The Battle Royal Act movie...

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The Battle Royal Act movie...

Post by generator_g1 »

Directed by Kinji Fukasaku

The Battle Royale Act was implemented by the Japanese government to control an unruly but powerful youth population in future Japan and is enforced annually. This involves the Battle Royale Survival Game, an event which requires one High School class to fight it out amongst each other on a remote island until there is only one survivor. They are forced to kill each other in three days and only one must survive or they all die.

Has anyone seen the movie?
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Post by Dalton »

One of the most messed-up things I've seen in my life.
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Post by neoolong »

Yes. Great movie, but seriously fucked up. There are some gaping plot holes though. I hope the sequel is good, too bad the director died part way through. His son is directing, at least it's in family. :)
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

Sounds sorta like Lord of the Flies. But the two aren't that similar. Just the part about the kids killing each other on an island.
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Post by neoolong »

IRG CommandoJoe wrote:Sounds sorta like Lord of the Flies. But the two aren't that similar. Just the part about the kids killing each other on an island.
The motivations are completely different. In Lord of the Flies, society degenerates into savagery. In BR, savagery is forced upon them. Though some try to reject it.
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

In LotF, savagery is sort of forced upon them by Jack while some rejected it. Piggy, Ralph, Sam and Eric rejected it while the rest accepted it. And how I remember their names so easily mystifies me. :?
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Post by neoolong »

IRG CommandoJoe wrote:In LotF, savagery is sort of forced upon them by Jack while some rejected it. Piggy, Ralph, Sam and Eric rejected it while the rest accepted it. And how I remember their names so easily mystifies me. :?
Only so much in that it broke down in the first place. The breaking of the conch shell symbolized the breakdown of society. And some went savage, while some tried to retain some measure of civilization. In BR, they are forced from the get go to be savage. And they really have no choice from the beginning.
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Post by generator_g1 »

From the trailer...

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building's Twin Towers (and a bunch of other buildings in Shinjuku) go down...echoes of 9/11?





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