bobnik wrote:But don't the intelligent devices have magic incorporated from their creation? Or are we using the Clarke's Law definition of magic (ie that sufficiently advanced tech is indistuinguishable from magic)?
1. Thing is - while "magic processing" part is magical, control computer is not.
2. And it's "any sufficiently reliable magic is indistinguishable from technology" in case of Nanohaverse.
3. "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science." - Agatha Heterodyne
I find this ironic, considering its heavily (blatantly?) hinted that Lars is visiting the GGverse at the moment.
Macross Daedalus Attack: Because nothing says "Frak You" like punching them in the face with an aircraft carrier.
Macross Frontier Version: Unless you use 2 aircraft carriers. ☟ Named after a g/f! Sheesh, stop asking. ☟
al103 wrote:
2. And it's "any sufficiently reliable magic is indistinguishable from technology" in case of Nanohaverse.
3. "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science." - Agatha Heterodyne
I find this ironic, considering its heavily (blatantly?) hinted that Lars is visiting the GGverse at the moment.
And analyzing scientifically to know how it works is exactly one of thing that make technology reliable... and experience and statistics is second thing that do it. Given that science appeared from trying to make sense from experience... "Any sufficiently reliable magic is indistinguishable from technology" = "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science" as they are exactly same rule.
PS. Though sparks are still bad at reliability department - it's not so interesting after all as creating new...
Proud Nanoha/Yuuno/Fate, Caro/Elio/Lutecia, Alto/Sheril/Ranka and Honor/Hamish/Emily shipper. Last one even canon.
PS. Also support canon Nanoha/job, Honor/job and semicanon Rein/Agito.
PPS. In process of considering reborn Sankt Kaizer/reborn GEoM.
Bringing more that one spark back to Faerun would a BAD idea, atleast not until the Weave is purified and functional again.
Sparks seem to be attracted to sanity-warping knowledge and phenomenon, so poor Lars might be like one big chocolate-covered aphrodisiac to those nutters.
Lars: "I'm a happily married man, so stop oogling at me!"
If Skuld isn’t the Other, then maybe Miss Agatha Heterodyne is like the Jean Grey to Skuld’s Phoenix Force, where a cosmic entity is trying to find a mortal host to bond with. In the Forgotten Realms, the closest analogue would be the Chosen of Mystra, each of whom carries a piece of Mystra’s soul and magical power.
Good idea, but bad example at the moment considering any who were the Chosen of Mystra likely just went Batsh*t crazy when she did, due to the warping of the weave.
Macross Daedalus Attack: Because nothing says "Frak You" like punching them in the face with an aircraft carrier.
Macross Frontier Version: Unless you use 2 aircraft carriers. ☟ Named after a g/f! Sheesh, stop asking. ☟
I was skimming “Faiths and Pantheons,” and I was wondering if any of you hardcore D&D fans would be interested in making a prestige class for worshippers of Skuld. If sufficiently awesome, you might curry favor with Academia Nut.
Possible requirements: (feel free to make up own requirements) Patron Deity: Skuld Skills: Craft (any two) 4 ranks, Disable Device 2 ranks, Knowledge (any two) 4 ranks Feats: Shadow Weave Magic, any item creation feat, Skill Focus (any Craft skill), Weapon Focus (warhammer) Alignment: any non-evil Spells: able to cast 1st level arcane or divine spells
Wouldn't alignment be more likely to be any lawful?
Varje meddelande om att motståndet skall uppges är falskt. - BOOM FOR THE BOOM GOD! LOOT FOR THE LOOT THRONE!
My mother taught me that it is the right of every woman to be seen, acknowledged, courted and proposed to at least once daily.
So, if you are reading this and you are a woman, will you marry me?
Wouldn't alignment be more likely to be any lawful?
Lawful characters are not going to break the laws of physics to build Planetary Seige Engines Mrk. III with optional coffee maker.
At this level science is all about breaking paradigms and modes of thought, no lawful character is going to do that.
Real world scientists tend more towards the neutral end of the spectrum, caring more about the act of research and development than the actual end products. Scientists arn't people who go "Today I will create the DOOMSDAY device." They are more likely to go, "Today I will use the DOOMSDAY device to test the effects of tiny black holes on local space time. As a side effect there might be some planet shattering."
Ian Malcolm: God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.
Ellie Sattler: Dinosaurs eat man … woman inherits the earth.
Jurassic Park
Jaeger wrote:Possible requirements: (feel free to make up own requirements) Patron Deity: Skuld Skills: Craft (any two) 4 ranks, Disable Device 2 ranks, Knowledge (any two) 4 ranks Feats: Shadow Weave Magic, any item creation feat, Skill Focus (any Craft skill), Weapon Focus (warhammer) Alignment: any non-evil Spells: able to cast 1st level arcane or divine spells
The Weapon Focus (warhammer) seems unneccessary, as Skuld would rather have her followers get feats related to knowledge or skill rather than melee combat. Maybe they could sponstanously convert prepared spells into equivalent "repair"* spells the same way a cleric can cast "cure" or "inflict" spells (*"repair moderate damage" Sor/Wiz2, Transmutation). If we're talking about a 10-level prestige class, maybe it should be +1 caster level every other level (for a total of +5) with two or three bonus item creation feats, as Skuld cares more about craftsmanship than spellcasting. Conjuration and/or Transmutation spells would be ideal to reshape existing matter and energy for industrial purposes.
Might I suggest the alignment being changed to 'any non-evil chaotic'.
Chaos -is- change after all, which is how you get progress & technology developed, and thus Skuld is quite literally a living example of this. Lawful types are the ones that follow the rules a bit too closely and prefer stability as it is 'now' rather then upset the standards as it might/might not result in something better. Neutrals frankly just don't care either way, but would be happy to exploit it for their own purposes.
That phrase 'Lawful good, doesn't mean lawful nice' can be changed to read 'lawful good, doesn't mean lawful curious'.
Considering Skuld's personal weapon/item of power is a Warhammer (Mjnolir), and that she uses it for more then just a weapon, I can see it being the standard for her followers/clerics. Especially as you can also use a warhammer, in a pinch, as a smithy tool in a forge.
Macross Daedalus Attack: Because nothing says "Frak You" like punching them in the face with an aircraft carrier.
Macross Frontier Version: Unless you use 2 aircraft carriers. ☟ Named after a g/f! Sheesh, stop asking. ☟
What would you say about a Chaotic Good, Lawful Evil, Either Neutral combo?
Varje meddelande om att motståndet skall uppges är falskt. - BOOM FOR THE BOOM GOD! LOOT FOR THE LOOT THRONE!
My mother taught me that it is the right of every woman to be seen, acknowledged, courted and proposed to at least once daily.
So, if you are reading this and you are a woman, will you marry me?
Tell me what you think. Advice, suggestions, or comments would be greatly appreciated. This is my first time at this, so please be gentle. Unfortunately, I still can't think of a name for Skuld's prestige class or worshippers. "Jaeger" was the one who came up with the requirements.
Hit Die: d6
((Same attack bonus and save progression as a Wizard or Sorcerer)) Skill points: 4 + Int modifier Class skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Gather Information, Knowledge (any), Listen, Open Lock, Perform, Profession (any), Search, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, and Use Magic Device. Requirements: Patron Deity: Skuld Skills: Craft (any two) 4 ranks, Disable Device 2 ranks, Knowledge (any two) 4 ranks Feats: Shadow Weave Magic, any item creation feat, Skill Focus (any Craft skill) Alignment: any good; Skuld may tolerate the non-evil, but only the good shall have her full blessing. Spells: able to cast 1st level arcane or divine spells SPECIAL: Must have visited the capital of Noctis for a pilgrimage and abide by the city's laws while there.
Level====Special====Spells per day
1st; Secure Intelligence, Trapfinding, Scribe Scroll; +1 level existing spell class
2nd; Daylight Adaptation, Darkvision (30 feet); +1 level existing spell class
3rd; Spontaneous Repair (2), Trap Sense +1; +1 level existing spell class
4th; Resist Voidborn, Wild Talent; +1 level existing spell class
5th; Sprontaneous Repair (3), Trap Sense +2; +1 level of existing spell class
Secure Intelligence (Ex): Immune to any effect that would damage, drain, or otherwise reduce its Intelligence score. There are tons of monsters with attacks that deal ability damage and ability drain, so this seemed like a must. Inspired by one of the devils in "Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells." Trapfinding: Just like a Rogue. [1st] Scribe Scroll: Bonus feat to promote literacy. Daylight Adaptation (Su): You are not longer dazzled or blinded by exposure to bright light or sunlight. However, spells or effects that affect all creatures regardless of race, such as a sunbeam or sunburst spell, still affect you normally. Darkvision (Su): At 2nd level, a __ can see in the dark (60 feet) as though permanently under the effect of a darkvision spell. This doesn’t affect you if you already have darkvision. Spontaneous Repair: At 3rd level, twice a day, a ___ can “lose” any prepared spell to cast any repair spell of the same spell level or lower. At 5th level, Spontanous repair can be used three times a day. Trap Sense (Ex): Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack. At 3rd level, grants a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. At 5th level, the bonuses increase to +2. Resist Voidborn (Ex): Gain a +4 bonus the saving throws against the spell-like abilities of aberrations and chaotic evil outsiders, the descendants of the Voidborn that plagued Aber-Toril long ago. Wild Talent (Ex): Your mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics, conferring upon you the designation of a psionic character. You gain a reserve of 2 power points and can take psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats. You do not, however, gain the ability to manifest powers simply by virtue of having this feat.
MichaelAwesome wrote:Level====Special====Spells per day
1st; Secure Intelligence, Trapfinding, Scribe Scroll; +1 level existing spell class
2nd; Daylight Adaptation, Darkvision (30 feet); +1 level existing spell class
3rd; Spontaneous Repair (2), Trap Sense +1; +1 level existing spell class
4th; Resist Voidborn, Wild Talent; +1 level existing spell class
5th; Sprontaneous Repair (3), Trap Sense +2; +1 level of existing spell class
Very nice for a first try. A bit unbalanced but overall a good premise. "Daylight Adaptation" and "Darkvision" reflect Skuld's darkness motif while "Secure Intelligence" and "Spontaneous Repair" are very useful without being too powerful. However, there's not much emphasis on craftsmanship and inventing, and the Rogue-like traits feel out of place.
It requires 3 feats to enter, only 1 of which is really that useful, and gives you mediocre benefits.
In other words, it's par for the course for a Faerun prestige class.
Given the respective degrees of vulnerability to mental and physical force, annoying the powers of chaos to the point where they try openly to kill them all rather than subvert them is probably a sound survival strategy under the circumstances. -Eleventh Century Remnant
Might want to add in another ability in which they can tap into the Shadow Weave and - randomly - be able to pull a mechanical/code/scientific theory/etc that is much like 'residue' from Skuld's time attached to it, before she disappeared. Average roll leads to inspiration about something utterly minor, even possibly useless (or at least at Faerun's tech levels is utterly useless). A mid-high roll might give you a 2-3 generation advantage in something, but still be generally far too expensive to do, or at least easy to do. A high level roll would get you something that would be 1-3 generations more advanced then anything in use AND be feasible with the tech levels as is. A perfect natural 20 gives you a profound theory that could potentially drastically change how the world views science or a manufacturing process that revolutionizes the world (Henry Ford's moving production lines, Bessemer process, E=mc^2, etc). In all cases its completely random so someone else -might- have already gotten the same idea, but never used it, or didn't realize what they had. Oh and to be a little more balanced, you only remember it for 8 hours before it fades out, due to that Skuld is not present in the plane (at the moment) and so the inspiration is only fleeting. Better start writing down notes fast...
Only can be done once every New Moon (lunar month), with double bonuses during a lunar or solar eclipse & you have to be completely UNDER the eclipse's shadow to get the bonuses.
Likely would be a very high level skill/feat for epic level or near-epic level characters.
Macross Daedalus Attack: Because nothing says "Frak You" like punching them in the face with an aircraft carrier.
Macross Frontier Version: Unless you use 2 aircraft carriers. ☟ Named after a g/f! Sheesh, stop asking. ☟
barricade wrote:Might want to add in another ability in which they can tap into the Shadow Weave and - randomly - be able to pull a mechanical/code/scientific theory/etc that is much like 'residue' from Skuld's time attached to it, before she disappeared.
For prerequisites, try replacing "any item creation feat" with either "Comforting Madness" or "Lunatic Insight" so that their minds can better comprehend Skuld's knowledge of the future and resist the maddening taint of the now-corrupted Weave.
Comforting Madness (general): Dragon #332. You are immune to any spell or effect that causes confusion or insanity. You are not affected by feeblemind.
Lunatic Insight (tainted): Heroes of Horror. Due to unpredictable flashes of insight, you are considered trained in all Knowledge skills, even if you have no ranks in them. You also gain a +2 morale bonus on initiative rolls and to resist mind-affecting spells and abilities.
“So what the hell was up with that ending anyway?” Tzintchi asked Starbuck while leaning back in his named chair.
Starbuck glared at him with a skewed face for a second before the deity threw up his hands and said, “Okay, okay! So I’m one to talk. Whatever. Like they told me what was going on. Fuck, it’s why I joined up with this project in the first place, despite the fact that the pay scale is so much worse. It’s the perks they promised at the beginning, like respect and some major ass kicking that got me in on things.”
Kyon raised his fist and said, “Amen motherfucker, can I get some love for the respect there? Fuck, they won’t even let a motherfucker swear where I come from!”
Tzintchi obliged Kyon with a righteous fist bump.
“The sex is also appreciated,” Tzintchi added on.
“Speaking of which, did you actually get laid all those chapters back?” Starbuck asked Kyon.
Shrugging, Kyon said, “Motherfucker didn’t say. Said something about a ‘Quantico superpozizzle’ or some such shit.”
“Quantum superposition,” Tzintchi filled in.
Nodding, Kyon said, “Yeah, that’s the shit! They’s always giving me words that I don’t know what the fuck they’s about, and I just says them.”
“Okay, I think this joke is wearing thin,” Starbuck complained.
“Sorry,” Kyon said with a cough. “I’ll tone it a bit the fuck down, but you have no idea how fucking good it is to just unwind. But yeah, the bastard upstairs said something about a ‘fifty/forty-nine/one superposition of states’. Fifty that I got Haruhi, forty-nine that something else happened, and one that… yeah, let’s just say I’m not going to repeat that one.”
Tzintchi nodded knowingly and said, “Don’t want to enflame the yaoi fangirls there?”
Recoiling in horror, Kyon cried out, “Don’t mention them! You might summon them!”
A being in yellow robes floated up and asked innocently, “Did I hear my name?”
Tzintchi waved the creature away and said, “No! Now go away or I’ll figure out a way to introduce you to the story early just so you can meet man portable multi-meltas and plasma cannons all the sooner.”
Pouting beneath its hood, the thing floated away, grumbling, “Yeah, you get to make the Manson family look sane, but do I get any villain sympathy here? Nooooo…”
“Man, do one vaguely-described act that could be construed as thorough brainwashing and they vilify you forever…” Tzintchi grumbled before glancing over at the other two sitting down next to him.
“What? Okay, so sure, neither of you has ever done things on the same scale as I have, but neither of you are guiltless of bastardry,” Tzintchi complained.
Frowning, Kyon said, “Motherfucker, I don’t think helping one bitch sexually assault another bitch for the purposes of extortion is as bad as killing billions for fucking personal gain.”
“I might have been a schizophrenic, neurotic bitch with enough issues to give a dozen psychology doctoral students looking for thesis topics orgasms, but if I pulled half the shit you did…” Starbuck said, trailing off.
“Hey! Hey! You’re both supposed to be good guys! When did I ever say anything about being the good guy! People cheer for Darth Vader and he’s pulled worse shit than me, but everyone lets him get away with that because he’s the ‘bad guy’. Fuck man, if I knew this whole ‘follow the Evil Overlord list’ shtick would get me crucified for not being evil enough to get away with levelling an orphanage full of little cancer patients and their sick puppies and kitten because people expect that, I would have gone with the straight up evil from the get go.”
“Preach on brother!” Desus cried out from somewhere in the background.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” All three in the conversation cried out at once.
“Is that fucking bastard even in this?” Kyon asked in disgust.
“I frakking hope not,” Starbuck grumbled.
Shaking his head, Tzintchi said, “There have been negotiations on both sides, but so far nothing is set in stone.”
“Good. If we do go there I hope we get to bring along the big guns for all the bastards there,” Starbuck muttered.
“You know, I think that is quite possibly the best perk of this job. The big guns. Holy fuck, the big guns! Those bastards at Gainax had to not just offer me a bigger pay check but the promise of bigger guns to get me back,” Tzintchi said enthusiastically.
“Wait; are you Tzintchi or Shinji here?” Starbuck asked in confusion.
“When I’m here I prefer Tzintchi, but by contract I have to switch over when elsewhere. And before you ask, no I am not going to explain how the hell chapter one worked, other than it involved some really good cinematography,” Tzintchi explained.
“Ah. Gotcha my man, gotcha,” Kyon said with a nod.
“Speaking of big guns, do you know what I get in the next-” Starbuck began eagerly before being cut off by a young man wandering into the area and announcing, “Can I have your attention please?”
“Finally! He’s been delaying since March! Well now he won’t have finals as an excuse!” Starbuck bitched.
Taking a deep breath, the writer/producer/director announced, “Ahem. As you all know, things have been a little slow lately.”
“Necrons have caught up with you!” Someone in the back shouted out, earning a round of derisive laughter.
“Yes, well, be that as it may, I’m here to tell you that things are probably going to get a even slower as the most of the efforts of the creative team are going to be going elsewhere,” the author explained.
There was a pause for a long time before everyone started screaming.
“Now, now, there’s no need for this, the majority of you are gainfully employed elsewhere,” the author said while making a calming gesture with his hands.
Sitting upon a throne of spotlights, Lars cried out, “I’m not! And do you know how fucking long it took me to steal all of these?”
“Hey, I didn’t say that things were going to be entirely abandoned, just that other things were going to-” the author began.
“Bull-fucking-shit!” Mosegi cried out, accompanied by a chorus of cheers from the knot of Imperials next to him.
“Hey, not all of the fanfic energy is gone. I mean, I’m finally getting back to some 40k ideas I haven’t touched on in a while,” the author replied defensively.
A package of unopened assault marines from 2005 mumbled in annoyance at him, causing him to glance away in embarrassment.
“Alright, so what are you doing, what with not having anything but your crappy job to take up your time?” Rong-Arya demanded.
“Well… err… you see, I want to actually do some high budget stuff here. You know, try and go for the summer blockbuster instead of this art house stuff…” the author said in a stumbling manner.
“You’re going commercial? Fuck you, you fucking sell out!” Kyon shouted out in completely non-ironic anger.
“At least tell me you’re going for a franchise. Anyone can get in there!” One of the Anakins cried out, while his namesake nodded his head in agreement.
“Err… no, not as such, although that would be fun,” the author said.
“Original? Are you fucking insane! We’re the best gig you’ve got!” Tzintchi cried out, shaking his fist in anger.
“Come on now, we’ve had a good long run here guys, and the project isn’t indefinitely closed down. There will be more chapters… eventually. I don’t know; we could have stuff tomorrow. I just wanted to tell you all to expect long delays to become the norm here,” the author said in a placating tone.
“Delays? I have kids to feed you bastard!” Scipio cried out, causing more than a few strange looks, especially at the Baneblades also on the set. “Do you know who my buddies and I have to work with these days? John Bloody Ringo!”
“Hey now, hey now, let’s not go around insulting people here,” the author admonished.
“Have you read his work?” Scipio demanded.
“Not all of it, but he’s not as bad as you make him… alright, so I will admit to stopping at a certain point but… alright, I will admit… wait. Look, the fact that you have no eyes but you’re glaring at me with very large guns is not helping me with my argument here,” the author said in intimidated irritation.
“So that’s it then? Just going to drop us?” Starbuck demanded.
“No. But if it will stop the whining, then think of it as being dropped until it’s picked up again, got me?” The author offered up.
“To make up for the long delays will the chapters be longer and with better quality control?” Skuld asked.
“No promises.”
“FUCK!” The crowd cried as one.
“Alright, that’s it for now. I’ll call you if I need you,” the author said before disappearing.
“Well that’s a frakking cunt punt,” Starbuck muttered.
Sighing, Tzintchi looked out over the dispersing crowds and said, “Well, we’d better get going too. Come on, with Obi-wan and Picard as back-up I can probably swing you a few contacts in Japan to get you in on a Battlestar Galactica manga, their franchises got that so it shouldn’t be that hard for you.”
There was a slight, pleading whirr of an engine and Tzintchi looked over his shoulder to discover Scipio had somehow snuck up behind him.
“Hey guys, I feel bad asking, but you three have got way better contacts than me, and well, I was just wondering…” the giant tank asked.
Stroking his chin thoughtfully, Tzintchi said, “Now, I wish I could say that I could swing you an interview with Shirow, but your whole ‘white knight’ thing combined with the fact that you’re freaking awesome might get you over the whole ‘tank’ thing in Japan. Come on, let’s head off, I’ll start calling some people. We get you paired up with a busty, scantily clad commander and maybe even suggest some semi-retro 80s styling for that extra over the top factor and you could be the next big hit.”
“You really think so?” Scipio asked.
“Hey, we get your name out there, who knows who might be listening?” Tzintchi suggested.
I love learning. Teach me. I will listen. You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists
consequences wrote:Just keep writing whatever you want/can man. And if you successfully sell-out and go commercial, post a link so a motherfucker can support a talent.
It should go without saying that if I do get a publishing deal my first act once legally and logistically possible will be a link to the publisher's site or Amazon. The link dressing may say something like "It's me bitches!", but I think at that point I could probably be excused for having a somewhat swollen head, if only temporarily.
I love learning. Teach me. I will listen. You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists
While I cannot say that I am particularly happy to see this announcement, it would certainly be petty beyond measure not wishing you luck in this endeavour.
However, I think worth noting that apparently publishing companies have the removal of existing works of fanfiction as a pretty common clause in contracts for new authors.
If this is the case and you are lucky enough to get such a contract, I'm sure that a lot of people here would appreciate enough forewarning to save a copy of your story.
I’m very happy for Academia Nut’s success and wish him the best.
P.S. Inspired by “Open Door,” I did a fan-submitted OC for Spaceman’s “Halloween World” loosely based off of AN’s interpretation of Chaos Undivided: the Lantern of Avarice and Hope. ... +World.htm
Valorie, you are about to get dogpiled by a lot of angry people for posting in this thread and making us think A-nut had actually posted a new chapter.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet