Never takes long for nerds to bring up irrelevant stuff that somehow makes a point!SAMAS wrote:I dunno, ask Alpha Trion.

Moderator: NecronLord
Never takes long for nerds to bring up irrelevant stuff that somehow makes a point!SAMAS wrote:I dunno, ask Alpha Trion.
What the fuck are you talking about. There is an entire subplot about the military and ABs getting the shaft from Prez Obama because he, like everything else in this universe, is fucking stupid and sends in stereotypical douche Government Shit on Evereyone's Parade guy to "Shut 'Em Down!". He even got to relieve the guy from Vegas of command by ripping his patch off (Oooo how original) and then the guy from Vegas gets his revenge by dumping a completely helpless, unarmed, untrained, man all alone in the desert with no survival gear. Hate to break it to you, but guy from Vegas is not a main character.McC wrote:See, that's where you went wrong.Havok wrote:<snip> pointless (why did </snip>
Uh... Geeky conspiracy roomate/Sector 7 Jock strap/Presidential liaison.Who stayed with the main character(s) throughout, unlike the hacking subplot in the first movie, which was basically self-contained.
How is this a subplot?
Again, a scene involving other main characters.
What, being dead doesn't count?VF5SS wrote:Optimus doesn't really do anything in front of Jetfire that makes him stand out.
Yeah, it would've been cool to have Simmons watching Sam and being all Secret Agent Man, out of some fastfood delivery truck - when he's REALLY delivering fast food because he's been fired!CaptHawkeye wrote:Additional human characters were pointless, conspiracy room mate dude was annoying as fuck. I liked Simmons this time around, (for the most part, I really did not ever want to see his ass.) they should have just substituted him as "No. 3 human main" from the start. Instead, they tried to fix what wasn't broken.
Optimus did spend the last two years ruining Decepticon shit and getting lots of practice. Megs spent that time being dead, before getting some shitpiece Decepticon's body parts grafted into his broken-ass robocorpse.Yeah, the fight scenes looked and played out wonderfully, especially Optimus's (inconsistent) one man show against 3 Decepticons in the forest. I'll just forget he couldn't even beat Megatron in a 1 on 1 last time.But cool fight scenes don't equal a good movie.
Blasphemy. Megatron's clearly more bad-ass in TF2 than he was in TF1. He looks better, he's got a kick-ass one-armed fusion cannon, and he turns into both a jet and a Fucking Tank (TM). Triple Changers rule.Optimus did spend the last two years ruining Decepticon shit and getting lots of practice. Megs spent that time being dead, before getting some shitpiece Decepticon's body parts grafted into his broken-ass robocorpse.
Shroomy cleared this up for me... Sam used his piece of the All Spark on Jetfire.NeoGoomba wrote:If the NEST piece of the Allspark was enough to revive Megatron who had been dead for 2 years, how come the one Sam had wasn't good enough for Optimus, not dead for days?
Yeah I know. As soon as Bumblebee knew they were going to revive an unknown Transformer with the Allspark, you'd think he would have put a stop to that bullshit and just fixed up Prime with it.Havok wrote: Shroomy cleared this up for me... Sam used his piece of the All Spark on Jetfire.
Actually what happened is that Megatron tried to fire his fusion cannon at Optimus, but Optimus grabbed his arm and pointed it back in his face as it fired, blowing half of his own face offsmashed Megatron's face in and tore the Fallen's face off.
Is there a clear look at Megatron's "jet" mode? I thought it looked different from his tank mode. Nowhere near his original alt-form from the first movie, but yeah, the DK book said he was a Triple Changer.Megatron wasn't a tripple changer, he's literally a tank with wings
Oh well. I didn't like his Cybertronian Jet mode that much anyway. Tank is cooler, and it's more Megatron / Galvatron.Anguirus wrote:^ The DK book is wrong. It shows his movie 1 alt form as his third form. However, movie 2 Megatron flew to Titan as a "tank." Even if he had a jet form, he doesn't bother to use it.
Come on. In TF2007 Megs was all like "KAPLAH!" and "GIVE ME THE CUBE BOY!" and "SO UNWISE!" and proceeded to ruin Optimus' shit and would've so killed him dead if it weren't for those goddamn F-22s and maybe Starscream, and that goddamn cube.Vympel wrote:Blasphemy. Megatron's clearly more bad-ass in TF2 than he was in TF1. He looks better, he's got a kick-ass one-armed fusion cannon, and he turns into both a jet and a Fucking Tank (TM). Triple Changers rule.
And he has tank treads for feet. How awesome is that?
Optimus getting practice is fine without impugning Megatron's mighty mightyness.
The way Bee didn't speak once the whole movie struck me as weird, too, but I found the way he communicated with the radio charming enough to let it pass. Seriously, in his response to Sam's "if you hate me I'll understand" BB was far more endearing than the twins were for the entirety of the movie.FSTargetDrone wrote:I liked the movie just fine and I'll probably see it again. It may be silly, but my biggest problem was Bumblebee not talking. We got to hear a little of it at the end of the first film and there is no reason he couldn't have talked in the sequel, even mixing in radio speak if the desire arose on his part.
It seems like they moved that role of "unstoppable villain" from Megatron to the Fallen. I admit, Megatron seemed more intimidating in the first film in terms of "unstoppability".Shroom Man 777 wrote:Come on. In TF2007 Megs was all like "KAPLAH!" and "GIVE ME THE CUBE BOY!" and "SO UNWISE!" and proceeded to ruin Optimus' shit and would've so killed him dead if it weren't for those goddamn F-22s and maybe Starscream, and that goddamn cube.
In Revenge of the Fallen, Megs can't even slap Optimus around one by one and has to get Starscream and Blackout Jr. to help him out! What the hell, mang?! And even then he has to sneak up behind Optimus to ruin his shit, unlike last time where he could just punch Optimus in the face to make Optimus consider eating the cube himself. The only time he screamed anything was when he screamed "STARSCREAM!" and that was totally AFTER he got his ass kicked and his face blown off. MANG!
Sure, he did stomp on Starscream, but mang. Back in the first movie, he was goddamn UNSTOPPABLE.
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There was a clip of that scene that they released a few weeks before the movie. I think it was the Showest footage - should be on Youtube somewhere. Bumblebee did speak a line or two with Sam before Sam left the garage. Seems they cut the bit out of the final edit.Trogdor wrote:The way Bee didn't speak once the whole movie struck me as weird, too, but I found the way he communicated with the radio charming enough to let it pass. Seriously, in his response to Sam's "if you hate me I'll understand" BB was far more endearing than the twins were for the entirety of the movie.FSTargetDrone wrote:I liked the movie just fine and I'll probably see it again. It may be silly, but my biggest problem was Bumblebee not talking. We got to hear a little of it at the end of the first film and there is no reason he couldn't have talked in the sequel, even mixing in radio speak if the desire arose on his part.