Hey, I was as much dragged to see that film as my boyfriend at the time was, by our friends.Ghost Rider wrote:2. Yes, I believe so...because some guys I know oooh and cooed over it, but then again to call them men, would be a bit of an overstatement(and no life stories of these guys because that would be once again staring into the portal of insanity for far too long)Rob Wilson wrote:Most the guys i know, that got dragged to that film slept through it. Must be a testostrone thing.Ghost Rider wrote: re: Titantic:
at the first time and paying more attention to it then the movie...the second I just fell asleep within 10 minutes...awoke to see the end and the girl who dragged me, sniffing at how beautiful it was.)
I know he didn't sleep through it because I got bored as well...