Dark Hellion wrote:I am going to crib this quote because I think it is exceedingly accurate. Not to deflect blame from men, but women are the primary motivating factor behind this drive toward nepotistic "beauty".
Nepotism refers to favouritism shown toward family members. What is "nepotistic beauty" supposed to mean?
While I don't have hard statistics, lets just look at a quick anecdotal rundown. Fat women are still get married in large amounts and churning out big fat babies. So not only do men still like fat women enough to marry them, they are having sex with them as well.
This doesn't necessarily mean the men found them more attractive than women who more closely approach the social ideal. It doesn't necessarily even mean men found them
as attractive. It might only mean the men found them more
approachable, because others were "out of their league". And of course, there's the fact that a lot of these women might have been a lot thinner when they got married. Marital weight gain is not an uncommon phenomenon among women.
Now we look at these so called "beautiful" women who have had large amounts of plastic surgery. Most are either single or purchased the procedures with help of their husbands. Thus their husbands married them before they were "pretty".
What the fuck? Your data point here is the fact that women who had plastic surgery are either single or married, since it stands to reason that a married woman would have purchased the procedure with the help of her husband. Well duh, no kidding.
All women are either single or married. That's a pretty weak hook to hang your argument from.
So, lack of cosmetic procedures are neither slowing men from entering long term committed relationships with women, nor stopping men from attempting to pursue lustful relations either (although to be fair if you gave a sycamore tits and a vagina a dozen men would be lined up to bang it). So the pressure for this beauty is not coming from a mating angle. Men aren't suddenly becoming unattractive to non-enhanced women, so the pressure must be coming from the other side.
Again, your chain of logic here is
really tenuous; you're drawing a straight line through a bunch of points which lend themselves to many other interpretations.
A woman who has a sexier appearance by widespread social standards has a better chance of being an object of desire by greater numbers of men. The fact that obese women still manage to get married doesn't change this. The fact that women who get plastic surgery are either single or married is ... well, it means nothing at all.
Really, in this situation I think the worse thing many men have done is to take the blame for the beauty culture that has emerged. This has deflected women from seeing it as a problem amongst themselves and instead kept them at each others throats with petty vindictiveness and constant needs to validate themselves via men finding them attractive, even though as said above men will find damn near anything with tits attractive to a degree.
Oh come on, that's just ridiculous. The idea that men are not applying pressure to women for their appearance is utter bullshit, and in fact goes against everything we know about sexual selection in general. The difference between men and women is that women tend to push
stricter standards on each other than men do (even going so far as to push certain traits which men may not even like), but men sure as hell do put pressure on women.
Even if she is not the most physically attractive woman in the room, a woman who is actually assured of her own sexual prowess is so much more attractive then some near-neurotic supermodel with a perfect body and the self-esteem of a 13 year old girl. This is what men think, and women need to get it through their heads and stop the obsession with fulfilling male fantasies, because most of our fantasies actually involve blow-jobs and sandwiches instead of Angelina Jolie.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but men who fantasize about (for example) obese women are a very small minority, which is why videos catering to that market are considered a fetish niche. Men are pretty selective about who they ogle.
Want to know the
real difference between male and female ideals of female beauty? Buy an issue of Glamour Magazine or one of those other glossy hair-salon magazines. Now buy a pinup calendar from a company which sells machine tools. Compare the two. Males and females both have their ideas of what women should look like. It's just that female standards are more unnatural than mens' standards are. If we want to get specific, we might note that the female standard of beauty is more youth-obsessed than the male standard; women in fashion magazines have every conceivable line erased (even things like smile lines) and they also have a more androgynous figure which, in many ways, more closely resembles pre-pubescent children than adult women. That is ... ahem ... not true of the women in the kind of pinup calendars you get from a company which sells machine tools.
Men: we want women with a well-developed hour-glass figure (note: hour-glass, not Bartlett pear).
Women: they appear to think they've been going downhill ever since they were 13 years old, judging by the standard they hold models to.
As for the big lips, let's face reality: a lot of men
do like the big lips. I once saw an entire documentary on one of those lifestyle TV channels about our obsession with womens' lips. The problem is akin to the anorexia example I used earlier: these women take something that they perceive as desirable (like fuller lips or a thinner figure) and they take it to absurd extremes because they have lost the ability to see themselves clearly in the mirror.