Er, no- it wasn't a nuke- it killed all life on the neighboring planet.would a nuke like that emit an active power source if it wasn't armed? a quarter of the world, shattering the planet's moon, destroying much of the Covenant Separatists fleet gathered there, and causing massive shock waves that leveled many cities on other parts of the planet. In addition, the explosion resulted in 300 mph winds that wrecked many of the remaining cities, and created massive tidal waves that destroyed much of the coastline[1]. Needless to say, few of the planet's inhabitants survived the blast itself or the very severe conditions caused by the after-effects of the weapon (climate change, fallout etc.)
Without any of the normal safeties? Although looking at the NOVA bomb description is so retarded that I can accept them not realizing it was a danger. The stupid... burnsFor all the engineer knew, it might have been a really big self-contained reactor.
They do refer to humans several times as demons, but it could just mean the Spartans and anyone associated with them. Regardless, animals who employ demons are not to be trusted.They don't think Humans are demons, they think humans are animals.
I was going to post an image of a trap door spider and ask if the Covenant is too stupid to realize that insects can lay traps, but the photos are too creepy.And animals aren't smart enough to lay traps.
Military discipline does not factor into this at all? Even in their fleer which has shown itself previous to be rather disciplined (for example shutting down shields when being boarded)?Surely the desire to recapture the crystal and having the honor of recovering it for asskissing/advancement purposes figured highly into the commanders' minds.
Never do what your enemy expects if you can avoid it. But apparently basic military strategy is foreign to them. Did they honestly expect the humans to taunt them if they actually had it? Not only are they unable to figure out how aliens think, they are unable to figure out how they would act if they were in such a situation. And this is the entire fleer, not just one dumb commander!Not to mention that Whitcomb was taunting them to come and get it.