Starshatter is a broken capital ship game that doesn't work, and a passable fighter sim where you are shot down way beyond your reasonable non-missile engagement range by hundreds of automated laser interceptor turrets. Sounds about right.Stark wrote:Jesus christ people have to let Nexus go. Yes, there are no spaceship games anymore. No, it wasn't good. It was a cripplingly lame ubership-based paper-scissors-stone game with delusions of grandeur. It wasn't even REMOTELY hard, especially not by the critera expressed in the OP. Ugh. Even mentioning is wrong.
If it had stayed weak ships with long-range weapons like in the first mission, it might have not sucked shit from my dog's anus.
Starshatter (if it's the game I'm thinking of) has been in 'development' for like a million years and is a buggy, boring mess. I wouldn't recommend it either.
It's time to face facts guys; the genre died.
Ironically, Cov's mod for Sword of the Stars is pretty 'hard', weapons wise anyway. What you mean railguns are limited by accuracy and not magical 'bullet disappears' distances?!??!?!?!?!?!
The main appeal of that game was chilling aboard the carrier, waiting for sorties and watching CIC update your carrier's bomber waves on the main plot engaging an enemy cruiser, or dying because they were shot down by fighters because you never bothered to take off and protect them