Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

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Ilya Muromets
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Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

Post by Ilya Muromets »

On May 9 I went on a trip to the Philippine city of Manila from my home town of Cebu. The trip lasted until May 15. The trip was supposed to be for some family thing held on the tenth, but I think it was just my Aunt's excuse to have me, my little bro, and some of my mother's side cousins there so she could take us around some of the tourist spots in the Northern Philippine island of Luzon. The following are some selected pics from the trip from four different cameras: my own, my little brother's (actually our parents' camera), my cousin April's, and my aunt's.

First pic shows (from left to right) me, my cousin Nina, my cousin James, my cousin April (Nina's older sis), my aunt, and my little brother Jonathan. Since it was the day before the family affair, my Aunt decided to take us to some local attraction called "Snow World", which was in actuality nothing more than a converted meat locker. Note the wording at the back that says "The Antarctica's Last Kingdom" showing a backdrop with evergreens. We had much enjoyment poking fun at that.

Us inside Snow World posing in front of an obviously fake cottage backdrop.

Now us in front of a fake snowy park backdrop.

Same backdrop, but this time the cold was getting to me (the coat they provided provided only very little warmth) so I wrapped myself up. James told me I looked like the Naruto character Shino.

A pic of the girls, with me in the background just moving around to warm myself up. I can't imagine how the girls managed not to freeze their legs since they only wore short pants and sandals.

A pic of my bro, James, and me with my aunt in the back.

Next day was the family affair itself. As you can tell from my face, I was really bored. The partially obscured kid you can see beside my is Vaughn, son of my Aunt and Uncle (the two on the right).

This was my reply to one of my cousins making a joke to which I replied "Jerkoff". Of course, I did the appropriate hand motion.

The boredom takes its toll.

A pic of all of us taken after the pic was done. Vaughn now not obscured in this one.

My brother, James, and me just dicking around. We were all supposed to act as if we saw something weird off screen. James apparently did not get the memo.

The next day, we watched some of the fourth season Doctor Who episodes (I brought along my DVD and, suffice it to say, made fans out of my cousins) and used my Uncle's extensive Airsoft collection to shoot at plastic bottles and soda cans. I borrowed his camo stuff (the hat is mine) and posed with some of his Airsoft guns like the huge geek that I am. Here's me with my Uncle's M4.

With his HK416.

With his Steyr Aug.

With his MP5.

And with his Colt 1911. There were a few other pics, but my brother accidentally deleted them.

The following day, my Aunt and Uncle decided to take all of us zip-lining. Road trip!

On said road trip, we passed by a bunch of tanks painted to look like soda cans. Jonathan promptly took a picture of them.

Us posing at one of the stops before the zip-lining place. The one in red is Vaughn's nanny.

Us again, this time with Aunt and Uncle and sans nanny.

Still at the same spot.

The name of the venue where the three previous pics were taken. Me and James made thought "People's Park in the Sky" sounded a little communist and made lame jokes in that regard.

A pic of a sign in the men's room in the so-called People's Park featuring hilarious wording in Filipino English. It's supposed to mean "use the comfort room normally reserved for disabled guests". They need to have that re-worded.

Taal Lake, a popular tourist attraction. On the lake you can see Taal Volcano. This was the backdrop for the zip-lining. It was pretty cool.

Another pic of Taal Volcano.

Me and Jonathan zip-lining. My aunt decided to have us got together in case my little bro's nervous episodes (they happen intermittently) occur. I was screaming "Yeah, PHYSICS!" like a douche.

Since my brother seemed okay with the zip-lining, we went solo on the return leg. Here's me zipping back. This time I yelled "Yeah, PHYSICS!" followed by a Goofy-style "waaaah-hoo-hoo-hooey!"

A final pic before we headed home.

Where we stopped to eat on the way back. "Adobo" is a local dish. Image

We wondered just how many tourists were offended by the place's unfortunate logo.

Well, that's all for tonight. I still have to upload the pics of our final day there. I might get around to doing so tomorrow.
Last edited by Ilya Muromets on 2009-05-20 01:48am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

Post by Ilya Muromets »

For our last day in Manila our Aunt decided to take us all to a local amusement park called Enchanted Kingdom.

Me sketching on my sketchbook, waiting for the others to finish getting ready.

On the road trip there, we say this damage pattern on the side of a truck that look like a face. Naturally, my brother took a picture.

Nina, James, Jonathan, and me in front of the amusement park's entrance.

And again, swapping out Jonathan for April.

Me and James doing a really bad re-enactment of the Doctor Who mini-episode "Time Crash" with me as the Fifth Doctor and Him as the Tenth. Our accents were absolutely horrible.

Us again. The pic was snapped when I was trying to put something in my pocket.

Same place, with me looking up after my attention was called.

And us in front of some water thing, with the Carousel in the background.

The following two pics have us riding a ride the park called the Flying Fiesta. Yet again, I screamed "PHYSICS!" like a douche.

As the ride started to slow down and stop, I decided to kick back and relax.

We wanted to go to the Space Shuttle, the main roller coaster, but it was closed for renovations. We had to settle for posing with the astronaut statue by the entrance. The woman in purple is a family friend.

And now in front of a fake Olmec head.

Next ride was some swinging ship thing.


Since the main roller coaster was down, we had to settle for the kiddie one.

Then onto the Log Jam. My cousin says I look like I'm going "Sieg!" like Hitler in the first one.

I was looking over April's shoulder in this one, but it kinda looks like I'm staring at her. Or at something on her.

This one is when we were lining up to go on a river rapids type ride. I was leaning back so I wouldn't obscure my cousin James. There are no decent-quality pics of us on the ride itself.

This is one where we went on the Ferris Wheel. Notice our change of clothing. The previous ride really made us wet. Especially since we went three times.

Me, taken by my cousin April.

"Is that a plane?"

And a bird's eye view of the amusement park at night. No more pics of us in rides after this one since we gave up taking pics altogether and just went for as many rides as we could before closing time.

And now we go to pick up our Uncle from his board meeting.

But first, dinner.

This one is a lame pun on my name (Miguel Paolo). My cousin told me to smile as if I was the Tenth Doctor doing some cheesy product endorsement.

The boring wait for my order.

Out of boredom, I strapped my watch onto my drink and took a picture.

At the board room, as we were picking up our Uncle. He and my Aunt are co-founders of the hospital, which was why we could go in. The old guy is the hospital director, IIRC.

Did she just make my arm disappear?

A common hazard of a guy of 5' 11'' in a country where the average height is several inches lower.

I see you...

And, finally, one last pic. I was actually just relaxing and staring at the ceiling and didn't realize the pic was being taken until the camera flashed.

"Like I said, I don't care about human suffering as long as it doesn't affect me."
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Re: Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

Post by Phantasee »

Looks like you guys had fun. I recognized a few of the rides because West Edmonton Mall has similar (or identical) ones at the amusement park here.

Could you point on a map where this place is? Like on Google Maps or something?

PS How tall/old is your cousin April? She's cute.
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Re: Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

Post by Ilya Muromets »

Here's the Google Maps Image I found of the amusement park. ... 00869&om=0

It's by Santa Rosa City, Laguna in the Philippines.

As for April, she's 20 and has to wear high heels to match her 12-year-old sister in height. Then again, it's her younger sister who's taller than normal in terms of average Filipino height.

"Like I said, I don't care about human suffering as long as it doesn't affect me."
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Re: Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

Post by Ford Prefect »

Phantasee wrote:PS How tall/old is your cousin April? She's cute.
As astonishing as it sounds, probably around your height.

Also, Mal, I love your 'weirded out' facial expression. :D
What is Project Zohar?

Here's to a certain mostly harmless nutcase.
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Re: Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

Post by Ilya Muromets »

Ford Prefect wrote:Also, Mal, I love your 'weirded out' facial expression. :D
I blame cartoons. And Rowan Atkinson. :D

"Like I said, I don't care about human suffering as long as it doesn't affect me."
----LionElJonson, admitting to being a sociopathic little shit

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Re: Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

Post by Phantasee »

5'10"? Somehow I doubt that. But she's the same age as me. I don't know what it was about her, but something told me she was either almost 20 or just over 21.
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Re: Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

Post by Chardok »

Manila? Cebu? I lost my job to those two cities. DAMN YOU ALL AND YOUR CHEAP LABOR!

Kidding - that was three year ago, I'm no longer bitter. But I have a question - why is every third person in Manila seemingly named "Mac"?
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Re: Some Photos from a Recent Trip (56K, stay away!)

Post by Ilya Muromets »

Chardok wrote:Manila? Cebu? I lost my job to those two cities. DAMN YOU ALL AND YOUR CHEAP LABOR!
Cheap labor is our primary export. :P
Kidding - that was three year ago, I'm no longer bitter. But I have a question - why is every third person in Manila seemingly named "Mac"?
Mac? I've never really encountered any Macs other than the burgers they sell at McDonald's.

"Like I said, I don't care about human suffering as long as it doesn't affect me."
----LionElJonson, admitting to being a sociopathic little shit

"Please educate yourself before posting more."
----Sarevok, who really should have taken his own advice
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