Personally, I think the Originals, including the first movie, were pretty good. I liked the Green Ranger intro arc, the Thunder Zords intro, and the making of the White Ranger. Plus, the movie was good, as stated before, and when they brought it over to the show after awhile, they did some good stuff, and I liked how they wrapped up Tommy and Kimberly. Good writing, at least so I thought as a kid.

Then we skip to Zeo, after the Aqua thing, because I never really saw that one. Zeo was good because it had the originals (more or less) still around. And the Gold Ranger story was fairly well done. All in all, still enjoyable.
Then it got to Turbo. I saw the movie, watched a bit of the show when they did that, but didn't like. Car Zords? Some 15 year old as a Ranger next to high school/college Rangers? Lost interest there.
Never really saw it again, except for one Space episode, with the hot Yellow Ranger

And is it sad that I remember so much about the Power Rangers. Maybe, but oh well. I have a good memory on some of the oddest things, and this happens to be it. Though, for the record, if some of the "Original" Power Rangers (as I define it, anyway) and Zeo episodes were showing again, I'd still watch. I recently caught the whole Five Episode Green Ranger Intro story on Family Channel, still liked it. So there. I'm odd. But then, so are some of you from what I've seen. We are all just odd in our own little ways. Mine is Power Rangers as opposed to various sexual things.