Click Me!We’re pleased to announce this open call for Warhammer 40,000 short stories.
Over the next twelve weeks we’re inviting submissions for our new anthology, Fear The Alien. If you fancy yourself as a writer, or just love writing, this is a great chance to get your work in print for the first time.
The Stories
All stories need to be feature a Warhammer 40,000 alien race in some capacity.
All stories need to be set in current 40K universe. Sorry, no Horus Heresy stories!.
Orks as protagonists are not ruled out in this instance.
Please don’t write about existing fictional characters (eg, Uriel Ventris, Eisenhorn).
How to Submit
You must submit a synopsis of no more than 500 words along with a writing sample of between 500 and 1,000 words for consideration by the Black Library editors. If you don’t know what a synopsis is you’ll find a short description below.
Please note that there is a limit of two submissions per person, so make sure to send in your very best ideas.
What Happens Next
The submissions that show the most promise will go forward to a second stage where the selected authors will be asked to write a short story of around 7,000 words. The one story we deem worthy of publication after this stage will appear in Fear The Alien and the author will be paid for his or her work at the standard Black Library short story page rate as well as receiving three sample copies of the book.
Submissions will only be accepted through this online form and the deadline for synopses is Monday 27th July. No feedback will be given on unsuccessful submissions. Successful authors will be notified within eight weeks of this date and then given four weeks to turn their synopsis into a full manuscript. The successful author will then be chosen from these completed stories.
This is a succinct break down of your story, describing in brief what it’s about. Try to think of it as a film pitch – who the story the story is about, where it’s set (the setting) what your characters are doing and why (the set up) and who or what is trying to stop them (the conflict or confrontation). Some of the best short stories often have a twist, too, so try to work one in to your story (the conclusion).
Remember: keep it short and to the point. All we need is roughly what the story is about, not the whole thing!
Rules and regulations
Authors can submit a maximum of two stories.
Successful authors will be notified via email no later than eight weeks after the closing date. Unsuccessful authors will not be notified and any emails received by us enquiring about the status of submissions or asking for feedback on a specific submission will not receive a reply from BL Publishing or its representatives.
The deadline for submissions is Monday 27th July 2009.
Authors who successfully get through the first stage of the submissions process will be given a period of no more than four weeks to produce a manuscript of their short story.
Manuscripts accepted for publication will be paid for at the standard Black Library short story rate – 3 pence per published word. We will also supply you with three free copies of the anthology. All published stories become the property of Games Workshop Ltd. to use in any way they see fit.
Only submissions received through the proper submissions process (detailed above) will be considered. Any submission deemed incomplete, inappropriate and/or offensive will be disqualified.
We will not make any judgements based upon age, sex or level of writing experience. We are looking for great writing that is true to the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Submissions will not be returned.
All submissions must be in English.
The submissions process is not open to any author previously published by The Black Library.
All right, ya grotz and skvigz! Last time we'z got close, but we aint got none uv dem oomie cigarz. Dis time, dis gonna be different! Weze gonna show dem BL boyz vho da biggest and da meanest vritaz in all da Ooniverse!
Whoz viv me?
Have a very nice day.