Edit: nevermind. WR helped me locate it. This can be deleted if a mod/Admin wants

Moderator: NecronLord
They scream too loudly in the warp and attract the random Khornate?white_rabbit wrote:Connor suggested an interesting point, that with the high density of psykers apparently on Cyrene, they didn't want to kill them off all at once. I only vaguely recall what Gabe was doing, but he basically goes down and gets an Angst refill from his dad, whom he probably shoots.
Your first hypothesis sounds good, and much more likely.Connor MacLeod wrote:Another possibility for the ground forces is politics. Reemmber that Exterminatus is a serious action and the High Lords view using it without good cause as grounds for elimination (wasting a valuable planet) - Inquisitor Kryptmann is one such example. The Ground forces may have been employed as a token measure to try to "re-take" the planet before simply burning it out. It can be considered, after all, a valuable world (to the Astartes at least.) and the Inquisition may not have wanted complications with an Astartes Chapter over torching one of its recruiting worlds.
He's a company leader and supported by Isador, who claims that the Blood Ravens stand with him. Might apply only to his company though.Angelos is only a company leader, and IIRC a relatively junior one at the point of time Cyrene is torched. Just because he's a Space Marine doesnt' neccearily mean that the rest of the Chapter will buy his story or his decision. for all we know it would have pissed off the rest of the Chapter since that ws a major recruiting world. The Astartes and Inquisition play politics as much as everyone else in the Imperium.
During a fight, Gabriel claims that he called the Inquisition along to Cyrene, and, coupled with various comments about how widespread the heresy was, it's likely he ordered its destruction as well.In this case, Angelos himself called in the Inquisition instead of trying to have his company do any attempts to retake Cyrene.. so it's probably his idea to have the planet burned.
From his references to Cyrene in DoW, it sounds like he ordered or at least agreed with the plan for complete destruction, and it weighs on his conscience though it was, ultimately, neccessary.
The mass driver rounds were "fashioned to look like ten tonne metallic statues of the Emperor". No mention of warheads (if any), just the design. The fleet was stationary in space, letting the planet's own rotation bring new regions into the range of their guns, although I didn't see any use of Exterminatus weapons after (just a "mere" broadside), although the opening paragraph mentions:Whilst this is going on, the fleet in orbit is slowly bombarding the planet, using the semi-famous 3 tonne carved Emperor statues as mass driver rounds. Basically they hold position and fire as the planet orbits, pounding every square metre to dust whilst ground troops murder people.
Then they blast it with exterminatus munitions.
The "bombs" may well refer to the mass driver rounds above, possibly implying warheads of some kind, but they do give us a lower limit on how Exterminatus operations are conducted (that is, slower, with no cyclonic torpedoes etc mentioned, etc etc etc). The idea of avoiding mass murder to avoid messing with the Warp might explain why, as mentioned above.Each bomb was... another hammer fall in the Exterminatus and destruction absolute of Cyrene's every living citizen
Thanks.Teleros wrote:First off, Connor see my PM about this. As for the other issues raised in this thread about the story...
Thats pretty much what I was thinking. He's supposed to be pretty important IIRC, but its still possible that anything he does will piss off the other Blood Ravens if he decided unilaterally. But even if we (and he) knows the Blood Ravens will support him fully, its possible that outsiders (EG the Inquisition) might fear his actions could have repercussions and seek to moderate that (or at least give the appearance of trying.) After all, we know that rampant extermination of planets is frownd upon by the high Lords (even when Inquisitors do it - see the Kryptmann example.) The Astartes HAVE to be political to a certain extent becase the rse of the Imperium is, but its likely that not many outsiders actually realize how different Space Marines are (the Inquisiton may assume, for example, that the Space Marines are as contentions as they themselves are.)He's a company leader and supported by Isador, who claims that the Blood Ravens stand with him. Might apply only to his company though.
In hindsight we know he didnt seem to get his ass kicked for it (save for his own whinging) but thats not something any of the people involved (Particularily the Inquisition) could know for sure.In this case, Angelos himself called in the Inquisition instead of trying to have his company do any attempts to retake Cyrene.. so it's probably his idea to have the planet burned.
From his references to Cyrene in DoW, it sounds like he ordered or at least agreed with the plan for complete destruction, and it weighs on his conscience though it was, ultimately, neccessary.
Which may very well reinforce the political angle, as it could be seen that the Inquisition is doing this, not Gabriel. While in theory the Inquisition is all powerful, its still accountable to others (the High Lords) and it has to play politics like everyone else. Burning the major world of a Space Marine Chapter has to be a pretty politically tricky move to do, Chaos or no Chaos.During a fight, Gabriel claims that he called the Inquisition along to Cyrene, and, coupled with various comments about how widespread the heresy was, it's likely he ordered its destruction as well.
Angelos probably didn't actually order the Exterminatus per se, but by dutifully reporting his observations (whatever they were) to the Inquisition, he basically damned the world.Teleros wrote:During a fight, Gabriel claims that he called the Inquisition along to Cyrene, and, coupled with various comments about how widespread the heresy was, it's likely he ordered its destruction as well.
There isn't really such a thing as a relatively junior Captain; from what I know a Chapter has only ten Brother-Captains, and considering he's Captain of one of the Battle Companies (Companies II through V), he's no slouch.Connor MacLeod wrote:Angelos is only a company leader, and IIRC a relatively junior one at the point of time Cyrene is torched.
Somewhat off topic, I had always thought that Exterminatus was the code-word for "destroy the biosphere totally" regardless of the method actually used.Each bomb was... another hammer fall in the Exterminatus and destruction absolute of Cyrene's every living citizen