Temp bans for Ted and Shep

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Temp bans for Ted and Shep

Post by AdmiralKanos »

OK, after the events of this weekend, it has become clear to me that at least two persons are bound and determined to be shit-disturbers lately. Ted and MkSheppard have been deliberately goading people, inciting hostilities, and otherwise disrupting the board. Neither seems to have any agenda lately other than to annoy people and get them up in arms.

However, at the same time, I recognize that both of them can and have behaved better in the past. They do not deserve permanent bans. However, a "cooling off" period might be a good idea, as suggested by quite a few people. So, this board will be free of Ted and Shep for a week.

Keep in mind that if they have a problem, they could probably try to get back in with a new account, but for their own good (and I hope they're reading this), they should both try to cool down themselves.
Last edited by AdmiralKanos on 2003-02-16 06:11pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I see no result coming from either.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Good, they both knew what they were doing and paid the price.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Yes, this has been a stranger than usual weekend. Well not really, they just acted the way they normally do, just more of it.
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

Yay! Lets get as many posts in about New York as possible without Shep bashing it! :D
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Post by AdmiralKanos »

IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Yay! Lets get as many posts in about New York as possible without Shep bashing it! :D
I honestly have no idea what the fuck problem Ted and Shep have with New York. I've only visited there only once, and it certainly wasn't the shithole that its detractors make it out to be.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Shep, I think, it's because he's from Maryland, and everyone I've met from Maryland has either hated New York, been an unhinged loon, a Confederate, or dead. In Shep's case, probably 'all of the above'.

Ted just hates New York because he's a knee-jerk anti-American who's bias borders on some sort of racism.
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Post by Kuja »

AdmiralKanos wrote:I honestly have no idea what the fuck problem Ted and Shep have with New York. I've only visited there only once, and it certainly wasn't the shithole that its detractors make it out to be.
Sometimes, it seems like everything Ted knows about people in the US comes from late-night sitcom reruns. His stereotyping is ludicrous sometimes.
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

AdmiralKanos wrote:
IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Yay! Lets get as many posts in about New York as possible without Shep bashing it! :D
I honestly have no idea what the fuck problem Ted and Shep have with New York. I've only visited there only once, and it certainly wasn't the shithole that its detractors make it out to be.
Me either, but I think it's most likely jealousy. I know this sounds really egotistical and arrogant, but frankly I think anyone that "hates" New York without saying why is just jealous. Just like you said, there is nothing seriously wrong with New York. This is what leads me to the conclusion that it's just jealousy. The thing I don't like is how the city is run, but a lot of cities are like that. It's one of the biggest, most populous, most wealthy cities in the world. And they hate it. Hmm....why not hate Hong Kong or Seattle or San Francisco or Tokyo or Los Angeles or Mexico City or Chicago or any other city? Because New York gets the most attention. It's jealousy.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

New York is cool. That's where I saw Han Solo in the flesh.
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Post by RedImperator »

HemlockGrey wrote:Shep, I think, it's because he's from Maryland, and everyone I've met from Maryland has either hated New York, been an unhinged loon, a Confederate, or dead. In Shep's case, probably 'all of the above'.

Ted just hates New York because he's a knee-jerk anti-American who's bias borders on some sort of racism.
Shep is frustrated because he's a hard-right conservative in one of the most liberal states in the Union (and frankly, he's got issues about Maryland even being IN the Union, but that's for another time). New York represents everything Shep hates about the East Coast liberal elite that have, in his mind, run Maryland into the ground. A lot of southerners feel the same way about the city--it's the heart of Yankeeland and the diametric opposite of the genteel southern ideal.
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by Knife »

IG-88E wrote:
AdmiralKanos wrote:I honestly have no idea what the fuck problem Ted and Shep have with New York. I've only visited there only once, and it certainly wasn't the shithole that its detractors make it out to be.
Sometimes, it seems like everything Ted knows about people in the US comes from late-night sitcom reruns. His stereotyping is ludicrous sometimes.
Ideed, and agreed.
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But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by Dalton »

Amazing. Just being either 1. gay or 2. from New York is enough to piss him off. I'm shocked. No, really.

Alright, alright, so I'm not surprised.
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Post by Kuja »

Dalton wrote:Amazing. Just being either 1. gay or 2. from New York is enough to piss him off. I'm shocked. No, really.

Alright, alright, so I'm not surprised.
And heaven forbid you're a gay guy FROM New York.

OK, that's my last bash for this thread.
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

LOL I bet seeing the gay parade in New York City is enough to give him a heart attack. :lol:
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

How long is temporarry. At least 3 months would be too short.
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Post by Kuja »

A week.
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Post by Nathan F »

Alright, now you are bashing Shep without giving him a chance to retaliate. That is somewhat cowardly, throwing punches while someone can't defend themselves.

Plus, RedImperator is right. Most southerners (including myself) don't really care too much for New York because it is the exact opposite of us. Just the same as they think of all southerners as illiterate, uncultured, hicks.
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Post by J »

IG-88E wrote:
AdmiralKanos wrote:I honestly have no idea what the fuck problem Ted and Shep have with New York. I've only visited there only once, and it certainly wasn't the shithole that its detractors make it out to be.
Sometimes, it seems like everything Ted knows about people in the US comes from late-night sitcom reruns. His stereotyping is ludicrous sometimes.
You know, I don't agree with some American policies and some of the things they've done, but to hate a country and its entire population for this is ludicrous. To bash the people of a nation because "they elected Bush" or that "Clinton had sex and lied" and other such stupid issues and then hold a rabid hatred for them is just stupid. It sounds like it's a crime to be American.

I've spent almost four years living in America, and you know what? It's a great country full of good people, it's a little bit different from Canada but I felt right at home there. I've been to New York among other places and I loved every minute of it.

I've lived in and been to more places than most people will in a lifetime, and everywhere I've gone there's been one constant, good people. Whether it be in small town Nova Scotia or Ontario, Quebec, Toronto, Ottawa, Kuwait, Nepal, Philippines, Princeton, Trenton, New York, and Boston among other places, I've always found that I'm surrounded by good hearted people. People are less different than you think they are, and it really is a small world.
Last edited by J on 2003-02-09 11:01pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dalton »

Unlocked and ruthless hijack HOSed.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

I missed most of what got them temp banned this weekend, but I saw how Ted was inconsiderate to Zaia. Hopefully they will calm down and be able to return.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

I wonder what Ted would say if he knew I was from New York City.
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Post by Sonnenburg »

NF_Utvol wrote:Alright, now you are bashing Shep without giving him a chance to retaliate. That is somewhat cowardly, throwing punches while someone can't defend themselves.
You're talking about someone who tried shooting a man in the back. He's never shown any problem with attacking people verbally or physically who can't defend themselves. This doesn't justify other people's behavior, but it does show the irony of the situation.
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

Dalton wrote:Unlocked and ruthless hijack HOSed.
I have a post in the HOS!!!
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Post by Cal Wright »

Sonnenburg wrote:
NF_Utvol wrote:Alright, now you are bashing Shep without giving him a chance to retaliate. That is somewhat cowardly, throwing punches while someone can't defend themselves.
You're talking about someone who tried shooting a man in the back. He's never shown any problem with attacking people verbally or physically who can't defend themselves. This doesn't justify other people's behavior, but it does show the irony of the situation.
Ahem. The only people that cannot defend themselves are Shep and Ted. Nothing is stopping anyone else from posting when one thier 'views' came into play. So, there is no irony here. Either way. I'm sure they can still read the boards and will be reading this regardless.

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