I read what you wrote. Let's let everyone else do it, in case they skimmed. Here's the important passage:
Now the 70- 80% of the population that has decent heath care access is being asked to roll the dice and trust the federal government to do something right for a change.
Translation: Now the 70-80% of the population (non-poor) that has decent health care (incorrect, the amount with decent healthcare is far less, but we'll ignore that)
are being asked to roll the dice (risk something) and trust the federal government to do something right (win the die roll: aka keep the non-poor peoples' insurances from bottoming out) for a change.
You don't give a shit about people who don't have insurance and it's quite obvious from your own words, that you're scandalised the US government would
dare risk the insurance of people who have insurance on those who don't*. A false dilemma, but even if it were true it proves you to be a completely mercenary prick with no regard for other human beings. Don't feed me shit and tell me it's caramel just because the colours look alike.
*Risk Pooling and Prosperity Sharing: This is known as the very definition of the social contract that goes behind everything from social security to public works to even the existence of a government
So hey, fuck you. You can cloak yourself in whatever you want, but everyone else sees that underneath you're naked. Or maybe you're just inarticulate and actually meant something completely different from what you wrote. I can sympathise if that's the case.