You know, that position about gradual change seems pretty rational.Col. Crackpot wrote:
for the third time yes, absolutely they should receive coverage. I thought i was pretty clear in listing what I felt should be done.
The difference between you an I is that I believe that the system can be reformed without me taking it up the ass every week to pay for it. While I will happily pay a little extra to keep the raft afloat, and I recognize the need for timely, yet measured and sustained reform, what i don't buy is the "Anything less than full UHC is fucking the poor" rhetoric. Lets get done what we can get done now, help the millions of people we can help now, and keep the ball moving gradually. Measured and Sustained reform focused on continuous improvement.
thank you yet again for showing how right of center and left of center ideas are attacked by the wingbats and strawmanned into oblivion. What a delightful microcosm of of national heath care debate.
The problem is, it will not happen that way.
A reform will be passed, and that will be it for several years.
And Universal Health care should always be the goal. It's a given that there will be some gaps and problem with it, since no sytem is perfect. But even if you can not reach 100%, you can still strive for it.
Now, WHY should UHC be the goal?
Simply, it's the only way to guarantee that everyone has a health care insurance.
These serve to protect you from physical harm
And that is a basic human right.
Can you do it with other systems?
Well, that would be your burden of proof. UHC certainly can do it, and i have yet to see any other system that can.