Jar Jar on Enterprise D

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Jar Jar on Enterprise D

Post by Typhonis 1 »

Okieday Folks everyones faveorite tar..I mean Gungan winds up on the Enterprise d. What happens next ,How long can Picard stand him?How badly will he cause the ship to explode your opinions and posts are welcome? Does Worf finnaly rid us of the pest?
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Post by Temjin »

While having a tour of engineering, he trips on his own two feet onto the warp core causing it to explode
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Post by Yuri »

Picard: "Mr. Worf, throw him in the brig."
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Post by NecronLord »

Yuri wrote:Picard: "Mr. Worf, throw him in the brig."
More likely "sling him out of the airlock!"
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Post by Mr Bean »

Well if there anywhere near earth Picard has him arrest and turned in for the 42 Billion Reward I offered for his Capture and supsquent burning at the stake
Sure it was only a Million Dollers then but its been in the bank for awhile :D(What 2000 years? :D)

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Post by NecronLord »

Yeah, but remeber those commie feds have done away with money.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Excellent. Now we can eradicate the politically correct, wimpy Enterprise crew, this laughable immitation of a starship and the worst thing SW since the Holiday special with a single heavy turbolaser shot.
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Post by Isolder74 »

The Enterprise is DOOMED!!!!!!
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That was disapointing ..Should we show this Federation how to build a ship so we may have worthy foes? Typhonis 1
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Post by RadiO »

Everything goes swimmingly with the Gungan's visit to the ST universe, until Jar-Jar eventually fucks up some mission-critical part of the Enterprise and Picard decides to confine him to quarters for the crew's safety. Since Jar-Jar is "chamingly naive" (i.e thick as two short planks coated with extra-thick pigshit) he'll regard the two security guards armed with standard phasers as a threat to his life, and will then run amok, flailing desperately to escape his assailants. This results in "slapstick humour", as Jar-Jar's antics "hilariously" result in him running free for hours and hours, the security forces being knocked over, having thier boots stuck to the floor by glue, trapped between floors, crushed by specious hydraulic pressing machinery, etc. As there are a lot of gullible 5-year-olds with Jar Jar rucksacks in the audience demographic, the character-shield demonstrated in TPM's climatic farrago will keep him safe though all kinds of warp-core and plasma-conduit related hi-jinks.
We never get to see the end of the episode, however, because the transmission is interupted by a newsflash about the thousands of ST fans and other innocent viewers worldwide, all simultainously blowing their brains out with Bulldog .44s.
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Post by Mr Bean »

I'd prefer the classic Colt .45 Long Barrel but the Bulldog would do in a pinch

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Post by Jack Lain »

Captain's Log star date something.

We have a floppy eared idiot on board who is telling us that he is from another galaxy. Twice now we have had to stop him from trying to unplug the warp core. I am assuming the big "do not touch" sign is just too tempting for the moron. If it happens again, I've decided to space him. We have since placed him in the holodeck. With the expectation that a malfunction is due any moment, he will be subsequently killed and we can claim innocence in the matter.
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Post by Next of Kin »

Jar Jar is dumped on the nearest Pakled ship--the Pakleds declare Jar Jar to be their new supreme deity.
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Oh, I think Jar-Jar would fit in quite nicely with that crew

Post by Patrick Degan »

Let's face it, the Enterprise-D has Riker the Chief-Cook-and-Bottle-Washer, it has Data the Incompetent, and Reg "Twitch" Barclay in their company.

What's one more incompetent on that crew, more or less?
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Post by Mr Bean »

The endering fact that when Jar-Jar blows somthing up, IT STAYS BLOW UP THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

He'll probably get his tongue stuch in the warp core, the Enterprise will blow up, and everyone will celebreate the of Jar Jar. Of course, a corny time-travel cop-out will bring the rest of the people aboard the Enterprise back to life.
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Post by paladin »

After causing nothing but problems for 2 days, Worf and Riker load Jar-Jar into a photon torp casing and shoot it into a nearby star. However, before the torp can reach the star in enters a wormhole. Upon exit from the wormhole, the torp with Jar-Jar is recovered by a ship piloted by Neelix. Neelix and Jar-jar became fast friends and decide to partner up. Because of the UNHOLY alliance, the Federation and Empire sign a mutual defense treaty for the sole purpose of eliminating this threat to sentient life everywhere.
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Jar Jar fucks up the comm gear, and with teh power of technobabble a signal is somehow sent, which is simply noise to the Feds, but to the Executor, it's a message that Vader's childhood friend Jar Jar is on board the Enterprise-D, and the message also contains the coordinates of a wormhole that opens in front of the E-D. Vader drops out, and orders his men to open fire. Nuff said.
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Post by Zoink »

Star Wars wins this on EASY.

Possible outcomes:

-Jar Jar takes out the enterprise crew Bruce Lee style: Star Wars wins

- Jar Jar converts himself into pure energy taking out the enterprise: Star Wars wins

-Picard shoots Jar Jar in the head as he walks in the airlock. Star Wars WINS big :)
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Post by Mr Bean »

Hmm your right Zoink short of a Transporter-mishap/tons of clones I don't see how SW could not fail to win this

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Post by Singular Quartet »

Actualy, their is a way to handle this entire situation. As soon as Jar-Jar shows up, the Borg attack the enterprise, and takes the chucnk of the ship containing Jar-Jar. the borg assimilate him, then immeidatly commit suicide to purge themselves of his thoughts. The cube's resulting explosion destroys the Enterprise D.

In the end, everybody wins. SW wins because they get rid of Jar-Jar. The Feds win because they get rid of Riker, Barcley, and all those other brainless misfits and outcasts. the SW fans win because JAr-Jar is dead. The ST fans win because Riker is dead.
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Post by starfury »

Everything goes swimmingly with the Gungan's visit to the ST universe, until Jar-Jar eventually fucks up some mission-critical part of the Enterprise and Picard decides to confine him to quarters for the crew's safety. Since Jar-Jar is "chamingly naive" (i.e thick as two short planks coated with extra-thick pigshit) he'll regard the two security guards armed with standard phasers as a threat to his life, and will then run amok, flailing desperately to escape his assailants. This results in "slapstick humour", as Jar-Jar's antics "hilariously" result in him running free for hours and hours, the security forces being knocked over, having thier boots stuck to the floor by glue, trapped between floors, crushed by specious hydraulic pressing machinery, etc. As there are a lot of gullible 5-year-olds with Jar Jar rucksacks in the audience demographic, the character-shield demonstrated in TPM's climatic farrago will keep him safe though all kinds of warp-core and plasma-conduit related hi-jinks.
We never get to see the end of the episode, however, because the transmission is interupted by a newsflash about the thousands of ST fans and other innocent viewers worldwide, all simultainously blowing their brains out with Bulldog .44s.

that is so beautiful, LOL. die Ja Ja and feddie wimps.
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Post by Vertigo1 »

Jar Jar appears aboard the Enterprise and all of a sudden, gets his tongue stuck to an EPS tap, killing himself instantly.

Trekkies and Warsies alike rejoice and hold a huge ass party, music by ewoks banging on stormtrooper helmets. :D
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Post by Lord_Vader »

Troi tries to counsel Jar Jar and figure out why he acts so dumb. Troi gives up and commits suicide. Jar Jar decides to try to play football with the dilithium crystals...as a result of his tampering the already unstable warp core explodes killing everyone.
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Post by Lusankya »

Actually, I think Troi would like Jar-Jar. She's find him "endearingly naive".
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Post by Mr. B »

Jar-Jar becomes best friends with Barclay and Weasly. Their hilarious adventures becomes a new ST series. At word of this the universe implodes on itself due to the rift in sanity.

Jar-Jar is kidnapped by (villan of week) and is held for ransom. However the kidnappers do not realize that they don't want him back and he is sold into slave labor to the Cardassians. Where he is killed on the spot.

Jar-Jar wanders about the E-D and finds himself in the Engineering section. He opens his mouth and the Warp Core explodes.

Jar-JAr is sent on a diplomatic mission to the neutral zone with Riker, Deanna, and Data. At the moment of lasting peace with the Romulans he trips on his feet and lands in the lap of the head Romulan. This causes war that destroys the Federation.

Jar-Jar is transferred to Voyager where he is made into a tasty stew by Neelix on "accident" the ensueing food poisoning kills the entire crew.
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