Alyeska wrote:General Zod wrote:Do you even read what I write before you spew bullshit? Having a track-record of making shitty products and the occasional halfway decent machine is not "no good reason". Especially considering the amount of time it takes to dig through their mountains of shit before finding the occasional non-junker.
Disregarding known good laptops because OTHER laptops didn't work well does not qualify as a good reason to ignore the known good laptops. Rather then toss out the whole fucking thing, you can do some RESEARCH which anyone buying a laptop should be doing ANYWAY.
Because track-records apparently don't amount to anything in your world.
Oh, you think Dell has a shitty record and the vast majority of their equipment sucks. So you recommend to someone else, without posting actual evidence of suckitude, that they should stay away from every Dell laptop regardless of it actually being good or bad.
What evidence? Besides the history of using bizarre proprietary components, weird drivers, retarded technical support for end-users and bogging down their machines with tons of bloatware? There's literally mountains of evidence against Dell. But obviously that shouldn't affect someone's opinion on individual machines.
I'm going to say that LT Dan should get the laptop that suits him for the price, and do his research on what is available. If there are some decent Dell laptops, consider them. If there is a killer deal on an Acer laptop, get it. If the best laptop you can find is from Asus or HP, get it. I am not going to write off an entire brand because some of their equipment sucks. Your hate of Dells is so great that you would tell someone to forgo them entirely regardless of their actual worth. You've already made that abundantly clear. You don't actually care if the laptop is good or not.
Thanks for demonstrating that you don't actually read what I say. Perhaps you'll notice I wasn't blasting just
some of their equipment, but the
overwhelming majority of it. I've had to put up with a shitload of Dells and every single fucking one has some weird proprietary component or drivers that fuck with any changes you might want to make to the system, this isn't some masturbatory us vs them fantasy, so you're damn right I'll dismiss the entire company. But clearly my first hand experience with them isn't important.

"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."