Worthless Spammer[Schuyler Colfax/ElitePwnage]

Only now, at the end, do you understand.

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Mr Bean
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Worthless Spammer[Schuyler Colfax/ElitePwnage]

Post by Mr Bean »

Let these last MSN messages serve as a reminder of Schuyler Colfax and none other. He was.... and is... nothing but a useless spambot. He was banned in the month of June in the year of 2009 after a temp ban was voted on by the Senate. While the Senate was discussing the length of the temp ban it was discovered that Colfax was attempting to get around the ban and acquire other people's long on details or possibly set up sockpuppet accounts so he could continue posting.

By order of Ozymandias(Administrator) his temp ban became a permanent one for attempting to evade Senate punishment.
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Shroom Man 777
Posts: 21222
Joined: 2003-05-11 08:39am
Location: Bleeding breasts and stabbing dicks since 2003

Re: In Memoriam...

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

He will always live on in our memories.
MSN wrote:egendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
would you mind if i were to use your login for lurking purposes
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Jesus Christ
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
YES i would mind very much
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
I have a very long alphanumeric password to prevent exactly this kind of shit
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
fuck off
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
I hate you you suck
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
and WHY would you want to lurk?
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I didn't mind sharing my account with Moby.
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
And I do NOT want to share my account with either of you.
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Jesus Christ you are horrible.
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Even in death you continue to sap the last nuances of good will in happy old me!
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
i'm not dead
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
eh, yeah
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
You can still see Testing?
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
fuck you
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Can you?
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
fuck you
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
You mean to say you can see all those bad things I've been saying about you?!
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
no shit
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
i cant log in
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
but i can still see the board
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Then you don't need my account for goddamn lurking purposes!
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
to lurk HoS
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
and ARSE
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Who gives a shit about HoS or ARSE?
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I gives lots of shits
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
All that's in ARSE is like that op ed shit and ray245's dumb thread
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
and HoS is just full of venting people whining just like you, except just in the venting thread rather than everyone from Testing to the chat
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Man, I don't even give a shit.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:

Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
about ARSE or HoS
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
man, I wish I was the one who got banned.
My First SDN Chat wrote:Sephy26946 (10:31:17 PM) has entered the room.
DEWebb1976 (10:31:17 PM) has entered the room.
FlaggKilledGod (10:31:17 PM) has entered the room.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:31:17 PM) has entered the room.
Invitation result for buddy shroom : shroom is not available.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:31:29 PM): hmm
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:31:34 PM): is this the SDnet chat room?
DEWebb1976 (10:31:56 PM): No, it's the alcoholic's anonymous chat./
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:32:18 PM): if that is so then where is wong?
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:32:28 PM): i heard he has a drinking problem
DEWebb1976 (10:32:30 PM): He never comes in here.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:33:01 PM): oh so he's not dealing with his alcoholism. too bad.
DEWebb1976 (10:33:16 PM): The first step is to admit you have a problem, yo...
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:33:25 PM): and he's in total denial
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:33:43 PM): when he is sober at least
KingGandalf1701 (10:33:58 PM) has entered the room.
KingGandalf1701 (10:34:05 PM) has left the room.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:34:20 PM): man colfail told me to come here
legendm2 (10:34:40 PM) has entered the room.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:34:48 PM): speak of the satan
legendm2 (10:35:03 PM) has left the room.
DEWebb1976 (10:35:07 PM): lol
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:35:13 PM): phew
legendm2 (10:35:15 PM) has entered the room.
legendm2 (10:35:15 PM): cool you did it shroom
legendm2 (10:35:23 PM): my work here is done
DEWebb1976 (10:35:24 PM): We need to figure out a way to ban him from here for a year too.
legendm2 (10:35:33 PM) has left the room.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:35:37 PM): he was like talking about how he'd bust a cap on Ozy's ass.
legendm2 (10:35:42 PM) has entered the room.
DEWebb1976 (10:35:51 PM): Colefail, go the fuck away.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:35:52 PM): I told him that Ozy was Nit (rite?) and that he hates schuyls cause he caused his liver problems
legendm2 (10:36:04 PM): I'm talking to shroom fuck coffee
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:36:13 PM): Hey that's you coffee?
DEWebb1976 (10:36:20 PM): Yup, homie.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:36:23 PM): alright!
DEWebb1976 (10:36:27 PM): It is I, the Lord of the AWESOME.
legendm2 (10:36:45 PM): coffee, flagg, and cloudstrife
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:36:48 PM): And now it is time for your final battle against the Lord of the FAIL!
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:36:54 PM): (that's you schuyl)
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:37:01 PM): cloudstrife? was that another dude who got banned or something?
legendm2 (10:37:04 PM): I can't believe I got two years.
legendm2 (10:37:12 PM): and yes
legendm2 (10:37:24 PM): Fuck Nitram.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:37:34 PM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:37:49 PM): i hatelove it when the guy's griping
DEWebb1976 (10:37:53 PM) has left the room.
DEWebb1976 (10:37:55 PM) has entered the room.
legendm2 (10:38:09 PM): oh yeah i can brag about it in here
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:38:12 PM): srsly listening to him gripe is awesome
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:38:14 PM): ah shit man
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:38:19 PM): yes schuyl got a date or something
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:38:21 PM): *confetti*
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:38:22 PM): mang
DEWebb1976 (10:38:35 PM): Colefail, you do understand that the next step is to implement the Final Solution on you, right?
legendm2 (10:38:44 PM): proud day for me, outside of the getting banned thing
DEWebb1976 (10:38:59 PM): Good, go out and get alid.
legendm2 (10:39:06 PM): i don't care, I got a fucking date, you think I care about sdn right now
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:39:12 PM): but let's go back to the final solution
DEWebb1976 (10:39:15 PM): Learn what a productive adult relationship is like.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:39:21 PM): if you don't care then stop griping about nitram and shit
DEWebb1976 (10:39:22 PM): Get the fuck out of here.
DEWebb1976 (10:39:37 PM): Seriously, if you don't care so much then why are you still coming here?
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:39:45 PM): srsly
legendm2 (10:39:54 PM): i was talking to shroom and i want to continue that conversation
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:39:59 PM): shit, is this what happens all the time when socks comes to the chat?
legendm2 (10:40:03 PM): no
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:40:22 PM): yes
DEWebb1976 (10:40:28 PM): Go chat up the hogbeast you managed to con into dating you and see if you can get into her XXXL panties or some shit.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:40:39 PM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:40:43 PM): that's just mean
DEWebb1976 (10:40:54 PM): Tough love, brosef...
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:41:02 PM): but hey, check out my new sig with the obituary on it
legendm2 (10:41:11 PM): you may find this place to be a lot less PC than sdnet
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:41:24 PM): eh, that's cool
DEWebb1976 (10:41:28 PM): Oh shit, son...
DEWebb1976 (10:41:35 PM): I'm fuckign stealing that.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:41:42 PM): what? mein?
legendm2 (10:41:50 PM): what
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:41:56 PM): the obituary? cool.
DEWebb1976 (10:42:11 PM): Yeah, I'm adding that to my sig too.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:42:14 PM): Excellente!
DEWebb1976 (10:42:22 PM): Gotta get the rest of the homies on this shit.
legendm2 (10:42:23 PM): I made a better one
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:42:44 PM): Yours is fat, schuyl. Mine is tiny and can fit into sigs better, like those PRYF buttons and that bleeding breast in my sig.
legendm2 (10:43:16 PM): i know my dick is huge, stop telling everybody
DEWebb1976 (10:43:24 PM): Fat like his new girlfriend...
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:43:25 PM): you are so LAEM
legendm2 (10:43:28 PM): http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... rysis2.jpg
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:43:33 PM): man, socks
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:43:58 PM): besides big black cocks are often as rigid as those styrofoam gloves people bring to superbowls
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:44:12 PM): which is, not very
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:44:16 PM): explaining why they are so bendy
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:44:47 PM): (my sig banner is better, it doesn't have a fancy font, it's just in blood red which makes you look deader)
legendm2 (10:45:18 PM): coffee use my sig
DEWebb1976 (10:45:27 PM): Get lost, nignog...
legendm2 (10:45:57 PM): http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... sis2-1.jpg made it smaller
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:45:58 PM): man I can't believe schuyler is making these post-mortem sigs LAEM
DEWebb1976 (10:46:15 PM): Even in death, he still sucks.
legendm2 (10:46:18 PM): why is it always race with you
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:46:26 PM): shit, I might as well get rid of 'em since they're like feeding him negative attention from beyond the grave and defeats the purpose of banning him for two hundred years
legendm2 (10:46:39 PM): keep it
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:46:57 PM): man, it's like reverse psychology
DEWebb1976 (10:47:04 PM): Well, if Shroom wasn't an AWESOME homei and was a sad little excuse for a man like youw ere I'd probably call him a filthy slanty eyed asian and demand my laundry.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:47:13 PM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:47:19 PM): and probably some chinese takeout too
DEWebb1976 (10:47:24 PM): But Shroomy is cool, so I'll just make fun of his small asain penis.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:47:36 PM): man if schuyl told me not to eat shit, I'd probably swallow a whole septic tank to spite him
DEWebb1976 (10:48:00 PM): Colefail still hasn't figured out that the whole racism thing is just for humor.
legendm2 (10:48:09 PM): well it isn't funny
DEWebb1976 (10:48:19 PM): Yeah, it is funny.
legendm2 (10:48:25 PM): it isn't
DEWebb1976 (10:48:33 PM): So tell me, Colefail, your new girlfriend...
DEWebb1976 (10:48:35 PM): She white?
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:48:56 PM): maybe she's a mail ordered filipina
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:49:01 PM): from those catalogues I gave him
legendm2 (10:49:09 PM): No.
DEWebb1976 (10:49:18 PM): If she is all you need is some watermelon and a bucket of fried chicken and you'd have the NigNog Trifecta going on.
legendm2 (10:49:30 PM): again, she isn't
DEWebb1976 (10:49:40 PM): Black?
legendm2 (10:49:44 PM): half
DEWebb1976 (10:49:49 PM): If so, does she have a ghetto booty?
legendm2 (10:49:53 PM): no
DEWebb1976 (10:49:57 PM): Do you like big butts and you cannot lie?
legendm2 (10:50:02 PM): eh
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:50:06 PM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:50:11 PM): Coffee you are great!
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:50:19 PM): I like big butts
legendm2 (10:50:29 PM): i'm shocked
DEWebb1976 (10:50:31 PM): Goddamnit, you fail on so many levels it's like you're trying to create the Quantum Theory of Failure.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:50:31 PM): (also you forgot the orange juice mang)
DEWebb1976 (10:51:04 PM): You're gonna be the Stephen Hawking of Failure.
legendm2 (10:51:05 PM): oh i got a girl to agree to go out with me, there is nothing you can say that will bum me out
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:51:16 PM): He's not bumming you out, mang.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:51:19 PM): He's just playing.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:51:38 PM): Man, I should go rib PeZook for being a Pollack.
legendm2 (10:51:40 PM): he's also jerking off to it
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:51:57 PM): Who knows? Maybe he's watching porno at the same time with some nice black booty or something.
legendm2 (10:51:58 PM): So, are Ozy and Nitram the same person
DEWebb1976 (10:51:58 PM): No, if I wanted to bum you out I'd start placing odds on how long it'll take before you finally work up the nerve to kiss the girl.
legendm2 (10:52:12 PM): ah shit, i forgot about that
DEWebb1976 (10:52:13 PM): PeZook's a Pollack?
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:52:18 PM): Well, he IS from Poland.
DEWebb1976 (10:52:27 PM): What do you call a beautiful girl in Poland?
legendm2 (10:52:28 PM): what the fuck coffee
DEWebb1976 (10:52:29 PM): A tourist.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:52:41 PM): He'd probably have some surname like Kulinsky or something
DEWebb1976 (10:53:07 PM): Yeah, no one beats Poles and Greeks for incomprehensable last names.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:53:26 PM): The Greeks at least have ones that sound pretty, or something, and hot chicks.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:53:35 PM): (and weird ass tasting lemon chicken food, but good salads)
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:54:04 PM): Man I want to eat at some overpriced saucy restaurant.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:54:15 PM): and have bad table manners like burping or farting.
DEWebb1976 (10:54:15 PM): Oh yeah, some greek chicks are smokin' hot...
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:54:22 PM): I farted in an operating room once.
DEWebb1976 (10:54:33 PM): You should eat at a good Mexican joint.
DEWebb1976 (10:54:47 PM): make sure to order plenty of cervesas to go with your burritos.
DEWebb1976 (10:56:04 PM): Ask them to add lots of habaneros to the food too.
DEWebb1976 (10:56:13 PM): And then have icecream for desert.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:56:21 PM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:56:31 PM): Mexican food is cool. Tacos and burritos and spicy food and stuff
DEWebb1976 (10:56:39 PM): That way when you're sitting on the toilet loosing a burning shit from hell you can chant "come on icecream!"
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:56:43 PM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:56:50 PM): see colfail this is funny
DEWebb1976 (10:57:02 PM): Dude, I tried to get him to take notes.
DEWebb1976 (10:57:08 PM): Hell, so did Hav.
DEWebb1976 (10:57:21 PM): It's like he's the Rainman of fail though.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:57:50 PM): mang
DEWebb1976 (10:58:42 PM): I want to come to your country, eat all your foods, drink all your booze, and fuck all your womens.
DEWebb1976 (10:59:09 PM): Then I want to take a diant piss in the general direction fo China for being such a bunch of fun-killing douchenozzels.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:59:24 PM): Go ahead! You can like gorge yourself in HUEG and whole fried pig and eat the side dish composed of cooked pig guts and tiny chopped up blood vessels and blood.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:59:39 PM): With vinegar.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:59:46 PM): And eat like steamed duck fetus eggs.
shroomman777@gmail.com (10:59:50 PM): (which are totally tasty)
DEWebb1976 (10:59:59 PM): I'll bring my bottle of Dave's Insanity Sauce.
DEWebb1976 (11:00:12 PM): You put a little of that on food and you can eat anything.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:00:24 PM): But yeah, we have awesome food.
DEWebb1976 (11:00:53 PM): Yeah, had a Fillipino neighbor once. Guy and his wife had some fucking awesome barbeques.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:01:20 PM): and people here will treat you like a king, and everything's ell cheapo and shit
DEWebb1976 (11:01:22 PM): They roasted up half a pig one time. Enough food for the whole damned block and spicey as all hell too.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:01:51 PM): We roast whole pigs all the time, for birthdays, fiestas, christmas, new year, and everything! Just look for an excuse for one.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:02:04 PM): Whole roasted chickens too. Get em everywhere at the streetside.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:02:12 PM): It's good to live in a country with plenty of animals to kill and eat.
DEWebb1976 (11:02:13 PM): And listening to his wife cuss in this garbled mish mash of english and fillipinese was hilarious.
DEWebb1976 (11:02:20 PM): Firey little woman.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:02:30 PM):
DEWebb1976 (11:02:49 PM): They even called people "mang".
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:02:55 PM): Woah
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:03:33 PM): You should come over here too schuyler
DEWebb1976 (11:03:42 PM): Was hilarious watching them and the vietnamese couple down the block try and one up each other's BBQs though.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:03:48 PM):
DEWebb1976 (11:04:00 PM): It was like a contest to see who could cook something so spicey I couldn't eat an entire helping.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:04:03 PM): I should try vietnamese food.
DEWebb1976 (11:04:11 PM): It's different.
DEWebb1976 (11:04:21 PM): Nuc Mam takes a bit of getting used to.
DEWebb1976 (11:04:39 PM): But if you like blisteringly spicey food, them gooks got it going on.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:04:53 PM): Yeah, but I like variety. Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, native food, and I like spicy food
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:05:01 PM): Gooks on one side, spooks (schuyl) on the other!
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:05:18 PM): Haha, spooks
DEWebb1976 (11:05:47 PM): Not a big fan of Korean food...
DEWebb1976 (11:05:54 PM): But I loves me some Chinese food.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:06:33 PM): Man, food.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:06:46 PM): You should feed your woman a whole lot of foods, schuyl
DEWebb1976 (11:07:06 PM): Ask her if she'd like a cockmeat sandwhich.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:07:26 PM): like it totally sucks when guys go 'oh no i don't leik to eats foreign foods i'm so picky oh noes its so spicy and funny tasting i'll spit it out' and shit.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:07:31 PM): you should have a FOOD ADVENTURE!
DEWebb1976 (11:07:55 PM): See, Mormon's think the body is a temple...
DEWebb1976 (11:07:58 PM): I disagree.
DEWebb1976 (11:08:11 PM): The body is an amusement park. Ride the roller coaster, bitch.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:08:34 PM): The bedroom carousel!
DEWebb1976 (11:09:12 PM): The Log Flume...
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:09:27 PM):
legendm2 (11:12:23 PM): i'm gonna go and wash the shame off of me
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:12:51 PM): with gasoline
DEWebb1976 (11:12:56 PM): Dude, you coudl dip yoru black ass in a 50% solution or muratic acid and not accomplish that.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:13:01 PM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:13:23 PM): you'd need like decades of surgery
DEWebb1976 (11:13:25 PM): Don't come back until you've gotten into that girl's pants.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:13:41 PM): but then you'd be like micheal jackson with the smooth moves
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:13:50 PM): so I guess it'll make you cooler and shit
DEWebb1976 (11:14:35 PM): You've been hit by... You've be struck by.. A Fail Criminal!
DEWebb1976 (11:14:53 PM): We need to get him a single sequined white glove.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:15:05 PM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:15:08 PM): Nah
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:15:10 PM): he can wear a sock
DEWebb1976 (11:15:44 PM): It'll be to crusty for him to move his hand though.
DEWebb1976 (11:15:56 PM): Like a sock puppet with rigor mortis, yo.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:16:12 PM): or his disintegrating nose job
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:17:15 PM): Man, Socks.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:17:53 PM): he should be glad that three of us have his chocolate face in our sigs
DEWebb1976 (11:20:46 PM): He looks like that fag that sang Chocolate Rain...
DEWebb1976 (11:21:01 PM): Is this your first ime in here, Shroomy?
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:21:05 PM): Yep
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:21:19 PM): this place is fune
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:21:25 PM): Holy shit
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:21:26 PM): IT IS HIM!
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:21:41 PM): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:I_mov ... the_in.jpg
DEWebb1976 (11:21:49 PM): Wait till when the rest of the crew shows up.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:22:43 PM): yeah, it's just you, me and socks
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:22:48 PM): barely enough to contain the LAEM
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:23:01 PM): but we oppressed it as good as any member of the Nazi Party
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:23:07 PM): *SIEG HEIL*
DEWebb1976 (11:23:15 PM): Jackbooted thugs of the world unit!
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:23:23 PM): hut hut hut hut!
DEWebb1976 (11:24:10 PM): Instead ofg the master race, we'll be the AWESOME Race.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:24:25 PM): Whenever colfail goes over to your place or some shit you can tell him to GET OFF MY LAWN
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:24:31 PM): and call him a spook and shit
DEWebb1976 (11:24:56 PM): Catching up on my show premeres...
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:25:04 PM): what?
DEWebb1976 (11:25:12 PM): Naw, no one says "spook" anymore.
DEWebb1976 (11:25:26 PM): Weeds season five just started on Showtime.
DEWebb1976 (11:25:37 PM): One of the funniest shows ever.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:25:58 PM): mmm
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:26:36 PM): man, colfail must hate me forever.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:26:54 PM): but that's totally cool. That's what I do!
DEWebb1976 (11:27:01 PM): He's so needy he'll come back.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:27:07 PM): grovelling!
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:27:13 PM): in need of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:27:18 PM): and DESEGREGATION!
DEWebb1976 (11:27:27 PM): He's like that abused wife you always see on cops screaming "but I love him!" when the cops drag her husband off for beating the shit out of her.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:27:31 PM): And we'll LAUGH
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:27:49 PM): And we're the fat and drunken husban who's failed high school and longs for the glory days of being the star football player or some shit.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:28:03 PM): And like everyone else is our extended family of inbred fat hillbilly fucks.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:28:20 PM): All laughing and drinking booze and having barbecues and watching the game on TV
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:28:33 PM): While we yell at schuyler to get us another sausage or hamburger
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:29:00 PM): what a guy
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:29:08 PM): It builds character.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:29:30 PM): (Ozy/Nit would be the corrupt cop who forces him into a life of PROSTITUTION)
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:29:37 PM): on the mean streets of LA/.
DEWebb1976 (11:30:40 PM): New York...
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:30:49 PM): Or New York, yeah.
DEWebb1976 (11:30:50 PM): Needs more gritty and grimdark.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:30:59 PM): and snow
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:31:44 PM): "When the darkness fell, New York City became something else, any old Sinatra song notwithstanding. Bad things happened in the night, on the streets of that other city. Noir York City."
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:32:07 PM): then schuyler comes to us pimps and grovels for us, needing more crack
DEWebb1976 (11:33:43 PM): "I'll fail all over your threads for a rock, man..."
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:34:22 PM): man, where is he? he should be here, all indignant!
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:35:16 PM): He was thinking that there would be outcry over his two years banning. that guys like Chris and Wilkens would rally to his aid against mean old Ozy
DEWebb1976 (11:36:58 PM): Or that faggot Connor.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:37:07 PM): What did he do?
DEWebb1976 (11:37:37 PM): Seriously, when they started bring up that shit about me suppsoedly havign avendetta against Colefial he started this long ass PM exchange with me trying to 'investigate".
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:37:46 PM): What a wet dick.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:37:56 PM): I think Schuyler would be best off if he got Ray as his advocate!
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:38:12 PM): he'd start threads going on about how banning ray might've been reflex judgment!
DEWebb1976 (11:38:32 PM): Explained to him the whole situation with Colefail and the dumbass still goes on abotu people having a vendatta or some shit and all of his information abotu Colefail is secondhand.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:38:32 PM): *banning schuyler
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:38:53 PM): those senaturds really know shit about stuff
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:38:58 PM): too SRS BSNSS
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:39:11 PM): Seriously Elephantine Nemoidians Acting Tough on Everyone!
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:39:16 PM): (vote me for senator!)
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:39:45 PM): man, ray doesn't have any IM. it would've been awesome if he became superbestfriends forever with schuyler
DEWebb1976 (11:40:19 PM): Hell, ask Yosamite Bear and he'll nominate you.
DEWebb1976 (11:40:27 PM): He's nominated me like three times now.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:40:39 PM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:40:43 PM): YB is a total nut!
DEWebb1976 (11:40:49 PM): yeah...
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:40:49 PM): (bah fuck the senate)
DEWebb1976 (11:40:54 PM): But he's hilarious.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:41:01 PM): He makes no sense at all, ever!
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:41:49 PM): man, it says a lot that right now I'm colfail's superbestfriend in sdn
DEWebb1976 (11:42:01 PM): lol
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:44:04 PM): YES. one more with a chocolate face in his sig!
legendm2 (11:46:14 PM): I was taking a shower
legendm2 (11:46:16 PM): jackasses
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:46:45 PM): man don't hate me forever man
legendm2 (11:47:09 PM): i read what you said
legendm2 (11:48:12 PM): I have two bumps under my pubic region
legendm2 (11:48:20 PM): should i get those checked out
DEWebb1976 (11:48:38 PM): They're called testicles, retard.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:49:06 PM): Why do you tell us these things?!
DEWebb1976 (11:49:22 PM): Because he couldn't find any bleach to drink.
legendm2 (11:49:27 PM): no physical under my pubic area
legendm2 (11:49:31 PM): under the skin
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:49:40 PM): Did you try to shave and then get ingrown hairs?
DEWebb1976 (11:49:46 PM): Yeah, they're testicles and yours still haven't dropped yet.
legendm2 (11:50:05 PM): I trimmed yesterday, and I think they're too big to be ingrown hairs
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:51:22 PM): Haha, RYE:

You know my thoughts on images of black people.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:52:10 PM): never knew he would be a nazi she-devil
legendm2 (11:52:21 PM): hello doctor or nurse i have a real issue here
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:52:24 PM): it looks like thanas has his own little fascist wench
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:52:28 PM): What?
legendm2 (11:52:35 PM): the bumps
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:52:41 PM): It's not like I can do physical assessment over the internet, can I?
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:52:49 PM): and do NOT send me shit photos of your goddamn scrotom
legendm2 (11:53:05 PM): you can't really see, i can only feel it
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:53:26 PM): they could just be bumps like the ones you get on your face or on the back of your ear
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:53:31 PM): or they could be something BAD
legendm2 (11:53:42 PM): *sigh*
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:53:53 PM): or just lymph nodes
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:54:06 PM): where in your pubic area?
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:54:16 PM): above your dick? at the sides near your joints?
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:54:53 PM): (you know there's a reason why you GO to your doctor or healthcare facility for a goddamn checkup rather than write a letter to your local physician or congressman about any possible physical and/or mental health issues you've got)
DEWebb1976 (11:54:57 PM): See, this is what you get for asking a nurse about your balls....
DEWebb1976 (11:55:07 PM): It's not lupus.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:55:15 PM): It's never lupus.
legendm2 (11:55:18 PM): the pubes above my dick
legendm2 (11:55:55 PM): one is right in front of my dick and the other is one the far left of the pubic region
legendm2 (11:56:15 PM): shall i make a pain doument
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:56:17 PM): It could just be nothing, just some bumps like the ones you get in your face when you get acne or shit, or at the back of your ears.
legendm2 (11:56:18 PM): paint
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:56:23 PM): Fuck.
legendm2 (11:56:33 PM): what
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:56:45 PM): But besides, I don't have any training or education on groin-bumps.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:56:53 PM): That's doctor shit.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:57:08 PM): You should go as mr friendly guy, but I think he hates you forever, so maybe he'd misdiagnose you or something.
legendm2 (11:57:26 PM): shit i can't click the link that thanas placed
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:57:31 PM): Just go get it checked if it gets more noticeable, or if more pop out, or if you start getting rather worried about it.
shroomman777@gmail.com (11:58:46 PM): MSN: legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
would you mind if i were to use your login for lurking purposes
DEWebb1976 (11:59:12 PM): lmao...
legendm2 (11:59:13 PM): He framed me
DEWebb1976 (11:59:40 PM): And this is why you fail...
legendm2 (12:00:02 AM): (11:58:37 AM) Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA: I want to suck Coffee's dick so much mang.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:00:10 AM): Haha/
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:00:24 AM): You know I keep archives of all my MSN conversations from, like, ever since 2002 or something?
legendm2 (12:00:40 AM): okay?
DEWebb1976 (12:00:45 AM): I can't blame him.
legendm2 (12:00:51 AM): lol
DEWebb1976 (12:01:05 AM): My cock is massive and full of sweet man gooey goodness.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:01:06 AM): That I can dig shit up on all my contacts from all sorts of years ago?
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:01:12 AM): Mang, colfail.
legendm2 (12:01:36 AM): okay?
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:01:52 AM): you suclk
DEWebb1976 (12:01:53 AM): Besides, if we put a wig on him and a dress I could rpetend he's one of those fillipeno ladyy boys.
DEWebb1976 (12:01:58 AM): And he's a nurse too.
DEWebb1976 (12:02:08 AM): All kinds of wacky shit can happen.
legendm2 (12:02:22 AM): (12:01:35 PM) Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA: Be cool Colefail, I'm trying to get with Coffee.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:02:25 AM): Are you talking about me or your penis?
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:02:38 AM): Christ, Colfail. You fail.
legendm2 (12:02:52 AM): For quoting you?
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:03:03 AM): And I've never said those things? :P
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:03:32 AM): This is amazing.
legendm2 (12:03:42 AM): You son of a bitch.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:03:46 AM): Never in my life have I seen such a spectacle.
legendm2 (12:03:54 AM): Colfax on MSN wrote:
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
would you mind if i were to use your login for lurking purposes
legendm2 (12:04:02 AM): What the fuck?
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:04:19 AM): That's what you look like on my MSN since you use pidgin or whatever that is
legendm2 (12:04:34 AM): why did you post that
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:04:57 AM): But man, this is a sorrier spectacle than that one time this unconscious, cold and nigh pulse-less person got brought into the emergency room because he had shit so much from diarhea that he got dehydrated and nearly died.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:05:11 AM): Then I had to sit by him for hours and when he recovered enough, he began to shit green liquid shit again.
DEWebb1976 (12:05:27 AM): lmao...
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:05:28 AM): And like the entire emergency room and all my classmate student nuerses and real nuerses stayed far away from the shit smell.
DEWebb1976 (12:05:35 AM): The Drama Llama rides again.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:05:36 AM): Leaving only me, the shitter, and the brave doctor in the room.
legendm2 (12:05:47 AM): you tell them that, but not about my date :'(
DEWebb1976 (12:05:54 AM): Anon foudn that bitch that burned the kitten's docs.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:05:56 AM): That's you colfail. The stench of green liquid shit keeps everyone away from you.
DEWebb1976 (12:06:25 AM): Name, address, home phone, case number, name of the Judge trying the case along with his work adress and number.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:06:28 AM): Only me, and Doctor Coffee here, stay in the room with you.
DEWebb1976 (12:06:39 AM): They call me the Doctor...
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:06:40 AM): Because we're healthcare professionals.
DEWebb1976 (12:06:43 AM): Doctor Love!
legendm2 (12:06:46 AM): whatever, you guys gave me two years to "improve" i can act like an idiot for a couple more days
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:06:54 AM): do it in private
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:06:57 AM): like religion
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:06:59 AM): or homosexual se
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:07:00 AM): *sex
DEWebb1976 (12:07:04 AM): Colefail, take two dicks up the ass and don't call me in the morning.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:07:21 AM): He won't since his jaw will end up being dislocated.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:07:28 AM): (since leik he'll also taek it in his mouths)
DEWebb1976 (12:08:08 AM): meh, he's got those big nigra lips. He'll manage to cram it all in.
DEWebb1976 (12:08:14 AM): Take it to the balls, bitch...
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:08:41 AM):
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:08:45 AM): nigra lips, oh man
legendm2 (12:10:17 AM) has left the room.
DEWebb1976 (12:11:01 AM): And that's how you get rid of him.
shroomman777@gmail.com (12:11:04 AM): Thank god.
Last edited by Shroom Man 777 on 2009-06-09 12:37pm, edited 1 time in total.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Shroom Man 777
Posts: 21222
Joined: 2003-05-11 08:39am
Location: Bleeding breasts and stabbing dicks since 2003

Re: In Memoriam...

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

This is great stuff.
In MSN wrote:legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
You stabbed me in the dick.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I don't care how you do it, make it right again.
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Make it look like I wasn't being serious.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I really wasn't, I knew you would say no.
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
They already thought of that
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Fix it.
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Surl: If (as I'm sure he'd claim) he was joking, that's a joke in such poor taste - and if you took him seriously, I'm sure he'd not have assured you it was a joke - that he deserves to be banned anyway. Kid was on ice so thin he'd have had to be Jesus not to fall through if there were any incidents.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Say that you did it.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I were just screwing around.
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Fuck no.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Why not.
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Well, I can just forward your protestrations
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
I'll forward what you're saying here to the other guys.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
this will require a lot of lying.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
i need you to get behind me
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
that's what she said
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I'm gonna make up a conversation in which that quote seems justafiable. and i'm gonna need you to forward it
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
just say you were playing a prank on me
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
I think for your sake I will cut out the part where you said "this will require a lot of lying"
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Shit, you should just wait for the heat to die down - wait for a WHILE - and then apologize
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
don't even think about post this shit
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
I mean to say that I will neglect to mention that part.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
don't mention anything
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Just stop bugging me before I make it worse
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Shroom I will let it die down, but when I step up, you better have my back
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I'll make my move in January
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I will let it die down, and ask to join again in January
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Just be a decent wholesome human being, you don't need any schemes or shit.
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Just don't annoy the fuck out of people.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I'll also say that I never knew why I was banned
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
since i had been temp banned for the same morning
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Go ahead
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Oh will you just apologize
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
For what?
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
You're the one bugging me.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
are you fucking serious
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I'm bugging you cause you got me banned
Saudi Shroomania - COCHENGO SARSAPARILLA says:
Fine, I am sorry that I reposted your crap in Testing which led to the Senaturds deciding to get you permbanned by Ghostrider.
legendm.1@netzero.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
i hate you .
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Mr Bean
Lord of Irony
Posts: 22466
Joined: 2002-07-04 08:36am

Re: Worthless Spammer[Schuyler Colfax/ElitePwnage]

Post by Mr Bean »

Per request this and only this will serve as a record of how much of a useless spambot Schuyler Colfax/ElitePwnage was.

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton