My apologies, loomer; I try to adhere to the aphorism "brevity is the soul of wit."
Darth Wong wrote:How the fuck does that make it OK? That document describes the potential rise of white supremacist and radical anti-government groups. Either way, how the fuck does membership in one of these movements make someone praiseworthy? Are you on drugs?
You as well are missing the point. Here's the overview of key findings, from Page 3 of the report:
DHS Study Group wrote:(U) Key Findings
(U//LES) The DHS/Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has no specific
information that domestic rightwing* terrorists are currently planning acts of violence,
but rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about
several emergent issues. The economic downturn and the election of the first
African American president present unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and
The key findings are speculation,
directly contradicted by evidence or intelligence, yet the report is presented as an authoritative list of people to consider as potential domestic terrorists. In addition, you are missing the many other groups of Americans that are lumped into your "white supremacist and radical anti-government" categorization.
Here are some of the population groups that are considered "right wing terrorist" threats, per this report:
- groups and individuals that are dedicated to a
single issue, such as opposition to abortion or [illegal, notation added] immigration
- those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority. That would be states' rights adherents
- Returning veterans. Yep, this report states that soldiers coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan could be terrorist threats. My cousin, who's an Iraq and Afghanistan veteran and now a policeman, must be an exception [:jackoff]
- Anti-Semitic conspiracists. Okay, this is a valid and perennial candidate; conceded;
- "Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms." In other words, folks who are against illegal immigration, increased taxes for welfare programs, and further Second Amendment infringements, are potential terrorists! The NRA now has over 4 million members; it stretches credulity past all limits to imagine that even a tiny minority of NRA members are potential terrorists; and if say half of NRA members were, how would the Feds separate the wheat from the chaff? Gee, does this mean that Americans who oppose HR3200 (universal health care) are potential terrorists? How can we monitor all of them? The mind boggles!
- "High unemployment, however, has the potential to lead to alienation, thus increasing
an individual’s susceptibility to extremist ideas. According to a 2007 study from the German Institute
for Economic Research, there appears to be a strong association between a parent’s unemployment
status and the formation of rightwing extremist beliefs in their children—specifically xenophobia and
antidemocratic ideals." So a German study equates poverty with xenophobia and totalitarianism. This is a study of German culture, which is distincly different from American culture and has no place in an American advisory document;
- "Both rightwing extremists and law-abiding citizens share a belief that rising crime rates
attributed to a slumping economy make the purchase of legitimate firearms a wise move
at this time." So who's the extremist and who's the prudent person? Surprise surprise, there's no differentiation in this report.
- "Rightwing extremist views bemoan the decline of U.S. stature and
have recently focused on themes such as the loss of U.S. manufacturing capability
to China and India, Russia’s control of energy resources and use of these to
pressure other countries, and China’s investment in U.S. real estate and
corporations as a part of subversion strategy." So if you don't like the fact that US manufacturing has largely moved overseas, your PC support desk is in Bangalore, Russia can halt gas shipments to Europe in the winter, China is in the position Japan was vis-a-vis the US in the late 1980s, you are a potential terrorist? The suspect list expands exponentially! Don't tell the UAW! Don't buy Microsoft!
In condensed form, Mike, this DHS report casts such a wide net of potential "right wing terrorist" suspects that actual threat identification becomes impossible to determine. Is it the 70 year-old woman at a town hall meeting protesting health care? Is it an Arizona rancher who's fed up with illegals cutting his fences and killing his cattle? Is it the ex-Army Ranger who had tours in Afghanistan and Iraq and is now a city cop? Or
is it this guy:
FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists wrote:
Remarks: San Diego has ties to animal rights extremist groups. He is known to follow a vegan diet, eating no meat or food containing animal products. In the past, he has worked as a computer network specialist and with the operating system LINUX. San Diego wears eyeglasses, is skilled at sailing, and has traveled internationally. He is known to possess a handgun
Oh never mind, he's a left winger. I guess they don't ping DHS' radar.