Darth Hoth wrote:So now even Roger's planetoid, described in Triplanetary as an "artificial planet of metal", measures only a few million tons?
No, I said "millions upon millions." Try actually reading my replies rather than trying to piss me off with your colossal ignorance. Of course, if you are being deliberately dishonest, feel free to let me know and I'll inform a mod.
Assuming that it was only as big as Pluto (which is no longer even counted as a planet, but was one at the time), and that one thousandth of its volume was iron in some form (rather extremely conservative as well, since ship material does seem to be some form of steel at this point), that's still more than 6 million cubic kilometres' worth of iron. With iron density at 7,900 kg/m^3, that is close to 8 BILLION metric tons per cubic kilometre . . . This of course gives ridiculous numbers for Nevian cargo capacity. We can divide these numbers down by a million, that the Nevian ship can lug around these kinds of masses still speaks volumes about its size and capabilities (although we never see it land carrying such masses, of course).
Yet again we see you respond to me with... more conjectural, unsubstantiated bullshit. I'm getting tired of this habit of yours to handwave away the blatantly obvious problems of your bullshit with yet more bullshit. Try something better, like oh, actual
evidence to prove your claims for once. Maybe, as a start, you can
actually point out ot me some place in Triplanetary where we're given an inkling of how big Roger's planetoid was? I certainly don't remember anything like that. I do remember Roger set about building the new and improved one on an actual planet, which tends to argue against them being "pluto sized" despite what you claim.
On the other hand the fact you think that you can structurally build a Pluto size object completely out of frigging
iron is
fucking hilarious in and of itself. I would dearly love to see your proof to back this up. (Hint: Look up the word
"planetoid" before making up goddamn calcs?)
And Triplanetary does note that the Boise was more massive than the Nevian ship:
[quote=""Super-ship In Action""]Prodigiously massive and powerful as the Nevian was, the Boise was even more massive and more powerful;
Which has fuck-all to do with my original point and is therefore a red herring, since we're talking about "pre-inertialess" ships (which were FAR less massive than the Nevian ship anyhow, as I recall. Nevermind being far less powerful.). I only brought up the Nevians as the sole example we know of "millions of tons" of starship being lugged around, and THAT still involved the Nevian ship being overloaded and correspondingly sluggish. (It's also mentioned that the Nevian ship unloaded would "float", whereas loaded down as it was it actually sank. I won't even begin to get into the issue with the braking jets boiling the water.)
How is it nonsensical? Ultra-waves propagate at trillions of c; why is it nonsensical to assume that they have different mass properties than electromagnetic rays?
Well for first and most important - because you have no proof about how they work? You're just making shit up, or did you get granted magical canon authority by the Smith estate and you just didn't tell us?
Secondly you don't even have an actual
mechanism in place to explain why, you just said "quantum" and "It works somehow!". You're basically doing what Darkstar did with the Death Star vs Alderaan - you said "they did ti somehow" (remember the Mysterious Unknown Mechanism?") When you propose a theory like that you at LEAST put an effort into explaining it (cf Mike Wong's theory on
phasers converting mass into neutrinos. It's a theory, but it fits the facts AND doesn't shit all over physics.) You're as bad as the trekkies who think you don't have to obey science to explain how the Enterprise can generate gigatons of energy while sitting around doing nothing in "True Q", or that a few dozen Trek starships literally vaporize the crust of a planet in an hour or less (The Die is Cast) despite [url=
http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Hat ... te-1a.html]visuals and basic physics saying otherwise[/url.
Again, I get fucking tired of explaining the
painfully obvious to you because you appear to fucking lazy to figure this shit out for yourself rather than having someone explain it to you.
And we have iron-hard evidence from the core series that ultra-waves ARE used in weapons applications eventually (from Triplanetary onwards), so there is no inherent impossibility to it under the rules of the setting. Suspension of disbelief, and all that.
HAH! You know fuck-all about suspension of disblief style analysis. The fact that you're creating this overly complicated theory to justify ONE LINE OF DIALOGUE from what is at best a second-tier source only proves it. In a similar case, Mike would have just dismissed the New Lensman quote as an outlier, not constructed some overly elaborate construct of bullshit just to justify that one bit of dialogue. He, unlike you, understands concepts like Occam's Razor.
You could construct a theory for FTL weapons where you have some particles or mass traveling at a velocity through a FTL "tunnel" or "medium" (assuming such is possible, like with Culture Displacers) or exists in say a tachyonic state but "convert" or are "dumped" into normal space on impact or lose energy on impact with real matter (tachyons go faster as they lose mass/energy, whereas real matter gains speed as it gains mass/energy.) That would be a possible mechaism explaining things, if it were consistent with the known facts. (But you can't adapt either for Lensman, since Lensman FTL isnt tachyonic nor is it an intradimensional "tube") You can't use "technobabble mechanism" to get around baisc physics. Phasers are technobabble in mechanism, they can be used at FTL or travel at FTL speeds (if at warp), yet they still can have energy or thermal effects and STILL exhibit recoil. Likewise Curtis' theory for Hyperdrive is FTL yet it ALSO closely obeys conservation laws despite being a mere theory. So again, unless you can provide an INTELLIGENT mechanism to explain why ultrawaves magically get around recoil and momentum, or can provide some actual evidence rather than speculation, you're speculation is full of shit. It's also a red herring - the fact that ultrawaves can be weapons does
nothing to explain how they would deal with recoil.
Oh, and I also like how you conveniently ignored the first point simply to go after the second one. How very dishonest of you.
It is unspecific enough to be of little value. But if you want to interpret it like that, you must also take the description of Roger’s planetoid as planet-sized, quoted above, equally literally. Which means that it is incredibly massive, orders of magnitude beyond any Earthly element at room temperature and surface pressure.
To which I respond "learn what planetoid means." I already adressed this when you laughingly claimed Roger's planetoid might be pluto-sized. Not even remotely the same in any case, since I am NOt claiming a particular size, I am establishing an UPPER LIMIT, which still allows for a range of sizes up to a certain value based on a simple distinction betwene "large" and "small". If it said "slightly smaller", I would come to the conclusion it meant "less than 50% greater", not "100% or more times greater". because that would be twisting usage around. Of course if you want to claim that "10 or 20% greater than the diameter of the ship" can mean "vastly greater" or that inertialess fields routinely extend massive distances from their hulls like that, I'd like to see your evidence. Christ, this is as bad as nitpickery that claims "close to the speed of light" might mean "5 or 10% of lightspeed" or that "a few" means "thousands" or "hundreds" actually mean "millions."
Oh, and I also noted they hauled the supership out with tractors and rolled it onto the launch platform. Mind explaining to me how they did that with a multi-billion ton supership that you are proposing?
Under suspension of disbelief, we observe the feats they perform and extrapolate logically what these would require. So how do you propose that they manoeuvre inertialess ships with reaction engines again? The source material is clear that they DO have technology that allows them to violate conservation of momentum by demonstrating the same (and, Hell, GURPS Lensman even calls it just a "reactionless drive" in plain letters), and you cannot just handwave it away by saying that it is arbitrary technobabble – it is, but so are inertial dampers, anti-gravity, hyper-drives (regardless of setting or type) and I know not what else that makes various space-opera settings work. Or is all of the core series non-canon now because it uses a technology you think should not exist?
The fact that you claim to be acting "under suspension of disbelief" in one breath and then claim that they can "routinely violate conversation of momentum" only proves how breathtakingly stupid you are. Of course, Teleros has also addressed this far better than I have. All this amounts is to you whining and crying that "evil physics isn't allowing me to have my way" - you basically just want an excuse to ignore it like any other of those fanatical pseudoscientific trekkies who are featured on the main site. Oh, and trying to appeal to the "Other tech isn't sensible so this isn't either" is a classic fanboy/pseudoscientific moron approach to wanting an excuse to ignore basic science. Explain to me why the fuck, on this very board, you believed it would fly here? Would you like to bring a Mod or Admin on this (or, failing that Mike Wong himself) and see if THEY'D buy it? I'd love to see you do that. In fact, I demand you find me examples on Mike's page of him "ignoring physics" or handwaving it away just to justify some calculation. Really, do so. I'd love to bring it to his attention if you did.
Of course, if we let you have your way, then Lensmanverse physics are so vastly different from our own that we can't do any actual calcs - it's no better than cartoon physics. So your hypothetical energy figure becomes utterly meaningless
anyhow. But as it is, there's plenty of evidence in Lensman that they actually obey conservation of momentum, rather than ignore it, so you're argument really is fucked either way. Again, you don't get to have it both ways unless you're trying to be a dishonest pseudoscience fucktard.
Driving jets used for inert flight are reaction engines, whatever made you think I was claiming otherwise? This in no way disproves that they use reactionless (gravitic, apparently) engines for "free" flight, nor does it show that such are not used as auxiliary engines for lifting heavy loads in-atmosphere.
In case you forgot or chose to ignore it, let's review what you said:
You claimed wrote:
The Triplanetary Service has access to reactionless drives (else the Boise would not be able to manoeuvre, as reaction drives are quite useless for an inertialess ship). This implies that they would be able to somehow work around conservation of momentum, even before the discovery of Nevian neutralisation of inertia, which might be involved in how they handle gun recoil, or how they can lift potentially huge masses into space without the energy expenditures and environmental effects that would result from the mechanisms you calculate.
You claimed a.) they flat out ignore conservation of momentum and b.) as a result they don't have energy expenditures or enviromental effects. Both of which have been flat out disproven by Telereos and myself. What's more,
you didn't even bother to back your bullshit up. So basically, yet again, you handwaved away basic science by claiming "they ignore it somehow" and spouting unsubstantiated bullshit. Unless you have some actual proof to back up your claims, shut the fuck up. It's obvious you don't even begin to understand the issues at hand, much less how SoD applies.
And your evidence that super-atomics were invented in Children of the Lens would be? The book never says so, but GURPS does note that one of the Jovian moons was subjected to a super-atomic bombardment that stripped it of its atmosphere in the late Jovian Wars (presumably sometime after Triplanetary, given that the Triplanetary League conquered Jupiter somewhere between then and First Lensman, although the dating is uncertain). Which fits with the timeline: super-atomics are total-converters, just like the allotropic iron bombs that then became available. One might merely be a name for another.
Occams' Razor. Learn what it means. We've never SEEN them before Children of the Lens, so we have no reason to believe they exist. Do you even fucking realize you're asking me to prove a negative? ("prove that super atomic warheads didn't exist until Children of the Lens." Christ...) And if you're going to bring GURPS into it, I will just turn around and note what Telereos said and the book says: Allotropic Iron provides 1/10th its mass in "useful energy". And before you start blathering again about "100% efficient" conversion, note the "useful energy" bit and read my replies to Telereos which cite
the main fucking website as far as "efficiency" goes. Just becuase it might be "total annihilation" does not mean all the energy is neccesarily usable or useful, or dangerous or whatever, and it would be fucking stupid to assume it is.
As for duodec, it did in fact not replace atomics in
First Lensman, but was used concurrently with them, as the battle with the Black Fleet shows:
[i]First Lensman[/i] wrote:All of the Patrol ships had, of course, the standard equipment of so-called “violet”, “green”, and “red” fields, as well as duodecaplylatomate and ordinary atomic bombs, dirigible torpedoes and transporters, slicers, polycyclic drills, and so on;
Which Teleros pointed out to me and I conceded. I guess you just decided to igore that bit, eh?
It might be that duodec is easier to handle, and thus preferred. Then again, the Eich used duodec torpedoes to disrupt and volatilise worlds:
[quote="Gray Lensman, "Eich and Arisian""]The giant voice ceased. Eichlan’s tentacles moved towards the controls. The vast torpedo launched itself.
But instead of hurtling towards distant Arisia it swept around in a circle and struck, in direct central impact, the great cruiser of the Eich. There was an appalling crash, a space-wracking detonation, a flare of incandescence incredible and indescribable as the energy calculated to disrupt – almost to volatilize – a world expended itself upon the insignificant mass of one Boskonian battleship and upon the unresisting texture of the void.
Coming close to vaporising an Earth-like planet like Arisia should, by my rough estimate, require at least e29-e30J worth of energy. Yet the torpedo, although described as "vast", was ship-launched, which puts an upper limit on its volume. So either duodec is in fact better than total-conversion (and violates e=mc^2), or it can be packed at extreme densities yet still function (a preferable solution, but with its own problems).[/quote]
Aside from what Telereos already pointedout, this is purely speculative since we can't quite be sure what "volatileize" or "disrupt" means. The only definite claim we have is that it would basically amount to a mass-extinction event (which actually implies the place would be intact, rather than a cloud of floating vapour.) Mass extinction can be achieved with FAR LESS energy than you claim. Plus, it's also a more commonly stated result of munitions striking planets rather than outright mass scattering/annihilation - that level of destruction is reserved for negaspheres and free planets. (Even Sunbeams can't achieve that and they're basically more powerful than any other weapon they have.)
So you will cheerfully ignore Roger’s dialogue that Nevian iron conversion is total:
[quote="Triplanetary, "Roger Carries On""]Their source of power is the intra-atomic energy of iron. Complete; not the partial liberation incidental to the nuclear fission of such unstable isotopes as those of thorium, uranium, plutonium, and so on.
while using Rodebush’s dialogue to say that it is worse than plutonium fission? A Triplanetary engineer supposedly knows how things work better than an alien super-mind billions of years old? And there is not even any necessary contradiction, there; it could be that they are discussing some variant, less than total-conversion application (a dirty bomb, so to speak – which would make sense, given that the discussion continues on the topic of specialised radiation weapons specifically).[/quote]
Again I see you decided to ignore my discussion with Teleros on this issue. Even it's like antimatter, that hardly means that 100% of the energy is usable, that's an unrealistic assumption. So while I had to concede one part of my earlier statement, the essential point will remain unchanged, unless you have actual proof that 100% of the energy
is usable.
Another thing I ran across while checking this:
[i]First Lensman[/i], Chapter 2 wrote:" . . . Well, the original Rodebush-Cleveland free drive was a killer, you know . . . "
"How I know!" Kinnison exclaimed, feelingly.
"They beat their brains out and ate their hearts out for months without getting it any better. Then, one day, this kid Bergenholm . . . says:
"'Why don't you use uranium instead of iron and rewind it so it will put out a wave-form like this, with humps here, and here; instead of there, and there?' and he draws a couple of free-hand, but really beautiful curves.
"'Why should we?' they squawk at him.
"'Because it will work that way,' he says ( . . . ).
"Well in sheer desperation, they tried it - and it WORKED! And nobody has ever had a minute's trouble with a Bergenholm since. That's why Rodebush and Cleveland both insisted on the name."
Which incidentally proves my earlier point: iron was abandoned for reasons of reliability, not conversion rate.
No, it doesn't. You're assuming 100% efficient matter energy conversion (which is unrealistic for the reasons I gave Teleros, even linking
to an explanation on the fucking website itself for proof, since Mike knows more than you or I put together.) and that ALL of that energy is usable energy. (Which, if we go by GURPS, which you yourself cited, it isn't.) Your quote isn't even inconsistent with that, since reliability could be tied TO the fact allotropic iron does not release its energy as 100% totally usable energy - it may need special shielding or cooling systems to handle the part of the energy that isn't usable. But by all means continue assuming your totally unrealistic assumption of perfect efficiency.
Absurd as it sounds, Lensman does have some way of tolerating ridiculously extreme in-atmosphere bombardments without widespread environmental damage. We quote
First Lensman again, from the first battle with the Black Fleet:
Chapter 7 wrote:Those Black bombs should have peeled the armor off of that mountain like the skin off a nectarine and scattered it from the Pacific to the Mississippi. By now there should be a hole a mile deep where the Hill had been But there wasn’t. The Hill was still there! It might have shrunk a little – Clayton couldn’t see very well because of the worse-than-incandescent radiance of the practically continuous, sense-battering, world-shaking atomic detonations – but the Hill was still there!
Yet again you invoke your "its cartoon physics so we don't have to address it" bullshit excuse, as if this will somehow change for you what it hasn't changed for trolls and pseudoscience morons who have been trying similar tactics for years. Go fucking read the website and learn suspension of disbelief analysis and stop trying to pretend you can calc something and simultaenosuly ignore physicas at the same time.
The reason that the observer is surprised is that the Hill has a new gravitic shielding system, of which he is unaware, which has protected it from destruction. The Hill is described elsewhere as a "truncated cone" of a mountain coated in armor with a "mile-wide" flat top. We can thus calculate a rough figure for the energy that would have been required to crush it like Claytonhad expected. Destroying the mountain and leaving a crater should take hundreds of megatons at least as an order-of-magnitude estimate (disregarding its ultra-wave theatre shield, which would hold off an unknown amount of energy), and could well go into low gigatons. Despite this, no environmental effects of these detonations are ever mentioned, even locally.
Which has what to do with the fact you are essentially claiming no problems with hurling around hundreds of gigatons worth of energy that your insistence on the validity of the e20 joule statement from New Lensman implies? Other than the fact you're blatantly trying to twist around and outright ignore science because its inconvenient to your argument, that is? And don't try bullshitting. You're BLATANTLY twisting science about, and "but the series does it!" does not fucking excuse it. If you think it does, you haven't read the fucking website attached to these forums or paid attention to the handling of the Trek portion of it, else you would not be so fucking stupid as to try passing off that argument here.
To reiterate. They do not toss around hundreds or (more likely) thousands of gigatons of firepower. That didn't happen in First Lensman OR triplanetary. We know such effects are not inconsequentila because of Gray Lensman (the attack on Bronseca) and this looks NOTHING like Bronseca. There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence agianst this despite your bullshit, overcomplicated handwaving to justify a single piece of dialogue, your shitting all over basic science and logic (Occam's Razor? What's that?) and your blatant manipulation of dialogue and canon. So unless you have some ACTUAL evidence to back up all your claims, stop fucking pretending you actually have an actual coherent argument.
And then after that description, several ships hit it in suicide runs at high inert accelerations (New Lensman has one of them, a heavy cruiser, going at a "significant fraction of the speed of light"). Still no ruined environments recorded.
So basically you're claiming the Lensman Universe makes as much sense as bugs bunny, in which case your energy statmeent is meaningless and we can't quantify lensman. Fine by me, since either way it fucks you over. You don't get it both ways.
I do not pretend to know HOW they can throw around this kind of firepower without ruining the planet (nevermind the North American continent), any more than I can know the nature of the Force or the secret of the fabrication of hypermatter. All I can establish from canon is that they HAVE DEMONSTRATED these abilities beyond any reasonable doubt, and thus they have them under any reasonable consideration for suspension of disbelief. As a consequence, we must assume that they have some kind of technology to deal with it, even if we have no idea how it would work.
You're a moron. You don't get to claim fantastic abilities and ignore basic science. Trektards have tried this countless times, as has been outlined in a myriad of different ways on the attached website. You are doing things which are no better than they are. Why the fuck do you think YOU are any different, asshole? Tell me why the fuck you get to be allowed to twist and mangle basic science and SoD just ot jusstify one single fucking piece of second tier dialogue, something which almost anyone else, Mike included would simply dismiss as an outlier? ARe you really too dense to comprehend that?
"Doc" Smith apparently did not think that it was irreconcilable, since he authorised it. This whining is unbecoming of a senior debater such as yourself.
Fuck you, asshole. You've proven yourself to not only be totally idiotic, but either completely ignorant of basic science and how it applies to suspension of disbelief style analysis (despite how it is PAINFULLY spelled out on the Main website, on Star Wars Technical Commenatire,s on Brian Young's forums, etc.) but you think you're arrogant enough to lecture ME about it, when much of what I have fucking LEARNED regarding sci fi analysis comes from knowing and interacting with those people and them being patient enough to explain to me. I KNOW how you fucking approach the analysis of evidence, and it is NOT the way you are doing it, no matter how hard you try to bluster that it is.
The bottom line is that we have canon descriptions of weapons power and damage-control mechanisms, some of it in the series, some in a prequel authorised upon review by the author.
Which, according to you, intrinsically violate our own science and physics, and therefore have as much understanding for us as a bugs bunny cartoon. Or are you really fucking stupid enough to think that you can have your cake and eat it by claiming calcs based on real life figures while simultaenously IGNORING those very same rules that allow us to do the analysis to begin with?
Your refusal to accept canon figures is reminiscent of the Trektards who claim that the ICS is not a valid source.
ROFLMAO. I've got my name in
both ICSes, precisley BECAUSE of my analytical abilities WRT Star Wars, so try again. I have people that ask me for my input or advice or help in doing calcs, just as I have asked Mike or Curtis for help. It's one of the reasons WHY I am in the Senate, and WHY I am as you put it a "veteran". The fact you claim I am like trektards who ignore a source which I am credited in is fucking hilarious beyond belief. Almost as hilarious as pretending you actually know enough about Trektards to recognize and identify their tactics, particularily since alot of the handwaving, pseudoscientific bullshit you have claimed is straight outta their playbook. EG, Darkstar's Mysterious Unknown Mechanism, countless trekkies (such as Virus-X) who want to claim The Die Is Cast is a genuine display of Trek firepower despite the fact physics count against it, etc.
The fact is, you're the dishonest, pseudoscientific, whining asshole who is emulating the trektards and refuses to acknowledge reality. Not me, YOU.
You do not get to decide what is canon, Smith (and somewhat more tentatively, his estate) has that exclusive privilege.
Says the man who wants to ignore/distort the preponderence of evidence to justify a single bit of dialogue rather than treat it as an outlier, which would be the LOGICAL conclusion that any intelligent sci fi analyst would conclude.
You cannot just throw out any occurrence you dislike. Under suspension of disbelief we accept that the fictional technologies work as described, and attempt to define limits from that. If this leads to apparent contradictions, we attempt to produce a rational explanation for them if possible; otherwise, we just note them down.
Funny enough, that's precisely what you do, since all you do is continue to invent extravaganet and complicated sepculation to justify a single bit of quetionable dialogue. Your handwaving away basic science amounts to ignoring it, which is something that countless trektards have done in the debates ot Mike and others. (EG TDIC yet again.)
Cheerfully ignoring the source material is not an option.
Yes, it is. Mike, Curtis, and all
intelligent and
consistent sci fi analysts do it all the time. What matters is the justifications for doing it. You see, we're not required under SoD to take
every, single, piece of dialogue as absolute truth. Its rather core to the "dialogue vs visuals" discussion, for one thing. Ever heard of an "outlier?" Mike's used the term more than once. It's even used in the highest level of canon (IE dismissing Han's statement about "a thousand starships" in ANH, or Obi-Wan's statements about "thousands of systems" in the REpublic in ROTs.) Things like the inherent ambiguity of dialogue, the education level of the person speaking, whether its casually stated or given as part of a comprehensive dilaogue, the emotional state, etc. It's even done with visuals, such as the "randomly flucutating sizes of the Klingon Bird of Prey" in Star Trek. We throw out the outliers there, too.
See. You don't even understand tHAT much. don't even begin lecturing me on something you yourself either fail to grasp or deliberately choose ot ignore. This is not a game you can win.
And really? I'm at the end of my patience with you with that last bit of sanctimonious shit you decided to pull. If the next response of yours isn't showing evne the LEAST bit of improvement to your arguments, and something resembling actual evidence instead of speculative bullshit, I take this up with the staff and you can try blustering THEM. And if you pull this shit on me again, I AM going to be taking it up with one of them.