Stargate: 1939 (Updated 8/31/09)

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Post by JME2 »

Great work, as always Chewie. Love what you've got planned.
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We need more!

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Re: We need more!

Post by phongn »

streakr wrote:Anticipation!
Please refrain from posting useless one-word posts in threads, especially ones monitored for new activity.
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Post by Zwinmar »

I about shiot myself when ya brought in "Chesty".

For those of you that dont know, he's "the" marine. He's truely Legendary.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Sorry, I've been having some health issues lately, as well asa lot of trouble finding work. I hope to write the 'meeting' of Bra'tac and the Tau'ri soon.
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Post by LadyTevar »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Sorry, I've been having some health issues lately, as well asa lot of trouble finding work. I hope to write the 'meeting' of Bra'tac and the Tau'ri soon.
If we can wait 6mon+ for a new "Derelict" we can wait for a new chapter here too
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
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Post by Satori »

Hey, 1939... Is Feynman available? cause if he is..... :twisted:

i mean, a genius physicist, talented artist/musician, and master lockpick all in one..... who wouldn't want him?
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

I appologize. I'd written myself into a corner, and I couldn't figure out how to accomplish what I wanted. I never gave up on this story, it was always on my mind (along with the other stories I havn't finished.)

But, now it continues 16 months later...

Chapter 8

*Nagada, Abydos*

The meeting hall of the Elders was crowded, even more so than during last night’s feast, filled with marines, Jaffa, and nervous humans. The Jaffa had surrendered their staff weapons, but Puller didn’t think they were any less deadly without them. Part of him wanted to hate this Master Bra’tac for what had happened to his marines, but he felt a connection to the alien, the man, a ‘soldier’s bond’. It was obvious the alien commander had nothing but contempt for the native Nagadans, but that wasn’t too strange. Put him in a different uniform and he might have been a colonel in His Majesty’s Colonial Forces, or even the French Foreign Legion.

The twelve surviving members of SMF-1, less than half the number they left earth with, and Bra’tac’s Jaffa eyed each-other nervously as Bra’tac spoke explained his mission to Puller. “And, once we had secreted the naquada bombs in the frame of the pyramid, we would only have to wait until Ra’s personal ship landed to remotely detonate them. A great victory for Lord Apophis, and a remarkable chance to throw the System Lords into disarray.”

“Yeah, about that…” Puller frowned “Exactly who are these Martians you keep talking about?”

“They are Goa’uld, human, and the rulers of this galaxy.” The Jaffa master looked around. “Even the minor lords command a handful of worlds, but the Great Lords like Apophis, Cronus, and Yu command-“

“Me?” Major Puller asked.

“No, Lord Yu. The Golden Emperor.” Bra’tac sighed.

“Sounds like the first emperor of China, Major.” Indy chimed in. The Major shrugged.

“As I said, human, the great system lords command dozens or hundreds of worlds, armies of Jaffa and fleets of ships. They battle for position, but Ra presides above all others.”

“That’s good news for us.” All eyes turned to Indy. “Well, it’s a semi-feudal society, like the old Italian states. If we kill the space-pope, it’s every ah… Goa’uld for himself.” He pronounced the word carefully.

“So why does that help us Doctor Jones? We’ve never even heard of these bastards.” Weathers waved a hand.

“But they’ve heard of us.” Anders spoke up. “If they’ve been to earth before, they can come back anytime.”

“You are correct, human.” Bra’tac nodded. “It is not the way of the System Lords to allow worlds to advance enough to become a threat. Word of the deaths of my men at unkown hands will no doubt reach Apophis soon and then, unless distracted, a search for your world will begin.”

“Well, shit.” Puller kicked the dirt at his feet. “I guess we’ve got a space-pope to kill, then. We need a different plan, though.”

“Why is that, human?”

Puller took out a cigarette and lit it. “Because I want to be able to get home after this is done, and dropping a spaceship on the only way out of here is a bad idea. Besides, a great honking metal pyramid coming down on top of us? Only a crazy person would attack it, so they’ll never expect us.”

“Human,” Bra’tac smiled. “I think I may like you. Please don’t force me to kill you.” He stuck out his hand.

“Same here, Bra’tac.” Puller shook the alien hand. “And call me Major.”

*Ten Hours Later*

Supreme Lord Ra, Sovereign of a Thousand Worlds, Master of Life and Death, and First Among the System Lords was bored. He sat gloomily on his throne as he watched his servants writhe in an elaborate display of movement and lust, performing every possible permutation of the human form. They’d been at it all day, and it was tedious. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, really. He had found earth millennia ago, and had cast aside his Unas host in favour of a more adaptable, easily repairable form. The human body, combined with the sarcophagus, had granted him immortality.

The other Goa’uld lords had been envious of Ra’s discovery, and had pledged loyalty and obedience (as well as hefty economic concessions) in exchange for human slaves with which to seed the galaxy. Those pledges had left him unquestionably in control of the system lords. Though he no longer had a monopoly on humans, he had held it long enough to get extremely good at holding on to his power. Ra hadn’t even had a decent opponent to battle in centuries, and the last spacefaring power he’d battled had been the Oannes. Marduk’s betrayal had nearly spelled the end of the System Lords, but that was past. Ra felt one of the up-and-coming lords, either Apophis or Baal, might make a play in a century or two, but there was still plenty of time to deal with them.

Until then, however, Ra amused himself by overseeing his vast holdings. Currently he was on an expedition of pleasure to several of his supply worlds. They were mildly entertaining, showing his power and having cities of humans cry his name. He might even pick up a few new slaves for his personal retinue.

“Lord Ra.” His first prime, Horus, entered the chamber, studiously ignoring the display. He bowed low before his god. “We have begun our descent to Abydos.”

“Excellent.” Ra stood and beckoned for his attendants to dress him. He relished the rumbling in the floor as the hull of the ship grazed the atmosphere of a world that belonged to him.

The rumble subsided, and the top of the ship split, allowing the golden light of Abydos to flood the room. Ra affixed his headpiece, preparing to show his slaves the face of their god. Suddenly a great crash echoed through the ship, and a dull, repetitive rapping sound.

“What is going on?!” Ra thundered through his helmet.

“MY LORD! A Jaffa ran into the throne room, scattering the children. “We sent an honor detail down to secure the platform, but enemies were waiting. Jaffa and human slaves with strange weapons were suddenly in the cargo bay, and took the guards by surprise. We locked the section but-“ Another crash echoed.

“But what,” Ra lifted the Jaffa by the throat.

The Jaffa was frightened, looking into the unfeeling face of his god. “They have brought an iron chariot, Lord. It spews fire and iron and thunder.”
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by DrMckay »

Sweeet. It Liiiiiiiiiives!

Will this be a one-off or are you planning on a series of sg-1939 stories?
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by Crazedwraith »

Woah! This is a blast from the past! Nice to see it again Chewie.

Does Ra not have his Jackal Guard as first prime, like in the movie?
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by Kartr_Kana »

Oh yeah it's back :D Thank you Chewie!!! Haha Major Puller inside the ship "we're not surround now we can advance in every direction" :P

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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by Kodiak »

I saw this thread at the top of Fanfics and thought "What idiot would Necro a thread from 2 years ago just to say they liked it?" Now I know- :lol:

It's good to see this going again, Chewie, and I look forward to much more (hopes for zombie Tesla)
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by [R_H] »

Awesome. It was definitely worth the wait.
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by Kodiak »

Is the attempt on Ra by Bra'tac from the SG canon? What happend in OTL to the attempt, or is this an invention for the sake of the fic?
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Sweeet. It Liiiiiiiiiives!

Will this be a one-off or are you planning on a series of sg-1939 stories?
I plan on making it an ongoing thing.
Is the attempt on Ra by Bra'tac from the SG canon? What happend in OTL to the attempt, or is this an invention for the sake of the fic?
It's for the fic. I've decided that in the original SG timeline, the plan simply failed due to some sort of bogus glitch and the explosives not going off. But a frontal assault is a very different thing. I hope I did an ok job reconciling the movie-Ra with the series System Lords.
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by Kodiak »

This seems to read EXTREMELY close to the script. Did you perchance have a copy to work from?
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Kodiak wrote:This seems to read EXTREMELY close to the script. Did you perchance have a copy to work from?
Yes. I stopped working from the movie script after the sandstorm hit.
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by Themightytom »

oh SNAP! They done brought a tank up in that dude's ship???

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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Tank? No. Technically it's an armored car...
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by LadyTevar »

Armored car or not, it's still an 'iron chariot' that's going to kill the God-King :twisted:

Thank you thank you for the Update! I'm glad you finally got past the blockage.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by The Romulan Republic »

This is very good, though I have a hard time buying such a small force pulling off a direct assault on Ra's ship.
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

The Romulan Republic wrote:This is very good, though I have a hard time buying such a small force pulling off a direct assault on Ra's ship.
This isn't a fully-armed warship. This is Ra's pleasure ship that we saw in Stargate: The Movie. As the now non-cannon books explained, Ra's ship in the movie was a lightly-armed pleasure ship with minimum troops and armaments. Besides, how many times have we seen SG1 take nominal control of a fully-crewed mothership with just the 4? This time it's two-dozen humand and Jaffa, with heavy weapons :)
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by The Romulan Republic »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:
The Romulan Republic wrote:This is very good, though I have a hard time buying such a small force pulling off a direct assault on Ra's ship.
This isn't a fully-armed warship. This is Ra's pleasure ship that we saw in Stargate: The Movie. As the now non-cannon books explained, Ra's ship in the movie was a lightly-armed pleasure ship with minimum troops and armaments. Besides, how many times have we seen SG1 take nominal control of a fully-crewed mothership with just the 4? This time it's two-dozen humand and Jaffa, with heavy weapons :)
Point taken.

I didn't know about Ra's vessel being a pleasure ship, but it makes sense, as that vessel always did seem undermanned in the movie.
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by Elessar »

What a pleasant surprise! The moment I saw the title I remembered a really fun fic with Indy and Stargates. And here it is. :)
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Re: Stargate: 1939

Post by JME2 »

Glad to see it finally updated, Chewie. Still filled with anticipation at the death of a God-King to come...
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