Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Thanas »

Imperial Overlord wrote:Thanas, did you run over the Emperor's dog or something? You seem to have negative pull within the High Command. :lol:
They do seem to try and buy me off with promotions. I went from staff officer to captain immediately.

By this rate I'll expect to make GADM by the end of the week. :lol: Or I'll be dead, but that's an occupational risk.
Why don't you try reverse psychology and advocating for projects that you actually disapprove of?
Because we already have a certain moff for that. :)
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Raesene »

Captain Raesene advocates the production of ISDs and Dominators to increase the strength of the fleet so we can again take the fight to the Enemy instead of fighting over or even on our own ground.

The army should get some LAATs and AT-ATs for increased mobility and to show the masses our growing might.

(Do LAATs and ATATs spawn stormtrooper units or can they carry them only ? Can ISDs spawn fighters like the escort carriers do ? It's some time since I played EaW.)

"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

"All you have to do is to look at Northern Ireland, [...] to see how seriously the religious folks take "thou shall not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable." George Carlin

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Thanas »

Laats do not, ATATs do spawn.

ISDs spawn fighters, but not high end ones like the defenders the Escort carriers do.

A Tie-Defender swarm spawned from 3 Escort carriers is nigh unstoppable and will reduce even level 5 stations in a few attacks if properly deployed. Oh, and they eat enemy cap ships for breakfast.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Lord Relvenous »

As always, I'll push for increased anti-fighter strength. The Escort Carrier is a risky choice but very deadly if used properly, as Captain Thanas has noted. In conjunction with increased production of Bayonets, we should not have to worry about the fighter swarms the cultist are able to bring to bear.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Raesene »

TIE Defenders for free (or almost for free) have my full support - but we shouldn't neglect the destroyers. The latter's fighters can be kept close for defense, while the Defenders go out hunting.

"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

"All you have to do is to look at Northern Ireland, [...] to see how seriously the religious folks take "thou shall not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable." George Carlin

"We need to make gay people live in fear again! What ever happened to the traditional family values of persecution and lies?" - Darth Wong
"The closet got full and some homosexuals may have escaped onto the internet?"- Stormbringer

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Lord Relvenous wrote:As always, I'll push for increased anti-fighter strength. The Escort Carrier is a risky choice but very deadly if used properly, as Captain Thanas has noted. In conjunction with increased production of Bayonets, we should not have to worry about the fighter swarms the cultist are able to bring to bear.
I'll change my original Planetary defense assessment to agree with the above. An escort Carrier, flanked by 2 or 3 Bayonets, supported by a destroyer or two (say a Victory or a Legacy) should be good for simple defense.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by White Haven »

And it has the benefit of being able to fuck off out of orbit if it's either unneeded OR outgunned by the Death Star. This is, of course, one thing that I miss from Supreme Commander: The ability and desirability of fuck-off fortifications. :(
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by FaxModem1 »

Commander Modem sipped his tea. Examining the reports, he finally spoke. "Why don't we focus on satellites? If at SDN and other critical systems, we need the heavy defense and we don't want to push out luck again."

He put down the tea cup onto the saucer,"After that, Imperial Star Destroyers, lots of them. Blitzkrieging ties at the enemy will stop anything they have. However, if its cheaper to have the escorts, I recommend that instead."

The Commander then picked up the saucer and tea cup and resumed drinking his tea.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

From the personal diary of Commodore Sheppard, 7th Melona 13 ABY

None of them have the guts to do what's necessary. Corulag had to die, those monstrosities will spread to every world in the galaxy if we don't sterilise them. Those spineless wretches at fleet headquarters, they don't understand the reality out here. Another big mistake, not allowing me to take the fleet to Sullust immediately. We will probably never get a better opportunity – but no, the Director claims they have four ion canons and a second defence platform set up, and suddenly it's an 'unacceptable risk'.

Code: Select all

Task Force Immortality - Admiral Samuel commanding
  INS Star Fist       - StellarFortress - Battlecruiser      - Admiral Samuel
  INS Spectre         - StellarFortress - Battlecruiser      - Commodore Sheppard
  INS Dauntless       - Peacemaker      - Star Cruiser       - Captain Force
  INS Gryphon         - Peacemaker      - Star Cruiser       - Captain Spartan
  INS Necromancer     - Imperial II     - Heavy Destroyer    - Captain Rath
  INS Flaming Thetan  - Legacy          - Light Carrier      - Captain Karick
  INS Defenestrator   - Legacy          - Light Carrier      - Commander Kitty
So here we are at Mygeeto, using SSC ships and SSC crews to clean up the mess Admiral Samuel left behind. He struts around on the bridge of the Star Fist as if he owns it; I can only imagine the contempt that the Great Leader has for that notion. We're still having some problems jumping proper capships in close formation. Getting better with practice though.


Still just one enemy battleship, spewing nonsense just like it was on the logs. We let the support ships handle the enemy destroyers. Co-ordinated fire from the Dauntless and the Grypon took down the first one in about thirty seconds, though I think the carriers helped a little.


Captain Rath took down the third one almost single-handed. Now there's someone who appreciates tactical realities, even if he is a bit hot-headed.


I have to say that beam weapon on his modified ISD packs quite a punch. We have got to get some of those for HAB. The droid fighters were late to deploy; our squadrons took them down almost as fast as they could launch. The Admiral wanted the Fortresses to focus on the main ship. I ordered the Spectre's guns to concentrate on what looked like hyperdrive support systems. Damn, I'll be glad when we have the interdictors up and running, few things I hate more than the enemy catching a breather to repair his ships. Or its ships, in this case. Anyway, the carriers finished off the last cruiser, and that seemed to prompt the big ship to make a run for it at sublight.


Of course at that point it was futile, our bombers soon had the engines shut down and after that it was just a matter of time.


Result: total destruction of the enemy, no losses. Score one for SSC doctrine, anything smaller than a Rapier just isn't worth taking on a mission.


The ground pounders are going in now, hope they can live up to our high standards.


excerpt from Debriefing Log, Lieutenant Broomstick, 9th Melona 13 ABY

“...so by then it was clear that the dropships had made it through the AA cover, so I broke off and vectored towards the LZ in anticipation of close support requests. Visibility around the enemy base was a bit better, either the buildings or the shielding was deflecting most of the snowstorm. I manged to eyeball them just as Captain Jonen was preparing to fire.”


“The artillery and the AT-AT soon had the bunker out of commission, so I went looking for trouble. Sure enough, I found a platoon of humanoid droids inbound, and my gunner opened up on them with the quad-eighty. The bird proved to be a pretty stable gun platform, we blew them away both squads in ten seconds flat.”


“You didn't have a problem with gusts during hover?”

“Nothing I couldn't compensate for. The stabilisers on the Mug are definitely solid. Anyway, we called that in and Captain Jonen authorised some more armed recon. We continued at low altitude – manueverability was fine, anti-collision alarm is a bit over-sensitive though – no AA turrets in sight. Looks like they only had the outer ring, nothing close in.”

“And that's when you found the main base?”

“Well, we didn't realise it at first. We saw a mess of bizarre missile droids and some service facilities, and opened up with everything we had.”



“Well, not the rocket launchers, I wasn't sure if the targeting system could handle the wind conditions and in any case we didn't need them. The compound laser turrets carved those enemy droids to pieces in one burst apiece, and their buildings didn't last much longer.”

“That would be when the final attack on the landing zone began?”

“Yes... that last bunker we destroyed, I guess that was the local mainframe. The techs told me the droids had a last ditch attack protocol set to engage if they lost central control, right?”

“You didn't ask for confirmation before destroying the enemy command centre.”

“No, well, sir there was no way to tell, and in any case Commodore Sheppard was quite clear...”

“Admiral Samuel is the commander of this fleet, Lieutenant, and Captain Jonen was the commander in the field. You should have gotten confirmation. Fortunately for you, the attack force was easily destroyed by an impressive display of combined arms tactics on the part of Captain Jonen.”


“Right. I will be sure to follow procedure in future sir. Anyway, the bird is sound, more than that, she's a war winner. I strongly recommend that we get some more of these ASAP. Sir.”

“I'll be sure to pass that along Lieutenant. The technical staff will want to go over the mission again once they've finished reviewing the telemetry, but for now, dismissed.”


“Yes sir.”

“And Lieutenant, one more thing... good job out there.”

“Thank you sir.”
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Vehrec »

It's always a beautiful thing to see a gunship crest a ridge and start burning the enemy with hot green death. Those compound beams are really something nice, aren't they?
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Necromancer of Rath »

From the desk of Captain Sate Morano Rath:
Most excellent, a successful assault upon the DEATHbots as well as control of the Mygeeto system. This is fantastic news to go with the R&D developments. The abilities to send Imps and escort carriers into battle will surely aid in the area of fighters. These cultists seem to have focused on more advanced fighters, thus numbers are our best counter to them. Numbers and overwhelming firepower are the answers to 90% of the galaxy's problems.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by FaxModem1 »

Commander Modem stirs his tea while looking out the window."Looks like rain."

The young Lieutenant wondered what his older Commanding officer was talking about, seeing as how they were in space."Sir?"

"Nothing Lieutenant. I'm going to retire to my quarters. Meet me there when First watch is over."

"Aye Sir.", came the smiling officer.

Out of character: Destruction of a Cultist and Robot fleet. Looks like we can get started on some solid construction now.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by montypython »

Captain Monty's strategic suggestions: Sullust and Corellia need to be next on the takedown list, more construction capacity for ships the better.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Thanas »

^If we can afford that additional construction, sure. Otherwise they are just additional planets.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Necromancer of Rath »

Ok, I just noticed this in the images from the Second Battle of Mygeeto. What the fuck is that beam coming from the Necromancer? Jesus Christ, I missed it mentioned in the narrative too. I'm obviously very observant.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Admiral Drason »

Necromancer of Rath wrote:Ok, I just noticed this in the images from the Second Battle of Mygeeto. What the fuck is that beam coming from the Necromancer? Jesus Christ, I missed it mentioned in the narrative too. I'm obviously very observant.
And the beams comeing from your ship, what kind of skipper are you? :wink: I do hope that we get an explanation to what it is becasue I don't remember any mentioning of it in any of our R&D briefings.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Starglider »

Admiral Drason wrote:And the beams comeing from your ship, what kind of skipper are you? :wink: I do hope that we get an explanation to what it is becasue I don't remember any mentioning of it in any of our R&D briefings.
'Hero' ISDs get slightly more hit points, a different hull colour and an extra 'proton beam' weapon.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Force Lord »

How high is our credit production? It seems to me we're getting dry lately.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Samuel »

Necromancer of Rath wrote:Ok, I just noticed this in the images from the Second Battle of Mygeeto. What the fuck is that beam coming from the Necromancer? Jesus Christ, I missed it mentioned in the narrative too. I'm obviously very observant.
Proton Beam, the ships special ability (switching out tractor beam). Does a large amount of damage, but only useful against ships larger than fighters.
Force Lord wrote:How high is our credit production? It seems to me we're getting dry lately.
I blame the corruption. On a more paranoid note, how strong is the Consortium? Since they don't have to tech up and start with all their units available (I hope the mod fixed that) what... toys are we going to be seeing soon?
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by The Grim Squeaker »

0002: We shall overcome! With new and improved offers and a revamped upgraded 418,792 year model!
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Force Lord »

*Jams transmission*

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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by montypython »

Samuel wrote:
Force Lord wrote:How high is our credit production? It seems to me we're getting dry lately.
I blame the corruption. On a more paranoid note, how strong is the Consortium? Since they don't have to tech up and start with all their units available (I hope the mod fixed that) what... toys are we going to be seeing soon?
In that case it may be worthwhile to seize Carida, to disrupt Consortium penetration and gain expanded Stormtrooper training facilities.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Raesene »

montypython wrote:
Samuel wrote:
Force Lord wrote:How high is our credit production? It seems to me we're getting dry lately.
I blame the corruption. On a more paranoid note, how strong is the Consortium? Since they don't have to tech up and start with all their units available (I hope the mod fixed that) what... toys are we going to be seeing soon?
In that case it may be worthwhile to seize Carida, to disrupt Consortium penetration and gain expanded Stormtrooper training facilities.
I'll support an expansion of our ground force capability - our new tanks and walkers still need their special ablative armor ;-)

Don't forget to order the Star Destroyers :-)

"In view of the circumstances, Britannia waives the rules."

"All you have to do is to look at Northern Ireland, [...] to see how seriously the religious folks take "thou shall not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable." George Carlin

"We need to make gay people live in fear again! What ever happened to the traditional family values of persecution and lies?" - Darth Wong
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Vehrec »

montypython wrote:
Samuel wrote:
Force Lord wrote:How high is our credit production? It seems to me we're getting dry lately.
I blame the corruption. On a more paranoid note, how strong is the Consortium? Since they don't have to tech up and start with all their units available (I hope the mod fixed that) what... toys are we going to be seeing soon?
In that case it may be worthwhile to seize Carida, to disrupt Consortium penetration and gain expanded Stormtrooper training facilities.
There are two space-mafias out there on the map, so we need to shut both networks down. Could be tricky.
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Re: Let's Play: Star Wars Empire at War

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

When was the last updated Galactic map? Im curious to see if other powers have been exchanging planets are attacking each other.
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