My 40k miniatures (56K stay away)

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My 40k miniatures (56K stay away)

Post by Academia Nut »

So a few years back I got into Warhammer 40k. Some of you may know this from my writing. Well, aside from the literary aspects, I've also done a bit of collecting of the models, as they're fun to build and paint and look nice when completed. Over time I stopped this, but recently I've begun painting again.

The army I've been collecting are the Space Marines, my own chapter that I eventually settled on the name of Obsidian Hands for. Based on Salamanders geneseed, they too live on a volcanic world, although they take the theme a bit further with their armour meant to look like its made of obsidian, lava, and ash with plenty of metallic elements thrown in as well. A bit cheesy, but they look nice.


A quick overview of some of my models sitting on my shelf, with my many RPG books in the background. You can also see some of the unpainted ones as well. :oops: I really should get along to painting them.


My first attempt at a face, during the earliest phase when the colour scheme was still somewhat experimental. If you look carefully, you can see that the sergeant's chainsword has seen recent use.


One of my early favourites, here I managed to make this flame trooper look like he was fresh out of reducing enemies of the Imperium to ash.


I enjoyed how the plasma gun came out here. I also managed to pose the mini in such a way that there is a slight air of "Come get some" from the Marine. I suppose considering how plasma guns work in 40k using intimidation to reduce the number of times that particular gun is fired is probably a good idea.


A more recently painted (if not assembled) mini, this terminator is really rocking the gold, but I enjoy the metallics and the models come with so much bling already that its worth it to just go all the way.


Another favourite, the load out of this Captain might not be ideal, but he looks good. Its pretty much impossible to see in this picture, but I managed to get red ink down into the crevices of the aquila backpack, gives it more of a molten feel.


Hoo boy, here's the pride and joy of my collection, my dreadnought. The inscribed prayers and stories of the champions interred within this mighty war machine are only obscured by the purified ash of those who once stood against the Emperor at a distance, and the blood of those who stood against the Emperor up close. I also took advantage of the scenery base to produce a nice lava field effect. Also, if you look carefully on the back you will see that this chapter knows how to pay respects to the Omnissiah.

And now for my latest model, I have here an Eldar mini!


As you can see I've only painted the large sections so far, but I intend to make this a jetbike from Saim-Hann, the start of a fast attack army that is entirely mounted in transports or on bikes, just because. I've also learned my lesson on this one: paint these damn things first, then do final assembly.
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Re: My 40k miniatures (56K stay away)

Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Cool stuff - I love the ash effects. Glancing at the photos, at first I honestly thought the model was actually just covered in dust.
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Re: My 40k miniatures (56K stay away)

Post by Academia Nut »

Well... hehehe... I haven't worked on those models since late 2005/early 2006, but the majority of the effect is from the paint rather than the dust. Most of the other models though have about the same amount of dust, which mostly comes off while handling them.
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Re: My 40k miniatures (56K stay away)

Post by Bob the Gunslinger »

I really like the dreadnaught. In fact, I think I might steal your molten base look.

The only thing I didn't like about your painting is that you painted the white into your sergeant's eye instead of shading the region. It just bugs me because you shouldn't be able to see his eyes clearly at all, and seeing the white makes them look like big ol' anime eyes. And I hate anime eyes.

Good job on the whole, though. I want to see how that Eldar comes out as he may be your first model that isn't "dusty".
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