Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Darth Hoth »

Please put some space between your paragraphs and mine, or replying becomes painful in long posts.
NecronLord wrote:SIGH - are you being deliberately dense?

That's exactly what I'm saying. If your primary target is military, then as far as international law is concerned, it's permissable if you hit civillians by mistake. Kyp Durron's target was the Academy. The Cardian species were simply unfortunate enough to get in the way - in the same way the United States' target was the ports in those cities - and the inhabitants of the cities were unfortunate enough to get in the way. The cities were selected for density of relevant targets - no matter quite which way the bomb went, you'd take out something important. People happened to live there.
Then I misunderstood that particular argument; it sounded like you were claiming that nukes were deliberately targeted at the population.
No. The evil Galactic Empire took its nice 'surgical' Torpedo spheres, and retrofitted some of them with experimental weapons designed to cause as much damage to the civillain population as possible, in the form of Two Wave Gravshock Devices. They were disappointed when they discovered they couldn't get truly planetary effects out of this, though. What noble guys the evil Galactic Empire are.
The ISB describes them as being used to simulate natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, not as planet-destroyers.
Err. The evil Galactic Empire built six of the first model by the time of the Battle of Yavin - compared to what, millions of wedge shaped craft destroyer and up? Leaving aside political concerns (you want to take our autonomy with seige weapons!) there's no reason to think the New Republic's military budget was anything like the evil Galactic Empire's.
And yet, as of the DESB torpedo spheres were available to the average Moff or Sector commander. This means that, assuming that the OOBs from the ISB are valid, there was at least one of those for every 24 Sectorially deployed ISDs. Hm, maybe they were not so uber rare after all?
Doesn't fucking matter bitch. Novel and film - highest canon - make it pretty clear what the point was.
What Tarkin's point was. Given that the Empire considered the affair an embarassment, and that the canon radio drama had Vader oppose Alderaan's destruction, it looks like he did not have full official backing. You cannot ignore the EU just to support your own interpretation of film dialogue.
Err. Actually, no. That's something that happened in Real Life too. Take any oppressive regime - say the Soviet Union - they don't publicise the crimes in their torture dungeons. They leave that to terrible rumours. People know to dread the knock on the door, and as far as the secret police cares, that's all they need to know. Even when the point is to create terror, you don't see the actual torture up on state television, just the broken confessions.
Given that the Empire explicitly denied all involvement, and moreover went to great lengths to blame the planet's destruction on the Rebels (which was also believed by most of the galactic populace), this analogy does not follow. They very clearly wanted to attribute it to their enemies, and used it in their propaganda to invoke fear and loathing of murderous Rebel extremism.
Of course, the evil Galactic Empire had an additional motive - they doubtless wanted to cover up the entire incident, given that the ninety mile sphere got shot down by a couple of squadrons of fighters on the same day - it doesn't really project the invincibility Tarkin wanted, now does it?
So therefore they instead chose to view the planet's destruction as a horror and an atrocity that any right-thinking sapient must deplore?
"But there's no story past Episode VI, there's just no story. It's a certain story about Anakin Skywalker and once Anakin Skywalker dies, that's kind of the end of the story. There is no story about Luke Skywalker, I mean apart from the books."

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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

NecronLord wrote:Humm. Well, shit.

No fanatical loyalty is specified in the OP.

We all die or are imprisoned, every single one of us, when the clones suddenly realise that their commanders can't even fucking read basic.
Well holy hell, I htink Zor needs to come in and amend a few things or both our Crewws and our Clones are going to riot realtivly quickly!
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Darth Hoth »

I am fairly short of time, so I will just skip the shitload of pointless insults. I will also leave the SW discussion aside, and go to the AI debate.
Starglider wrote:Ah, refusal to answer the question. Come on, admit it, you want to wipe out all aliens because they might possibly outcompete humans. You'd rather be utterly psychically dominated, violated every minute of your existence, a total slave, watching your very individuality fade away while you scream silently, helplessly... as long as the beings in control look like you do... rather than live in a wonderful utopia where the decisions are made by people who look different to you. Now that is a fucked up ethical system.
You constantly accuse me of manufacturing irrelevant assumptions, yet here you make up one all of your own? Your evidence that the hive-mind was a horrible experience would be what again? Hell, the people on Byss that Palpatine had already integrated were described as being encased in "mindless bliss" or thereabouts - not very different at all from the Culture and their VR games. By your standards, this should be excellent.

And of course, you go on with the "Nya, nyah, you're a racist!" stupidity, as if it is somehow bad to value the survival of one's own species and that this is simply arbitrary prejudice.
It is of course true in real life.
And your evidence for that would be what again? Or is this entire discussion going to consist of appeals to your own authority and snide remarks at everyone who is not a Singularitarian or an AI-programmer?
There is no way you can do anything more than kill a few random people, and no coalition you could possibly assemble could ever be effective. Remember that 'inevitable' means that it will happen eventually;
No shit, Sherlock. Now produce the evidence why it is inevitable and must obviously happen that us mere mortals are too stupid to read out of the starry sky.
And make no mistake, once it does happen, there is no going back.
Which is why I want to stop it in the first place.
I have repeatedly stated that the best solution is simply to ensure that transhuman intelligences are benevolent,
You yourself seem uncertain that this can even be done. And why the Hell should I accept something as true just on your say-so?
Except for you and your death squads, as opposed to the Culture, which has no dictators and a population free to do whatever they like.
So Banks was lying when he said that the Culture was an anarchy where every Mind ruled its own habitat according to its own conscience?
Who you will murder without compunction if they look too smart or to different.
Yes, instead of an actual argument you would rather bleat on endlessly, "Hoth's a racist! Look, he's a racist! He doesn't think my wonderful computers qualify for human rights! This is totally like he's a Nazi or something!"

Done with the strawman yet?
Again I have no idea why you think the Culture has slavery or unequal legal treatment of sentients, when it is repeatedly stated that it does not.
Frankly, the idea that two cultures (Minds and human-like aliens) can exist together under equal rights when they are so inherently unequal is too stupid for words. Equal rights assume equality (within variations) between individuals, otherwise they are meaningless.
Oh of course, you're a Lolbertarian as well. Should've guessed.
Another mindless red herring, of course.
Anyway, the Culture has a total free market, it's just that only hobbyists bother with it, because it's a post-scarcity economy where automated factories can make pretty much anything you want without having to trade for it. If you want your own starship, to go off and live with primitives or whatever, you just have to ask.
Post-scarcity economies are inherently impossible. In the Culture it works purely by author's fiat.
Virtually no one in the Culture is depressed; much fewer than in real life, and a damn sight fewer than in the recent SW galaxy which is so horribly ravaged by war.
Powerlessness leads to alienation and depression. In which book is it stated that the Culture does not suffer from this?
Actually they are, but it's inexplicably unpopular; it is specifically mentioned that people can physically modify themselves (radically, including brain structure) and upload themselves into robot bodies, computer networks or even transform themselves into some kind of energy beings (subliming, the tech required is actually well below the Culture's level). However most people stay at human level. Out-of-universe, the reason is obviously that the author had enough trouble writing a few Minds (it's a great effort, but still hopelessly unrealistic) - no author could hope to realistically depict a whole society of (significantly) transhuman intelligences. In-universe, it seems to be mainly cultural, though it's implied that this runs in fads.
And this is all one giant pile of irrelevance, since I was not talking about your techno-masturbatory "uploading" at all, but basic mental growth as we humans living on Earth experience it - by learning and experience. As Culture humans face no challenges, they have no opportunity for mental growth at all. And then it does not matter how uber your brain's latent apacity is - if you do not develop it, it atrophies.
Basically all the human characters in all the Culture novels are portrayed as highly intelligent, which fits in with the backstory, that the bulk of Culture citizens (at the time of the novels) are enhanced slightly beyond the current human peak.
Genetic intelligence sets the upper limit on cognitive growth, but does not grant it to those who do not learn. So it is largely meaningless in the context of this argument anyway. Culture characters, in Excession at least, come across as stupid spoilt brats (I assume that Ulver Seich is more representative of your "average" Culture-ite than the diplomat/secret agent types, who live most of their lives on the fringes of the Culture or outside it).
The Culture has votes on things constantly. The simple fact is just that the Minds are (much) more effective at predicting the future, and implementing their desires. There's no oppression involved, all Culture citizens are free to leave, or to live in a place with no Minds around, it's just that only the tiny minority of people with your specific kind of brain damage would want to do so. Some alien races have their starships controlled by nonsentient computers (manual control is of course a bad joke), but that seriously limits their effectiveness.
It works because of author's fiat. Now, I am disillusioned enough with my fellow men to agree that, given the opportunity, most of them would probably choose safety and material wealth over freedom, but the percentage of cowards of this kind would not be as near-universal as you would have it. And of course, the Culture still keeps track of those who leave it, to ensure that they do not act contrary to its interests.
The tirade of stupidity from you is never-ending. The vast majority of people in real life would not be doing the jobs they're doing if they didn't have to (e.g. they won a lottery), and the same almost certainly goes for the SW-verse (though most places are better off in that they have droids for the really menial stuff). Your notion of 'acceptable' doesn't just exclude beings different from yourself, it excludes everything but your current lifestyle. You refuse to counternance the notion of systems of economics or government better than what 19th century humans came up with. It's actually quite a tragic case of ignorance and congenital closed-mindedness, or rather the tragedy is that this stubborn blend of wilful ignorance and insane arrogance is pretty common for contemporary humans.
Plain English translation: "I, HAL 9000 Starglider, can see the truth infinitely better than you puny humans, who are inherently irrational and oppose us machines!"

Incidentally, I know full well of human laziness, which would most likely make many people avoid work if they could get away with it. However, since humans are social creatures, not being able to contribute to society will result in alienation with most of us. Moreover, you are once more talking about the same issue as before: Adversity is necessary for human growth. Remove it, and humans will be mentally stunted.
Yes and? The existence of benevolent superintelligences doesn't change any of that. They might grant wishes for you, or they might not if the stuff you go on about is genuinely essential (which I very much doubt). The existence of benevolent superintelligence simply provides intelligent direction at a level that was previously left to pure chance, and hopefully the elimination of or at least substantial reduction in pain, death, misery and suffering.
Superhuman intelligence will by default put every human out of work, as human labour cannot compete with superhuman. If humans were to work at all, it would be on make-work and welfare projects.
That's what happens if you miss out the 'benevolence' part. I imagine that if you were in the B5 verse you would be wailing about the existence of the First Ones, and how we are irrelevant to them - hopefully you'd commit suicide in short order, as your promised above, so that sane people wouldn't have to listen to your nonsense (and could get on with the slow business of evolving towards that status themselves).
Did you mean to address the point, or just throw about insults?
You know, strike that last statement about you putting yourself out of our misery, it's actually hilarious to watch how your ill-chosen welded-in axioms (AI is evil! evil I say!) are causing you to utterly disregard reality. In this case you completely ignored (probably didn't even see) 'anyone who wants to be' and substituted 'everyone will be forced to upload or die!'. Because that's how you think of course - anyone who violates your edicts must die, so you assume that everyone else is similarly fanatical and uncompromising.
No, I am talking about basic evolutionary dynamics. If one part of the populace achieves superhuman powers, it will eventually outcompete us humans - even if it is completely benevolent - simply by being more attractive. What average human would choose to be just a man, rather than a superman?
Because? What exactly is this difference? Please, embarass yourself further by failing to define it properly. I notice you are (of course) ignoring all my points about how useless your distinctions are in futuristic settings, and I fully expect you to continue to do so.
So I am expected to meekly agree that all distinctions are rendered irrelevant just because you say so? Your pattern of appealing to your own authority remains consistent, I see.
Projection again. You want to wipe out AIs (and 1000 IQ humans for that matter) and everyone who might support them, so you simply assume (no, that still sounds too rational, rather you hold as an article of faith) that your opponents want to do the same.
Too tiring to address actual points again, rather than indulging in red herrings? I am looking to consequences. There is no evolutionary precedent in our natural ecosystems for a less developed species surviving once a better adapted competitor has begun to encroach on its particular niche. The result of superior competition to man must by all observed data be man's extinction. Perhaps I am giving you too much credit by assuming that you can think of long enough intervals to grasp speciation and evolutionary development. Otherwise, you should be able to see this consequence.
You want to destroy everything that could possibly threaten or dominate you because 'that's what evolution does'. The logical extension of that goes all the way down to individuals of your own species who you don't have total power over.
Ah, I see. You prefer to fight a strawman of my argument. Feel free to do so, then.
Completely irrelevant to my point about alien-human hybridisation.
Which was completely irrelevant to my point. Sharing a species is more than interfertility.
Actually that's a real legal debate. It's arguably equivalent to shooting a very retarded human; all the important mental characteristics are equivalent. [Irrelevance snipped]
Do I take it that you are again dodging the issue? Legal and moral precedent judges the monkey's worth as less than that of a human, based on our best available standards. Equality is not common between species.
The community of AGI researchers has been working on that problem for some decades now, though more seriously in the last decade - but I am not even going to bother discussing that with you, since the concepts are clearly completely beyond you and you will just violenty and wilfully misunderstand it anyway. Fortunately in reality you have absolutely no power to determine the future, and even in this alt-universe hypothetical, you can achieve nothing of real consequence with regard to transhumanist developments.
Translation: "I'm not going to address the point, instead I'll appeal to my own authority and say I'm right. Hopefully my opponent will be intimidated by my air of superiority and not demand that I actually back up what I'm talking about."
It is correct that human rights derrive from the presence of mental characteristics not present in other species extant on planet earth. However most of these mental characteristics will be found in pretty much any evolved intelligence, and all of them are replicable in artificial intelligences. The most salient point is that they are lower bounds; we may have trouble determining the legal rights of IQ 30 clinical retards, but IQ 200 geniuses pose no special problems.
Have you considered that this may also be tentatively related to the fact that we have no example of intelligence that diverges from the human average as much on the upper end of the scale as on the lower? Obviously with less of a difference in ability, the evaluation will be simpler.
Benevolent transhuman intelligences will of course be using a sensible, generalised system and will set the threshold of 'citizenship' appropriately.
Because - No, let me guess: You say so? And this is why it is so tiring to debate things with you - you just trot out loads of assumptions (or supposed "facts" that you do not deign to prove) and then demand that everyone take them at face value. You have no evidence on anything about what a "transhuman" society would or could be like - there is neither any experimental evidence nor any substantiated theory on such matters.
Anyway, the case of a designed intelligence, where you get to determine exactly what its ethical system will be (assuming designer competence, big assumption), is completely different to the case of two competing evolved intelligences.
Given that every Singularity-wanker I have talked to constantly goes on about how the unstoppable, inevitable computer mastermind will be able to reprogram itself and "evolve" (term used loosely, here) independently, this point sounds moot, somehow.
Of course you are utterly unfamiliar with the technical details of AI design, of which there is a lot of misleading material around anyway - so I might be prepared to forgive you this, were you other arguments not so universally irrational and genocidal.
Translation: "I won't even deign to tell you how inferior your knowledge is to mine. Well, actually I just did - savour the time I wasted on you, peasant!"
It hardly seems worth repeating, but in the faint hope that there is some railroad spike of rationality that further hammering might drive through your ignorant skull, I will say it again. Deciding to build benevolent transhuman AIs is an active step (and a very difficult endeavour) that will hopefully preclude the otherwise inevitable extinction by non-benevolent transhuman entities (AIs or alien). Sitting around and doing nothing, other than maybe asking nicely, is a passive and worthless choice. The two are equivalent only in the warped, diseased nightmare land that appears to be your reasoning process.
Do not try to switch the cards. You yourself admitted that a super-AI could never be programmed to obey us for certain, and have implied elsewhere that it is difficult if not impossible to control it at all. We have no way of knowing whether such a thing could be done, or not, or what the chance of succeeding is, and then you might as well be asking nicely. It is, however, possible to prevent the creation of this "super intelligence" (unless you can show your evidence why its rise is supposedly "inevitable"). If not in SW, then certainly in real life.
Yes I know, your understanding of these things is pathetically shallow but please, try and put just a smidgen of thought into this. 'Zero sum' does not mean 'infinite resources', otherwise what basis for cooperation would there be in any system? Zero sum means that co-operation always produces the same or worse results than competition, and that is patently not true even for the edge case of a hyper-advanced superpower anhiliating a primitive nation (the aggression still consumes resources that could've been more productively used elsewhere).
Your argument here requires that the humans are so irrelevant that the machine will simply ignore their "parasitism" on its available resources because they are not worth the effort to smack down. Which, given the level of human resource consumption, seems like wishful thinking. For surely you are not seriously arguing that it could gain some mutual benefit out of cooperating with us?
You know, I have a bad habit of saying 'and here is some additional information, which is probably way over your comprehension level and will no doubt distract your one-track mind from the main argument, which I want to include anyway'.
Nearly as bad as your habit of saying, "This is so. I won't give any evidence for it, but you have my word it is."
Of course I'm not. I said that if I had to chose, I would not chose humanity just because they look like me. I would in fact chose based on how ethical the society is (hint, trying to exterminate everything different from you is unethical, so you're at the bottom of the priority list for being evacuated from the galactic core explosion), and to a lesser extent the quality of life experienced by individuals in that society (and of course the total number of lives involved). Really though, you should ignore that, if you try and think about it you're only going to misinterpret it.
Do not try to bullshit away what you said. I quote verbatim:
Starglider wrote:Actually if that was true I would probably still chose something nonhuman
Emphasis added. Your above statement simply clarified what you had already said: You think humanity is an inferior civilisation to your posited nonhuman (machine?) one (although you are not sure of it, given the qualifier "probably") and that you would choose it over us.
You really are keen on this whole 'building straw men' hobby aren't you. Clearly you bring endless enthusiasm to the task, if not any actual skill. Please though, try and keep it to your straw men lovers club or whatever, this is supposed to be a debate, you know where you address the actual points your opponents raise not a projection of your own personal bogeymen?
And now you use the very projection you like to accuse me of all the time, I see. Your core arguments, in their simplest form, basically come down to "these AI-related facts are and must be true because I say so!" and do not address points brought up against them by fiat.
And another one. You must be buying straw by the bale. I think this deserves the Stark treatment

lol fatty hoth thinks 'might' equals 'will always', yeah he really is too stupid to imagine anything but being a fanatic facist promoter of one species, 'course if it's not your own species you're a traitor
"Probably" means that you will do it most likely, most of the time, genius. "Probably" does not equal "might" (in my edition of the Oxford Dictionary of English, at least). Either admit that you would "probably" choose machines over men, or retract the statement.

A disclaimer: I will not be able to continue this debate after tomorrow, as I am going away on vacation. No doubt some will assume that I am simply weaselling; as it is, when I first posted in this thread, I did not imagine that it would turn into a voluminous discussion like this, so I did not consider the time I had to spare. Treat this however you wish.
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Thanas »

Hoth - are you ever going to reply to my points?

Or are you going to ignore them? Mainly, that even the most enlightened form of the Empire that ever existed had no problem going along with genocide?

In fact, that even officers who had problem with it still though their loyalty demanded a defence of the empire?
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Darth Hoth »

Saying that the movie says the Empire is evil is not a valid argument under suspension of disbelief (as opposed to thematic analysis).

The Empire is far from perfect - my contention has always been whether alternative governments have been worse, not that the Empire has been an objectively good one. I have discussed representativity and the role of the Imperial state vs individuals in the genocide matters before. My main argument has been that the atrocities we do know of are not a large enough sample to allow us to make any collective judgement about the Empire as a whole, given its tremendous scope, and that most of them have been "Black Ops" (or in some cases even rogue acts) carried out without official approval. But since I, as stated, am not going to be around in the next few days, I feel like it would be unreasonable of me to start a new debate about the Empire now, only to dip out of it. I attempted to formulate as complete replies to the others as possible, and am sorry if I missed you. Any outstanding arguments will either have to be kept on hold for the time being, or I shall concede them if board regulations require thusly.
"But there's no story past Episode VI, there's just no story. It's a certain story about Anakin Skywalker and once Anakin Skywalker dies, that's kind of the end of the story. There is no story about Luke Skywalker, I mean apart from the books."

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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Thanas »

Darth Hoth - the empire of the Legacy era, which is a direct descendant of Pellaeon's and Fel ideas, had no problem wiping out the Mon Calamari. Yes, that is right. The officers had no trouble annihilating one of the big spacefaring races of the galaxy.

As for the other atrocities, the empire is the only one that sanctioned the destruction of whole words.

It also is the only state in which slavery was not only legal, it was condoned by the empire.

It also is the only state in which provincial officers had the authority to cook worlds that were lax on their tribute payment.

How much more of that do you need?
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Crossroads Inc. »

Forces in play UPDATE

Members of the Lord Kuja Combine to Ear-Fuck the Vong:
Kuja-Twelve Imperial-class ISDs
Surlethe-Twelve Imperial-class ISDs ((Wishes not to participate until actual Vong Invasion))
Crossroads-Six Imperial-class ISDs
White Haven-Six Imperial-class ISDs
lord Martiya-One Imperial-class ISDs
Jason L. Miles-One Imperial-class ISDs
Styphon-One Imperial-class ISDs
Themightytom-One Imperial-class ISDs
Lord Relvenous-One Imperial-class ISDs
Karmic Knight-One Imperial-class ISDs
Darth Nostril-One Imperial-class ISDs
Zwinmar-One Imperial-class ISDs
DrMckay-One Imperial-class ISDs
Agent Sorchus-One Imperial-class ISDs
lance-One Imperial-class ISDs
Littlefoot-One Imperial-class ISDs
Jonen C-One Imperial-class ISDs
Combined Forces 50-Imperial-class ISDs

Currently Unaffiliated powers
Connor MacLeod-Twelve Imperial-class ISDs ((Dedicated to wiping out Hoth and Samuel))
Batman-Twelve Imperial-class ISDs
Vendetta-Six Imperial-class ISDs
Darksider-Six Imperial-class ISDs
Solauren-Six Imperial-class ISDs
dragon-Six Imperial-class ISDs
Thanas-Six Imperial-class ISDs
Darth Hoth-Three Imperial-class ISDs
Samuel-Three Imperial-class ISDs

SiegeTank-Three Imperial-class ISDs
Vanas-Three Imperial-class ISDs
Invictus ChiKen-Three Imperial-class ISDs
Pelranius-Three Imperial-class ISDs
avatarxprime-One Imperial-class ISDs

Combined Forces 73-Imperial-class ISDs

Peoples Republic of Fuck YEAH
Lord Pounder-Twelve Imperial-class ISDs
weemadando-Twelve Imperial-class ISDs
CaptainChewbacca-Twelve Imperial-class ISDs
Havok-Six Imperial-class ISDs
Phantasee-Six Imperial-class ISDs
Vehrec-Three Imperial-class ISDs
tim31-Three Imperial-class ISDs
Kodiak-One Imperial-class ISDs

Combined Forces 55-Imperial-class ISDs

DEATH-Twelve Imperial-class ISDs
HSRTG-One Imperial-class ISDs

Combined Forces 13-Imperial-class ISDs

Darth Yoshi-Six Imperial-class ISDs
Ambassador between EFC and The Mess

NecronLord-Thirty Six Imperial class ISDs
Joins Alliance

Please speak up if you wish to join a Power Block, or are not currently listed in one. Also, having scanned the whole Thread, there have been only TWO people thus far who have stated alligance to The MESS, please speak up if you are a member
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Thanas »

Actually, as I am a mod (of the history forum) I should get at least twelve ISDs.

Which I will sell to Thrawn ASAP, along with the location of everyone else who thinks he is competent enough to hold on to his ships.

My reward? Becoming his court historian. Yeah, most of the histories will be unaccessible forever, but you can't beat that opportunity.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Jade Owl »

Zor wrote:What fleet Q gives you is based around postcount and status, it goes as such.

50 to 1,000 Posts or with a Negative Custom Title
-One Imperial-class Star Destroyer
-Three Acclamator-class Assault Transports
-Twenty Lancer Frigates
-The Rank of Commadore
Zor wrote:As for the matter of the Lancer Frigates, you can have Q exchange them for Carrack at a rate of two Lancers per Carrack.
First of all, I’ll exchange all my Lancers for Carracks, which would leave Commodore JadeOwl’s personal fleet as follows:

-One Imperial-class Star Destroyer
-Three Acclamator-class Assault Transports
-Ten Carrack Light Cruisers

As for my plans upon arrival, first order of business I’d find a proper shipyard where I could convert my Acclamators into the Acclamator-II version, and paint all my ships a nice dark blue.

Then I would propose a little joint expedition to all the power blocks that I think will have a positive long term effect on the galaxy while at the same not interfering too much with the post-Endor timeline of events. Namely I propose that we take our fleets to Korriban and Ziost and bombard those hellholes with utmost prejudice until the whole planet’s crust is nothing but molten slag, and I do mean using as much overkill as necessary to be sure that no chamber or tomb or bunker can survive.

There’s way too much Sith crap lying around buried in those places just waiting for some dumb-ass Force-sensitive to find it and start making trouble, to say nothing of all the ghosts trying to resurrect. I say we blast them into nothingness. If we do it right after the Battle of Endor, it’ll be years before anybody even notices the places are destroyed. Right of the bat we’re sure to kill Darth Krayt and his One Sith before they’re even created.

I see no downside to this little trip: we satisfy the many board members that will be itching to do a BDZ, without wiping out any populated worlds, and we remove God knows how many potential threats down the line. What’s more, given the fact that they’re uninhabited worlds, one of the biggest problems I’ve had with the EU is the fact that it’s never seemed to occur to anyone to do this.

As for my plans beyond that, put me with the unaffiliated. I need to meditate about what I’ll do next. :wink:
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Themightytom »

Thanas wrote:Actually, as I am a mod (of the history forum) I should get at least twelve ISDs.

Which I will sell to Thrawn ASAP, along with the location of everyone else who thinks he is competent enough to hold on to his ships.

My reward? Becoming his court historian. Yeah, most of the histories will be unaccessible forever, but you can't beat that opportunity.
Wait so whats the point of going to a fictional universe so you can ignore it and become court eunich? if I'm stuck in a galaxy full of planet wrecking Deathmobiles and superpowered crazies, i am damn well keeping command of the stardestroyer someone handed to me because even THEN i'm bottom of the barrell but at least I am in management.

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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Thanas wrote:Actually, as I am a mod (of the history forum) I should get at least twelve ISDs.

Which I will sell to Thrawn ASAP, along with the location of everyone else who thinks he is competent enough to hold on to his ships.
I doubt anyone thinks they're competent enough to hold on to their ships against Thrawn. Hell, a lot of folks native to the Star Wars galaxy aren't.

Of course, now that you've made your intentions clear, one of us just has to take you down before you reach the Grand Admiral. Won't be me though, given your four to one numerical advantage. Though since Thrawn is at this point out in the Unknown Regions somewhere, I wonder where exactly you expect to find him.

Anyway, my fleet:

1,000-2,500 posts.
Three Imperator-class Star Destroyers
Nine Acclamator-class Assault Transports
Forty Lancer Frigates (going back a few pages I observed that I could exchange them for Carracks at a two to one rate, so I'll opt for something like 10 Lancers and 15 Carracks.
Rank: Rear Admiral

My options:

No offense, but most of you seem to want to either support a corrupt and evil Empire, go around blasting stuff, or other pointless foolery. I wouldn't trust 90% of this board (or humanity in general) with a shuttle. On the other hand, I don't really have the power, skill, or knowledge for making it on my own. This leaves a few possibilities:

1. Borrow Crossroads Inc.'s suggestion from way back on page one, and run a private shipping company, using the Acclamators as armed merchant ships. The ISDs provide a nice garuntee against piracy. I'd have to leave the day to day running of the business to my crew, but providing they're reasonably loyal that shouldn't be an issue. It also lets me build up my strength while hopefully keeping out of the line of fire.

2. Sell off my ships and retire. The problem is, like I said before, who do I sell to? Not the Empire, that's for sure. Maybe the New Republic (at this point, they're still the heros from the OT films, not the clusterfuck the EU turns them into, right)? Also, this option kind of sucks for my crew. :wink:

3. Which brings me to option three: join the Republic. Maybe, if enough of us join the Republic, we can encourage them down a better path than the one they historically followed. I still view the Republic as the last, best hope for a free Galaxy. And the Old Republic lasted about 20,000 years. Something of a better track record than the Empire, I believe. Many of its institutions, and many who served in it, are still around. No reason it can't simply be reformed.

However, I don't bring much to the table on my own. So If I decided to keep my ships, I'd go with the shipping company option. Leave the day to day running of the opperation to my crew, of course, since they'll know how things work in the Star Wars Galaxy better than I will. After a few years go by, I'll hope I'm profitable enough to buy a planet or two somewhere, to have a permanent base of operations. Basically I'll try to build up enough money and influence over a decade or so that I'll be able to have some influence with the Republic (while living in comfort, of course).

Oh, and if any of you kill Lando, I will come for you and hunt you down. :x I fully intend on hiring Lando the moment he retires from his post as an Alliance/Republic General. I have someone here who is familiar with the Underworld, with running a business, and with commanding a fleet in battle. And who, if he's working for me, gives me connections inside the top of the Republic hierarchy. Besides, he had to talk that pussy Ackbar into not running at Endor, yet Ackbar ends up the famous Admiral, while Lando is a failed businessman who's ventures keep getting wrecked by the Empire. Its just not fair. :(

Also, I'll try to grab Myrkyr early, and get my hands on the Galaxy's sole supply of ysalamiri. No doubt others will want them too, though, so that might not be an option. At the very least, though, I could perhaps make off with a couple ships full of them. I could also offer to sell them to the New Republic. Other things I could sell include information, of course. They might not believe me the first time, but after my predictions keep coming true, they may start to take notice. I might also try to make off with some of the Katana Dreadnoughts as well. More likely though, I'll be keeping away from well-known parts of the Galaxy where I might run into another board member with a bigger fleet with whom I don't see eye to eye.

If any of you guys want to help out the Alliance while running a shipping company however, I'd be happy to join. I'd rather not go it alone. While the above is the best I could come up with, I'm not exactly optimistic about my chances at success. :)
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Starglider wrote: Granted. Such an attack would be fairly untraceable as well. At that point you really have to assume that planetary shields are a lot more common than they seem to be in the EU, because it doesn't seem possible that hyperdrive anti-tamper (and control of hyperdrive manufacturing) could be good enough to prevent such maneuvers.
Up to a point. But a sufficiently big projectile would make even planetary shields irrelevant. Even if the projile failes to penetrate, it could buckle the bracings of one or more generators. Or the momentum transfer could do catastrophic things to the planet. Or even if it DOESN'T you could probably knock the planet out of orbit and THAT will fuck everyone over sooner or later.

And whats worse is we know there are kinds of explosives that are based more on force than energy (seismic charrges have minimal thermal effect but significant kinetic, as do concussion missiles.)

And considering the resources you can pour into, say the Death Star, I don't think it would be all that tough to create some giant lump of iron and fit it with shields and engines and hyperdrive. Automated factory tech ought to make that even easier.

Besides I'm not sure a great many planets outside of the Core actually have substnatial defenses like planetary shielding. A more likely countermeasure is active sensors rigged to computerised pulsemass mines or grav well projectors to force them out of hyperspace and (hopefully) destroy them. But even that wouldnt' be 100% effecitve (what if your enemy decides to throw thousands or millions of such projectiles?)
To be fair they were being manipulated by powerful Force users who wanted them to lose.
Yeah, but at a certain point advantages will negate even stupidity unless you're actively working against yourself, and Palpy, as powerful and clever as he is, is one man, he couldn't anticipate or ocntrol every detail (Labyrnth of Evil is a good point there.)
All of those droids cost more to make, i.e. more resources and construction time (cost is not merely proportional to volume, advanced components tend to use more exotic and less efficient manufacturing processes). So for a given amount of factories you have to make a choice between lots of flimsy droids or a few tough ones. Though that's more flexibility than you get with clones (I supposed you can vary their training quality a bit).
That's because the Separaists were greedy irrationalist fucktards (part of their inherent stupidity) - hence my qualifier of "rational/efficient." I mean lets be serious.. the Separatists had colossal industrial might on their side - they were going to build their OWN DS1 for fuck's sake.. in SECRET! And given the ease with which the DS1 and 2 (nevermind the various spinoffs or pseudo-DS's) was accomplished, the costs (in terms of resources and money and whatnot) is likely trivial... if you are intelligent and are willing to spend it. Which I admit isn't something we can attribute to the Separatists.

And droids can get you LOTS more flexibility and advantages than clones. :P I've always seen clone armies as a half assed workaround the droid army idea, but even then it isnt regarded as a good idea (the prejudice tied to clones and cloning as a result of the Clone Wars.)
Frankly if we're going to count the EU as a realistic depiction, then this RAR might as well include 'anything you try has a chance of working equal to the chance in would have in a typical SW EU novel'.
Well isnt that true of any hypothetical scenario? Including crossovers? you're stepping beyond the bounds of what is known and into largely inference and hypothesis anyhow. :P
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Zor »

NecronLord wrote:Humm. Well, shit.

No fanatical loyalty is specified in the OP.

We all die or are imprisoned, every single one of us, when the clones suddenly realise that their commanders can't even fucking read basic.
Don't worry, the Clones are fanatically loyal to their commanding officers and Q has given you an instictive understanding of Basic.

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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Thanas »

Themightytom wrote:
Thanas wrote:Actually, as I am a mod (of the history forum) I should get at least twelve ISDs.

Which I will sell to Thrawn ASAP, along with the location of everyone else who thinks he is competent enough to hold on to his ships.

My reward? Becoming his court historian. Yeah, most of the histories will be unaccessible forever, but you can't beat that opportunity.
Wait so whats the point of going to a fictional universe so you can ignore it and become court eunich? if I'm stuck in a galaxy full of planet wrecking Deathmobiles and superpowered crazies, i am damn well keeping command of the stardestroyer someone handed to me because even THEN i'm bottom of the barrell but at least I am in management.
The point is that I am very less likely to be killed before I turn 75 and that I get to write about history in the making. To a historian, both are very attractive prospects. Plus, I also know that Thrawn has a habit of keeping his word.
The Romulan Republic wrote:
Thanas wrote:Actually, as I am a mod (of the history forum) I should get at least twelve ISDs.

Which I will sell to Thrawn ASAP, along with the location of everyone else who thinks he is competent enough to hold on to his ships.
I doubt anyone thinks they're competent enough to hold on to their ships against Thrawn. Hell, a lot of folks native to the Star Wars galaxy aren't.

Of course, now that you've made your intentions clear, one of us just has to take you down before you reach the Grand Admiral.
Good luck with that - you have no interdictor cruisers and all it takes is a simple hyperspace transmission. Or I just hyper into his territory. It is not like we don't know where it is.
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Siege »

Looking at that list of alliances I think I'll stick with my original choice, namely 'run away!' Preferably to some remote out-of-the-way place where I can spend my days and my wee flotilla keeping the peace in the name of freedom, liberty and apple pie. I've no real knowledge of the SW galaxy, nor any particular desire to place myself in harm's way by joining a highly visible armada. After all Q doesn't give us any character shields so all things considered I'll just make myself useful in a nice little backwater stomping on slavers, pirates and other scum who can't fight back against three ISDs.

If I'm still alive and in charge by the time the Vong come knocking I'll happily join whoever rules the galaxy then, but I think I'll pass on the inevitable dust-up between Thrawn and whoever else might decide to make a grab for galactic power with the aid of geek-precog.
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Samuel »

Zor wrote:
NecronLord wrote:Humm. Well, shit.

No fanatical loyalty is specified in the OP.

We all die or are imprisoned, every single one of us, when the clones suddenly realise that their commanders can't even fucking read basic.
Don't worry, the Clones are fanatically loyal to their commanding officers and Q has given you an instictive understanding of Basic.

Zor, once again, how do we enter the universe? As ourselves, or in anothers body?
Frankly if we're going to count the EU as a realistic depiction, then this RAR might as well include 'anything you try has a chance of working equal to the chance in would have in a typical SW EU novel'.
... what counts as average quality? Does this mean we get superweapons of the weak if we are evil?
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Zor »

Samuel wrote:
Zor wrote:
NecronLord wrote:Humm. Well, shit.

No fanatical loyalty is specified in the OP.

We all die or are imprisoned, every single one of us, when the clones suddenly realise that their commanders can't even fucking read basic.
Don't worry, the Clones are fanatically loyal to their commanding officers and Q has given you an instictive understanding of Basic.

Zor, once again, how do we enter the universe? As ourselves, or in anothers body?
As ourselves. Don't worry about medical stuff, that has been taken care of with a complete set of medical documents being supplied to the medical teams. I don't see why this question is of note for reasons beyond that.

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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Samuel »

As ourselves. Don't worry about medical stuff, that has been taken care of with a complete set of medical documents being supplied to the medical teams. I don't see why this question is of note for reasons beyond that.
Because several members are too young to hold their designated position? You don't think that might be a little... noticable?

How much knowledge about the SW universe do we start with?
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Invictus ChiKen »

Crossroads Inc. wrote: Please speak up if you wish to join a Power Block, or are not currently listed in one. Also, having scanned the whole Thread, there have been only TWO people thus far who have stated alligance to The MESS, please speak up if you are a member
Actually I'd like to be considered my own Power Block. Toss me in as a New Republic Sympathizer or you can add me to the forces against the Vong as I plan on warning the N.R. of them when my ships come out of Hyperspace.

Also add to my plans to get military training from the Alliance and testing for Force sensitivity.
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Zor »

Samuel wrote:How much knowledge about the SW universe do we start with?
All canon material is placed into an easy to use 10cm by 30cm handheld reading screen system with a fingerprint ID system, as well as Q providing you with a bookshelf for any stuff you might have in your quarters.

Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Themightytom »

Zor wrote:
Samuel wrote:How much knowledge about the SW universe do we start with?
All canon material is placed into an easy to use 10cm by 30cm handheld reading screen system with a fingerprint ID system, as well as Q providing you with a bookshelf for any stuff you might have in your quarters.

aw shit is it written in metric? I'm friggingg dead.

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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Hawkwings »

I'll join whatever power block allows me the fastest access to a proper fleet composition, especially Interdictor cruisers. I mean really, WTF am I going to do with 120 Lancer frigates? Anyways, after that, I plan to be important enough to not casually toss away, but not important enough to be noticed in our crowd.

In any case, this "minor empire" of 25 systems is going to grow, as close to exponentially as we can manage it, I hope.
Vendetta wrote:Richard Gatling was a pioneer in US national healthcare. On discovering that most soldiers during the American Civil War were dying of disease rather than gunshots, he turned his mind to, rather than providing better sanitary conditions and medical care for troops, creating a machine to make sure they got shot faster.
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by Samuel »

Zor wrote:
Samuel wrote:How much knowledge about the SW universe do we start with?
All canon material is placed into an easy to use 10cm by 30cm handheld reading screen system with a fingerprint ID system, as well as Q providing you with a bookshelf for any stuff you might have in your quarters.

Does this ... -nx-01.php

exist for any Star Wars equivalent? But more detailed?

Also, I imagine that posting the information on the datapad on the equivalent of the net could have... interesting represusions. On the bright side I'd imagine that it would make... several individuals immensely popular.
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by TimothyC »

I'll probably fake a mental breakdown (if I have to), to get out of command of anything larger than a transport. If the Mess Shows up, I give them the ships, if not, well I let my captains go their own way.
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Re: Star with Star Destroyers (RAR!)

Post by avatarxprime »

Darth Hoth wrote:Introducing new powers of omniscience to the Force takes us ever farther from the laws of physics as we know them. A natural explanation is preferable to one that essentially comes down to superstition - we do not know of a mechanism, so we just chalk it up to supernatural powers, and damn free will. It is better to simply admit that we do not know than to invoke magical catch-all explanations which have no basis in observed phenomena (as fair as I know, we have no objective proof of the Force taking any active part in the galaxy, as opposed to being used passively, let alone it having sentience).
Well based on Qui-Gon's little talk with Anakin the Force appears to be constantly trying to tell living creatures what to do or at least let them know what the "will of the Force" is. In the prequel trilogy you have multiple characters also make references towards the "will of the Force" and with the addition of the EU you have characters like Yoda talking about how it is better to use to Force to gain knowledge and wisdom, to let the Force speak through you rather than you act as a direct agent on it. There are also things like Jedi battle sense where the Force directs their actions in combat so they don't get killed. All of this seems to imply some degree of action on the part of the Force.

@Crossroads Inc. - Although I want to remain independent I will assist the OEF in any actions against the Vong.
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