No, he just winged him as he drove by so that makes it all better!weemadando wrote:No, but saying that he shot someone in the back is.

Moderator: Edi
Its possible that the father was in reverse going out of the driveway. At least, thats what would make the most sense to me.Sonnenburg wrote:I'm not interested in a flamewar, but I'm not going to in essence be called a liar and not defend my position. Unless someone can tell me how you can shoot at someone driving away from you and not be aiming at their back, I'm not going to just back down.Connor MacLeod wrote:Ando, chuck, lets knock it off. I hate Shep alot for what he did too, but lets not startt another flame war over it (if nothing, think of the stress it puts on the mods for having to deal with us. Or at least poor Mike.)
Not defending Sheps words. Just making sure that people realise that there was more than a little provocation.Shitty crap Google Groups link wrote:Oh yeah, just had to add this:
Right now, after the ten millionth post by you about how I am mentally
defective and need to be committed, I would be cheering if a escaped rapist
killed you, sodomized your kids mercilessly before killing himself as the cops
closed in.
So, reduce an argument about this to semantics.Stormbringer wrote:No, he just winged him as he drove by so that makes it all better! :roll:weemadando wrote:No, but saying that he shot someone in the back is.
I can't argue against that. Though I could engage my Scooter Algorithm alpha0.01 and try and argue AROUND it.Sonnenburg wrote:I will grant you that that is possible, depending on the position of the neighbor's house. I had visualized it as driving away in a forward direction. I just checked over my conversation with Shep about it, and he didn't confirm or deny it. However, since I cannot prove this interpretation is correct I will withdraw my statement and reissue it as: "He shot at an unarmed man." Fair enough?
Do you want the entire thread, Darkstar?weemadando wrote:Quoting out of context. Naughty boy Chuck.
*Shrug* Anyone who wants to read it is free to judge for themselves whether it was provocation.weemadando wrote:Not defending Sheps words. Just making sure that people realise that there was more than a little provocation.MkSheppard wrote:Oh yeah, just had to add this:
Right now, after the ten millionth post by you about how I am mentally
defective and need to be committed, I would be cheering if a escaped rapist
killed you, sodomized your kids mercilessly before killing himself as the cops
closed in.
He didn't *shoot* him, he shot *at* him. And missed.Stormbringer wrote:How is it semantics? SHEP SHOT HIS OWN FATHER!
If Sheppard actually aimed for his dad its unlikely he'd be alive. It would seem the judge and jury agreed giving how short his sentence was.Stormbringer wrote:Shot gun pellets entered his fathers head. Pellets from Shep's shotgun. That is shooting some one.Crayz9000 wrote:He didn't *shoot* him, he shot *at* him. And missed.Stormbringer wrote:How is it semantics? SHEP SHOT HIS OWN FATHER!
But whatever.
JFK wasn't shot. Some one just shot *at* him.
Well...R2-D2 climbed through my window once....(well, it wasnt my window per-say....but I was team captain and it was "our" room....).....and had a chat with Admiral Ozzel.....though that was at Loughborugh Uni not new york....Wicked Pilot wrote:New York is cool. That's where I saw Han Solo in the flesh.
Ah, so now you put the C.S.A. in the same line as Nazi Germany. I do want you to know that I take offense to that, seeing that I had ancestors that fought for the Confederacy.The Duchess of Zeon wrote: I suspect that he has been poorly raised, and he's turned towards Neo-Confederatism/Nazism as a form of alternate identity as an alternative to a family structure that doesn't exist.
No. She clearly stated Neo-confederacy (those that want the South to rise again and their stance on non-white races). Whether your ancestors fought for the old South is irrelevant as she is not talking about that. Also Sheppard is a Neo-confederate (not sure about the racism part of that though) and he idolisies the Nazi party, so which part of that line was incorrect? the / denotes a removed word in this context so it would be "he's turned towards Neo-Confederatism and Nazism", it could have been better worded, but there is nothing untrue in what she has said. Stop being so touchy, you'll just get embroiled in another flamewar over a misunderstanding.NF_Utvol wrote:Ah, so now you put the C.S.A. in the same line as Nazi Germany. I do want you to know that I take offense to that, seeing that I had ancestors that fought for the Confederacy.The Duchess of Zeon wrote: I suspect that he has been poorly raised, and he's turned towards Neo-Confederatism/Nazism as a form of alternate identity as an alternative to a family structure that doesn't exist.
You know, we're different minds, but I keep thinking the same damn thing.The Yosemite Bear wrote:I wish some of my Unfazability, and willingness to be open with just about anybody (Despite the fact I really do dislike people in general), would rub off.
...I Oughta work as a shrink. On the other hand that would not be a good idea....
Someone once registered an email for me .....hmm....well....then someone asked me why I had an email address about rape.....lots of real smart cookies out there.....shame so few of them talked to me.Lagmonster wrote:You know, we're different minds, but I keep thinking the same damn thing.The Yosemite Bear wrote:I wish some of my Unfazability, and willingness to be open with just about anybody (Despite the fact I really do dislike people in general), would rub off.
...I Oughta work as a shrink. On the other hand that would not be a good idea....
ROTFLMAOKeevan_Colton wrote: Someone once registered an email for me .....hmm....well....then someone asked me why I had an email address about rape.....lots of real smart cookies out there.....shame so few of them talked to me.