Okay, got the thrusters sorted out. Calf thrusters are painted, and the best looking job of
the bunch. I sprayed them all with tamiya smoke on the outside, and it's a pretty good look.
I modified the calf thruster mounts as the new mechaskunk thrusters are a few mm too
long. This was easy because there was a panel line at just the right spot, and I could saw
right through with my xacto razor saw blade.
Thrusters: DONE!
Fuel tanks: DONE except for decals and black
Weapons: DONE except for decals and clearcoat
I swear the next thing I do will be the red armor. I'm still trying to decide whether to go with
clear red or guards red. I've got to make sure my preshading work shows through, but isn't
too obvious. augh.