Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
Granted; in the situation you're describing, it isn't easy for these people to leave their countries... but it's still possible. Another point I'd like to bring up is, and this may be a False Dilemma (I hope not) -- MW has already pointed out on his "Failings of Communism" page why attempting to totally centralize a large economy is really difficult, to say the least. With a centralized government for the whole planet, you're sorta upping the stakes.
upping the stakes? is that like giving the government too much power? (sorry dictionary doesnt tell me)
Even if total centralization isn't implemented, the logistical requirements for a planetary economy, not to mention legislation, law enforcement
would the logistical requirements be higher than now? i mean they would be higher than the ones of a single country, but would they also be higher than the requirements of ALL countries on earth? i must admit that i have no idea.
(and with only one government, the distinction between police and soldiers would blur pretty quickly)
there wouldnt be any soldiers because the country wouldnt have to be protected from other countries because there are no other countries.
and all of the other functions carried out by any government would be overwhelming. You'd probably have to dedicate the entire resources of a single nation just to keep it all together -- or maybe not. I'm not an expert, just throwing in my two cents.
again, would it be spending more recources than what is spent now for holding together the counries?
Not to mention, how do you ensure that the guys we elect to run the thing don't become corrupt? 'Kay, strike that -- it's almost guaranteed that they will -- but how do we manage the people we elect to manage us? So far, we can't even keep the leaders of our own country from behaving like Caligula-wannabes...
hmm... i dont think that corruption grows with ruled land mass and population.