Bush against Bush

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Bush against Bush

Post by weemadando »

http://abc.net.au/news/justin/nat/newsnat-8feb2003-34.htm wrote:Women want leaders to see stark anti-war message

More than 750 women have gathered on a hillside in northern New South Wales to take part in a nude anti-war protest.

Women have travelled from as far as Brisbane to take part in what some have dubbed the "bush against Bush" protest.

Lying naked on a grassy hill, the 750 women say they are using their naked bodies to send a message to Prime Minister John Howard to recall Australian troops from the Middle East.

With their bodies the women have formed a heart around the words "No War"'.

Organiser Grace Knight says she is uncomfortable with the idea of nakedness but it is the best way to demonstrate how strongly the women feel about the threat of war.

Aerial photos of the protest will now be sent to world media outlets to spread its anti-war message.
Waiting for the photos to be released.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

What people like this don't get is that all the attention will be on the fact that there nude, not that there anti war. Of course no one who is in a position to affect anything will care, and the population of the US won't hear about it for the most part.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

I somehow doubt that Bush will really care.
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Post by weemadando »

Who cares, I just heard it on the radio and it seemed like an amusing kind of protest.


Plus will Bush EVER listen to any protesting group until a million people are breaking down the White House gates?

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Post by HemlockGrey »

Um, you have the right to protest, but that doesn't mean anyone else has to care.

I have an itchin' to go down to Washington and protest the anti-war protests.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

they're lying naked because they think that this will get their cause more attention, to bad people will be to busy oggling them to pay attention.
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Post by salm »

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Post by Joe »

I'm not much for the war in Iraq, but protestors are hippies, and hippies are a bunch of goddamn stinky pot-smoking dipshits who would send the world to hell, given the opportunity [note; hyperbole]. Something would really be wrong were they being taken seriously.

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Post by Sea Skimmer »

weemadando wrote:Who cares, I just heard it on the radio and it seemed like an amusing kind of protest.


Plus will Bush EVER listen to any protesting group until a million people are breaking down the White House gates?

Not likely. All too often people are protesting because they are a minority opinion and hyping up there cause if there only chance. The silent majority the acts by voting is what Bush will listen to.
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Post by salm »

Durran Korr wrote:I'm not much for the war in Iraq, but protestors are hippies, and hippies are a bunch of goddamn stinky pot-smoking dipshits who would send the world to hell, given the opportunity [note; hyperbole]. Something would really be wrong were they being taken seriously.
there´ve been npd protests here (the npd is an ultra right winged fucktard party in short: they´re nazis).
thes protests usually bring anti npd protests with them. every one of these goddamn stinky pot-smoking dipshit who throws big rocks at the nazis is cool.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Hopefully they're not a bunch of hairy, ugly women.

If they were, then they could stop a war by threatening to strip again if there was an attack on Iraq.

Anyway, I believe I said it before: I'm not too sure about a war with Iraq, but I'm not about to join a bunch of aging hippies in whining about it.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Some protesters are hippies, not all. You guys are generalizing. There were lots of normal middle class people at the recent protests.

Now these ladies are probably some species of hippie, and I agree taking off your clothes does not bring attention to the real issue. But I saw a group of them protesting in the snow today on tv. Some had NICE bodies. Hmmm.
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Post by Joe »

TrailerParkJawa wrote:Some protesters are hippies, not all. You guys are generalizing. There were lots of normal middle class people at the recent protests.

Now these ladies are probably some species of hippie, and I agree taking off your clothes does not bring attention to the real issue. But I saw a group of them protesting in the snow today on tv. Some had NICE bodies. Hmmm.
I know, hence the "hyperbole" disclaimer.

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Post by Mr Bean »

Hopefully they're not a bunch of hairy, ugly women
Unforutnatly they are, I heard the avarage age of the Naked Protesters was 54....

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

TrailerParkJawa wrote:Some protesters are hippies, not all. You guys are generalizing. There were lots of normal middle class people at the recent protests.
I know, but it seems that all of the media coverage of the protests only focuses on the hippies at the protests, even if they were part of the minority.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Some protesters are hippies, not all. You guys are generalizing. There were lots of normal middle class people at the recent protests.
Bullshit, I was at two of those Protests, There was nothing BUT Hippies, Former Hippies and the Nutjobs!

Don't belive what you see on TV escpilly when you can easily see them going long miles between invetiews, Hell some of the shots they showed had the Wackos in the background with the Black Helicopter Giant Right Wing Consipracy fokes in booths but never interivewed any of them

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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Mr Bean wrote:
Some protesters are hippies, not all. You guys are generalizing. There were lots of normal middle class people at the recent protests.
Bullshit, I was at two of those Protests, There was nothing BUT Hippies, Former Hippies and the Nutjobs!

Don't belive what you see on TV escpilly when you can easily see them going long miles between invetiews, Hell some of the shots they showed had the Wackos in the background with the Black Helicopter Giant Right Wing Consipracy fokes in booths but never interivewed any of them
Nothing but hippies? Every single one of them was a hippie? Were you at the protests on the West coast? No. I believe you are on the East Coast.
There have been several protests in my area and the ones Ive seen were not large groups of hippies. Mabye the giant ones in SF, but not here.

Anyway, sure enough a lot of them are hippies, and those stupid anti-globalization kids who are not really sure what they are protesting, but Im gettin the feeling from too many of you that people against this war are all hippie loonies and thats not the case. Let me know if Im off base.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Mr Bean wrote:
Some protesters are hippies, not all. You guys are generalizing. There were lots of normal middle class people at the recent protests.
Bullshit, I was at two of those Protests, There was nothing BUT Hippies, Former Hippies and the Nutjobs!

Don't belive what you see on TV escpilly when you can easily see them going long miles between invetiews, Hell some of the shots they showed had the Wackos in the background with the Black Helicopter Giant Right Wing Consipracy fokes in booths but never interivewed any of them
My entire anti-war league of Lancaster uni would disagree with that. These people are degree or Ph.D students and defintely not all pot smokers, they protest all the time even though they fail to see that the war cannot be stopped when you mobilise so many units.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Mr Bean wrote:Unforutnatly they are, I heard the avarage age of the Naked Protesters was 54....
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Post by Hamel »

Mr Bean wrote:
Some protesters are hippies, not all. You guys are generalizing. There were lots of normal middle class people at the recent protests.
Bullshit, I was at two of those Protests, There was nothing BUT Hippies, Former Hippies and the Nutjobs!

Don't belive what you see on TV escpilly when you can easily see them going long miles between invetiews, Hell some of the shots they showed had the Wackos in the background with the Black Helicopter Giant Right Wing Consipracy fokes in booths but never interivewed any of them
... and here's your daily generalization fallacy from Bean.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Hey, what happened, I lost about 70 posts and am bac to sub 2000!
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

ArmorPierce wrote:Hey, what happened, I lost about 70 posts and am bac to sub 2000!
You have entered the TWILIGHT ZONE!
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Post by aerius »

My local news station showed and ariel view of the protest last night, but unfortunately there were no close-ups of the naked people. I'm not sure if this is a good thing considering the mixed opinion of how hot or ugly the protester were.
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Post by Colonel Olrik »

aerius wrote:My local news station showed and ariel view of the protest last night, but unfortunately there were no close-ups of the naked people. I'm not sure if this is a good thing considering the mixed opinion of how hot or ugly the protester were.
I've seen them and in a good close up. Apparently, our TV is not as conservative as yours.

Some of them were quite good looking, actually.

And everything was visible. 8)
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

ArmorPierce wrote:Hey, what happened, I lost about 70 posts and am bac to sub 2000!
Probably lost them in the clearing out of the AIIF and ATJ
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