Favorite Power Rangers Series?

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What's your favorite Power Ranger Series?

Original (Beginning up until they get turned into little kids, including the first Ninja group ie The Movie)
Aqua Rangers (the regular ones turned young, some new Rangers come from off planet)
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Zeo Rangers (after Aqua, they get their powers back, now they're Zeo; includes the three guys in one Gold Ranger)
Turbo Rangers (starts concurrent with the end of the second movie, they have cars)
Power Rangers in Space (just guessing, only saw one episode of it, had a pretty hot chich for yellow ranger)
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Lost Galaxy (never saw it, just a toy ad)
Wild Force (the newest one, with animals)
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Other (I probably missed some, so please specify)
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Favorite Power Rangers Series?

Post by RogueIce »

Yes, I'm being serious...

Personally, I think the Originals, including the first movie, were pretty good. I liked the Green Ranger intro arc, the Thunder Zords intro, and the making of the White Ranger. Plus, the movie was good, as stated before, and when they brought it over to the show after awhile, they did some good stuff, and I liked how they wrapped up Tommy and Kimberly. Good writing, at least so I thought as a kid. :)

Then we skip to Zeo, after the Aqua thing, because I never really saw that one. Zeo was good because it had the originals (more or less) still around. And the Gold Ranger story was fairly well done. All in all, still enjoyable.

Then it got to Turbo. I saw the movie, watched a bit of the show when they did that, but didn't like. Car Zords? Some 15 year old as a Ranger next to high school/college Rangers? Lost interest there.

Never really saw it again, except for one Space episode, with the hot Yellow Ranger :wink: and one Wild Force episode, where I thought the battle sequence looked amazing similar to some of the old school stuff.

And is it sad that I remember so much about the Power Rangers. Maybe, but oh well. I have a good memory on some of the oddest things, and this happens to be it. Though, for the record, if some of the "Original" Power Rangers (as I define it, anyway) and Zeo episodes were showing again, I'd still watch. I recently caught the whole Five Episode Green Ranger Intro story on Family Channel, still liked it. So there. I'm odd. But then, so are some of you from what I've seen. We are all just odd in our own little ways. Mine is Power Rangers as opposed to various sexual things. :D
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Post by jaeger115 »

EEEEEEKKK!!!! I'm soooo ashamed when I think about the time when I watched Power Rangers when I was a kid.. :shock: :shock:
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Cowards, all of you! At least I'm brave enough to post in this thread!!!

That said, the originals are my favorite. Even if for no other reason but nostalgia.
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Post by RogueIce »

Darth Yoshi wrote:Cowards, all of you! At least I'm brave enough to post in this thread!!!

That said, the originals are my favorite. Even if for no other reason but nostalgia.
Bravo! Another brave soul willing to admit it! Plus, he likes the ones I did. Even better. :D
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

The time spent watching the power rangers(and wanting their shitty toys, and running around pretending I was one) are something called a repressed memory, and I don't need shit like this bring those memories to the surface.

OT: The original, I think it was the best by far, but I grew out of it shortly before zeo, watched it until the gold ranger(who I was able to identify who the Gold Ranger was before the episode).
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Post by RogueIce »

I think the originals were pretty good, and so was Zeo. But that was mostly because the more-or-less original cast was there (ast least from the Movie, except for Kimberly and I think Billy).

I wouldn't call it a repressed memory. More along the lines of it was my childhood, dangit, and it was a kid's show.

I still stand firm in saying I'd watch it again, or at least those two series.

Maybe for my next poll it can be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? :)
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Post by phongn »

The originals. They actually had some semblance of a plot (e.g. the Green/White Ranger).

I was channel surfing the other day and saw the new shows and I was like WTF?
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Post by Exonerate »

The original one, right after they got those new dinosaur mecha thingies...

Damn, I've forgotten what they're called... I thought the later series sucked... Villians weren't really evil anymore.

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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

A couple of things, 1 you forgot Time Force, like it matters, and the newest one is Ninja Storm(I think toy wise, but not show-wise).

2. All the ones after they got turned to kids are utter shit, they all seem to fit the rule that they can't last longer than one season, and the originality of episodes gets even worse than the original.

3. Bulk and Skull were the longest running characters, beating out all the originals, including Zordon. Sad isn't it?

4. Is it true that Kimberly, Trini, and Tommy all went into porn, and that Trini ODed on smack?
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Iv'e always hated the fucking power rangers and I always will. because, even as a young TV Junkie, I knew it was a Voltron ripoff plain and simple.

BTW, Voltron gets my vote in this poll.
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Post by Captain tycho »

You watch power rangers? :shock:

The newest one, BTW, is Ninja Force. :roll:
(well, how creative :roll: )
Everyone of them sucked.
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Post by Raptor 597 »

The Orginial. The Green/White ranger actually had a plot to it.
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Post by Majin Gojira »

Original, Green ranger, Dino-zords...pure camp.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

The Black lion alone would put the power rangers on the ass end of an asskicking.
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Post by Durandal »

Kimberly was hot.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Damn, I remember watching those, when I was 5-6 yrs old...Original. Without a doubt.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Durandal wrote:Kimberly was hot.
Fuck yes!

Isn't there a site all about her that was featured on SA.com?

Anyway, the originals were fun for a while, after that they went through 50 trillion different series with the same tried and tested formula.

1. Beginning of episode shows group of camp and impossibly happy Californian highschool kids enjoying life to the hilt. An evil witch/robot/guy in monster costume/dominatrix/other observes this and curses their fun filled and exceptionally phony lives.

2. A slight predicament occurs in Camp Town, a girl cries over her favourite love or a guy fails to get into the basketball team or some such shit. The comic relief dudes make comments that are "funny" and will "make us want them to die horribly and slowly with as many bladed instruments as possible". This is entertaining.

3. Some shit blows up and a guy in a suit with other random guys in pajamas attacks/accosts/rapes/falls-in-love with a girl/guy/precious object/that fucking robot with LEDs all over his head.

4. Much fake martial arts goes down as the Rangers beat the crap out of the random extra dudes in pajamas. The main bad guy laughs full well knowing that the Penis Rocket of much destruction is going to hit him anytime.

5. A sub/spaceship/mountain/squid launches a Tomahawk penis envy missile. The bad guy of the week grows to several stories tall and stomps on shit, yet no one notices this happening in one of the most populated areas in the United States. the makers of Godzilla laugh at the crappy miniature sets of the city.


7. Much sparking later and a whole lot of random and erratic movements, the Rangers put their micro machines together to get another big guy in a funny suit who uses a sword/lightsabre/cannon/bazooka/care bear stare to consequently send the bad guy of the week flying with many sparks and sometimes a painting of a waterfall in the background for some reason. He rolls over and blows up in a way that only a retarded pyrotechnics consultant could imagine.

8. Comic relief dudes get their comeuppances, the chief bad guy laughs/cries/taunts/sulks/gets-killed-by-the-next-bad-guy and the Rangers enjoy another fluffy milkshake session after pumping iron and saving Fucktard Central once again.

9. Repeat ad nauseum or until the toys of the current Zords stop raking the cash in. Change title of series, kill a good guy off, make someone fall in love and use rejected Gerry Anderson models for the new batch of Zords.
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Post by GoneCrazy »

back when i was 6 they had the originals (or i assume the originals anyway, there was at the introduction at each show a girl[one of the badies] and she was on a desert planet or something, thats all i remember ) and i thought those were cool (i was 6 ok). then they came out with those power rangers in space and something else pretty much all at once, well there might have been a year's difference between when they came out or something, but it felt like they came out at the same time, and those weren't as cool. in fact after that i stopped watching power rangers and dont know about the new ones.
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Post by Lord MJ »

Rangers in Space, was actually pretty good, since they did the best they could to have an ongoing plot, with real and believable characters, and real and believable villains.

The amount of effort they put into making Astronema and Ecliptor be like real people, and moronic cartoon villains should be applauded.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Durandal wrote:Kimberly was hot.
Oh yes, she was in my 9 year old fantasies.
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

What I thought was funny, even at that age, was in many episodes the Power Rangers had the Superman effect, were in their battle they did more damage then the bad guys. The megazord fell through enough buildings to depopulate a medium sized town.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

anarchistbunny wrote:What I thought was funny, even at that age, was in many episodes the Power Rangers had the Superman effect, were in their battle they did more damage then the bad guys. The megazord fell through enough buildings to depopulate a medium sized town.
Yay, fun!
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Post by phongn »

Durandal wrote:Kimberly was hot.
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Post by neoolong »

I would say a mix. Mainly because even at that young age, I was watching it for the chicks. No lesbian orgies unfortunately. :evil:
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Post by Ghost Rider »

The original(and oi the brain won't expunge it all...then again won't expunge the thoughts of 60's Batman)

Either way...Kimberley is a major reason I ever kept watching.

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