LordOskuro wrote:
Also "because everyone does it" is the definition of being popular, so in this context it is a valid answer. Maybe you should rephrase your question as "why did everyone start calling them Xenos?" to wich the answer is "Because someone in Aliens called them that".
No, for the fourth or fifth time, it is not a valid answer to the question. Use simple substitution on 'popular' and 'because everyone does it':
"Why is x the popular term for y?"
"Because x is the popular term for y!"
You haven't answered the question at all. As I said in my previous post, you have restated a premise of the question. Yes, obviously x is a popular term for y. Asking why x became a popular term for y is predicated on x being a popular term for y. That doesn't answer
And yes, one character in
Aliens calls them "a xenomorph." What causes the question (and the irritation at facile non-answers to it) to come up is that it is a generic term, not specifically referring to the creatures in question. Other characters call the creatures in question "those things," "a lifeform," and "hostile organism," but no one reifies those generic, abstract terms; only "xenomorph" is taken that way. Why that one? Possible answers include "because Kenner used it on their toy packaging," but that's not overly convincing. I lean towards "because it's Latin, which sounds really erudite, and scifi fans love sounding as if they are erudite," personally.