Ted: A Warning

OT: anything goes!

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Post by Rob Wilson »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Zaku-chan wrote: Is that why it seems like the whole board is up in arms here?
It kinda merged with whatever the fuck was going on in ATJ and AIIF, and Ted and Ando threw some insults at Kelly as well, then everyone pretty much exploded for a second time.
Thread link now! and what the hell was Ando doing insulting Kelly? I expect better of him! :evil:
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Post by Kuja »

Rob Wilson wrote:Thread link now! and what the hell was Ando doing insulting Kelly? I expect better of him! :evil:

Keep in mind this took place right after a thread hijack by Ted, so tempers were already short.

EDIT: this is Ted's hijack.
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

IG-88E wrote:
Rob Wilson wrote:Thread link now! and what the hell was Ando doing insulting Kelly? I expect better of him! :evil:

Keep in mind this took place right after a thread hijack by Ted, so tempers were already short.

EDIT: this is Ted's hijack.

Let it be known that if there are not some real heart felt apologys tendered by the gulty one(s) in due haste there will be hell to pay LT.Hit-Man style.
If anyone thinks I'm joking step up and say what you have to say but be cool about or you are doomed!

One very pissed off LT.Hit-Man
:twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Let it be known that if there are not some real heart felt apologys tendered by the gulty one(s) in due haste there will be hell to pay LT.Hit-Man style.
If anyone thinks I'm joking step up and what you have to say but be cool about or you are doomed!
What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like some sort of unstable loon.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

HemlockGrey wrote:
Let it be known that if there are not some real heart felt apologys tendered by the gulty one(s) in due haste there will be hell to pay LT.Hit-Man style.
If anyone thinks I'm joking step up and what you have to say but be cool about or you are doomed!
What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like some sort of unstable loon.
Blood seeking Dark Lord of the sith is more accurate while conveying the same basic idea. You might consider reading his works on the ASVS archive.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Blood seeking Dark Lord of the sith is more accurate while conveying the same basic idea. You might consider reading his works on the ASVS archive.
I did. None of them struck me as particularly well-written.
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Post by Kuja »

HemlockGrey wrote:
Blood seeking Dark Lord of the sith is more accurate while conveying the same basic idea. You might consider reading his works on the ASVS archive.
I did. None of them struck me as particularly well-written.
The point is, he's out for blood. Lots of it. A lot of the time.
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like some sort of unstable loon.[/quote]

WTF am I talking about, well since you asked I'll tell you.
! I'm a fairly easey guy to get along with, however no one and I mean no one fuck's with my friends and get's away with it, be it Kelly, Zaia Sheppard or whoever I consider to be my friend, fan fics are just one of the ways I have to pay someone back for fucking with my friends.
mind games and necromancy are a few others

As for me being a loon, let's just say I have been discribed as a well meaning, pleasnetly pervreted loony with a heart of gold :twisted:

Make of this what you will.
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Post by Stormbringer »

LT.Hit-Man wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote: What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like some sort of unstable loon.
WTF am I talking about, well since you asked I'll tell you.
! I'm a fairly easey guy to get along with, however no one and I mean no one fuck's with my friends and get's away with it, be it Kelly, Zaia Sheppard or whoever I consider to be my friend, fan fics are just one of the ways I have to pay someone back for fucking with my friends.
mind games and necromancy are a few others

As for me being a loon, let's just say I have been discribed as a well meaning, pleasnetly pervreted loony with a heart of gold :twisted:

Make of this what you will.
Well, LT, things are settled and justice has been done so no need for the black magic.
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Well, LT, things are settled and justice has been done so no need for the black magic.[/quote]

For you maybe but untill I am satssfied that the wrongs have been made right black magic, necromancy remain an option for me.
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" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by Stormbringer »

LT.Hit-Man wrote:
Stormbringer wrote: Well, LT, things are settled and justice has been done so no need for the black magic.
For you maybe but untill I am satssfied that the wrongs have been made right black magic, necromancy remain an option for me.
What more wrongs could there be?
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Stormbringer wrote:
LT.Hit-Man wrote:
Stormbringer wrote: Well, LT, things are settled and justice has been done so no need for the black magic.
For you maybe but untill I am satssfied that the wrongs have been made right black magic, necromancy remain an option for me.
What more wrongs could there be?
None but untill I see some apoloys made by the one(s) who did the worng to the ones wornged and belive then to be real I will not consider the worngs righted.
Brotherhood of the Monkey: Rabid Sith Monkey from hell.
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" poor bruised and mistreated? jesus Christ Iggy, you haven't been watching Voyager reruns again have you? " - Darth Fanboy
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Post by weemadando »

Rob Wilson wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Zaku-chan wrote: Is that why it seems like the whole board is up in arms here?
It kinda merged with whatever the fuck was going on in ATJ and AIIF, and Ted and Ando threw some insults at Kelly as well, then everyone pretty much exploded for a second time.
Thread link now! and what the hell was Ando doing insulting Kelly? I expect better of him! :evil:
I was trying not to insult Kelly, but her tantrums finally pushed me over the edge, especially when she attacked people for "forgiving" Ted when he had a tantrum.

Then Iggy and Stormbringer decided to play the knights in shining armour and it went downhill from there.
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Post by Coyote »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:So what do we do?

On the one hand, with have the ability of free speech at stake which otherwise differentiates us from other webboards. And on the other we have the fact that some people, no matter how much it hurts people and how many times they are warned, will voice their opinions even if they are derogatory and even racist or homophobic etc.

Do we moderate with extreme prejudice and outlaw such comments or do we ban or take action against the persons who cause such a ruckus?
I think our current system works. We pretty much allow people to say as they please and as time goes along, a consensus is built. We as a community tend to notice troll-ism and respond to it-- first as individuals in threads (Ted's actions with Zaia for example) and then alerting others if it persists.

People noticing possible troll behavior tend to ask others-- "Is this person a troll?" and post links or copies of messages. Others concur or argue, bringing up relevant points. Many of us act as advocates and try to see possible explanations for irritating behavior; others are natural prosecutors and see through flimsy excuses.

The end result is usually a consensus, tempered by past experience with the offender. DarkStar got no extra chances, Shep will be back with us because he has a track record of being a better person. But it is very democratic, and we only turn to the mods as a last resort. We also have titles and the Four Horsemen and HOS'ing to act as further crash barriers.

This is especially ironic considering the "intolerant" accusatory whines of so many Trektards and other assorted losers. They get booted as a result of a long process of benefit of the doubt, alternative punishments and hints, and finally democratic selection for expulsion. There is nothing dictatorial or tyrannical about it. A society has a right to define its limits, and we do so in an amazingly tolerant fashion.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Kuja »

weemadando wrote:I was trying not to insult Kelly, but her tantrums finally pushed me over the edge, especially when she attacked people for "forgiving" Ted when he had a tantrum.

Then Iggy and Stormbringer decided to play the knights in shining armour and it went downhill from there.
All right, Ando, I'm getting really sick of this. Get it through your skull: I FLAMED TED BECAUSE HE PISSED ME OFF. Not because he insulted Kelly. You seem obessed with twisting my words into making me a Kelly-apologist. I SAID NOTHING OF THE KIND.
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Post by Stormbringer »

weemadando wrote:I was trying not to insult Kelly, but her tantrums finally pushed me over the edge, especially when she attacked people for "forgiving" Ted when he had a tantrum.

Then Iggy and Stormbringer decided to play the knights in shining armour and it went downhill from there.
Frankly, Ted did that to maliciously hurt Zaia. That was no tantrum that was a cold and calculated move on his part. Given his other behaviour I see no reason for anyone to show that little fucker mercy.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

weemadando wrote: I was trying not to insult Kelly, but her tantrums finally pushed me over the edge, especially when she attacked people for "forgiving" Ted when he had a tantrum.
See why I hate the internet sometimes? People take what you say so wrong.

I was sick and tired of Ted's anti-American semitism. Plus, he fucking trashed Zaia's thread, without any thought to her feelings. He got AP's thread locked for his stupidity as well. If you will notice, that was the first time in a while that I've had a "tantrum" and I DID NOT SAY IT HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH MALES AT ALL. I got over it quickly.

And please, don't lump people into being "devoted" to me. They all have their own fucking minds.
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Post by weemadando »

Kelly Antilles wrote: See why I hate the internet sometimes? People take what you say so wrong.
*glares about*

Yes, yes they do.

I was sick and tired of Ted's anti-American semitism. Plus, he fucking trashed Zaia's thread, without any thought to her feelings. He got AP's thread locked for his stupidity as well. If you will notice, that was the first time in a while that I've had a "tantrum" and I DID NOT SAY IT HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH MALES AT ALL. I got over it quickly.
Indeed. But not before offending more than a few people.
And please, don't lump people into being "devoted" to me. They all have their own fucking minds.
Thats HIGHLY debatable.
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Post by aerius »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:So what do we do?

On the one hand, with have the ability of free speech at stake which otherwise differentiates us from other webboards. And on the other we have the fact that some people, no matter how much it hurts people and how many times they are warned, will voice their opinions even if they are derogatory and even racist or homophobic etc.

Do we moderate with extreme prejudice and outlaw such comments or do we ban or take action against the persons who cause such a ruckus?
It's simple really, and it comes down to this. Freedom of speech does not entail freedom from critisism. Yes one has the right to say whatever one pleases, but one has to realize that mouthing off like an idiot will result in negative consequences. What the consequences might be depends on the situation. So the key point is think before you post and don't act like a dick or you'll be treated like one.
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Post by Durandal »

HemlockGrey wrote:
Let it be known that if there are not some real heart felt apologys tendered by the gulty one(s) in due haste there will be hell to pay LT.Hit-Man style.
If anyone thinks I'm joking step up and what you have to say but be cool about or you are doomed!
What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like some sort of unstable loon.
I wouldn't cross the LT. He has the respect of a great deal of ASVSers who also happen to be well-known members of this boad.
Damien Sorresso

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Post by Coyote »

If someone is an attention hound-- and we've all attention-hounded from time to time-- that's one thing. It can be dealt with in a sane way. Even humorous, for those so inclined.

But Ted threw a personal insult at Kelly-- calling her a southern bitch with no real friends? Jeez, that would be above and beyond in normal circumstances but coming so close on the heels of his nastiness to Zaia (and his general record of being obnoxious and callous-- I recall a dead pet thread not too long ago...) I can see people raising their hackles about Ted. He's been consistently difficult and obnoxious.

WeeMadAndo's comment about Kelly's attention-hounding (as he sees it, anyway, I haven't) is his own personal criticism and pov; he has a right to it even though it may be unpopular. But Ando's comment in no way reflects the same level of callousness we've seen from Ted.

What is everyone smoking that makes them so hyper-sensitive all of a sudden? Aren't there enough real trolls that we must turn to internal bloodlestting to boil off some excess aggression?

I think we need the AIIF and ATJ back, folks need to turn their fangs and claws on worthy external targets.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

weemadando wrote: Indeed. But not before offending more than a few people.
All to whom I apologized. Yes, I actually apologized, unlike Ted, who lied.
And please, don't lump people into being "devoted" to me. They all have their own fucking minds.
Thats HIGHLY debatable.
Wow, you've really dug your grave.
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Post by Stormbringer »

weemadando wrote:
And please, don't lump people into being "devoted" to me. They all have their own fucking minds.
Thats HIGHLY debatable.
I don't agree with or think Kelly's behaviour is proper.

But Ando, fuck you if you think I'm some sort of mindless drone! I think Ted's an asshole for a lot of reasons. He was and is out to hurt as much as possible the female members that have turned down his harassment. The little fucker deserves no sympathy.
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

It's simple really, and it comes down to this. Freedom of speech does not entail freedom from critisism. Yes one has the right to say whatever one pleases, but one has to realize that mouthing off like an idiot will result in negative consequences. What the consequences might be depends on the situation. So the key point is think before you post and don't act like a dick or you'll be treated like one.[/quote]

Right on the money with that one after all you get what you give like I have said before and I'll say it to the day I leave this mortal plane
" You want to mess with me that's fine but you fuck with my friends and there will be hell to pay "
And if that wrong then I'm gald to be in the wrong Ando and how would lving by what I think is right make me a mindess drone?
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Post by weemadando »

Stormbringer wrote:
weemadando wrote:
And please, don't lump people into being "devoted" to me. They all have their own fucking minds.
Thats HIGHLY debatable.
I don't agree with or think Kelly's behaviour is proper.

But Ando, fuck you if you think I'm some sort of mindless drone! I think Ted's an asshole for a lot of reasons. He was and is out to hurt as much as possible the female members that have turned down his harassment. The little fucker deserves no sympathy.
Fine. But I don't recall ever defending Ted. In fact some of the things he's done have offended me too. We might share some common opinions but "my enemy's enemy is my friend" is not always the truth.

I really don't have that many issues with anyone on this board. Everyone is entitled to disagreements and to voice criticism and have criticism levelled at them. Unfortunately the flood of this over the past few days seem to have breached the threshold of many. Either this board collectively picks up the pieces, gets over it and decides to get a fucking grip or its going to fragment like a porcelain vase hit by a baseball bat.