Are you people North Korean or some damn thing?

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Are you people North Korean or some damn thing?

Post by Coyote »

A few weeks ago, North Korea just fucking WENT OFF for no reason at all. I guess they felt abused or neglected, or they weren't getting their asses kissed, because all of a sudden from out of nowhere they start screeching and screaming and flinging shit about nukes, imperialim, and so on.

As near as I can tell, this meltdown was not provoked by anything; they just came unglued.

Now, I see the exact same thing happening here. It's a seething pit of goddamn fratricide here all of a sudden. Ando's going off on Kelly and starts an anti-American tirade the likes of which would be out of Ted's ballpark. Shep fucking unleashes on Einy and Alyrium (but not on other gay members of the board?). Ted rampages over the feelings of others; ordinarily normal for him but he just starts trampling folks like a bull elephant on meth.

It's open season: gay-bashing, woman-bashing, America-bashing... what the fuck, are you all on fucking crack? This does not apply to people holding it together-- Dalton, Lord Wong, Zaia, Stormy, Jmac, Rob and numerous others...

What's wrong with people all of a sudden? Are folks trying to be offensive? Was there a contest to see how many people's corn flakes could be pissed into? Are the world's troubles ablading away at some folks' nerves? Why take it out on us here? Legit critiques and honest answers have been a hallmak of our community here but some folks are going out of their way to stir the pot of discord. Why? To what gains?

There are so many real difficulties out there. Let's not make this place a source of more.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
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So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Post by jaeger115 »

I don't understand it too. I got mildly flamed by Kelly on my opinions about women in a family. I had stated my opinion incorrectly, and she just jumped on me all of a sudden.

Normally, I don't mind when people bash my country (America) but Ted's and Ando's comments were so out of line that I could only say "WTF?".

And worst of all, Shep's infamous "Anti-Einhander Brigade"! :roll:
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Post by weemadando »

No. I just cracked. To be quite frank I'm finding the environment in here more than a little oppresive at times. Though the mods are for the most part very good, I feel that recently too many have reacted too personally to what would otherwise be fairly normal threads.

I also think its wrong to lump the blame squarely on myself, Ted and Shep. This boards been ready to pop for quite a while and over the weekend we just had the trigger event.

I'm not clamouring for attention, I'm just trying to say what I think without being censored or beaten down. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a board where despotism and the tyranny of the majority somehow manage to coexist.
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Post by Coyote »

I didn't think you were the source of trouble, Ando, I just felt that for some reaosn you got caught up in it. You're usually one of the best folk here to hang with and I was surprised.

I wonder-- does anyone else think that the board was ready to "pop" for some reason? Were there deep-seated resentments that were being contained artificially? I may be blind, but it really seemed to me that (for example) whle Shep had certain opinions about things, everyone knew what to expect from him and just accepted it as part of Shep. I'm sure I've caused people to stretch their patience from time to time, maybe even for things I am totally unaware of.

That's why I am so puzzled-- it really does seem to me that this all came from nowhere. Einy flamed and spammed a lot but he was Einy, that is (was?) his way and that was that. Ted would regularly make a nasty comment and regularly get slapped down for it... the pendulum continued to swing.

I had absolutely no idea that yuo were impatient with Kelly, and I still can't really see what you were referring to. There are guys here that love to flirt with her and play along with giving her ttenion (every so often I play along myself) but it's just for fun; banter, if you will.

It just seems that folks are taking some things really personally-- odd things, too, unlike Ted's comment to Zaia which was obviously personal. Hence my confusion.

And that's also why I ask what is setting people's fuses short. I don't want a war with anyone or even flames; I'm asking "what's wrong" 'cause there's clearly some stuff to be brought out and dealt with.

I mean, shit, people, I have friends in "real life" and friends with my Army unit, at the University-- I consider most here to be my friends as well. If ya'll were a pack o' Darkstars I'd not say that (I'd not be here) but you're all worthwhile people and I'd buy each of you a beer, so I'm troubled to see you go after each other's throats.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Cal Wright »

No, but it's quite noticable in the HOS what the denizens think of those who 'defend' Shep.

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Post by Hyperion »

Luckly I missed the whole mess since I was in Seattle all day with my parents.

All I can say on it is "WTF!?!"
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Post by Shinova »

May this be known as the "Weekend of Hell"
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Post by fgalkin »

SB had an Hour of Hell, now it's our turn.

And here, it's not due to an asshole named Laird.

HAve a very nice day.
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Post by Hamel »

Judging from my observations of the board even before I registered, there were a few timebombs waiting to explode.

From Shep's antics to Einhander's fruitcake flamings.. AND MORE!
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Post by Shinova »

A few of us stayed more or less sane throughout.

I think is like a tower. It's been built well but lately its been taking hits to the foundation. The AIIF thing was the last blow and the tower just collapsed.

Something like that.
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Post by Hyperion »

Shinova wrote:A few of us stayed more or less sane throughout.

I think is like a tower. It's been built well but lately its been taking hits to the foundation. The AIIF thing was the last blow and the tower just collapsed.

Something like that.
More like someone flew a redlined airliner loaded with nuclear warheads into the "tower"
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Post by Companion Cube »

Wow...sure am glad I ducked out of the forums for the weekend...
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Strange shit indeed.
How fucking old is Shep, anyway?
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Post by Captain tycho »

Im sure as hell glad I wasn't here for most of 'The War'.
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Post by Gandalf »

The aftermath of the whole thing was interesting though
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Post by weemadando »

fgalkin wrote:SB had an Hour of Hell, now it's our turn.

And here, it's not due to an asshole named Laird.
No, here it was more of a krystalnacht on behalf of some of the mods.
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Post by Lagmonster »

weemadando wrote:I'm just trying to say what I think without being censored or beaten down. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a board where despotism and the tyranny of the majority somehow manage to coexist.
It's easy to reconcile. Just think of as a giant media publication, with hundreds of writers contributing stories. A successful publisher has to allow the kind of statements and opinions that make news interesting and appear to maintain the freedom of his writers to say what they want, while at the same time brutally shutting down storywriters and editors alike who try to take it too far, or into disagreable territory. It's a tough call that I'm glad I don't have to make.
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Post by Xenophobe3691 »

Yeah, I was gone most of the weekend and I hear about this! WTF is what I thought...
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Post by Zaia »

Coyote wrote:It just seems that folks are taking some things really personally-- odd things, too, unlike Ted's comment to Zaia which was obviously personal. Hence my confusion.
Coyote, I share your confusion. I missed most of this too. I have some things to say about it--some are personal about what went on with me, and some are general about the board. So.......yah. Here goes:

Yes, Ted's comment to me was rather insensitive, but I didn't have as big an issue with it as most everyone else. I wasn't around much this weekend (thankfully), and a bunch of people leapt to my defense while I was away. What Ted said originally didn't bother me as much as the fact that he lied when he said he had apologized to me 'hours ago' and dismissed it like it was finished when in fact he hadn't apologize at all.

It sort of reminded me of the Marla Singer incident I had; what she said about me didn't bother me nearly as much as it bothered everyone else on my behalf. I think I'm stronger than people realize. I can take care of myself.

I think maybe some of what went on this weekend could have been avoided if only the people who were directly involved in the arguments had discussed things. Everything was blown out of proportion because everyone on the board got involved. I know it's nice to have people on your side and all, but at some point the real issue is lost and things get blown waaaaaaaay out of proportion like what happened here.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

That's why I normally don't check the forums during the weekend, only sunday night.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Slartibartfast wrote:That's why I normally don't check the forums during the weekend, only sunday night.
My parents were doing taxes, so I oculdn't get on the computer. The night before, I went to a concert, so I couldn't get on in the evening. I missed it...

There are some times where it feels the board is going to hell, and this has to be the biggest so far. But, we learned to live without RayCav, and the word games, and I'm sure this will all be forgotten in a few months.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Frank Hipper wrote:Strange shit indeed.
How fucking old is Shep, anyway?
Since he was 18 in those news reports from 2000 (I think), he'd be 21 now.
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Post by fgalkin »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote:Strange shit indeed.
How fucking old is Shep, anyway?
Since he was 18 in those news reports from 2000 (I think), he'd be 21 now.
I may sound ignorant, but what news reports?

What di Shep do?

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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

In 2000, Shep fired a shotgun at the window of his father's car, hitting him in the eye and ear with some pellets. His father wasn't seriously injured, though. He was arrested and tried for it, and apparently served some prison time.
I believe in a sign of Zeta.

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Post by fgalkin »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:In 2000, Shep fired a shotgun at the window of his father's car, hitting him in the eye and ear with some pellets. His father wasn't seriously injured, though. He was arrested and tried for it, and apparently served some prison time.
Holy Fuck! :shock:

Why did he do it?

Have a very nice day.