I share the views of Randy Stradley (Dark Horse comics head honch) - namely there needs to be a big Biblical style conclave held where everyone gets together to decide what stays, and what worthless stupid bullshit doesn't.
Stradley wrote:For my own part, I don't give a rat's a**, uh, er, a flying f***, well, I mean, I can't really get very excited about maintaining a continuity that I feel is not only riddled with errors and contradictions, but also includes so many really silly (and I mean really, truly stupid and awful) stories (sorry, that's just my opinion).
More Stradley wrote:Not necessarily. I just think that stories which don’t fit the “facts”-- either because the facts have changed with the release of the Prequel Trilogy, or because they just never made much sense in relation to the reality portrayed in the films -- should be jettisoned. However, before the fanboys start jumping, let me quickly point out that what I want has nothing whatsoever with how LF deals with its continuity.
I’m a firm believer of not mentioning inconvenient events or “facts” from the EU. Not contradicting them, but just not letting them interfere with the telling of a good story. For instance, I have no problem with fans wanting to believe that a species of big green bunny rabbits exists in the same galaxy as Luke, Leia, and the others, but I don’t have to allow them in our comics.
Rabid inclusionist idiocy it what sees stuff like "Glove of Vader" and "Luke fighting and beating Vader in Splinter of the Mind's Eye, before TESB" get treated as canonical.
The reason the EU has become a huge clusterfuck is because the people who control continuity are doing it bass-ackwards. They
don't exert editorial control before whatever shit is being written is published, they let all manner of nonsense through the doors then construct contrived rationalisations for the mess of contradictions and inanity that results, attempting to maintain the fiction that
not a single source could be wrong.
And that's just continuity. Think there's concern for the actual integrity of the universe? Not at all. These are the geniuses who thought Kevin J Anderson's story about IG-88 being the
true threat of the Death Star II (Palpatine vs malfunctioning elevator door! I AM NOT JOKING) was a good idea. NO ONE said "what? that's fucking stupid. Get the hell out of here!"
Of course they saw no problem with Karen Traviss' parade of garbage - like Clones carriying out Order 66 not because it was their entire purpose for existing, but because of a reasoned thought process? Get fucked.