Not if I beat you too it!aerius wrote:It's business as usual over here, we don't get respirators or any other protection but we do have instructions to help screen people with flu or flu-like symptoms. We now have 8 confirmed cases in the Toronto area and they came through my airport while I was on shift. And I'm still on shift, and they're still coming in, so if anyone on this board gets the swine flu it'll most likely be me.Zed Snardbody wrote:On a personal note. The TSA has decided to ignore a memo from the director of the Office Of Personnel Management prescribing the issuance of N-95 Respirators despite the fact that we've been given orders to isolate anyone displaying symptoms if they come to an airport checkpoint.
My airport has direct flights to and from Mexico City, I can't wait to go back on duty.
We've isolated an undisclosed number of passengers but because of a lack of clear orders from headquarters or even the local FSD no one was notified properly. They did however advise us that we can only refer to it as H1N1 in a public setting..