Not so, that's a McNamara myth. In fact, the ABM shoots the inbound missile down before it starts to discharge its warheads. I've already posted the range data that shows how that's done. MIRVs are only effective in the absence of ABM and the fact that McNamara wanted MIRV (because ICBMs are actually a very expensive way of launching warheads and he wanted to cut costs) meant he had to kill ABM.CJvR wrote:IIRC the US ABM was scrapped mainly because the later generations of Soviet ICBM had enough MIRV capacity to drown it in targets. A 1:1 exchange ratio was OK but a 10:1 (or 50:1 when decoys and other countermeasures are factored in) made it to expensive.
Decoys and countermeasures don't work. They don't now and never have.
I'm afraid that's untrue. The original missile defense schemes envisaged defense for the whole country. It was scaled back to a single missile site as a compromise.Also the US ABM defence was deployed around one of the US ICBM sites to insure second strike capacity - something the expanding SSBN fleet also provided. Had the US deployed it's ABM defence around a major city rather than a military base it would have been politicaly harder to close the project down.
Agreed.With the spread of nuke armed long range missiles the even a primitive ABM is of value, the Russians kept and still keep their old ABM defence of Moscow.
No, they never have been effective and the people who promote the idea that decoys and countermeasures are effective know it. they are deliberately lying in the belief that their opponents can't prove otherwise without disclosing classified information. In fact, you can use this as a touchstone, if somebody starts telling you that decoys and countermeasures will vitiate the effectiveness of ABM systems, they are either utterly ignorant or deliberately lying.R-H wrote:Were decoys and countermeasures effective back then?
As a simple example, the problems of seperating decoys from a RV have yet to be solved. It's very tough to do and most tests involving such efforts have failed. There has yet to be a decoy that cannot be very quickly and easily distinguised from a real RV. Countermeasures have also failed. Chaff doesn't work nothing does. The only decoy/countermeasure that might work is to have an RV that is exactly the same size, weight, weight distribution, shape, temperature and temperature distribution, flight path and flight path characteristics as a warhead. If you're going to so all that, why not just use another warhead? hello MIRV.