1: a laser pointer: For time to time point the laser at the moive screeen and flick it on and off a couple of times and enjoy the rather lound complents from the other moive goers much better then THX ehnached sound.
2: a can of fart spray you can get this item at and good noivelty/joke shop and let me tell you a few spritz of this stuff will realy clear the place the best place to use the fart spray is in the bathrooms me and a few friends went into the guy's washroom and went into the stall farest from the door and sray about half of the can of fart spray in it.
That in it'self was a hoot but after I did it my friend went into the guys washroom and did the same thing but we negleted to tell eachother what we had done.
Needless to say at the point in time we felt it was time to make tracks and just to be a bunch of assholes we eatch went to the four coners of the theader that was close by the doors and used up the rest of the fart spray we had.
The flick we had gone to see sucked so we where bound and detremined to get our money's worth or enterainment.