Starglider wrote:Stalin and Khrushchev were both keen on spectacular, empty demonstrations of military power, like the 100 megaton bomb design that was good for nothing except glassing Berlin out of spite.
Maybe we should have glassed a few cities like America did? You know, "out of spite"? Also, what's so "intimidating" in a 100 megaton bomb? It's unusable as a weapon. America on the other hand was keen on non-empty demonstrations of power. Which is more threatening - gigatons of usable nuclear ordnance, or one 100 Mt bomb which you cannot use?
Starglider wrote:the stated official policy of the USSR was the destruction of all Western governments
Really? Care to provide the relevant quotes from the USSR's constitution or any other law, or even any post-World War II propaganda pamphlet? That looks like bullshit to me - because it is.
Starglider wrote:You claim that the US should not have ABM and you should have. You did not put any time restrictions on that. Widespread deployment of a useful ABM would not have come until the USSR was well into its missile buildup anyway.
That's a load of bullshit and a strawman. I never claimed that - show me where exactly did I say that the USSR should've had an ABM system capable of negating a US strike, or any ABM system exceeding the treaty limits for that matter? "You should have"? Our ABM system was deployed in accordance with the ABM treaty. As for the US gutting even it's allowed ABM system, I never said they should've gone to such depths.
Starglider wrote:The USSR had massive conventional supremacy throughout the entire cold war (arguably not quite as massive in the 1980s).
Once again, so what, you hypocrite, strawmanning asshole? That has no relation to the issues you brought up (like ABM and civil defence). In what pertains to things like ABM and civil defence, they were a natural - let me beat that into your head - natural actions of a nation which has been under the threat of nuclear annihilation. Whether you want to admit it or not, retaliatory capabilities are critical to ensuring a balance of forces. The USSR lacked them, and thus invested in civil defence which made sense from a survival viewpoint. The USA for a large part did not have any looming threat of annihilation.
Also, the USSR had no naval supremacy so your bullshit is once again exposed in plain view. In a conventional war, the USSR had no abilities to inflict serious damage on the USA with it's forces. And the USSR airforce and navy were not superior to that of the USA or NATO for that matter.
So the only "conventional superiority" the USSR had was the land army, which is nothing but natural for a nation which has, let me remind you, 1/8th of land area of the Earth.
Starglider wrote:You could have scaled your army back
Hey fucktard, how about reading a fucking history book? You know, about cutting the military in 1946-1948 down from the 11-million to some 3 million. Later on, the Army was scaled up to 5,3 million by 1953, but by 1958 it was cut down to 3,1 million and it was planned to have it lowered in 1963 to 2,5 million (the CMC messed that up).
But guess what, that was not enough apparently. I guess the only level of Soviet forces you'd be content with and call it "non-threatening" would be zero, right?
Starglider wrote:removed the the knife from Western Europe's throat and the crushing boot from Eastern Europe's chest, but you refused to.
A lot of self-righteous bullshit from you again. Like I said, read a history book. At the same time as America built up gigatons of nukes, the USSR scaled down it's military more than 50%. At the point when America had so much nuclear ordnance it could basically excise every Soviet megapolis from the face of the earth many times over (and I shouldn't remind you what it would mean, because in such cold climate infrastructure destruction would lead to massive starvation and complete degradation of the population), the USSR was barely making it's first serial nuclear detonations. At the time when the USSR was building it's first, unreliable ICBMs, the USA screamed about a "missile gap" which was a blatant
Starglider wrote:In the mid 20th century US nuclear supremacy was the only check on rampant Soviet ambition and conventional superiority, and it was more than deserved. Don't try and pretend that you were the victims.
"Victims" of what? Once again, what's your problem?
You said that my position is hypocritical. In what? The USSR had ABM according to the treaty. Civil defence is entirely a matter of a nation's internal politics, and if the USA did a poor fucking job of organizing it, the USSR is not at fault here, sorry.
I said:
more confidence for the US military brass would mean more reckless actions would be possible. You disagree? You think the Soviet civil defence system or the Moscow ABM are somehow related to that statement, or making it "hypocritical"? Prove it, and not with that bogus bullshit whine of yours.
You think other nations don't deserve the right to excise USA from the face of the fucking Earth, but the USA deserves, at all times, the right to do so with other nations without fearing retaliation, and should deserve that at all times. You're no different from all the US jingoists who think that a nuclear balance is a bad idea, and unilateral-stike capable nuclear hyperpower is a better idea. You're the hypocrite. Either put up to your ridiculous statements, or shut up.
The US "second strike" capabilities at all times were more than enough to
deter anyone from anything even without ABM. Your whine about a very simple, history-proven fact which I noted, more confidence in defences leads to greater blunders, only shows how fucking dumb you really are.