Darth Yoshi wrote:Patrick Degan wrote:Time to start calling the GOP the Party of Jefferson Davis. That should stick in a few craws.
I know you're being facetious here, but Davis was a Democrat. Besides, wouldn't these people view association with him as a good thing?
That is the joke, but the relationship between the Civil War era Democratic Party and the current GOP isn't that far of a stretch. Consider that the Democratic Party of the time was the more conservative,
religious, pro-farming, low-tariff, pro-elite party. The Republican party was full of industrialists, abolitionists, and unionists who believed in a stronger federal government (insomuch that it could abolish slavery and maintain the integrity of the union).
Now think about what the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are today. They have kind of switched roles with a few tweeks here and there, particularly after FDR and the Great Depression. The Republican party is still something of a pro-business party, but they have co-opted the religious sentiments of the Deep South while the Democratic party has adopted the liberal sentiments of the north.
So to call the GOP the party of Jefferson Davis actually isn't too inaccurate, since there is a direct geographical
and political relationship between the two. It's an awful shame to see the Party of Lincoln, TR, and Eisenhower so demeaned.