NecronLord wrote:
You know how to stop that? No intergalactic hyperdrive for the Tau'ri. There. Wraith are basically unbeatable.
There's a lot of "no, shouldn't have done that" moments in Stargate. The Prommie was basically where Earth should have stayed a while. A nice bus for carting people around, but a crap warship that struggles even to take on a few Alkesh, let alone a mothership.
It became stupid when a single 304 took on an entire Wraith fleet of twelve hives and their escorts, and didn't immediately succumb to a simultaneous barrage.
: Improved Asgard shields vs a ship whose weapons seem little better than first generation Goa'uld firepower, and we know how well those did against Beliskners. I can easily accept that those improved Asgard shields are better than Wraith weapons. We even see a continuation of that through Search and Rescue, where they have a large amount of time to sit around and discuss things while under constant barrage by Micheal's cruiser. It's consistent with what we've seen.
What? Three or four ships and some ground teams? Is 'competant military organisation with the right tools'? Say what?
Given how scattered the Wraith are, and how it's often only one hive traveling by itself at a time, I see no reason that a limited campaign on thinning out the enemy can be accomplished. Use your SG teams to sow as much discord amongst the Wraith as possible, while picking off Wraith hives as each Queen tries to go it alone, or with few ships in support. Like it or not, 304s have shown with the Asgard beams to take out hives pretty quickly, so a campaign focusing on scattered units could be successful. Like you said, a 304 can last a good amount of time under the barrage of 12 hives. Going up against 1-3 at a time shouldn't be a big deal, if it's planned correctly.
Honestly, (and again, like it or not) the fact that such a campaign was launched against what was also shown to be a superior enemy to the Wraith (Asurans) indicates that it was possible with a small contingent of ships and troops. And even in that campaign, they ended up splitting their forces to cover more ground, and bagged at least 7 ships in a weeks time. Yes, I know, writers fiat, but that's what we have to work with.
If it weren't for Lantean hand-me-downs (Jumpers, ZPMs) the SGA guys would have got raped completely from day one. There would have been no killing Sumner, he would have broken, and the wraith would have simply stormed Atlantis. Then they would have gone to Earth, and harvested it.
Yes, hand-me-downs are immensely useful. But those hand-me-downs didn't help the Alterans resist the Wraith as effectively as it seems to have helped barely-space-walking-humans. Clearly there's greater military competence with Earth (most of the time), and that was my point.
Mostly due to author fiat - Asurans mysteriously forget hyperspace sensors, what?
Agreed. But there are multiple instances of the Wraith not seeing ships coming to ambush them, or not knowing of a ship lying in wait. Even 304s have this trouble, so the tactic could still be useful against Hives.
Saying Earth can mount a serious campaign based on that is like saying the borg are badass soldiers - sure, they kick ass, but that's because the opposition bends over and drops their trousers.
Look, I get it. You're pissed that the humans weren't getting their asses raped every week. The Wraith were a poorly conceived villain from many angles. Combined with Earth getting more goodies than it deserved, and writers fiat, it made for poor drama. I agree. My only point in this part of the conversation is that, with
the Wraith we got (incompetence, competing/fractured society, low tech level relative to Asgard goodies), once Earth had decent warships, it could have taken the fight to the Wraith in as big a way as it did the Asurans. It was never considered, but it was considered, and used, against the Asurans. It was also used by only one (cobbled together) ship in hit and raid attacks against a much more powerful and organized Michael fleet, and even that was successful for a time.
Huh? The chair thing?
-Moving the chair initially.
-Choosing not to man the chair by anyone (Sheppard, O'Neill, or even a nameless ATAed person)
-Not sending some kind of bomb/jumper/something else besides a team to sabotage the Hive.
I question the 304s being sent away from Earth in defense, rather than holding above Earth to protect it with the chair's help, but that's debatable, I'm sure.
-Daedalus suddenly not moving with giant, slow moving pulses come to hit it, even though it's shown maneuverability many other times.
I'm sure I'm forgetting others.
That's pretty dumb, I assume they wanted it that way so they could potentially just bring another chair to Earth (say, from The Tower) for any future episodes involving the outpost.
I rather assumed that the writers finally realized that they'd overdone it, at least with the chair, and that as long as it was around, few threats were really that threatening conceptually, so they decided to get rid of it so Earth could be vulnerable to any passing Hatak again, and would be forced into being saved by the SG team of whatever series it is, rather than saved by a dedicated weapon system.
It's Jodan, not Jordan. If you can't quote it right, I will mock you.