge.


"“Noooo!" The sight of his God's chosen instrument blasting itself apart incensed Darth Yoshi. "The Prophet! Heathens!" He spat the word out in disgust. In some part of his mind, he knew that his lord would eventually resurrect the High Prophet as he himself had been resurrected, but that did not matter now. "They will burn, burn, all of them burn for such insolence! Destroy that station! The planet as well, all of them must die! We will have blood for the Blood God!”

As the first turbolaser bolts rained down, the Brigadier hastily diverted power from the cannon to the shields, reinforcing them against the deadly assault. With the heavy guns on the enemy cruiser gone, they would hold, at least for a while. The orbital forces were not so lucky. Only a Victory and an Acclamator remained, and both of them had long since lost hyperdrive capability. The Imperial forces had no choice but to make a last stand around the defence station. Precision fire from the remaining weapons took out two of the cultist gunships and many of their fighters, but the outcome was inevitable.


(part 1 of 3)
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Force Lord »

We have lost. Again. :(

Their sacrifice will not be in vain. :x

At least they took their so-called "Prophet" to a well deserved death. :twisted:
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Thanas »

From: Captain Thanas
To: Fellow officers

Re: Defeat at ASVS

1. Whoever ordered our fleet to split up shall be broken and dismisssed from the ranks pending charges of gross incompetence.

2. I once again propose that from now on our fleet shall stay outside the immediate engagement zone.

3. I suggest assessing the state of the enemy fleet in the enemy system before counterattacking.

4. I further suggest that in honour of our fallen comrades the next ships off the production lines shall carry the names "Solauren's Defiance" and "Darth Onasi" respectively.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by TithonusSyndrome »

What are the total losses for the engagement over ASVS?
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Darth Onasi »

Well there goes my survival streak of.. uh.. one battle.
I salute you, brave soldiers of the Empire. At least the foul Prophet burns with us.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Where am I in all this, I know I dont have a ship yet, but were any of us on the station as we held our "meeting" ?
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

ASVS could easily have been a paradise, save for being on the front lines in the war against the cultists. The Imperial forces waited apprehensively, watching flashes overhead as turbolaser fire continued to splash sporadically against the shields. If a ground assault was to take place, it would come soon, before the Empire could muster a relief force. The factories were still working frantically to complete new units for the defence; so far they had been able to complete a platoon of tanks and a mostly operable AT-AT. Stormtroopers crouched in the bunkers, peering out through the firing ports, waiting for targets to present themselves.

The theist dropships came in low to avoid AA fire. The first unit to be released was a platoon of heavy tanks, which promptly set about slaughtering the local milita. These brave citizens had volunteered to serve as an outer perimeter for the base, delaying the attack long enough for it to be assessed and an appropriate response prepared. Unfortunately for them, the enemy firepower was a level above anything the cultists had displayed before.


The heavy tanks proceeded east, leaving missile tanks to pound the outer ring of defensive turrets and bunkers. Brigadier Drason ordered the tanks out, determined to thin out the artillery before it could hit his primary defences, not to mention give his besieged infantry a chance to retreat. The Imperial repulsortanks quickly wiped out the entire platoon of fast missile carriers and their supporting infantry, but by then the cultists had deployed their heavy rocket artillery.


A massive barrage descended, destroying the tanks and the last few cultist infantry. The Brigadier shook his head at the callousness of his foes. “Get that heavy walker moving! Hold the Ess-Tees in reserve.”

A second unit of missile tanks assaulted the northern approach to the base, but these troops were either greener or more fanatical. Instead of carefully engaging at the limit of their weapons range, they rushed forward to assault the bunkers, and were engaged from two sides by defensive turrets. Blaster bolts flew in all directions as the theists tried to return fire. The advance was checked, the enemy unit completely destroyed, but at the cost of most of the Imperial turrets.


Meanwhile the sole AT-AT was engaging the enemy's heavy tanks, which were attempting to push through the southern approach.

“The third wave of dropships is over the LZ sir!”

“Send the Ess-Tees now! We've got to eliminate that artillery before they can replace the screen.”

The AT-STs rushed out, jinking wildly to dodge the incoming rockets. Blaster bolts streamed from their canons, tearing into the fragile rocket launchers. One enemy vehicle exploded, then another. The final vehicle in the battery tried to flee, its ponderous bulk easy prey for the AT-STs.

“Attack repulsed sir!” It was the green lieutenant commanding the AT-AT. “All enemy heavies down, idiots tried to flank us and got in range of the turbolaser towers. We're nearly inoperable though, request permission to pull back.”

A brief smile flickered over Drason's face but he did not permit himself the luxury of relief. “Stand by echo unit. Delta, status?”

“First rocket battery destroyed sir. The bastards got Delta Three though.” There was a brief pause. “Looks like another force of missile tanks and infantry inbound from the drop zone... no wait, they're turning... sir, I think they're retreating!”


“Keep hounding them back to the shield perimeter, but don't risk another casualty. All other units, regroup at the inner perimeter.”

“Hold fast men. The cavalry is on the way.”

(part 2 of 3)
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Vehrec »

From: Captain Constantin Vehrec
To: Captain Thanas

Captain, I would remind you that there is no region of our border that can be considered truly safe. All other forces in the galaxy are decidedly hostile to us. Were we to concentrate our fleet totally in orbit of any one world, ANY world, we would then leave our other worlds and other fronts totally exposed to attack. This strike may be telling or it may be a unfortunate outlier. We do not know what shape the future may take, so we must be on guard against all fronts.

I do recommend an immediate reprisal strike against Sullest and other blood cult worlds to form a buffer zone against future attacks on our Core Worlds.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

There was no time for exercises, a joint planning session or any of the usual niceties. Task Force Retribution consisted of every ship that could make it in time, without completely stripping the Empire's border defences.


The INS Spectre, second of the massive StellarFortress-class vessels had just returned from space trials at HAB (or 'deep space near HPCA' according to the log). She was quickly relaunched to assist the counter-attack – her remaining bugs and glitches would have to be solved under fire.

Code: Select all

Task Force Retribution - Admiral Samuel commanding
  Heavy Group
    INS Star Fist       - StellarFortress - Battlecruiser      - Admiral Samuel
    INS Spectre         - StellarFortress - Battlecruiser      - Commodore Sheppard
    INS Dauntless       - Peacemaker      - Star Cruiser       - Captain Force
    INS Gryphon         - Peacemaker      - Star Cruiser       - Captain Spartan
    INS Necromancer     - Imperial II     - Heavy Destroyer    - Captain Rath
  Strike Group
    INS 'Gripper'       - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Commodore Darkevilme
    INS Deactivator     - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Captain Raesene
    INS Pinto           - Strike          - Assault Frigate    - Commander Modem-Fax
    INS Kali            - Carrack         - Gunship            - Commander Beowulf
    INS Durga           - Carrack         - Gunship            - Commander Phantasee
  Support Group
    INS Revisionist     - Venator         - Space Control Ship - Commodore Bluewolf
    INS Flaming Thetan  - Legacy          - Light Carrier      - Captain Karick
    INS Defenestrator   - Legacy          - Light Carrier      - Commander Kitty
    INS Dharma II       - Guardian        - Gunboat            - Commodore Knight
    INS Python          - Guardian        - Gunboat            - Commander Monty
    INS Degan           - Guardian        - Gunboat            - Commander Patrick
    INS Knight II       - Guardian        - Gunboat            - Captain Net

“Retreat? You DARED retreat? What were you thinking of? I will sacrifice you myself!”

“Oh great Yoshi, I beg your forgiveness! It is not my fault! They cower behind heavy fortifications, and our death wind launchers proved vulnerable. If I could just have more...”


“Atheist ships approaching, great one!”

“Show me! We will... what the fuck are those things?


The Imperial fleet had exited hyperspace in poor formation, the engineering crews struggling with the gravitic interference patterns created by the proximity of the two huge battlecruisers. This brief delay in the advance of the largest ships only allowed the Strike group to shine. Commodore Darkevilme ordered her ships forward, eager to start tearing into the enemy ships. Bereft of their great prophet and thoroughly intimidated by the enormous Imperial ships, the cultists tried to turn and flee. The first enemy carrier died quickly under the guns of the Strikes, but the second did not require their attention.


“Don't mind if we help do you?” Brigadier Drason had diverted power back from the shields to the hypervelocity gun. “Couldn't let you have all the fun.”

“Not at all... Drason, isn't it?”

Meanwhile an enemy destroyer got caught between the two StellarFortresses and was almost immediately vaporised. The third enemy carrier was fleeting from the INS Necromancer – despite heavy damage it looked like it might get away, until a second shot from the Brigadier ended all hope of escape.


“This is Darth Yoshi! We must fall back, they are too many! Fear not, we shall return, and wash away this stain on our honour with fresh torrents of enemy blood.” His gunship, officially now the 'Throat Ripper' but still bearing the name 'Excelsior' on her hull plates, shook and bucked under turbolaser assault. The INS Kali was hot on her tail and Commander Beowulf was eager for a kill.

It was not to be. One by one the tattered remnants of the cultist fleet jumped away, leaving only a few wounded fighters for the Imperial fleet to mop up.


ASVS orbital space had been retaken. The greatest cultist offensive to date had been decisively broken.


Imperial losses : One Peacemaker cruiser, two Victory destroyers, two Acclamator assault transports, two Guardian gunboats, all in the first battle. No losses in the second battle. One tank platoon (hastily produced during the build-up to the battle) lost on the ground.

Cultist losses : Near total - a heavy cruiser, a heavy destroyer, three light carriers, a frigate, three gunboats, many wings of fighters, a heavy tank platoon, two missile tank platoons, two rocket artillery platoons, assorted infantry. Darth Yoshi and a handful of fighters escaped.

(part 3 of 3)
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by NetKnight »

Hooray! The cultists have been repulsed, and Captain Net has survived his second engagement!

With the Blood God fleet shattered, our fleet assembled on our mutual 'border', and Darkstar's flagship out of the action for now, it would not seem remiss to counterattack and drive the cultist scum away from our core planets. No-one shall invade Imperial space and live!
I wish to propose for the reader's favorable consideration a doctrine which may, I fear, appear wildly paradoxical and subversive. The doctrine in question is this: that it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true. I must, of course, admit that if such an opinion became common it would completely transform our social life and our political system; since both are at present faultless, this must weigh against it.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Necromancer of Rath »

From the desk of Captain Sate Morano Rath:
The price may be steep, but the Empire has proven the power of delusion is little match for the power of progress. If these cultists were rational at all, they would fall back to lick their gaping wounds from this failed offensive. As much as I would like to advance, we need to insure that we have proper defenses in place before we enter something that could end up a second Mygeeto. After those are up, the best way to bring further stability to the galaxy is to put the foolish up against the wall.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Admiral Drason »


I made it through my first ground battle, hopefully it wont be my last as I plan on makeing those vile bastards pay for every trooper I lost today.
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