Imperial Overlord wrote:Bullshit. As an organization, the SS was full of Nazis and was very loyal to Hitler. The presence of careerists and the ease of advance for less well socially connected officers in the SS does not mean the SS wasn't an organization filled with Nazis and loyal to Hitler. It was certainly loyaler to Hitler than the Wehrmacht. You cannot use the minority to exculpate the organization as a whole and that's exactly what Kratmann and you are doing right now. Not every SS man was a Nazi, but as a whole the SS was a Nazi organization. It ran the camps, it murdered Jews and other undesirables whole sale in the East, and it never turned on its political masters. Underplaying this truth is dishonest.
Excuse me, then, there must have been some misunderstanding. When I read this:
Imperial Overlord wrote:1) SS apologism from the start of the book, complete with such wonderfully honest statements that they weren't all enthusiastic Nazis or that loyal to Hitler.
I thought that you were claiming that they were all enthusiastic Nazis. When a large subset of them were not, this appeared fallacious. If you only meant that the SS was set up as an ideologically National Socialist organisation and led by men of such persuasion, then that is certainly correct. But its membership was far from exclusively made up of committed Nazis. In addition to careerists and foreign volunteers, much of the manpower of the later-formed divisions was made up of conscripted Germans and
This is evasive. Of course there are going to be people who don't believe. You can find those in any situation. This is no defence from the charge that Kratmann totally distorts German politics in order to set up his strawman. Nations under threat of immenent attack, let alone immenent attack by genocidal forces, become increasingly militaristic, not less.
They did shape up later; it was in the build-up, before the public had accepted the truth, that there was massive resistance and passive aggression against the military expansion.
What magic sabotage only affects non-SS units? Why are all non-SS units sabotaged by dirty race traitors?
From how I read the book, the SS Corps was kept separate from both the standard chain of command and the Darhel, answering directly to the Chancellor. This gave the "dirty race traitors" much fewer opportunities to sabotage them. They also, apparently, had better security due to Mühlenkampf's suspicious nature.
Why are there any dirty race traitors when they enemy is a bunch of baby eating aliens?
Why did some Jews collaborate with Nazis that wanted to exterminate them all, and proved it? There is always a percentage that will sell out people and nation if they personally can benefit from it. Especially if they believe it is the only way to survive at all.
Why can the military of no other country fight, even with rejuvinated veterans bolstering their ranks? None of these questions are answered, but that's because they can't be. The situation exists to make the SS indispensable.
First, uber Galactic tech was fairly rare, and available only to the countries that could send mercenaries to the Darhel (i.e., the major military powers). Smaller nations were basically left to fend for themselves, with much inferior weapons. This eliminates most of Europe. Of the major powers, Britain did hold some of its territory, as Germany did. France was trashed, of course, as is to be expected in American fiction.
Second, it was not only the SS that fought. They were one out of, what, fifteen Corps? For Germany to do as well as it did, they could scarcely have been the only ones to.
The whole point of the book is SS apologism. The killing at the end is not about a man coming to peace with himself, it's about the token evil SS guy getting killed so the reader will be even more comfortable embracing the SS at the end, because they've been cleansed. If you're uncomfortable with it, it means you're less bat-shit insane that Kratmann and you should hold onto that feeling.
Well, if you put it like that . . . I certainly was disturbed by the ultra-
nur Soldaten depiction of the SS in the book. I suppose few real Nazis would expose themselves by being openly unrepentant, so in a way it makes sense that the truly obnoxious ones are rare, but privately there should be a lot more of them floating about.