Even funnier, there was nothing stopping Traviss from writing the same kinds of stories. A lot of that material was already out before she started writing for the EU, so there was already plenty of precedent. Instead, she made the bizarre decision to break with already established canon to write the Jedi as unfeeling monsters and the clones as saints, even when said clones adhere to the same "only following orders" cant commonly associated with the very Nazis she compares her critics to.PainRack wrote:Oh, it gets WORSE. Its the JEDI who are the ones driving for the personalisation of the Clone troopers and proclaiming their "human" value, as opposed to treating them as just products/units. We're introduced to this straight from G, well, High C canon itself when Obiwan reacts badly to the unit comment.
And we see this repeated in literally every major story arc, the first episode of TCW for example Ambush shows Master Yoda illustrating each clone individual personality, we had Obiwan driving for Commander Cody to be named.
Even then, that might have been more of a "grunts less important than military/political leaders", which while unfortunate would also be a fairly routine priority in a rescue op.The only example we have where Clones were treated "worse" off than Jedi/humans was the Battle of Geonosis...... where the entire Clone Army was sent in to rescue 2 Jedi and a Senator. And of course, the surviving Jedi. Given that was one of their primary mission objectives, I see no problems with the Clone Army forming a perimeter around the defeated Jedi force while they evac.
If one applies the premise of her article -- that how one responds to fictional characters illustrates one's personality -- then how does it make her look to have written numerous revisionist history hagiographies about a group with a several millennia-long history of brigandage and mercenary service to the worst scum in the galaxy?
That is some grade-A batshit insane cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.
(Bonus Quiz for KT: Given your concern for the the treatment of clones as slaves, please explain why their wholesale massacre of droids, many of which we've seen have at least the potential for personalities as rich as human beings but are still almost all slaves with no rights kept down in part by erasing their minds on a regular basis, is a non-issue. Additional credit given for continuing to use the same condescending dismissals and violence-laden imagery which you accuse your critics of employing while you are in fact the worst -- and in many cases, sole -- offender.)