Crossroads Inc. wrote:So the COnservatives win... Who would have thought?
Im not sure how pissed I am, mostly because I cannot believe that for a time I actually believed A Majority in the house, a Super Majority in the Senate and Control of the White House SOMEHOW would mean things would get done. The face that Dems are running scared, Obama is caving on things left and right, and there isnt a single unified front in the entire Capital that has an ounce of backbone to confront the Conservatives.... Perhaps that is the biggest disappointment.
Congratulations Rush, Beck, the Far Right and all of oyu Fear Mongers.. You have successfully, and once more, screwed over millions of people for your own selfish self serving ends.
I don't know that I can be made at Obama himself.. He tried for the most part, but its hard to try when everyone else on "your side" is too spineless to do anything productive to support you. Or more to the point, to spineless to "Fight Back"
Perhaps that is the biggest lesson here... Once and for all, the Progressive side of the government needs to stand up, look out at the Republicans and say "Gentlemen, you are lying sacks of worthless shit."
In retrospeck, we all should have seen this coming.. The moment Obama started putting on the facade of "bipartisanship" and meeting with key Republicans to let them 'feel included' I guess we all should have realized things were doomed... I never thought I'd say we should take a lesson from old Dubya... But, when your side Wins, and wins BIG, you should leave the other party on the curb... No Bipartisanship, no good faith meetings, no "trying to cross party lines" Because when the other side are the republicans, 'Bipartisanship' is simply a way to waterdown and Destroy anything you wish to do.
Mr Obama? The Far Right call you a Despot, Dictator and accuse you of shutting them out... Maybe it is time you gave them a taste of their own medicine.. Kick them to the curb, refuse to meet with their leaders, make it clear to the dems in the house that they better fall in line quick or else,
Let's see, he did not drop the public option, called the death panel rumor a lie, and he said that he "will not waste time with people who've made the calculation that it would be better to kill the plan than fix it" or similar words. Granted, I did not watch every moment of the speech, but I thought he showed more backbone than I would have expected.
What exactly, if I may ask, would you consider a conservative loss? Abolishment of all private health care? It was never going to happen. Are you yet another of that most annoying group of political commentators who expected Obama to hand you the Universe on a silver platter in the first six months, and now dismiss his entire Presidency as a failiure because he didn't? Are you really that childish?
I will wait until this is over before I decide that it is easier to moan about defeat and bitch cynically at the Universe. Now, maybe you have some real, legitimate criticisms of the speech and the plan it proposed, but if that is the case, I'd like to here it. I see alot of RAR, OBAMA FAILS CONSERVATIVES WIN I GIVE UP ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!, but I'm not so sure about substantive complaints.