So according to their current annoucement:
Hunter = Ranged Rogue with Pet! No Mana! You literally are a rogue with a gun instead of daggers/swords/axes/hammers. Getting rid of ammo! Second dumbest consumption thing.
Warlock: Getting rid of possibly the dumbest consumption thing they did, soul shards.
MP5: Too hard to understand, giving spirit! Whatever, after the nerfs you've done and the buffs to spirit...I'm amazed it's in Wrath still.
Spellpower: this will either be good or fucking horrible. Really fucking horrible given how the classes work with intellect.
Attack Power: We can't itemize leather, mail, or plate!!! We're just giving Agility OR Strength!!! BTW dumbasses!!! People don't go for leather because just for the AP, they go for it because Agi PLUS Crit PLUS AP is astoundingly better then Str plus mediocre Crit. But don't worry, this will mean now that I can gem slot, and reforge that leather belt to have Str, Agi, and Crit on it!!!
Defense: Taking it out! Again, why not remove the ability for monsters to crit? Nevermind, I'm sure I'll be wearing +200 Str, +500 Stam pants.
Armor Pen: Too hard to understand because 1-100% makes no sense for our demographic. Now making into another stat you will need to pile on like Hit/Expertise.
Haste: Now making it better for Hunter/Rogue. It's already one of the best stats for certain classes, now making it insanely awesome.
Stamina: +500? I'm sorry, I'm leaning to 1-2K.
Frostmourne clone soon available for Huntards and DKs in Icecrown. My DK tank will love it
Archaeology : Needed more then cooking/fishing/first aid will ever be. BTW, let's guess how many of the real good shit will need 25 man raiding? I knew you can
Reforging: Start making your Blacksmiths, Tailors, JCer, Leatherworking, Engineer friends in guild now. Min/Maxing is now going to be even more insane on items. Still only solves a few problems and opens loot to more and higher insanity.
LOL, ah I said, point me to Rag MK II so I can loot his dead body for shiny stupid loot for the eventual downfall of Lady whatshername, EmoDeathdragon and Old God Part 3.