Dorsk 81 wrote:
You mean like when they showed Harely controlling the security door right at the start of the game? And yea, you can't interact with them, even after you get to the point in the story where you can because you get a passkey... oh wait.
Are you honestly this stupid? Your gross misrepresentation of everything I say is brilliant. My point is that it's LAME to have OBVIOUS CONTROL PANELS the game TOTALLY IGNORES until you get the ICE GUN. Are you familiar with Metroid? If you're smarter than you look, you might realise that saying 'you can interact with it once you get the blue gun' isn't actually addressing this.
Not before you said it's "proper hard", "It's hard because you can't take hits" and "a fighting game where you die in 5 hits from random kooks is 'hard'." So if you're now saying it's easy I guess you've taken your fist out of your ass and found the evade and counter buttons?
I'm going to quote myself, because you're a retard and I like laughing at retards. This is from the OP you hate so much from your fanboy soul.
Stark wrote:The combat, however, is extremely boring, even against 8-10 guys. It's hard because you can't take hits, but the enemy combat AI is hopeless.
So I guess your pathetic dickstroking claims that I somehow suck at the game because I can recognise high lethality is totally baseless.
Dickless81 wrote:
No, my point was you're an inconsistent dumb ass or a liar, on one hand saying "it's hard, I can't take hits" then changing your tune to "it's easy and boring", but not putting together a decent combo to restore your health and get upgrades quicker.
You're a liar. I said the game is hard, because it's high lethality - quite unusual for a comicbook game and a refreshing change. You have apparently taken this to somehow mean I'm 'whining' about the difficulty. I said it was hard on hard ONCE, and it IS hard as I said due to lethality. That you're obsessed over your leet combo skills is both hilarious and irrelevant, made better because I a) like the game and b) like the difficulty. This whole sidetrack is because YOU are offended by me not loving the game enough and needing to show off your epeen.
Oh good, so you've beaten the game now then?
Uh... what?
Why would you want an "omg win" button if combat is easy and boring?
Stop moving the goalposts. You said that any assessment of difficulty is impossible without the upgrades, and I pointed out that most of the upgrades aren't all that so your point is irrelevant. Stop raging, start thinking. Or keep raging, it's awesome.
Yep, and nothing at all to do with the fact that you're making retarded statements which you'd find out were wrong if you progressed; "Can't use the security systems" Yes you can. "It's hard because I can't take hits" News flash, in most combat games you're meant to avoid getting hit, and as you progress you can get more health and better moves to be able to take and avoid more damage. "Batman kills loads of people" You give two examples, both of who live. "and there's three whole buttons and 2 whole strategies." Nope, there are nine combat moves.
It's really become obvious you take this very personally, which I find quite fabulous.
Sadly, despite your cuntflapping, in a great many games lethality is very low, due to either huge hitpoints or easy healing. By contrast, in BAA if you fuck up a single fight you'll be dead or low on health until you can find some teeth or another fight in which to perform better. The claim that in 'most combat games' you have item levelling is nonsense, so should I talk about Ultimate Anal?
PS, when I faceciously say there are three buttons and two strategies, saying there are 'nine moves' doesn't actually answer this point. Oops, you're an idiot! You even repeat the claim that I said you 'can't use' the security systems. Quote time!
Stark wrote:The Metroid-em-up aspects are pretty broad, but pretty annoying. Your vision shows you a forcefield, with a wire going to a box... that you can't turn off/destroy/blow up/etc. Amazing!
Oops, you're a liar. AGAIN. Clearly referring to the Metroid style of play, whereby each interaction type (grilles,security, walls, etc) require a different item which is released at a certain plot point. Turns out you can't read because too much fanrage!
Dickless81 wrote:
And those cables must be power cables right and easiy to interfere with right, because it's not like any of the super criminals kept there would try is it? And of course Batman has a gadget to disable Arkham's security, I mean it's not like he'd need something like the codes from the Warden or something, because that'd be just crazy...
Are you stupid? The super criminals took over the whole place due to total incompetence! Claiming it must be hard because Arkham is so advanced is laughable, and continues to ignore the hole 'Batman is described as being loaded with equipment but actually has none of the equipment he needs and refuses to leave to get it or have it delivered'. Most people can probably work out the issue here is one of narrative (ie, the game forces you to play Metroid-style even though it doesn't really make sense), but you're too busy making yourself look like a clueless toolbar to realise.
Anyway, your obsession over these two points is fascinating. The easy-vision highlight (and things you obviously can interact with, but 'not yet') are funny as hell and not addressed, so your rationalisations are worthless because my point was from a game design perspective. Your masturbation over your giant strawman (where you've decided I can't use the combat system based on my ability to identify high lethality games) is faintly disturbing, but great fun. I'd like you to intentionally misinterpret my statements or lie about what I've said in your next post - don't change tactics now!