Favorite Power Rangers Series?

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What's your favorite Power Ranger Series?

Original (Beginning up until they get turned into little kids, including the first Ninja group ie The Movie)
Aqua Rangers (the regular ones turned young, some new Rangers come from off planet)
No votes
Zeo Rangers (after Aqua, they get their powers back, now they're Zeo; includes the three guys in one Gold Ranger)
Turbo Rangers (starts concurrent with the end of the second movie, they have cars)
Power Rangers in Space (just guessing, only saw one episode of it, had a pretty hot chich for yellow ranger)
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Lost Galaxy (never saw it, just a toy ad)
Wild Force (the newest one, with animals)
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Other (I probably missed some, so please specify)
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Total votes: 39

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Post by Lord_Xerxes »

anarchistbunny wrote:A couple of things, 1 you forgot Time Force, like it matters, and the newest one is Ninja Storm(I think toy wise, but not show-wise).

2. All the ones after they got turned to kids are utter shit, they all seem to fit the rule that they can't last longer than one season, and the originality of episodes gets even worse than the original.

3. Bulk and Skull were the longest running characters, beating out all the originals, including Zordon. Sad isn't it?

4. Is it true that Kimberly, Trini, and Tommy all went into porn, and that Trini ODed on smack?
I've seen a b-rate porn on HBO late at night with Kimberly. But Tommy did too? LOL. That's hillarious. He was the best character in the whole show. Any know or have seen the porn he's in? I bet it's funny.

Does he suddenly go "Dragon Penis!" and whip it out, with the same flute sounds?
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Post by phongn »

She's apparently done a few things:

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Post by johnmarkley »

The original series. Kimberly as the pink ranger, mmm...
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Post by Darth Balls »

i watched the original season but nothing after it, i thought the whole thing got retarded when they started getting new robots every season (even at age 10 I could see they were milking us)
Anyways as for Amy Jo Johnson, I did think she was hot :D, and I did a search for her on kazaa lite, found 2 nude pics and 2 videos, one video was porn the other was just some jumping on trampoline video.
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Post by Durandal »

I was always curious as to why the villains would attack the same town with only one superbeast at a time. Why not attack a major city? And how many people were killed every time the giant robot would knock down buildings? Are these really the kinds of heroes we want? Ones with blatant disregard for public property?

Furthermore, why the Hell did they always waste time joining together to become that one robot thing? If that's all they're going to do, why not just have the thing start that way? Why bother with individual components that have to be assembled every time? Here they have five robots that could easily overwhelm this week's monster by simple virtue of numbers. No need to go one-on-one. Just attack him from five different angles! Come on! Can't the Rangers' personal Wizard of Oz tell them these things?
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Post by Lord MJ »

Power Rangers after the MMPR started following the general format of Japanese cartoons, in that each new season was a new series.

If you look at most japanese cartoons, they are structured that way. DBZ is an exception.
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Re: Favorite Power Rangers Series?

Post by Enforcer Talen »

RogueIce wrote:Yes, I'm being serious...

Personally, I think the Originals, including the first movie, were pretty good. I liked the Green Ranger intro arc, the Thunder Zords intro, and the making of the White Ranger. Plus, the movie was good, as stated before, and when they brought it over to the show after awhile, they did some good stuff, and I liked how they wrapped up Tommy and Kimberly. Good writing, at least so I thought as a kid. :)

Then we skip to Zeo, after the Aqua thing, because I never really saw that one. Zeo was good because it had the originals (more or less) still around. And the Gold Ranger story was fairly well done. All in all, still enjoyable.

Then it got to Turbo. I saw the movie, watched a bit of the show when they did that, but didn't like. Car Zords? Some 15 year old as a Ranger next to high school/college Rangers? Lost interest there.

Never really saw it again, except for one Space episode, with the hot Yellow Ranger :wink: and one Wild Force episode, where I thought the battle sequence looked amazing similar to some of the old school stuff.

And is it sad that I remember so much about the Power Rangers. Maybe, but oh well. I have a good memory on some of the oddest things, and this happens to be it. Though, for the record, if some of the "Original" Power Rangers (as I define it, anyway) and Zeo episodes were showing again, I'd still watch. I recently caught the whole Five Episode Green Ranger Intro story on Family Channel, still liked it. So there. I'm odd. But then, so are some of you from what I've seen. We are all just odd in our own little ways. Mine is Power Rangers as opposed to various sexual things. :D
the first one with some decent plot and reasonable villians. go green ranger.

the more recent ones are a waste of time. I spend the entire episode just railing at everyone's stupidity.
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Post by generator_g1 »

I never really watched the American version of the power rangers as a kid...mostly the ones shown here were the original Japanese series dubbed in the local language...some I remember where..

Turbo Rangers
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

This is like asking which is a better way to die: Hit by a 5 kt nuke, a 50 kt, a 500 kt or a 5 mt. The 5 kiloton nuke is the best way, but I'd hardly want to die that way.
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Post by Mad »

The originals had Kimberly. Therefore the originals win.

Standard fight scene against main monster:

* monster waves hand
* explosions appear on the ground, Rangers go flying
* Red Ranger pants "man, this guy's tough!"
* if "make it grow!" then Zords destroy monster
* else Ranger weapons link up to destroy monster

But it had the pink ranger, and was therefore watchable.
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Post by Nathan F »

Boy, I'm glad I never had a Power Rangers stage...

In fact, I have never seen the friggen show all the way through, I always thought it was stupid and that the acting was incredibly hokey...
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

I say the originals considering it was the only one I watched as a kid. I stopped watching after the movie came out.

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Post by Majin Gojira »

Lord_Xerxes wrote:
anarchistbunny wrote:A couple of things, 1 you forgot Time Force, like it matters, and the newest one is Ninja Storm(I think toy wise, but not show-wise).

2. All the ones after they got turned to kids are utter shit, they all seem to fit the rule that they can't last longer than one season, and the originality of episodes gets even worse than the original.

3. Bulk and Skull were the longest running characters, beating out all the originals, including Zordon. Sad isn't it?

4. Is it true that Kimberly, Trini, and Tommy all went into porn, and that Trini ODed on smack?
I've seen a b-rate porn on HBO late at night with Kimberly. But Tommy did too? LOL. That's hillarious. He was the best character in the whole show. Any know or have seen the porn he's in? I bet it's funny.

Does he suddenly go "Dragon Penis!" and whip it out, with the same flute sounds?
I was flipping around many months ago and spotted the actor who Played Tommy. I thought "Huh, what is this"

Turned out, It was MTV's "Undressed" :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol:

So wrong. So very, very wrong
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Don't you remember those little things that they would do after the shows? Like little messages of don't do this or don't do that. Wow, what great role models they turned out to be :D .
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Post by SAMAS »

My personal favorite ranger was the second Yellow Ranger, Aisha.

My intrest dropped shortly after Zeo began, though.
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

I actually liked it at first. I watched it a few times. Then I began to dislike it, mainly because my sister made fun of it a lot and it made me realize how stupid it was. :lol: But that didn't stop everyone else at school from buying their toys and whatnot. :P
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Post by Rubberanvil »

Lord MJ wrote:Power Rangers after the MMPR started following the general format of Japanese cartoons, in that each new season was a new series.

If you look at most japanese cartoons, they are structured that way. DBZ is an exception.
Actually MMPR based on Super Sentai not anime.
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Post by Falkenhorst »

Apparently the chick who played Trini died in a car crash just a few days before 9/11.

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Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

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Post by Crayz9000 »

Darth Balls wrote:i watched the original season but nothing after it, i thought the whole thing got retarded when they started getting new robots every season (even at age 10 I could see they were milking us)
Anyways as for Amy Jo Johnson, I did think she was hot :D, and I did a search for her on kazaa lite, found 2 nude pics and 2 videos, one video was porn the other was just some jumping on trampoline video.
There's an assload of fakes floating around the P2P networks. You sure it wasn't faked?
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Post by The Great Unbearded One »

:: is fighting desperatley to get the damn theme song out of this head ::
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Post by ReinnResauq »

I can actually answer half of these questions about why they did what they did.
The rangers do get powers when they morph, they get enhanced speed, endurance, strength. In fact, the White Ranger's powers were so strong that he was supposedly invulnerable.

The original Rangers were warned not to escalate any situation, so if they could defeat enemies without Megazord, they were supposed to. The superweapon, I'm guessing, was a real power drain, so they didn't ever use it until they were sure they had a clear shot.

As a matter of fact, I've started wondering about the things in their universe that wasn't shown. Can you imagine if you were a Power Ranger, how scared you'd be all the time? There's an all powerful witch/wizard on the moon who would want nothing more than to kill YOU. In a fanfic I'm writing, Tommy nearly kills Kimberly in the morning after a night together because she touches him suddenly as he's sleeping.

BTW, I've seen at least two episodes of every series with the exception of Ninja Rangers, which premieres sometime this month. The first two seasons will always be my favorite, particularly the second half of the first season. The episode with the green candle, where Tommy loses his powers for the first time, will always be my favorite single episode of any kid's series. Even now, seeing it gets me choked up.
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Post by RogueIce »

ReinnResauq wrote:The episode with the green candle, where Tommy loses his powers for the first time, will always be my favorite single episode of any kid's series. Even now, seeing it gets me choked up.
I remember that one, vaugely... I want to see it again! It was pretty damn good, in my opinion. That and the "Green with Evil" story, when he first came in. And when Lord Zed first came, and they got the Thunder Zords after losing the old ones.

And I thought Aisha was one of the best characters of the whole series, too. :)
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Post by Falkenhorst »

I wanna see a fanfic about a whole friggin world, corny to the extreme... in fact there will be numerous CORNFIELDS on this planet, and it's armies will be MMPRs who fight medevial style. Then I wanna see it get invaded by the Empire, ehehhehhe :twisted: :twisted:

BOTM 15.Nov.02

Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

"I've had all that I wanted of a lot of things I've had
And a lot more than I needed of some things that turned out bad"

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Post by Hamel »

Turbo. Patricia Ja Lee was the only reason I watched it. :twisted:
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

You're bringing back all of those childhood memories. Be gone, childhood memories!!

Anyway, I'd say the origionals were the best. because I sorta lost interest when they did the Zeo Power Rangers, and whatever the hell they did after that. Or maybe that was me growing up...
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