No. It's not even possible to raise kids with neutral racial identity, and race is much less intimately connected to psychology than gender is. Try to imagine raising a kid so that he doesn't know whether he's white or black, or that there's a such thing as race. The only way to do it would be to isolate him from knowledge of the existence of other races, which is not going to be helpful. We actually never talked to our kids about race when they were younger, but they quickly noticed that some people look different than others. They just called them "brown people" instead of "black people" because that's the visible colour of their skin: brown. There's no way to avoid that discussion unless they simply never see a black person.Simon_Jester wrote:Would it be possible to raise a child with a neutral gender identity without keeping them ignorant of what the general culture's gender identity options are?
Kids aren't stupid; they can figure out that there's a such thing as boys and girls and they can identify the ridiculously obvious correlations between gender and clothing/behaviour in their society. The only way to keep them from making these correlations is to keep the raw data away from them.