Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Moderator: Thanas
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
I think the over-all streamlining of the stats is a good thing. BC annoyed the living fuck out of me with how itemization went through the fucking roof. Wrath was a little smarter about using all the crap that got dumped on us, but it was all still out there and it made green gear in Northrend more of a joke than ever once you were past the inital gearing quests at 68-70.
I mean, my 80 rogue is currently loaded down with-
I mean, Jesus Fuck, look at that list. And YES, every one of these stats is FUCKING IMPORTANT, though I can probably shave off Haste and Crit to some degree, but still, Fuck Me Stupid that's a retarded amount of stats.
My warrior tank is just as fucking bad:
I'm getting shit-tired of having to worry about six or seven fucking stats when we should be pushing the two or three that are important to our class and letting the shit it effects fall into place by proxy. If you want to be the best rogue on the server and you have to do that by reading a spreadsheet, you know what, that's your business and rock on. But it shouldn't be goddamned necessary to have to look up so much crap OUTSIDE the game just to be VIABLE.
That's why I applaud the Defense/Stamina change as well. Not a day goes by where I don't hear, on any of the three servers I play on: "OMG wat's the def cap 4 hroix plox?" And the legion of replies of 535, 535, 540, 540, 450 from someone fucking with people. You shouldn't have to be forced to go read a tanking guide somewhere just to be viable. Again - if you want to press your numbers to the extreme peak of playing, that's your choice. But it's stupid to FORCE people to go learn this shit for a goddamn game that otherwise does not penalize you in such fashion. Instead, Blizzard can put a shiny, glowing talent in the middle of the prot trees that screams "HEY BUTT-FUCK, PICK THS SHIT UP" It's simpler, it's in-game, and it will truly seperate the merely ignorant from the truly imbecilic.
I mean, my 80 rogue is currently loaded down with-
I mean, Jesus Fuck, look at that list. And YES, every one of these stats is FUCKING IMPORTANT, though I can probably shave off Haste and Crit to some degree, but still, Fuck Me Stupid that's a retarded amount of stats.
My warrior tank is just as fucking bad:
I'm getting shit-tired of having to worry about six or seven fucking stats when we should be pushing the two or three that are important to our class and letting the shit it effects fall into place by proxy. If you want to be the best rogue on the server and you have to do that by reading a spreadsheet, you know what, that's your business and rock on. But it shouldn't be goddamned necessary to have to look up so much crap OUTSIDE the game just to be VIABLE.
That's why I applaud the Defense/Stamina change as well. Not a day goes by where I don't hear, on any of the three servers I play on: "OMG wat's the def cap 4 hroix plox?" And the legion of replies of 535, 535, 540, 540, 450 from someone fucking with people. You shouldn't have to be forced to go read a tanking guide somewhere just to be viable. Again - if you want to press your numbers to the extreme peak of playing, that's your choice. But it's stupid to FORCE people to go learn this shit for a goddamn game that otherwise does not penalize you in such fashion. Instead, Blizzard can put a shiny, glowing talent in the middle of the prot trees that screams "HEY BUTT-FUCK, PICK THS SHIT UP" It's simpler, it's in-game, and it will truly seperate the merely ignorant from the truly imbecilic.

Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
As to the thematic content...yeah, I was one of those people who screamed at my monitor "ABOUT FUCKING TIME" when I saw names like Grim Batol and Uldum and Hyjal being brought up.
Heroic Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep, fuck yes. Those are still two of my goddamn favorite instances in the game. I still remember learning how to tank on the fly in that fucking cave.
Goblins and worgen? Already got my names picked out for both. I was calling Gilnean worgen back before Burning Crusade came out, goddamn it. Vindication is fucking sweet.
Garrosh acting like a fuckhead? Unsurprising. Ramping up the tension between the factions once again? Fuck yes, goddamn it, these battlegrounds are finally starting to feel like some fucking frontline action instead of little goddamn brushfire spats.
Queen Azshara? Ragnaros? The Twilight's Hammer? Well, in the case of the latter you'd think these guys would be tired of getting their faces stomped on by now, but Azshara and Rag? Fuck yes.
[Warning: Extreme Fanboy Rant beginning]
And Deathwing. Jesus Christ Stapled to a Tree, Deathwing. A dragon who rolled out of bed one morning and decided to nail adamantium plates to his scales show the world how awesome he was. I started playing these games with Warcraft II. I still remember the mission to go kill Deathwing in the Dark Portal expansion and managing it by the skin of my teeth. I remember reading the books about him. To be honest, I never liked any of the Warcraft 3/WoW villains as much as I liked Deathwing. None of the "Boo hoo, woe is me emocutcut" of Kael or Illidan, none of the "im evil now lol" for Arthas, just a dragon built from the ground up of Pure Fucking Evil. Oh sure, they gave him a fall from grace, but I can forgive him that. He doesn't bitch and whine about it. He just shrugs and makes the other Aspects his bitches.
And now we've killed his best buddy, his kids and his wife. This motherfucker has got to be more pissed than a liquored-up small-time boxer during Happy Hour with a 2-for-1 special going. Kael and Illidan tried to conquer us. The Lich King tried to enslave us. This black-winged son of a bitch is STARTING his bid for power by cracking the GODDAMN WORLD like an eggshell. It's been one day since Cataclysm was announced and he's ALREADY put every single raid boss we've fought so far to absolute goddamn shame.
THIS is a villain I can respect. THIS is a villain I am eager to see more of. THIS IS SPART-no. This is the goddamn Cataclysm, and I'm going to be fighting motherfucking DEATHWING.
[/end foaming jizz-filled fangirl diatribe]
Heroic Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep, fuck yes. Those are still two of my goddamn favorite instances in the game. I still remember learning how to tank on the fly in that fucking cave.
Goblins and worgen? Already got my names picked out for both. I was calling Gilnean worgen back before Burning Crusade came out, goddamn it. Vindication is fucking sweet.
Garrosh acting like a fuckhead? Unsurprising. Ramping up the tension between the factions once again? Fuck yes, goddamn it, these battlegrounds are finally starting to feel like some fucking frontline action instead of little goddamn brushfire spats.
Queen Azshara? Ragnaros? The Twilight's Hammer? Well, in the case of the latter you'd think these guys would be tired of getting their faces stomped on by now, but Azshara and Rag? Fuck yes.
[Warning: Extreme Fanboy Rant beginning]
And Deathwing. Jesus Christ Stapled to a Tree, Deathwing. A dragon who rolled out of bed one morning and decided to nail adamantium plates to his scales show the world how awesome he was. I started playing these games with Warcraft II. I still remember the mission to go kill Deathwing in the Dark Portal expansion and managing it by the skin of my teeth. I remember reading the books about him. To be honest, I never liked any of the Warcraft 3/WoW villains as much as I liked Deathwing. None of the "Boo hoo, woe is me emocutcut" of Kael or Illidan, none of the "im evil now lol" for Arthas, just a dragon built from the ground up of Pure Fucking Evil. Oh sure, they gave him a fall from grace, but I can forgive him that. He doesn't bitch and whine about it. He just shrugs and makes the other Aspects his bitches.
And now we've killed his best buddy, his kids and his wife. This motherfucker has got to be more pissed than a liquored-up small-time boxer during Happy Hour with a 2-for-1 special going. Kael and Illidan tried to conquer us. The Lich King tried to enslave us. This black-winged son of a bitch is STARTING his bid for power by cracking the GODDAMN WORLD like an eggshell. It's been one day since Cataclysm was announced and he's ALREADY put every single raid boss we've fought so far to absolute goddamn shame.
THIS is a villain I can respect. THIS is a villain I am eager to see more of. THIS IS SPART-no. This is the goddamn Cataclysm, and I'm going to be fighting motherfucking DEATHWING.
[/end foaming jizz-filled fangirl diatribe]

- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
I find their resort to taking tertiary stats disingenuous. They aren't streamlining what needs to be, but taking out stats to appease the crowd.
The funniest part is that players have to figure out independantly Expertise(for front versus back), figured out Hit (soft versus hard cap), figured out what exactly is armor penetration, figured out the math of Critical Chance versus Agility, figured out MP5 vs Spirit, figured out Spellpower(general) versus Spellpower(specific), figured out haste(Melee versus Caster), and then finally figuring out rotation.
The game never teaches you any of the above. Ever. And each of those things above are needed for raiding on a BASIC level. They can't even be bothered to fucking help you via forums, quests, simple yes/no answers when asked. It's as if they want you to deciepher their fucked up math to hide the fact they made this overly complex web because...they themselves barely grasp the math. Don't believe me? Look at Armor Penetration's history. Look at the fact that it's now and finally making sense and they take it out because they either realize it's too powerful or they just don't want to deal with it anymore.
Let's look at what they are taking out?
-Defense Cap : Until PLAYERS find out each expansion, Blizz is astoundingly silent on the cap. You can stare at it and all you will see is that it improves your dodge/parry. That's it. It has never told you about critical chance on you. So Blizzard's mistake entirely. If they tell you the goal, then even the dumbest fucker should be able to achieve. All they have to do? When you scroll over the stat, tell you how much you need to avoid being hit by a critical attack. That's it. That's all. But it's easier to remove said stat then provide this simple fucking tool. Still the stat is a burden not because figuring out the cap as much as it can be easily replaced and the abilities of monsters can be changed to compensate easily.
-Shield block: Taking it out to mitigate magical damage aka Warrior Tier 8 4-piece bonus. Look at it, think about what they've said.
-MP5: Like I said before, Spirit and it are too hard to understand!!! Namely because they don't understand, have never told mana users how it works and now are just converting it into one stat. Too bad it doesn't solve the core problem that mana users have to discover through trial and error how mana regeneration works.
-Spellpower: The absolute largest change and possibly the dumbest fucking thing in the new expansion, stat wise. They are now converting straight up intelligence into it. Personally it makes it insanely bad unless they have some talent that is baseline for every spellcasting class or the math goes even wonkier. OR How many of you understand the Spellpower conversion difference in a Fireball/Moonfire/Holy Light/Chain Heal and such not are? Even better, guess what haste and mana regeneration does to that math? I'll tell you what, given their history behind Armor Penetration alone, I am scared to touch my mage or warlock.
-Attack Power: Like I said before...it wasn't because of AP is why leather and mail is so desireable. It's because Plate is so poorly itemized. So instead of itemizing plate better? They are nerfing Mail and Leather.
-Armor Penetration: The initial version of armor penetration was fucking backwards even from a layman's point of view. It was that the more you had the more armor was taken away ala Sunder Armor. But why is that fucked up? Because it was 1 Armor Pen = 100 Armor taken away(not really, but I'm digging out my old spreadsheets for the 65.6762 armor). Essentially it fucked Cloth Classes over so hard up the ass that they elt sore after five more bouts. Plate classes on the other hand laughed at a mere loss of 2-3K armor. Blizzard needed all of TBC to realize this was stupid.
So in taking 1 1/2 expansions to realize their stupidity they reversed it. So now it was percentile based. 1-400%. Yes, you read that correctly. There were number of us out there figuring out how to achieve not only above 100% but how to enter negative armor thus doing double/triple/quadruple damage. With Grim Toll/Thorim's trinket you could literally two shot people...easily.
They finally, finally capped it at 100%, so that clothies feel it, but plate feels it more. Now? Apparently 1-100% is too fucking *mathy*. This from a company that doesn't even tell you shit about your OWN stats, let alone offensive stats. Fucking ignorant douchebags.
Now to the stats they are keeping and why I despise their Armor Penetration reason as *too mathy*.
Hit: Now this is the king of bullshit. They have never ever, ever told anyone what the hit caps are. I've seen literally hundreds of people overloaded on a stat that is useless beyond a certain point BECAUSE Blizzard never told anyone what is the difference between white and yellow attacks. Spellcasters are to this day still confused how much they need because it changes. Melee have two levels of it. And tanks have to have it because it relates to all their abilities. Only intelligent thing they did? Remove it have Spell AND melee hit.
How to solve it? Same way to solve defense. Tell you from a 1-100% rate of your attacks will hit the monster(at raid level which is your level+3) and how it correlates to special attack or white attack.
Expertise: All it tells you is it reduces the chance to dodge/parry. Too bad you have to figure out things such as Parry is only in front(and before you go "DUH!" This is a game where monsters frequently had 360 melee attacks and would parry from their ass) and that dodge is in back. Too bad they never tell you that Parry is on 14% table, and dodge in only some weird 6.5% table. Blizzard never told us why there is difference or the fact that it ROUNDS DOWN. They keep alluding to some math that only their PhDs know. And the sad part? It requires nearly that to gather the information, make a spreadsheet to figure out how fucking dumb their itemization is. This entire stat should be taken out and reverted into HIT. Instead they have you stack this with Hit for some reason only known to them. Oh...and only melee has to worry about this particularly stupid stat.
All in all, they aren't making it easier or harder but fucking up their math again...for what reason I am unsure. The only thing that made sense was defense taken out and being replaced by straight up stamina.
The funniest part is that players have to figure out independantly Expertise(for front versus back), figured out Hit (soft versus hard cap), figured out what exactly is armor penetration, figured out the math of Critical Chance versus Agility, figured out MP5 vs Spirit, figured out Spellpower(general) versus Spellpower(specific), figured out haste(Melee versus Caster), and then finally figuring out rotation.
The game never teaches you any of the above. Ever. And each of those things above are needed for raiding on a BASIC level. They can't even be bothered to fucking help you via forums, quests, simple yes/no answers when asked. It's as if they want you to deciepher their fucked up math to hide the fact they made this overly complex web because...they themselves barely grasp the math. Don't believe me? Look at Armor Penetration's history. Look at the fact that it's now and finally making sense and they take it out because they either realize it's too powerful or they just don't want to deal with it anymore.
Let's look at what they are taking out?
-Defense Cap : Until PLAYERS find out each expansion, Blizz is astoundingly silent on the cap. You can stare at it and all you will see is that it improves your dodge/parry. That's it. It has never told you about critical chance on you. So Blizzard's mistake entirely. If they tell you the goal, then even the dumbest fucker should be able to achieve. All they have to do? When you scroll over the stat, tell you how much you need to avoid being hit by a critical attack. That's it. That's all. But it's easier to remove said stat then provide this simple fucking tool. Still the stat is a burden not because figuring out the cap as much as it can be easily replaced and the abilities of monsters can be changed to compensate easily.
-Shield block: Taking it out to mitigate magical damage aka Warrior Tier 8 4-piece bonus. Look at it, think about what they've said.
-MP5: Like I said before, Spirit and it are too hard to understand!!! Namely because they don't understand, have never told mana users how it works and now are just converting it into one stat. Too bad it doesn't solve the core problem that mana users have to discover through trial and error how mana regeneration works.
-Spellpower: The absolute largest change and possibly the dumbest fucking thing in the new expansion, stat wise. They are now converting straight up intelligence into it. Personally it makes it insanely bad unless they have some talent that is baseline for every spellcasting class or the math goes even wonkier. OR How many of you understand the Spellpower conversion difference in a Fireball/Moonfire/Holy Light/Chain Heal and such not are? Even better, guess what haste and mana regeneration does to that math? I'll tell you what, given their history behind Armor Penetration alone, I am scared to touch my mage or warlock.
-Attack Power: Like I said before...it wasn't because of AP is why leather and mail is so desireable. It's because Plate is so poorly itemized. So instead of itemizing plate better? They are nerfing Mail and Leather.
-Armor Penetration: The initial version of armor penetration was fucking backwards even from a layman's point of view. It was that the more you had the more armor was taken away ala Sunder Armor. But why is that fucked up? Because it was 1 Armor Pen = 100 Armor taken away(not really, but I'm digging out my old spreadsheets for the 65.6762 armor). Essentially it fucked Cloth Classes over so hard up the ass that they elt sore after five more bouts. Plate classes on the other hand laughed at a mere loss of 2-3K armor. Blizzard needed all of TBC to realize this was stupid.
So in taking 1 1/2 expansions to realize their stupidity they reversed it. So now it was percentile based. 1-400%. Yes, you read that correctly. There were number of us out there figuring out how to achieve not only above 100% but how to enter negative armor thus doing double/triple/quadruple damage. With Grim Toll/Thorim's trinket you could literally two shot people...easily.
They finally, finally capped it at 100%, so that clothies feel it, but plate feels it more. Now? Apparently 1-100% is too fucking *mathy*. This from a company that doesn't even tell you shit about your OWN stats, let alone offensive stats. Fucking ignorant douchebags.
Now to the stats they are keeping and why I despise their Armor Penetration reason as *too mathy*.
Hit: Now this is the king of bullshit. They have never ever, ever told anyone what the hit caps are. I've seen literally hundreds of people overloaded on a stat that is useless beyond a certain point BECAUSE Blizzard never told anyone what is the difference between white and yellow attacks. Spellcasters are to this day still confused how much they need because it changes. Melee have two levels of it. And tanks have to have it because it relates to all their abilities. Only intelligent thing they did? Remove it have Spell AND melee hit.
How to solve it? Same way to solve defense. Tell you from a 1-100% rate of your attacks will hit the monster(at raid level which is your level+3) and how it correlates to special attack or white attack.
Expertise: All it tells you is it reduces the chance to dodge/parry. Too bad you have to figure out things such as Parry is only in front(and before you go "DUH!" This is a game where monsters frequently had 360 melee attacks and would parry from their ass) and that dodge is in back. Too bad they never tell you that Parry is on 14% table, and dodge in only some weird 6.5% table. Blizzard never told us why there is difference or the fact that it ROUNDS DOWN. They keep alluding to some math that only their PhDs know. And the sad part? It requires nearly that to gather the information, make a spreadsheet to figure out how fucking dumb their itemization is. This entire stat should be taken out and reverted into HIT. Instead they have you stack this with Hit for some reason only known to them. Oh...and only melee has to worry about this particularly stupid stat.
All in all, they aren't making it easier or harder but fucking up their math again...for what reason I am unsure. The only thing that made sense was defense taken out and being replaced by straight up stamina.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Today was Raids and Dungeons!
•The concept of Ulduar teleports will be back in future instances including Icecrown Citadel. Developers do not want you to have to run for hours just to get back to a boss after a wipe.
We figured that less running is better! Don't look at Naxx...stop look at Naxx!!
Cross Server LFG
Ummm...look shiny!!! Stop asking about "No Additional Instances can be done at this time." mini game we've installed. Shut up about the fact we didn't solve it but gave you a new raid AND new 5 man dungeon.
•This will let you PUG 5-man instances and search for groups through multiple servers.
Now you can get ninjas from other servers!
•It will come with its own reward systems. If you're the leader of a PUG and complete the dungeon succesfully you will be rewarded.
Please don't tell your friends to enter the LFG to get free new possible shiny.
•It should be out for patch 3.3.0.
SHUT UP ABOUT THE "No New Instances!!!!" We know the hamsters aren't working as fast...we'll get it done in patch
Jesus, whiny customers...
Icecrown Citadel
•Icecrown Citadel will have 4 floors.
Look, stairs! Where do they go?
They go up, Ray.
•It will be a 10 and 25 players raid with 12 bosses
Yes, this is what we rushed Crusader Loot Pin...I mean the new raid for.
•Waypoints / Teleporters are being reused here because the instance is really big.
So instead of running for hours, you run for an hour to the next waypoint! Tell me, when we reach the 20th floor, I'm gonna puke.
•You will fight Sindragosa, the ultimate Frost Wyrm.
AKA break out resist gear and the nerfing of your stats to survive! That is until you gear up so badly that you laugh at her attacks and your healers are AFK healing again.
You will also fight Arthas.
•The instance is built around the spire where the Ice Throne sits.
Shit, you mean that really, really, really large fortress thing wasn't a clue. Fuck, I am blind.
•At the 2nd floor, you will have to board an airship with your faction leader and race against the other faction to reach the 3rd floor. You will eventually board their ship with rocket packs and catapults to fight them.
Because we thought everyone hating vehicle combat should only be the start.
•The 3rd floor seems to be the biggest one and will feature 3 wings
So...airship battle inside the citadel isn't going to be as big as the third floor? Thank you for telling me each wipe will take 45 mins to reach the waypoint.
•The 4th floor is where you will fight Arthas
I kinda hope so given he's supposedly the final boss.
Icecrown Citadel - Dungeons
•The Icecrown Citadel will also feature a 5-man dungeon.
•It has 3 different wings and feature 8 bosses in total. You will have to unlock the 2nd and 3rd wings through an epic questline.
Y'see we thought the BT design was cool, but not enough people suffered through it.
•You will fight alongside Horde and Alliance heroes.
Help protect stupid NPCs from themselves.
•4 Raids : Grim Batol, Skywall, The Firelands, Blackwing Descent
Hopefully it won't be "1 real dungeon and three one shot dungeons.
•Dungeons : Grim Batol, Uldum, Deepholme, Skywall, Abyssal Maw, Blackrock Caverns
Level to 85 quick to unlock heroics to ignore again!
•Old World Heroics: Deadmines, Shadowfang Keep
VanCleef returns! Deadmines was only a set back...oh wait...I'm still here, BWAHAHAHAHA FOOLS!
Arugal learned well from Kael.
Abyssal Maw (LVL 78-82)
•Abyssal Maw is one of the two 5-player dungeons located in the Sunken City of Vashjir. It will be non-linear.
Leader:Okay guys, let's skip the 16 headed naga and hit only the giant water spout.
Mage: But the 16 headed nage drops my pants!!!
Group: Ugh...
•It's a giant vortex in the center of the zone, getting near the vortex will pull you down to the elemental plane of water.
Don...oh fuck...AFK idiot just facepulled elemental lord.
•The dungeon will be on the ocean's floor. You will be able to see the ocean through windows in the dungeon and will make an extensive use of the new water effects in Cataclysm.
And to your left is Sebastion singing to you, to your right is Ursula trying to tentacle rape your druid's seal form.
Halls of Origination
•Halls of Origination will be a non-linear dungeon with elevators to access higher floors. It will feature 7 bosses.
Sorry guys, I fell through the elevator again...maybe they'll fix it in patch 4.1.4?
•This is one of the first 5 players dungeon located in the lost deserts of Uldum
I'm at the summoning stone...wait did you guys take the transport to New Theramoore?
No, we're at Ruined Darnassus...flying over now
*10 minutes later*
Just wait a sec...
•This is the ultimate titan dungeon, it will feature a lot of titan's lore and you will meet Brann Bronzebeard once again here.
Aye laddies, Alganon was just a pansy, just because he was about to send out some code and those guardians were guarding an old god. Pfft...THIS is the Titan's true lair!
Lost City of Tol'vir
•Exterior 5-man dungeon
Because we want to make a dungeon with walls of trees!
Blackrock Caverns
•Blackrock Caverns is an entirely new instance located inside Blackrock Mountains. It was a good occasion to reinvent a fan favorite.
Look more fire elementals, and look another lava golem!
•It is now an off-site base for Deathwing and it's now occupied by the Twilight's Hammer. You will find out why the Twilight's Hammer is here and what they want here.
We plan to revive the Old God, WuFuchichu! What's the worst that could happen?
•It will feature new art, loot, and creatures. The Beast still lurks ...
Translation : Upper Blackrock Spire was only a setback, you didn't think I would have my plans foiled by some halfbreed dragonkin!
Blackwing Descent (Raid)
•Nefarian will return in this instance. This is an entirely new raid inspired by the original Blackwing lair with new loot, new art, new creatures.
Nef: Blackwin...oh hell you know the speech. Now, kill my sister 25 times to face me.
The Firelands (Raid)
•The Firelands is the Elemental Plane of fire. You will fight Ragnaros again here and you will finally fight him at his full strength.
Onyxia 5th anniversary
•Onyxia is back with updated encounter mechanics. You will find new and updated loot here based on the original items with improved stats.
She deep breaths moar!
•Onyxia's 310% flying mount "Brood of Onyxia" is going to be a very very rare drop.
That's right .5% bitches, .5%
•The concept of Ulduar teleports will be back in future instances including Icecrown Citadel. Developers do not want you to have to run for hours just to get back to a boss after a wipe.
We figured that less running is better! Don't look at Naxx...stop look at Naxx!!
Cross Server LFG
Ummm...look shiny!!! Stop asking about "No Additional Instances can be done at this time." mini game we've installed. Shut up about the fact we didn't solve it but gave you a new raid AND new 5 man dungeon.
•This will let you PUG 5-man instances and search for groups through multiple servers.
Now you can get ninjas from other servers!
•It will come with its own reward systems. If you're the leader of a PUG and complete the dungeon succesfully you will be rewarded.
Please don't tell your friends to enter the LFG to get free new possible shiny.
•It should be out for patch 3.3.0.
SHUT UP ABOUT THE "No New Instances!!!!" We know the hamsters aren't working as fast...we'll get it done in patch
Jesus, whiny customers...
Icecrown Citadel
•Icecrown Citadel will have 4 floors.
Look, stairs! Where do they go?
They go up, Ray.
•It will be a 10 and 25 players raid with 12 bosses
Yes, this is what we rushed Crusader Loot Pin...I mean the new raid for.
•Waypoints / Teleporters are being reused here because the instance is really big.
So instead of running for hours, you run for an hour to the next waypoint! Tell me, when we reach the 20th floor, I'm gonna puke.
•You will fight Sindragosa, the ultimate Frost Wyrm.
AKA break out resist gear and the nerfing of your stats to survive! That is until you gear up so badly that you laugh at her attacks and your healers are AFK healing again.
You will also fight Arthas.
•The instance is built around the spire where the Ice Throne sits.
Shit, you mean that really, really, really large fortress thing wasn't a clue. Fuck, I am blind.
•At the 2nd floor, you will have to board an airship with your faction leader and race against the other faction to reach the 3rd floor. You will eventually board their ship with rocket packs and catapults to fight them.
Because we thought everyone hating vehicle combat should only be the start.
•The 3rd floor seems to be the biggest one and will feature 3 wings
So...airship battle inside the citadel isn't going to be as big as the third floor? Thank you for telling me each wipe will take 45 mins to reach the waypoint.
•The 4th floor is where you will fight Arthas
I kinda hope so given he's supposedly the final boss.
Icecrown Citadel - Dungeons
•The Icecrown Citadel will also feature a 5-man dungeon.
•It has 3 different wings and feature 8 bosses in total. You will have to unlock the 2nd and 3rd wings through an epic questline.
Y'see we thought the BT design was cool, but not enough people suffered through it.
•You will fight alongside Horde and Alliance heroes.
Help protect stupid NPCs from themselves.
•4 Raids : Grim Batol, Skywall, The Firelands, Blackwing Descent
Hopefully it won't be "1 real dungeon and three one shot dungeons.
•Dungeons : Grim Batol, Uldum, Deepholme, Skywall, Abyssal Maw, Blackrock Caverns
Level to 85 quick to unlock heroics to ignore again!
•Old World Heroics: Deadmines, Shadowfang Keep
VanCleef returns! Deadmines was only a set back...oh wait...I'm still here, BWAHAHAHAHA FOOLS!
Arugal learned well from Kael.
Abyssal Maw (LVL 78-82)
•Abyssal Maw is one of the two 5-player dungeons located in the Sunken City of Vashjir. It will be non-linear.
Leader:Okay guys, let's skip the 16 headed naga and hit only the giant water spout.
Mage: But the 16 headed nage drops my pants!!!
Group: Ugh...
•It's a giant vortex in the center of the zone, getting near the vortex will pull you down to the elemental plane of water.
Don...oh fuck...AFK idiot just facepulled elemental lord.
•The dungeon will be on the ocean's floor. You will be able to see the ocean through windows in the dungeon and will make an extensive use of the new water effects in Cataclysm.
And to your left is Sebastion singing to you, to your right is Ursula trying to tentacle rape your druid's seal form.
Halls of Origination
•Halls of Origination will be a non-linear dungeon with elevators to access higher floors. It will feature 7 bosses.
Sorry guys, I fell through the elevator again...maybe they'll fix it in patch 4.1.4?
•This is one of the first 5 players dungeon located in the lost deserts of Uldum
I'm at the summoning stone...wait did you guys take the transport to New Theramoore?
No, we're at Ruined Darnassus...flying over now
*10 minutes later*
Just wait a sec...
•This is the ultimate titan dungeon, it will feature a lot of titan's lore and you will meet Brann Bronzebeard once again here.
Aye laddies, Alganon was just a pansy, just because he was about to send out some code and those guardians were guarding an old god. Pfft...THIS is the Titan's true lair!
Lost City of Tol'vir
•Exterior 5-man dungeon
Because we want to make a dungeon with walls of trees!
Blackrock Caverns
•Blackrock Caverns is an entirely new instance located inside Blackrock Mountains. It was a good occasion to reinvent a fan favorite.
Look more fire elementals, and look another lava golem!
•It is now an off-site base for Deathwing and it's now occupied by the Twilight's Hammer. You will find out why the Twilight's Hammer is here and what they want here.
We plan to revive the Old God, WuFuchichu! What's the worst that could happen?
•It will feature new art, loot, and creatures. The Beast still lurks ...
Translation : Upper Blackrock Spire was only a setback, you didn't think I would have my plans foiled by some halfbreed dragonkin!
Blackwing Descent (Raid)
•Nefarian will return in this instance. This is an entirely new raid inspired by the original Blackwing lair with new loot, new art, new creatures.
Nef: Blackwin...oh hell you know the speech. Now, kill my sister 25 times to face me.
The Firelands (Raid)
•The Firelands is the Elemental Plane of fire. You will fight Ragnaros again here and you will finally fight him at his full strength.
Onyxia 5th anniversary
•Onyxia is back with updated encounter mechanics. You will find new and updated loot here based on the original items with improved stats.
She deep breaths moar!
•Onyxia's 310% flying mount "Brood of Onyxia" is going to be a very very rare drop.
That's right .5% bitches, .5%
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Oh for fuck's sake.Ghost Rider wrote: •At the 2nd floor, you will have to board an airship with your faction leader and race against the other faction to reach the 3rd floor. You will eventually board their ship with rocket packs and catapults to fight them.
Because we thought everyone hating vehicle combat should only be the start.
•The 3rd floor seems to be the biggest one and will feature 3 wings
So...airship battle inside the citadel isn't going to be as big as the third floor? Thank you for telling me each wipe will take 45 mins to reach the waypoint.

Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
GR, please stop, you're killing me here, can't breathe.... 
I should probably confess now that I never got a chance to raid or run a heroic instance. Even when I hit 70 after six months with my Dwarf Tankadin I remained quite the newb and could rarely get a good run to instances.

I should probably confess now that I never got a chance to raid or run a heroic instance. Even when I hit 70 after six months with my Dwarf Tankadin I remained quite the newb and could rarely get a good run to instances.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia
American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.
"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia
American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
The man is a treasure.Steve wrote:GR, please stop, you're killing me here, can't breathe....

- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Now onto the other stuff:
Rated Battlegrounds
•Rated Battlegrounds will be an alternative way to get arena points.
Guild Looking for WSG/AB/AV/...oh fuck 40 people...must have 1000 resilience.
•Each week, one of the BG will be the Rated Battleground of the week. Winning in this battleground will improve your rating and give you points. Losing will not lower your rating.
AKA get onto a battleground that favors your side.
•New PvP titles will be added, as your rating progress you will unlock higher titles. If you earned a PvP title you will keep it.
Because enough people wanted to have Grand Marshall.
•When a Battleground is rated for the week, its normal non-rated version will still be available.
Rated : <1 minute Que
Unrated: 20 minutes and counting.
•The amount of Arena Points will be limited to prevent grinding.
You thought you could get your arena gear in 10 months? SUCKERS!
•You will also earn guild level by playing these rated battlegrounds with your guildmates.
Ok, tonight's raid is Warsong Gulch. Remember to CAPTURE the flag not sit midfield.
•Tol'barad is a mix of Lake Wintergrasp and the Isle of Quel'danas.
Capture the Zepplin and ZERG!!!!!
•Every x hours the Daily Quests of the zone will shutdown and players will fight to capture the control points, the first team to get all of them wins.
You're fucked if your population is low.
•The winning team gets access to better daily quests rewarding more gold/better items.
AKA the side that is getting the new cooler race will have more sacri...players to throw for better loot.
Guild Leveling
•Guild experience is earned through multiple ways, players leveling, killing bosses, leveling professions, PvP victories, reputations.
Newest Guild Application:
-How many nights can you raid?
-Are you 550 in all your primary and secondary professions? If so, how many alts do you have with these same things? Are they 85 as well?
•Each guild level rewards you with one talent point, these talents affect the whole guild. The top 20 earners of the guild will contribute to the guild experience for the day.
Frustrated, degraded, down before you're done
Rejection, depression, can't get what you want
You ask me how I make my way
You ask me everywhere and why
You hang on every
But the truth sounds like a lie
Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall
Obsessive, compulsive, suffocate your mind
Confusion, delusions, kill your dreams in time
You ask me how I took the pain
Crawled up from my lowest low
Step by step and day by day
'Till there's one last breath to go
Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall
Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in
Let another round begin, live to win
Yeah, live, yeah, win
Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting 'till you fall
Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in
Let another round begin, live to win
Live to win
Live to win
Yeah, live, yeah, win!!
•Some of the guild talents will allow you to remove reagent costs from spell, get increased gold drops, summon your entire raid, rez your entire raid after a wipe, automatically transfer a % of gold dropped by bosses to the guild bank. Guild talents can be reset.
See above.
•Once your guild reached level 20, the guild experience becomes a currency and let you buy things like mounts, professions plans, banners, potions, rare reagents and guild talent respecs.
This weeks annoucement: Noobs who can't get 1000 achievements are gkicked. That is all.
•Anyone can learn a guild profession recipe, if you leave the guild after learning it you will loose the recipe and it will be transferred back to the guild bank. Guild heirlooms also work the same way and are bound to the guild.
Better hope the guild leader and his psychotic phone se...I mean girlfriend are getting along.
Guild Interface
•Guilds will have their own achievements, some of the old achievements might be converted to guild achievements. Some of the achievements are building a legendary item, maxing out every profession, etc ...
We raid 10 nights a week, KK.
•A guild news feed will be added, it will shows boss kills, items looted, it will come with different filters to let you find specific information.
E-Peen will now come in flavors of spearmint and bubblegum.
•You can now check the professions of every members of your guild and check their recipes list to see if they can create an item.
GChat: So...who has enchanting again?
•You will also be able to invite other guilds to your guild events through the in-game calendar.
Okay are we using my vent or your vent? And shut up, I paid the next six month's bill!!!
Mastery system
•There are too many talents right now and a lot of them are boring and just give passive bonuses. (1% hit bonus, etc ...)
Too many talents are needed because we have no fucking clue...quiet about the +crit talents that make no sense!!!
•The goal is to make talents more fun and useful, Body and Soul or Juggernaut are a good example.
Didn't you guys nerf Juggernaut so badly that warriors only take it because it provides an in combat charge that does cost us rage and a stance dance?
Take heart, they won't do this...*snerk*...agai...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
•The old passive bonuses will be automatically added to your character through the Mastery system as you spend more points in a talent tree. Spending a lot of points in Fury will give you extra crit, etc ... this will be implemented for all classes.
We're going to nerf your 51 point talents soooooo hard.
•Mastery bonuses will lower energy cost, increase your armor penetration, etc ...
51 points into Arms = 10% Haste!!! What do mean Arms warriors don't want haste? You don't see Frost Mages crying about getting a 5% bonus to Mana Gem now do you?!
Path of the Titans
•Character progression slows down drastically at level 80. Players will improve their character through the Path of the Titan by using the new Archeology profession.
Like Gylphs but even weirder!
•Archeology rewards you with "Ancient Glyphs" and give you bonuses reduced damage, reduced stun duration, etc ...
•They are NOT inscription glyphs and are totally different, as you progress after level 85 you will earn points to buy more glyphs. They are tied to your talent specialization and cannot be respecced.
Sorry we nerfed that glyph...what do you mean every rogue specced for it?
•You will eventually get all your ancient glyphs, but hardcore players will get them faster. There will be a weekly limit to how fast you can get them.
Raiders: 1 week
Arena : 2 days
Casual : After 2 month nerf...fine here you go.
Rated Battlegrounds
•Rated Battlegrounds will be an alternative way to get arena points.
Guild Looking for WSG/AB/AV/...oh fuck 40 people...must have 1000 resilience.
•Each week, one of the BG will be the Rated Battleground of the week. Winning in this battleground will improve your rating and give you points. Losing will not lower your rating.
AKA get onto a battleground that favors your side.
•New PvP titles will be added, as your rating progress you will unlock higher titles. If you earned a PvP title you will keep it.
Because enough people wanted to have Grand Marshall.
•When a Battleground is rated for the week, its normal non-rated version will still be available.
Rated : <1 minute Que
Unrated: 20 minutes and counting.
•The amount of Arena Points will be limited to prevent grinding.
You thought you could get your arena gear in 10 months? SUCKERS!
•You will also earn guild level by playing these rated battlegrounds with your guildmates.
Ok, tonight's raid is Warsong Gulch. Remember to CAPTURE the flag not sit midfield.
•Tol'barad is a mix of Lake Wintergrasp and the Isle of Quel'danas.
Capture the Zepplin and ZERG!!!!!
•Every x hours the Daily Quests of the zone will shutdown and players will fight to capture the control points, the first team to get all of them wins.
You're fucked if your population is low.
•The winning team gets access to better daily quests rewarding more gold/better items.
AKA the side that is getting the new cooler race will have more sacri...players to throw for better loot.
Guild Leveling
•Guild experience is earned through multiple ways, players leveling, killing bosses, leveling professions, PvP victories, reputations.
Newest Guild Application:
-How many nights can you raid?
-Are you 550 in all your primary and secondary professions? If so, how many alts do you have with these same things? Are they 85 as well?
•Each guild level rewards you with one talent point, these talents affect the whole guild. The top 20 earners of the guild will contribute to the guild experience for the day.
Frustrated, degraded, down before you're done
Rejection, depression, can't get what you want
You ask me how I make my way
You ask me everywhere and why
You hang on every
But the truth sounds like a lie
Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall
Obsessive, compulsive, suffocate your mind
Confusion, delusions, kill your dreams in time
You ask me how I took the pain
Crawled up from my lowest low
Step by step and day by day
'Till there's one last breath to go
Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall
Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in
Let another round begin, live to win
Yeah, live, yeah, win
Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes
Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting 'till you fall
Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in
Let another round begin, live to win
Live to win
Live to win
Yeah, live, yeah, win!!
•Some of the guild talents will allow you to remove reagent costs from spell, get increased gold drops, summon your entire raid, rez your entire raid after a wipe, automatically transfer a % of gold dropped by bosses to the guild bank. Guild talents can be reset.
See above.
•Once your guild reached level 20, the guild experience becomes a currency and let you buy things like mounts, professions plans, banners, potions, rare reagents and guild talent respecs.
This weeks annoucement: Noobs who can't get 1000 achievements are gkicked. That is all.
•Anyone can learn a guild profession recipe, if you leave the guild after learning it you will loose the recipe and it will be transferred back to the guild bank. Guild heirlooms also work the same way and are bound to the guild.
Better hope the guild leader and his psychotic phone se...I mean girlfriend are getting along.
Guild Interface
•Guilds will have their own achievements, some of the old achievements might be converted to guild achievements. Some of the achievements are building a legendary item, maxing out every profession, etc ...
We raid 10 nights a week, KK.
•A guild news feed will be added, it will shows boss kills, items looted, it will come with different filters to let you find specific information.
E-Peen will now come in flavors of spearmint and bubblegum.
•You can now check the professions of every members of your guild and check their recipes list to see if they can create an item.
GChat: So...who has enchanting again?
•You will also be able to invite other guilds to your guild events through the in-game calendar.
Okay are we using my vent or your vent? And shut up, I paid the next six month's bill!!!
Mastery system
•There are too many talents right now and a lot of them are boring and just give passive bonuses. (1% hit bonus, etc ...)
Too many talents are needed because we have no fucking clue...quiet about the +crit talents that make no sense!!!
•The goal is to make talents more fun and useful, Body and Soul or Juggernaut are a good example.
Didn't you guys nerf Juggernaut so badly that warriors only take it because it provides an in combat charge that does cost us rage and a stance dance?
Take heart, they won't do this...*snerk*...agai...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
•The old passive bonuses will be automatically added to your character through the Mastery system as you spend more points in a talent tree. Spending a lot of points in Fury will give you extra crit, etc ... this will be implemented for all classes.
We're going to nerf your 51 point talents soooooo hard.
•Mastery bonuses will lower energy cost, increase your armor penetration, etc ...
51 points into Arms = 10% Haste!!! What do mean Arms warriors don't want haste? You don't see Frost Mages crying about getting a 5% bonus to Mana Gem now do you?!
Path of the Titans
•Character progression slows down drastically at level 80. Players will improve their character through the Path of the Titan by using the new Archeology profession.
Like Gylphs but even weirder!
•Archeology rewards you with "Ancient Glyphs" and give you bonuses reduced damage, reduced stun duration, etc ...
•They are NOT inscription glyphs and are totally different, as you progress after level 85 you will earn points to buy more glyphs. They are tied to your talent specialization and cannot be respecced.
Sorry we nerfed that glyph...what do you mean every rogue specced for it?
•You will eventually get all your ancient glyphs, but hardcore players will get them faster. There will be a weekly limit to how fast you can get them.
Raiders: 1 week
Arena : 2 days
Casual : After 2 month nerf...fine here you go.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
The part about guild talents & levels sounds really strange, I'm still trying to figure it out. Were there diagrams or concept art that added information to those statements?
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
it could be worse, they could start taking lessons from final fantasy....ArmorPierce wrote:Damn Azeroth really can't catch a break. If it's not one thing it's another wrecking the planet.
erm don't trust any jesters.
hey Blizz, I have friends in RL, who play different factions... can we please get a neutral side in this BS, you know how about the Mummers guild?

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Heres the some of the slides in their presentation:Darmalus wrote:The part about guild talents & levels sounds really strange, I'm still trying to figure it out. Were there diagrams or concept art that added information to those statements?
Guild talent tree
Guild Achievements
Guild Overview
Guild Looking for Recruits tool
And to illustrate some of the other changes, heres the some more slides:
The new Talent Tree and Mastery system
including the new Mastery stat
And the new Path of the Titans thing: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Oh and the Faction change service is just the beginning: A race change service will follow quickly (it will cost a bit of course).
- Ritterin Sophia
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 5496
- Joined: 2006-07-25 09:32am
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Can I ask the obvious question of why Worgens and why Alliance?
A Certain Clique, HAB, The Chroniclers
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Worgen have been one of the most popular non-playable races since the start of Wow.General Schatten wrote:Can I ask the obvious question of why Worgens
The worgen that are playable come specifically from Gilneas, a (formerly) human nation that was once part of the Alliance during the human/orc wars and thus still harbors loyalty towards their old comrades. In addition, the trailer for Cataclysm implies that the Forsaken attempted to smash Gilneas and were rebuffed, thus engendering a great deal of Horde-hate on top of the orc-hate that was already there.and why Alliance?
In additon, it makes sense from an out-of-game perspective: the Horde are finally getting a short, spry, smart race to counterbalance the gnomes, while the Alliance gets a bestial and savage race to upset the goody two-shoes image they have right now.

Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Hmmm, I actually think I like what I see. Thanks for the help! I'll have to remember that site in the future.D.Turtle wrote:Heres the some of the slides in their presentation:
<Snip Links>
- Civil War Man
- Posts: 3790
- Joined: 2005-01-28 03:54am
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
I nominate this Path of the Titans buff to be the new winner in the "Utterly Useless Buff that will Never be Taken unless it is a Prerequesite for an Actually Useful Buff" category.D.Turtle wrote:3
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Below First Aid itself? Please, this thing will access buffs that they have no fucking clue how it works in an active setting, to which they will nerf into the ground. This thing will be easily guild level "Have this path or you're getting Gkicked."Civil War Man wrote:I nominate this Path of the Titans buff to be the new winner in the "Utterly Useless Buff that will Never be Taken unless it is a Prerequesite for an Actually Useful Buff" category.D.Turtle wrote:3
Look at the DK and the absurdity of it all, look at various new rogue abilities, look at Feral druids, hell look at Paladins. Blizzard's track record is likely to overstuff this thing with buff/buff/buff and then realize a raidwide 3-4% increase in damage per person with a additive effect makes classes so insanely powerful that a boss needs 30-50 million to be even a challenge, and then nerf that said ability into the fucking ground.
But only if you're a raider with access to the high end material will you get there...but they are going to nerf all of you who can't touch Nefarion SUPAH HARD MODE.
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
- Ghost Rider
- Spirit of Vengeance
- Posts: 27779
- Joined: 2002-09-24 01:48pm
- Location: DC...looking up from the gutters to the stars
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
And for their open Q&A:
•More character slots might be added but maybe not for Cataclysm.
We realize you have bank alts and want alts for classes, but go fuck yourselves. We'll get to it right after we get to redoing all the dungeons and somewhere between guild/personal housing.
•You might be able to reorder the characters on your character selection screen at some point.
Patch 4.1.5. Nerfing raid bosses and reorder your characters!
•There are some ideas for "mentoring" to let people of varied levels play together without powerleveling. Things like downleveling yourself to play with them is a possibility but it might not be for Cataclysm.
For the small minority that want to do this go to Mr Po W Levl. For 100 G you can lose a level that will be bugged and thus need to regain by leveling for real.
•Character visual customization is something they would like to adress, but they don't really know what the right solution is. They have a few ideas in mind and might do something about it soon.
We're waiting for another...MMO to die so we can ste...patent the idea!
•Oceanic servers will get their own maintenance time at some point.
In the year 2050.
•Dancing is still in the work and the animation is working on them, there is still some work to do to make it a real feature.
•Race changes will be available shortly after Faction changes. There is no point in not allowing that since you can't really prevent people with multiple accounts to play both side on PvP servers anyway.
So don't like that you picked a Horde Male Warrior!
For $100, we can do a change in 2-3 weeks!
•All races will have updated racials with Cataclysm, they should be similar to what the Goblins have. (Increased health/mana potion effects, etc ...)
Yeah, which we'll nerf again because we don't realize what immunity to fear/slow/roots and what not did to our precious PvP.
Guild Leveling System
•The idea behind the guild leveling system is to make people want to be in guilds and make people feel better about being in a guild. The goal is to take that feature and make it the best they can. (Guild Talent Trees, etc ...)
Guild Annoucement: Guild is Mother. Guild is Father.
•You will be able to create guild heirlooms with the new guild leveling system, you can buy profession plans and anyone in your guild can wear that item, it will scale with level.
Second Guild annoucement: Level alts to 85 or get gkicked.
•Armorsmith and Weaponsmith specialization really felt like the Blacksmith was limited by his choice, that's why it was ignored in Wrath of the Lich King. Ultimately it's better if the player can craft more stuff instead of just being able to craft 2H swords or whatever.
Choosing was wrong because we nerf the shit anyways.
•Herbs and Ore Nodes will be reitemized with the revamp.
Chinese Hack account farmers need love too!!!
Player vs. Player
•XP in Battlegrounds need to be fixed because there is a lot of XP leeching in the 71-80 Brackets. Once it's fixed, it will be improved across the board.
If you get flagged, you get only 1/2 XP...take th...wait, you mean they have programs to get around that?
Raids & Dungeons
•You can't get Frostmourne because it would take control of your soul. Frostmourne would be playing your character, not you. The weapon has an unique fate and the encounter is going to be mega.
Thrall and Jaina will get it on, and Frostmourne will infect their super child!
•There won't be any option to do Onyxia at level 60 anymore after the revamp in 3.2.2.
Naxx25 was so damned successful we decided, fuck new raids!
•There isn't any plan to prevent ganking in the contested zones of Azeroth, even with flying mounts available here. This is just part of being on a PvP server.
Remember how you felt about Epic mounts at 40, PvPers? Now prepared to be ganked from 1-85 suckers!!!!
•They can't spoil the Thrall / Garrosh storyline, but with the cataclysm raging everywhere, what do you think the world's mightiest shaman would need to do?
1. Fuck Jaina
2. Have Garroash piss off Saurfang
3. ????
•Northrend and Outland won't really be affected by the Cataclysm but some of the areas will be updated for the expansion. For example, you will be able to level up Archeology in Outland.
We don't want you to forget our first expansion! Illidan is lonely
•The 5 second rule might be removed with the changes made to spirit but there isn't any final decision about that.
Too mathy.
•There is no plans to prevent Paladins and Shamans from using cloth, but there were some discussions to limit it somehow.
Sunwell was the model in which we need to repeat. Go RESTO SHAMAN!!!
•Armor Penetration is removed from the gear but not from the game. There are plans to reintroduce it in another way to allow players to kill plate wearers. (Armor Penetration talents, etc ...)
Look how wonderful it works for warriors!
Oh...wait...umm...Pally's holy abilities always have 100% armor pen!!!
•Spirit is going to be a healer stat only, it won't exist on DPS Gear. Healers need it to regen and other casters don't use it at all. (Other casters will use Intellect for Spell Power)
Umm, there's the Mages and other classes that want a word to you about something called Mana Regen and Spirit being linked to Crit Chance...
•They won't add a new class in Cataclysm, they have to be very careful about adding more classes and do not want tons of them.
We realized we can only give you on OP class then nerf into the ground per TWO expansions.
•The philosophy about pure DPS classes is still the same, they don't want hybrid to do everything they can do. The elevated hybrid DPS in Wrath of the Lich King is in a "good place" now.
Rogue = NUMBAH 1
Druid/DK = NUMBAH 2
Warlock = NUMBAH 3
Hunter: NUMBAH 4
The rest : Who cares.
Wait...Druids are a hybrid?
Classes - Pets
•In Patch 3.3, pets will scale of all of your stats and allow buffs from raid encounters to affect them.
Look! We buffed Beastmaster to compete with Shadow Priests!
•In Patch 3.3, there will be changes to make sure that pets can't be hit by AOEs from bosses but others (PvP) will be able to affect them.
Send your pet out to give you 3 seconds instead of 1.5!
•Pets classes might get a "move to this location" command for their pet, long cooldown abilities that let your pet teleport to you to get out of trouble. This would be good feature since developers can't make pet AI as smart as a player.
I believe you are overestimating the huntard population.
•There isn't any immediate plan to give feral druids a legendary, casters are next on the list.
Shhh, about the Staff of Cenarius dumbfucks! Don't worry Kitties, you'll have your DPS staff of doom in patch 4.2.
•Trolls and Worgens Druids will get their own bear, cat, travel, and aquatic forms.
Troll: Add tusks.
Worgen: ...you mean that's not their druid form? FUCK, now I have to enter another line of code...
•Hunters might be able to choose the talent tree of their pet to let them pick the pet that looks best to them. Zhevra is a possibility for Cataclysm.
Look hunters! More cosmetic changes! Sorry your DPS competes with Warriors.
•Night Elves Mages have been added because it sounded pretty cool to have Elves using arcane when they shouldn't be anymore.
•Mage abilities like Molten Armor will be changed to use other stats since mages won't have Spirit anymore.
Mana Regen is calling on line one.
•They want to see rogues use more daggers, they're THE rogue weapon and we don't see enough of them. In Patch 3.2.2 they might add an assassination talent to make daggers more attractive.
Daggers now do 40% more damage attack faster the Druid Kitty Form and give you oral loving! Now your melee DPS should only be ROGUE!
•One of the plans for cataclysm is to take a lot of the early subtlety tree and make it passive for the class. The unattractive stuff will be taken out to let you get the cool talents.
For five years we realized our tree system made no sense, sorry about that...here's more fuck ups.
•Sacrificying the group utility of mana tide totem to give it a much better regen is a possibility.
Paladins didn't like you taking their jobs.
•Enhancement Shamans do not use INT anymore and will be given talents to not need it just like Retribution Paladins.
Watch as we rape you some more. And here you thought Windfury was the start...
•Enhancement Shamans having to run in and out of melee ranges to redrop totem and sacrifice DPS is a legitimate problem, they don't want enhancement to have to run out like that.
We're giving you not one swirly ball, but TWO swirly balls!!!
•Warlock's survavibility wasn't really good at the start of Wrath of the Lich King, but they're in a pretty good place right now.
AKA Stand there, get raped, have rogue dance AND now piss on grave.
•Arms lost their iconic ability when Mortal Strike was given to more classes. They need to find a new ability to fill that niche or make Arms' MS the "ultimate" mortal strike.
Yeah, we realize your class is shit except protect, go fuck yourselves. kthanxbye!
•More character slots might be added but maybe not for Cataclysm.
We realize you have bank alts and want alts for classes, but go fuck yourselves. We'll get to it right after we get to redoing all the dungeons and somewhere between guild/personal housing.
•You might be able to reorder the characters on your character selection screen at some point.
Patch 4.1.5. Nerfing raid bosses and reorder your characters!
•There are some ideas for "mentoring" to let people of varied levels play together without powerleveling. Things like downleveling yourself to play with them is a possibility but it might not be for Cataclysm.
For the small minority that want to do this go to Mr Po W Levl. For 100 G you can lose a level that will be bugged and thus need to regain by leveling for real.
•Character visual customization is something they would like to adress, but they don't really know what the right solution is. They have a few ideas in mind and might do something about it soon.
We're waiting for another...MMO to die so we can ste...patent the idea!
•Oceanic servers will get their own maintenance time at some point.
In the year 2050.
•Dancing is still in the work and the animation is working on them, there is still some work to do to make it a real feature.
•Race changes will be available shortly after Faction changes. There is no point in not allowing that since you can't really prevent people with multiple accounts to play both side on PvP servers anyway.
So don't like that you picked a Horde Male Warrior!
For $100, we can do a change in 2-3 weeks!
•All races will have updated racials with Cataclysm, they should be similar to what the Goblins have. (Increased health/mana potion effects, etc ...)
Yeah, which we'll nerf again because we don't realize what immunity to fear/slow/roots and what not did to our precious PvP.
Guild Leveling System
•The idea behind the guild leveling system is to make people want to be in guilds and make people feel better about being in a guild. The goal is to take that feature and make it the best they can. (Guild Talent Trees, etc ...)
Guild Annoucement: Guild is Mother. Guild is Father.
•You will be able to create guild heirlooms with the new guild leveling system, you can buy profession plans and anyone in your guild can wear that item, it will scale with level.
Second Guild annoucement: Level alts to 85 or get gkicked.
•Armorsmith and Weaponsmith specialization really felt like the Blacksmith was limited by his choice, that's why it was ignored in Wrath of the Lich King. Ultimately it's better if the player can craft more stuff instead of just being able to craft 2H swords or whatever.
Choosing was wrong because we nerf the shit anyways.
•Herbs and Ore Nodes will be reitemized with the revamp.
Chinese Hack account farmers need love too!!!
Player vs. Player
•XP in Battlegrounds need to be fixed because there is a lot of XP leeching in the 71-80 Brackets. Once it's fixed, it will be improved across the board.
If you get flagged, you get only 1/2 XP...take th...wait, you mean they have programs to get around that?
Raids & Dungeons
•You can't get Frostmourne because it would take control of your soul. Frostmourne would be playing your character, not you. The weapon has an unique fate and the encounter is going to be mega.
Thrall and Jaina will get it on, and Frostmourne will infect their super child!
•There won't be any option to do Onyxia at level 60 anymore after the revamp in 3.2.2.
Naxx25 was so damned successful we decided, fuck new raids!
•There isn't any plan to prevent ganking in the contested zones of Azeroth, even with flying mounts available here. This is just part of being on a PvP server.
Remember how you felt about Epic mounts at 40, PvPers? Now prepared to be ganked from 1-85 suckers!!!!
•They can't spoil the Thrall / Garrosh storyline, but with the cataclysm raging everywhere, what do you think the world's mightiest shaman would need to do?
1. Fuck Jaina
2. Have Garroash piss off Saurfang
3. ????
•Northrend and Outland won't really be affected by the Cataclysm but some of the areas will be updated for the expansion. For example, you will be able to level up Archeology in Outland.
We don't want you to forget our first expansion! Illidan is lonely

•The 5 second rule might be removed with the changes made to spirit but there isn't any final decision about that.
Too mathy.
•There is no plans to prevent Paladins and Shamans from using cloth, but there were some discussions to limit it somehow.
Sunwell was the model in which we need to repeat. Go RESTO SHAMAN!!!
•Armor Penetration is removed from the gear but not from the game. There are plans to reintroduce it in another way to allow players to kill plate wearers. (Armor Penetration talents, etc ...)
Look how wonderful it works for warriors!
Oh...wait...umm...Pally's holy abilities always have 100% armor pen!!!
•Spirit is going to be a healer stat only, it won't exist on DPS Gear. Healers need it to regen and other casters don't use it at all. (Other casters will use Intellect for Spell Power)
Umm, there's the Mages and other classes that want a word to you about something called Mana Regen and Spirit being linked to Crit Chance...
•They won't add a new class in Cataclysm, they have to be very careful about adding more classes and do not want tons of them.
We realized we can only give you on OP class then nerf into the ground per TWO expansions.
•The philosophy about pure DPS classes is still the same, they don't want hybrid to do everything they can do. The elevated hybrid DPS in Wrath of the Lich King is in a "good place" now.
Rogue = NUMBAH 1
Druid/DK = NUMBAH 2
Warlock = NUMBAH 3
Hunter: NUMBAH 4
The rest : Who cares.
Wait...Druids are a hybrid?
Classes - Pets
•In Patch 3.3, pets will scale of all of your stats and allow buffs from raid encounters to affect them.
Look! We buffed Beastmaster to compete with Shadow Priests!
•In Patch 3.3, there will be changes to make sure that pets can't be hit by AOEs from bosses but others (PvP) will be able to affect them.
Send your pet out to give you 3 seconds instead of 1.5!
•Pets classes might get a "move to this location" command for their pet, long cooldown abilities that let your pet teleport to you to get out of trouble. This would be good feature since developers can't make pet AI as smart as a player.
I believe you are overestimating the huntard population.
•There isn't any immediate plan to give feral druids a legendary, casters are next on the list.
Shhh, about the Staff of Cenarius dumbfucks! Don't worry Kitties, you'll have your DPS staff of doom in patch 4.2.
•Trolls and Worgens Druids will get their own bear, cat, travel, and aquatic forms.
Troll: Add tusks.
Worgen: ...you mean that's not their druid form? FUCK, now I have to enter another line of code...
•Hunters might be able to choose the talent tree of their pet to let them pick the pet that looks best to them. Zhevra is a possibility for Cataclysm.
Look hunters! More cosmetic changes! Sorry your DPS competes with Warriors.
•Night Elves Mages have been added because it sounded pretty cool to have Elves using arcane when they shouldn't be anymore.
•Mage abilities like Molten Armor will be changed to use other stats since mages won't have Spirit anymore.
Mana Regen is calling on line one.
•They want to see rogues use more daggers, they're THE rogue weapon and we don't see enough of them. In Patch 3.2.2 they might add an assassination talent to make daggers more attractive.
Daggers now do 40% more damage attack faster the Druid Kitty Form and give you oral loving! Now your melee DPS should only be ROGUE!
•One of the plans for cataclysm is to take a lot of the early subtlety tree and make it passive for the class. The unattractive stuff will be taken out to let you get the cool talents.
For five years we realized our tree system made no sense, sorry about that...here's more fuck ups.
•Sacrificying the group utility of mana tide totem to give it a much better regen is a possibility.
Paladins didn't like you taking their jobs.
•Enhancement Shamans do not use INT anymore and will be given talents to not need it just like Retribution Paladins.
Watch as we rape you some more. And here you thought Windfury was the start...
•Enhancement Shamans having to run in and out of melee ranges to redrop totem and sacrifice DPS is a legitimate problem, they don't want enhancement to have to run out like that.
We're giving you not one swirly ball, but TWO swirly balls!!!
•Warlock's survavibility wasn't really good at the start of Wrath of the Lich King, but they're in a pretty good place right now.
AKA Stand there, get raped, have rogue dance AND now piss on grave.
•Arms lost their iconic ability when Mortal Strike was given to more classes. They need to find a new ability to fill that niche or make Arms' MS the "ultimate" mortal strike.
Yeah, we realize your class is shit except protect, go fuck yourselves. kthanxbye!
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Sometimes we can choose the path we follow. Sometimes our choices are made for us. And sometimes we have no choice at all
Saying and doing are chocolate and concrete
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Dude seriously. If Thrall hasn't been tapping that since the end of WC3 I'll eat my hat. Jaina needed a pity fuck after her daddy died and her boyfriend turned out to be psycho and Thrall...well we all know Thrall is into blondes after that sister-crush he had on Taretha.Ghost Rider wrote: •They can't spoil the Thrall / Garrosh storyline, but with the cataclysm raging everywhere, what do you think the world's mightiest shaman would need to do?
1. Fuck Jaina
Top, bottom, left, right, sideways and various animal-themed methods.

- Civil War Man
- Posts: 3790
- Joined: 2005-01-28 03:54am
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
I'd also like to add "lolwut?" to this. Guilds as they are give guilded players a major advantage because they have access to resources that unguilded players don't. Guild Talents basically send a message of "We think levelling an unguilded alt should only be done as a random challenge, like people who do the Three Heart Challenge in the Zelda games."Ghost Rider wrote:•The idea behind the guild leveling system is to make people want to be in guilds and make people feel better about being in a guild. The goal is to take that feature and make it the best they can. (Guild Talent Trees, etc ...)[/b]
Guild Annoucement: Guild is Mother. Guild is Father.
The two guild talents listed in Turtle's screenshot are increased gold drops and a 10-second cast Total Wipe Recovery Button. Judging from some of the icons, some of the other talents will probably include mounted speed buffs, increased effect and/or duration of potions and/or flasks, increased yield and/or speed of gathering skills, maybe the same for crafting skills, and shortened hearthstone cooldowns. And I believe they explicitly mentioned that some Guild talent would remove a whole bunch of reagent requirements. It strikes me that there'll be some kind of positive feedback loop, where the more levels a guild gets, the easier it is to level those guild's alts, which increases the guild's level, which makes it even easier to level alts, etc.
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
GR continues to try to kill us with laughter. Though I must admit that his scorn and pessimism toward Blizz is coming on a tad thick now.
As for Thrall/Jaina, they seem more "friends" than "fuckbuddies". Besides, it seems that any male that lusts after that particular blonde usually ends up becoming irredeemably EVIL and since we haven't seen Thrall decide that drinking demon blood wasn't such a bad idea, well, that's another notch in the "Not tapping that" column, sorry Kuj. Maybe ketchup will help that hat go down better?

As for Thrall/Jaina, they seem more "friends" than "fuckbuddies". Besides, it seems that any male that lusts after that particular blonde usually ends up becoming irredeemably EVIL and since we haven't seen Thrall decide that drinking demon blood wasn't such a bad idea, well, that's another notch in the "Not tapping that" column, sorry Kuj. Maybe ketchup will help that hat go down better?

”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia
American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.
"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia
American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Iff's nah suh bad onfe ur pafft teh frim.Steve wrote:As for Thrall/Jaina, they seem more "friends" than "fuckbuddies". Besides, it seems that any male that lusts after that particular blonde usually ends up becoming irredeemably EVIL and since we haven't seen Thrall decide that drinking demon blood wasn't such a bad idea, well, that's another notch in the "Not tapping that" column, sorry Kuj. Maybe ketchup will help that hat go down better?
Nah, facetiousness aside for the moment, I'm sure if Blizzard had been intending something between the two of them, there would have been more hints to it by now than what we've got.
......she really does act like a girl who's ex-boyfriend just showed up at the door during the Ulduar trailer though.

- Civil War Man
- Posts: 3790
- Joined: 2005-01-28 03:54am
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Oh please, even the lepers in Gnomeregan know those two are shacking up. Varian Wrynn spends 4 years as an amnesiac gladiator, but when he needs to send a delegation to Orgrimmar, he goes, "Hey, Jaina. Open up a portal." And when an Alliance mage portal suddenly opens up in the middle of the Warchief's throne room, Thrall's the only one that isn't freaking out. And all that is after a string of massive betrayals and attempted coups.Kuja wrote:Nah, facetiousness aside for the moment, I'm sure if Blizzard had been intending something between the two of them, there would have been more hints to it by now than what we've got.
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
I still think they should let players get Frostmourne...
One player per realm gets it. It is 'HOLY SHIT I HAVE FROSTMOURNE!' for a week, after a three month long quest chain, like the AQ event.
At the end of that week they then delete that character and rename one of the other bosses in Icecrown after them, and watch the sweet, sweet tears of Captain Frostmourne on the forums and the laughter of casual players. Frostmourne plays, not the player, indeed!
One player per realm gets it. It is 'HOLY SHIT I HAVE FROSTMOURNE!' for a week, after a three month long quest chain, like the AQ event.
At the end of that week they then delete that character and rename one of the other bosses in Icecrown after them, and watch the sweet, sweet tears of Captain Frostmourne on the forums and the laughter of casual players. Frostmourne plays, not the player, indeed!
"Doctors keep their scalpels and other instruments handy, for emergencies. Keep your philosophy ready too—ready to understand heaven and earth. In everything you do, even the smallest thing, remember the chain that links them. Nothing earthly succeeds by ignoring heaven, nothing heavenly by ignoring the earth." M.A.A.A
- SirNitram
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- Location: Somewhere between nowhere and everywhere
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
Patchnotes 3.3.1: Frostmourne Wielder usage of original PC's stats, gear, and specialization removed. Boss normalized.At the end of that week they then delete that character and rename one of the other bosses in Icecrown after them, and watch the sweet, sweet tears of Captain Frostmourne on the forums and the laughter of casual players. Frostmourne plays, not the player, indeed!
Because what would happen after the first discovery? Facerolling Retadins and the rest all rush to get it to lol at less HARDCORE groups wiping to their EPIC.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.
Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.
Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus
Debator Classification: Trollhunter
Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.
Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus
Debator Classification: Trollhunter
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
Re: Well, it's official: World of WarCraft Cataclysm incoming
only if an albino elf gets to show up and kill you for copywrite infringement.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin