STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

(ooc: abduction T+16)


Technicians removed the still-unconscious Feena D'Asta from the chair and informed Macus Kayniph that the recording was complete and that they would now start imprinting.

Kira's ship
On its way to Nal Hutta

“I hate this and you will pay for it.” “Trust an Imperial to keep their word.” “Dammed pad-pusher.” “Couldn't you at least arrange for some decent food?” had been just a few of the insults Tavira had levelled into Saenger and Kira's general direction.

As for Saenger, his nerves were on the breaking point. No comfortable place to sleep, no decent food, nothing to drink besides water – something the caf-addicted moff found a particular hardship to bear – and Tavira at the back who had spent the better part of the travel so far pointing out how this whole trip was a massive waste and an egregious breach of trust in oh so many words.

Kira had finally had enough and had threatened to make sure Tavira would be quiet the whole trip unless she shut her mouth and enjoy the comforts of her beloved ship without praising them so loudly. Something for which Saenger had been infinitely grateful. But Tavira had been brooding for the better part of three hours now and he did not like the idea of that either.

“ said you need me to get into Durga's palace.” Saenger rolled his eyes. And there it was. Thank you, universe. Undeterred, Tavira pressed on. “And what do I get out of this?”

If Saenger could have rolled his eyes any stronger, they would have popped out of his head. “You get to enjoy your comfortable stay on Ord Cantrell for the rest of your life, as agreed.” Tavira shook her head. “I already got that. I want more.”

Saenger exploded. Svivelling his seat around to face her, he glared at her. “Oh, do you? How about some more? Would you like to enjoy a comfortable stay with your former associates? I am sure they will be thrilled to help you out after you sold them down the river. I am sure Captain Nive would just love to have a chat with you – if he could still speak after the workload, that is.”

Following the trials – which had been very short due to Tavira having turned over all of her files on the pirates – the vast majority of the pirates had been sentenced to life-long hard labour. In the old days, they would simply have been spaced, but the Bakurans were not fans of the death penalty and cleaning up the rubble of Coruscant was hard and dangerous work. So the pirates had been put into penal work battalions on Coruscant, where the usual risks had already diminished their numbers quite considerably.

However, Tavira was apparently unfazed by such a threat. Or at least her face did not show any signs of his threat having any impact. “I want more if I am going to stick my neck into Hutt business.” Saenger glanced sideways at Kira, but she did not react in any way besides appearing not to care. Saenger sighed and gave in. “Very well. What is it that you want?” “I want a full pardon, my ship back and a crew to staff it.”

Saenger, who at that time had been reaching for a pint of water, nearly choked. “You want what? Are you insane?” Unperturbed, Tavira stretched, making sure to display the maximum amount of cleavage as she did. “Give me some credit, Moff. I stayed alive for over seven years despite being hunted by both Republic and Imperial forces. I am not asking you to set me loose on the galaxy – but I want the Invidious back. I miss the thrills of the hunt and I think you can use someone like me.”

Saenger had finished drinking by then. “I was right. You are insane. Let me be blunt, Tavira, you are a Viper and I would not trust you far enough to throw you. A full pardon is out of the question. No - “ He held up a hand. “Let me finish, Tavira. If this mission suceeds, I will owe you a favour. Anything you ask of me that is my power to give, will be yours – within reason. But I will not make any commitments on behalf of the Imperial fleet or on behalf of the Regent. That is the best I can do and the best offer I can make.” He glared at her. “It is also very good pay for what is essentially a days work. Oh, and it is contingent with you not ever complaining on this whole trip again.”

Tavira answered with a wolfish smile. “We have a deal.” Whether it was the smile or whether he had just made a deal with the proverbial rancor, Saenger almost shivered when he turned back. Kira had not said a word during the whole exchange.

VSDII Pride of Bakura, flagship of the Bakuran Navy


Vice-Admiral Pter Thanas, MO, looked out the bridge window, lost in thoughts. Another petition from some clan elders had arrived petitioning the Bakuran Navy to relax its straight anti-piracy stance. And this one had two more signatures than the petitition from one month ago. He did not like it.

It was a quagmire, he reflected. On the one hand, a lot of the clans were dependant on slavery, on the other hand it destroyed a great portion of their society. And the Bakuran Navy was deadset against it – not a single slave would ever leave Ryloth, if he had anything to do with it. It was a heavily misogynistic thing, Twi'Lek slavery, he thought.

The current petition claimed not only cultural and economic reasons for slavery, but also biological reasons. It was true that Twi'Lek biology always produced a surplus of females – which was also the reason why despite selling many females into slavery the race still existed. Still, a surplus of females was no reason to resort to slavery. Today, nobody needed to go hungry on Ryloth – at least in theory. The time a women was a drag on resources had been abolished, with Bakuran food supplies providing enough for everybody. Overcoming century-long prejudices and entrenched misogyny was a different thing altogether though and the current petition was proof of that.

In many cases this is even worse than Coruscant, he reflected. For on Coruscant, the efficient Imperial bureacracy and the military presence there had made sure that no large-scale criminal organizations could take root after the capital world had been devestated. On Ryloth, a large portion of the high society consisted of criminals. He knew that plenty of clans and underground dwellers on Ryloth pocketed supplies, sold them on the Black Market and then claimed the shortage of foods to be the fault of Imperial avarice.

He did not envy Clan Leader Secura his job. There was not a day gone past in which the Imperial Councillor did not sent an address to at least one of the clan leaders. But progress had been slow, and at a time when he would be needed on Ryloth to deal with the problems the Clan leader was on Ord Cantrell due to the current crisis. Already, propaganda had appeared on the streets decrying Secura as a mouthpiece for the Imps and decrying Thanas as the true master of Ryloth, who was hell-bent on destroying the Twi'Lek culture. Some Imperial patrols had already become the targets of having insults and other unflattering items hurled at them.

But enough of that, he had to attend a more pressing problem. Ever since he had passed the order that every ship leaving the planetary shield had to pass a Class III inspection – meaning the ship being detained for 24 hours and being searched and scanned from bow to stern, with the slightest irregularities warranting a stay in the Imperial Spaceport on Ryloth and a strip search – the number of slaves escaping Ryloth had been almost zero according to the rise of Twi'Lek slave prices on the slavewords. However, it had also resulted in a high number of young, disenfranchised and frightened Twi'Lek women in Imperial custody. Their clans did not want to take them back, for that would mean that they had been at least incompetent in protecting their members and at worst complicit in slavery, which carried a lifelong sentence of hard labour.

Thanas had confiscated a former passenger liner to house them and that ship was now parked on the central Imperial base on Ryloth, well guarded by elite Bakuran troops. But even with the ship converted into a troop transport the space was rapidly filling up. He had visited it once and the experience had been enough to make him lose sleep over it. Girls as young as 14 had been there, disoriented and frightened. But they had been the lucky ones as hard as it sounded – given that he could finally figure out where to place them, they could enjoy the benefits of a proper education and hopefully become productive members of society. But the elder ones, aged 18-26 were the real problem. Most of them had not been taught anything in their life besides dancing and how to look pretty, if they had been taught anything at all. It was enough to destroy ones faith in the universe to see them treated as cattle.

And the clans got away scot free. All he had was a bunch of young women who dared not say anything for fear of reprisals against their families and who had been thoroughly brainwashed. By the time any of them dared to say anything, the traces would have gone cold. Or conveniently, the parents would turn up and declare that their daughter had run away decades ago. Thanas was thoroughly sick of it.

“Admiral?” His flag captain Hortel Ossilege had approached him carrying a datapad and from the look on his face, Thanas knew it had to be more bad news. He extended his hand. “How many this time?” Ossilege handed the datapad over to him. “16, Sir. Cramped into the hull of an Action VI -class freighter.” Thanas nodded, but frowned when looking at the datapad. “This log only mentions 13 names.” Ossilege swallowed. “Yes, Sir. Apparently the place where they were stowed in was equipped with a plasma burner.”

Thanas felt rage welling up in him. A Plasma burner was an industrial waste disposal mechanism that burned any organic material, but left durasteel intact. A favourite among smugglers who wanted to get rid of organic evidence but not blow a hull in their ship.

Ossilege continued. “When our men tried to open the department, the plasma burner was activated. Our techs must have tripped a silent alarm. They reacted quickly and blasted the dammed thing to pieces, but 3 girls had been incinerated already. Four more are in the garrison's hospital, one is unconscious and won't make it. The burner destroyed fourty percent of her body.”

Thanas imagined the atmosphere inside the cramped hull department, the sheer horror of the victims when the beam of the plasma burner had burned them inch by inch. Sometimes I wish we had not abolished the death penalty for Bakura.

He then made a decision. “The crew is in custody?” “Yes, Sir. As usual, they claim not to know anything. The name structure of the victims also means that they were most likely members of the Fortuna clan.” He didn't need to say that the clan had denied any involvement and that there was no direct trace to them.

Thanas had had enough. “Captain Ossilege. Change of standing orders.” The flag captain came to attention. “This order is to be broadcast to the entire system:
From fleet flagship to all units attached to Ryloth and anti-piracy command.
1. Any ship that carries slaves is to be confiscated immediately.
2. Any crewmember participating in slavery is hereby declared an enemy of the empire and will be subject to the harshest penalties of the law, except if he immediately turns over all slaves unharmed to Imperial Authorities.
3. Any person who is found helping slavers will be subject to the same penalties.
Thanas stopped. “Any questions, Captain?” “No, Sir.” Thanas turned back to the window and looked at the space. “And send a communication to my wife and Clan Leader Secura. Inform them that the situation here is getting out of hand and that we need Secura back here as soon as possible.”

- [Tavira]are we there yet? [/Tavira]
- The situation on Ryloth is getting more volatile every day.
Last edited by Thanas on 2009-09-16 06:14am, edited 1 time in total.
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by RogueIce »

Unreal Time (of course)

Coruscant, Marshal Praji's Skyhook, just after the unofficial speeches...'

Prime Minister Gaeriel Captison-Thanas was about to leave the lecture hall for a very-well deserved rest - and a proper reunion with her husband when she noticed the Corellian Emperor subtly blocking her way.

Not that he was blocking her way in any physical manner. Although it would not have been a breach of protocol as he outranked her (on paper, they were both heads-of-states, but her nation was not fully independent anymore, unlike his.), it still would have been very, very ungentlemanly. No, he simply stopped talking and turned to her, at which good manners demanded that he be greated, especially after the public applause he had given her.

So she nodded, smiled (not curtsied, for no free Bakuran would ever curtsie to an Imperial again) and greeted him with "Your Majesty."

"Prime Minister." He turned halways and offered her his arm. "May we walk for a while?"

Inwardly, Gaeriel wanted nothing more than to run to her suite and finally hug her husband again who she had not seen for several months now, but of course, duty had to come first. So she smiled and allowed him to lead her out of the room. "Of course, your Majesty."

"I liked your speech, Prime Minister," began Aeron Bell. "Although I wonder, how would you propose to deal with the long history the various inter-species grudges and rivalries that permeate our galaxy? I spent a goodly portion of my career dealing with those, having to play mediator to conflicts that began far before anyone present was even conceived. A large percentage of the Fleet was spent doing just this sort of thing. It has been my experience that a firm hand is needed there; somebody to keep the peace.

"My father served with the Judicials of the Old Republic," continued the Corellian Admiral turned Emperor. "He dealt with much the same. You have spent considerable time in politics, so I am curious as to how you think such problems could be mediated."

Gaeriel nodded. "In my experience, a firm hand is only succesfull if it is accepted as a central authority. What better way to gain that acceptance than by popular vote?"

Gaeriel smiled as she continued, her fatigue giving way to excitement. "A firm hand is necessary in some conflicts, but in my experience when it comes to the application of force, a politician has already failed. I will admit that Bakura has been lucky so far in that we did not have widespread riots. But we do have a disadvantage indigenous population that was very distrustful. A firm hand would have destroyed any chance of reconciliation. Indeed, listening to and respecting the opponent is a much better strategy. Of course, as my husband can attest, some people are not worth listening to. Slavers, for example. Listening and compromise only works if the others are willing to respect such a compromise or if it is even feasible in the first place."

Gaeriel stopped to admire a particularly well-grown flower. "But in general, I think that a democracy is better suited to integrate others than an empire, as it is far less fixed on a ideology that people are not allowed to question. Of course, this also means it will have more conflicts in general than an empire does. To be honest, I cannot really give you a definite answer on how to deal with. For the moment, your firm approach seems to have as good results as my approach. We'll just have to see which ones produces better long-term results, don't we?"

"Yes, we will," replied Bell.

Gaeriel nodded, and retrieved her hand from his. "If you will excuse me, your Majesty, my husband is waiting for me."

Turning, she walked away and straight into the arms of her husband. The two embraced and after a few words exchanged, they made their way into the crowd.


Elsewhere on the station, Admiral Rogriss of Corellia and Marshal Praji of the Remnant were sharing a drink.

"Admiral Rogriss." "Marshal Praji." Being the officers they were, they both addressed each other with their rank. Not that they knew each other that well - Praji had been a soldier, not a Naval Officer, nevermind their complete lack of a common background. Nevertheless, both officers had been tossed around by circumstances in their lives and both respected each other, which among military professionals was probably the highest honour they could extend to each other.

"You have it a lot better than I do, Admiral. I have to defend an empire that is so split up that if an enemy strikes at our outlying worlds, it would take us more than a week to get a relief force together - and that is assuming the forces are already at high alert. You on the other hand - good strategic position, clear hyperspace routes, no crazies like the Sith next door...I envy you."

"Yes, but we are also quite the target. As you mentioned, the Remnant has a quite heavy Fleet combat force. We do not, simply because various Republican factions - and even some Imperials trying to become the new breed of Warlords - had been constantly trying to take control of the system. This is why the shipyards are no longer what they used to be...more than one enemy commander, realizing he, she or it could not win, decided that if they couldn't hold the yards nobody would. Those Tector-class ships our commanders did have fell in battle. Or were so badly damaged they were used as scrap in an effort to keep our other ships running. Two Imperial Star Destroyers were worth one Tector in the eyes of Admiral Bell. Especially when that Tector was badly damaged."

Praji nodded. "Well, we were rather fortunate in that regard ourselves. My fleet was still busy with pacifying my worlds when the battle of Coruscant occurred and we only entered the last stage of fighting. Therefore, we were able to rescue more of our larger units, not to mention that my forces had been heavily reinforced with Tectors and Allegiances in order to clear the way to Coruscant.

In the times that followed, every third-rate nation tried to take Coruscant. Therefore, it was decided that our heavy units would have priority, with less parts and replacements being dedicated to our assault carriers or cruisers. After all, we did not need to attack any other world and in a pinch, we could use ISDs for cruiser duties. But we had to keep the Sith at bay."

Praji took a drink from a waiter and handed another one to Rogriss. "The drawback is that our cruiser force was almost wiped out, which is why we currently focus on building more cruisers. Only the Bakurans have any cruiser forces worth the name"

"So you liked our designs?"

"Yes, the Mark III especially. Although the other designs are quite intriguing."

Praji nodded. "Yes, we tried to have a compromise between the Tector and the ISD class with the Mark III. I think we will succeed with that. I have high hopes for the design, and for our future classes as well."

Rogriss simply nodded to that, so Praji changed the subject. "Tell me Admiral, what exactly is your job in the Second Corellian Empire?"

"I serve on the Emperor's staff and float between there and Fleet Command. As we lack the heavy fleet units of some other powers, as I mentioned before, we need to be a bit more...creative in our defense. Especially as Corellia is quite the target."

Praji smiled and simply pointed to Coruscant. "Tell me about it. Our core forces spent most of their times on maneuvers, trying to scare away warlords from making a play for this world."

"Maybe sometime in the future, I could travel to Corellia to visit your great shipyards. They greatly interest me."

"We would be honored by your visit. Although rebuilding the yards is currently a work in progress, as I mentioned."

"Maybe next year, then?"

"Next year would be good, I imagine. I shall let His Majesty know, and I am sure we will be eagerly awaiting your visit.

Praji nodded and switched the suspect to one that - as a member of the Imperial Army - was very dear to him.

"I envy your assault carriers. My men have to be landed by shuttles. Shuttles...waste of lives, I say."

"And I envy you your Tector capital ship killers," Admiral Rogriss grinned ruefully. "Of course, now that we our allies, our combined strengths will diminish our individual weaknesses."

"True." Praji nodded. "To the alliance then". He raised his glass, waiting for Rogriss to follow suit.

Rogriss raised his glass in response, and both men drank.

"Speaking of diminishing weaknesses," said Rogriss. It sounded almost like an after thought, however it was definately anything but. "Perhaps we should arrange some inter-alliance fleet exercises? It's been some time since the Imperial Fleet was one cohesive unit. It would benefit the alliance greatly if her members were used to each other and their tactics."

Praji smiled. "I would love to take part in such a maneuver, but I might have to sent a subordinate, as chances are I will be busy with High Command."

"Of course, nodded Rogriss. "We should, after all, give our subordinate fleet commanders ample opportunities for training, shouldn't we?" Admiral Rogriss was pleased. He had managed to achieve that which he had set out to do, and knew Emperor Bell would be happy that he had managed to firm up ties with the military leadership of the Remnant.

Now to see if he could do so with the Star Empire of Manticore and the Core Protectorate.

Small talk, relationships forged, background fluff. All sorts of good stuff.
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This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Kartr_Kana »

Alsakan, Golden Republic

Jos Kor smiled grimly to himself, he hadn't been exactly truthful with the members of the Senate. They weren't yet full members of CORE just yet, however he had it from a very reliable source that the Golden Alliance would shortly be a member. Infact an aide was showing the Remnant Ambassador Lorth Trun to his office at this very moment. It was a natural reaction for most sentient species, especially humans, the need for community and order. History showed that it had happened before and he knew it would happen again, his only concern was to make sure that it was the right government that united the galaxy.

Result:I'm waiting to hear from Lorth Trun

"Our Country won't go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won't be any AMERICA because some foreign soldier will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race!"
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Siege »

City of Kala'uun
Ryloth, Imperial Remnant space

The cantena was about as disreputable as they came, a back alley drinking den filled to the brim with scum and villains. Iliyan Atchee felt right at home. The Black Hand elbowed his way past a pair of Quarren to the back of the place, where he sat down at one of the tables, his back to the wall and his eyes on the entrance.

Ten minutes later a Rodian entered and sat down opposite him. "You the man?" the reptilian humanoid chirped.

Atchee merely looked at him. "Am I the man who what?"

The Rodian produced a blaster and pointed it at the man, careful to keep it concealed from the public in the bar. "Don't annoy me human. People who do so get hurt."

Atchee laughed quietly. "There's a thermal detonator under this table that's keyed to my heart. Shoot me and this whole place goes up in a mushroom cloud."

The Rodian was taken aback. "You're bluffing" he finally exclaimed.

Atchee smiled at him. "Pull that trigger and find out."

The reptilian considered his options for a few seconds, then holstered the gun with a grimace on his face. "You must be the man. Wer'fortuna sent me. The Imperials just caught another shipload. He wants you to make his problems go away." The Rodian was very careful not to say anything that would give him away to any potential snooping enemies.

"The Imperial search every ship, correct?"

The Rodian nodded. "They do."

"Then we can't smuggle the cargo out. Too much hassle to get them past the Imperial blockade."

His opposite frowned. "So you can do nothing?"

"Oh, I wouldn't say nothing" Atchee grinned. "All we have to do is make the blockade leave."
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

"Thank you for your qualified oppinion - it certainly was interesting." Admiral Amyria replied.
"In fact, your input already allowed us to develop some plans. They are still in the process of refining, but we think they will hold water."

Admiral Amyria turned to the Audience. She touched a small button on her tactical suit, and a hologram flashed to life.
"This is Plan Crimson, Gentlemen. Our emergency plan for our colonies if we are in any danger to be attacked. We estaminate that we can move our colonies into this position within a single day."
The hologram showed a formation of eight huge space stations - two tetrahedrons in a hourglass like formation.
"As you can see, at least three colonies can engage the enemy from any approach vector.
Since they are fitted with superheavy turbolasers, they should be able to outrange most enemies. Once they get closer, up to four of our colonies will be able to fire upon the enemy.
Furthermore, the sides of the Tetrahedons can be closed, which will allow the shields to overlap."
She made a gesture with her left hand, and the hologram zoomed in on a single space station.
"Now, as you can see, every station will be heavily fortified. At least twenty regular turbolaser and ion cannon batteries, and one superheavy gun each.
Furthermore, we are already upgrading the shield networks, especially after Captain Hunt showed us their weakness. We estaminate that they will surpass an class-3 planetary shield.
Since they will be able to overlap, we will also be able to hide individual weak points."

The audience studied the hologram for a few minutes. Speculations about better weapon emplacements were discussed, until one tactical droid spoke up:
"Excuse me, Madam, but how are we going to protect our other assets? Our habitats, and especially our shipyards?"

"A good question, T-71. We are currently considering multiple strategies, but we think that fortified space stations will be necessary. We are already constructing additional Class two and three orbital defenses. Those should be able to hold off most enemy raids."

After a few minutes of discussion, a light began to blink on Admiral Amyrias suit. She let the discussion continue for another minute until she interrupted it.
"Excuse me, but we just got a message from TRILLIAN. Since Captain Hunt made convincing arguments about including a greater deal of captical ships into our strategy, we have developed some concepts for a new capital ship. They are by no means finished, but are a good projection of the possibilities."
Again, she touched a button on her suit, and the hologram flashed back to life

Several sections were labelled with technical information.

"In the essence, it will be a modernisation of the Providence-Class. We will take the carrier version, scale up the shields, install new targeting computers and so on. The armament will be stripped, and four heavy quad turbolasers will be installed.
We will also add supercharged ioncannons, similar to our experimental LAC-design.
If everything goes as projected, it will be a carrier with 240 fighters, heavy counterbattery fire, the shieldstrenght should surpass that of a Victory Cruiser and it will be able to take out a lot of small ships at a close distance"

"We hope the Imperial Remnant will be able to assist us in the trials of this new class once the design is finished, Captain Hunt. But we do not expect an answer on such a demand right now, especially after you already made such generous offers - and our engineers will need some months to finish the design anyway.
We will contact you later - now, lets join the discussion."
After a few more hours of discussion, the meeting ended.

When Captain Hunt came back into the Embassy, he found another messenger orb waiting for him. He signaled it to follow him into a secure area. On his signal, the droid began to play an audio message, though there was no hologram.
"Ah, you seem to be back from the meetig. I hope you enjoyed it.
Because this messege is an invitation to yet another meeting. In two weeks time, the armies of the Culture will perform a parade and an exercise battle. You are invited to join us, and you are free to bring along any imperial officers with you.

I hope you will be able to attain"

After he had listened to the message from Lady Serafina Morantor, Captain Hunt had time think about the day.
The AAR continues.
A little bit of foreshadowing happens.
And i will research a new shipclass with the help of Thanas. Research will start at the beginning of the next year.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »


Lorth Trun handed over the datapad containing the treaty offer. "Your excellency, I do however have to inform you that the nations of the Core Alliance have refused your most generous offer to host the Core conference."

He paused. "As for the signing ceremony, we would welcome it taking place next month. Currently, there is urgent business our leaders have to attend to. We do however hope that it will be concluded by then."

Or the Lady D'Asta will have to be proclaimed dead., Trun thought.

- Treaty offer made in IC (for terms of the Core alliance treaty, see this post.)
- in order to not break the timeline, all conversation with Jos Kor and Lorth Trun are to be considered happening simultaneously, no matter the progression of time.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

OOC: Abduction T+19


Mirith Sinn activated the scanners of her Imperial Commando outfit and scanned her surroundings. As she suspected, there were several Anzati hidden in niches and alcoves in front of her, but none of them had moved, instead apparently regarding her like a feline beast wainting for her prey to come closer. For she was an outsider on Anzat – and nothing protected outsiders from the desires of the Anzati on the surface of the planet, which was also the reason why commerce was largely made in the orbital habitats. Only the most brave or foolish outsiders actually decided to set foot on Anzat.

The danger was even more increased considering that she was currently trying to enter the famous Anzati School of Assassins, run by no other than the famous Akku Seii.

(Akku Seii, Master of Assassins)

She passed the gateway to the entrance unmolested, thanking Imperial Intelligence for keeping a file on this place. She was also surprised, because for the past years, it had been the custom of students of this school to ambush and kill any intruder. She soon entered a hall – lifeless, at first glance.

A gut instinct told her jump, but before she could, a heavy impact knocked her to the floor. Soon, she felt two hands trying to tear at her helmet with superhuman strength. However, to their detriment, Imperial commando suits had been sealed for space and to protect them against any gas or neurotoxin attacks. The Anzati struggled in vain to get the helmet open and before he had realized the futility, Mirith had plunged her vibroknife deep into his chest. Clutching at the deadly wound, the assassin fell back and soon stopped twitching. .

“Well done”, a voice called out. Ancient and deep, it resonated from within the Hall. “You have proved yourself worthy of our time. Remove your helmet so that we know your face.” “My face is of no consequence”, Mirith called back. “I have come to talk to Master Assassin Akku Seii.”

“Master Seii will not talk to anyone who does not reveal his face”, the voice answered with deep finality. Mirith knew that to do so would invite another attack. But it seemed as if this was the only way to save Feena. She sheathed her vibroblade and removed her helmet.

As if on cue, a black shadow appeared before her eyes. Before she could react, the Anzati assassin had grabbed her head and forced his tentacles into her nostrils. For a milisecond, there was a sharp pain, then the Anzati withdrew abruptly and started to convulse, falling to the floor. Within seconds, black foam had formed in front of his mouth and the Anzati was nothing more than a quivering sack of flesh, his eyes signalling enormous pain and incomprehension as to what had just happened. She drew her blaster and put a blaster bolt between the eyes of the Anzati, putting him out of his misery.

“Welcome, Commander Sinn.” This time, the deep voice was coming from her left. Turning, she saw the Master Assassin standing right there. “So it is true – your people have found a way to defeat our probing. When you die, your soup will be lost forever.”

Sinn smiled at that. “I can live with that.” The master assassin folded his hands. “You can. But your life is nothing but a small candle compared to ours. Your soup should not be lost, especially not one such tasty as yours.” Seii stepped closer. “But you did not come here to talk about soup.”

“I need the names of two Anzati Assassins. Husband and wife, or at least long-time lovers. Skilled enough to penetrate any security system. Their whereabouts are currently unknown, but we have reasons to believe that they were used in a strike on Ord Cantrell about three weeks ago.”

The Assassin did not look at her when he replied: “The Guild of Assassins will not reveal the names of any of their operatives.” Sinn had expected as much. “Does the Guild also know what happens to anybody who dares touches an Imperial Ruling Councillor? Does the Guild also know about the standing threat to any world which sponsors an assassination attempt?”

The Anzati simply answered. “Yes.” He then held up a hand to stall her reply. “I also know that you already have amassed forces enough to turn this planet into a lifeless carcass. But have you considered the consequences of such an action? Every operative will hunt you and your Council for as long as you exist.” Sinn swallowed, but did not waiver. “This is a risk we have to take in order to be safe from assassination. It is part of our raison d'etre.”

Seii nodded. “And part of our raison d'etre is not to reveal the names of clients. If we did, our millennia-old reputation would be in tatters and we might just as well cease to exist. You are not the first one to threaten us with annihilation. You will not be the last. The Guild of Assassins will not help you, even if the attempt on your council was misguided and foolishly executed. Real Assassins would not have left any trace at all.”

Sinn nodded and walked up to the side of the Assassin. “I concur”. And had the Jensaarai not come through, you would have stayed hidden. But you do not know that. “Is the existence of your world, your guild worth enough to protect assassins that could not even abide by your rules and not act in such a foolish manner?”

The master turned to meet her and held her stare. “The Guild of Assassins will not help you.” Sinn was about to retort, but then she nodded instead. “Thank you for your time, Master Assassin.” The Master bowed. “I hope someday I will get to taste your soup, Commander.” Sinn bowed in return and left, but not before calling over her shoulder. “Don't bother with analyzing the body. The Neurotoxin has already decayed to a non-traceable level.”

Seii did not reply.

One Hour later
Assassin class corvette IRS-05

The rest of Mirith's trip back to her ship had been uneventful. As soon as she exited her shuttle, she gave several orders. “Hold preparations for the BDZ. And get me a link to the Anzati central bank.”

If the Guild of Assassins won't help, maybe someone more attached to things of value instead of a moral code will.

Sol Mon's corvette

Feena D'Asta had been finally awake for several hours and had taken this time to mentally prepare herself. What she was however not prepared for was the sight of herself being trust into the cell.

The shock had been enough for the guards to shut the door before she had even a chance to recover herself. As she now looked at the woman, who was currently composing herself, she looked at a mirror.

“You are a clone of me.” The woman looked at her. “Yes.” “But why...” Then it hit her.

The clone looked bemused. “Yes. I will be ransomed to the Remnant in my...your place. Nobody will notice the difference.” The clone smiled. “And I know very well what goes through your head now. Yes, a memory imprint was made of you. Yes, I was imprinted with it. And yes, the first attempt on you being abducted was also supposed to feature me.” The clone folded her hands in her lap, something Feena noticed she had already done herself. “I was grown to take your place back then. They then would have kept you here and drugged you until you cracked and gave up state secrets. But thanks to that little idiot the plan failed and I was locked away for good measure until another chance presented itself. An exchange would not have worked – your father would have noticed it immediately. So they came up with this.”

The clone smiled bitterly. “After all, why force someone to tell them all their secrets if you can just ask them nicely?”

Feena nodded, trying frantically to keep her calm. By the smile on the look of her clone, the clone recognized the signs of her panicking very well. “But why tell me this? Why am I still alive?”

This time, the smile of the clone vanished. “Because of leverage. You see, I am you. I have your memories, your feelings – and I know you would never willingly betray your friends. But as long as they have you to hold over me they can blackmail me into doing anything.” The clone looked at her. “I guess I like to live.”

Immediately after realizing that this plan would work, Feena dove at her clone. The clone had anticipated this and evaded the attack, shoving her against the shoulder. Feena turned around, ready to try again.

Just in time to see the Gamorrean guard who fired the stunbolt at her.

A half hour later, the Marauder corvette lifted off and started to race back to Genon.

Kira's ship
Approaching Nal Hutta


Nal Hutta and Nar Shadda are thriving, Saenger remarked. One did not need intelligence training to figure that out, for the space around the moon was filled with ships delivering or accepting cargo. The spoils of a thousand pirates, Saenger thought.

Durga had been surprised to see Tavira answer the challenge hail by Durga's Palace, but had granted them landing privileges anyway. Kira had gone to change into her real appearance, while Tavira had been told to stay put. Both she and Saenger would be waiting inside the ship, ready for takeoff while Kira would go talk to His Great Obesity.

After a few minutes, Kira reappeared, a changed person, having scrubbed off the fake identity she had assumed. Where her hair had been black before, it was now golden, cascading over her shoulders in elegant waves. Her eyes, which had been green before, were now returned to their natural state of blue.

She had also donned two cross-draw blaster pistols on her hips, complimenting the jumpsuit she wore. And her gait had changed from a measuring and careful one into the confident steps of someone who knew that on this planet, nothing could match her.
Saenger had anticipated this, but she did still manage to surprise him with the result of her changing. The HRD known throughout the galaxy as Guri smiled self-satisfied at Saenger's reaction for a split second. Then the face of the former bodyguard of Prince Xixor changed into a facade of commanding arrogance and determination. She put her pilot helmet back on and after a few more seconds of space travel, the Stinger entered the atmosphere and landed at Durga's Palace.

Nal Hutta
Durga's Palace

Guri lowered the ramp, strode past the surprised guards and into the main hall of Durga's palace. Durga greeted her with a suspicious - “I thought you would be smaller, Admiral.” and was about to reach for the alarm button when she removed her helmet.

The reaction of His Great Obesity, Lord Durga, was priceless to behold. In all her years Guri had not witnessed such a reaction among a hutt. Durga sweated even more than usual – if that was even possible for a Hutt – and his face almost changed colour. “Y—Yo---You.” His mouth closed and opened uselessly, his huge tongue rolling around. Instead of answering, Guri walked forward and plucked the alarm buttonout of Durga's now powerless hands. Then she waited for Durga to regain his senses.

After a while, the Hutt's tongue stopped rolling around and Durga finally closed his mouth. “You. What are you doing here?” Looking into his eyes, Guri answered nonchalantly: “Calling in a debt.”

Durga regarded her warily. “I don't owe you anything.” “Call it blackmail then. You currently control the majority of votes in the Hutt Grand Council. This will change very fast once I reveal details of our past association to them.”

Durga mulled this over. Then a thought occurred to him. “Eight years ago, Rebel intelligence declared that you had lost all memory.” Guri smiled a cold smile at him. “And it was the perfect cover to allow me to watch while all serious contenders for the throne weakened themselves.”

If Durga were a human, he now would have felt a sensation of having been punched in the gut. As it was, his mouth simply closed and opened once more. Then it produced a meek “I don't believe you.” Guri shrugged. “Believe what you wish, it matters not to me. You will give me what I came for. Durga, do you really want me to be your enemy?”

Durga mulled this over and then relented. “What do you want, machine?” If Guri was fazed by the insult, she did not show it. “You control over 95% of the fuel supply for Hutts and their allies. I want to have a look at your records.” Durga nodded after a while. “I shall transfer the information to you as soon as I have it.” Guri's hands shot out with superhuman speed, crushing both of the Hutt's hands in a vice-like grip. Durga started to wince as she applied pressure. “You will access the information now, on your private terminal here.” Durga's guards started to move, but a strangled gasp from their master as Guri applied even more pressure caused them to retreat again as they saw that they would be too late to stop her from doing major damage or kill him.

Two minutes later, Durga watched in sullen silence as line after line of his hyperdrive fuel sells records flashed by on the screen at a speed no sentient could possibly read. Guri continued gripping his hands untile the last line of data had been displayed.

Releasing the Hutt, she bowed. “Business with you was highly efficient, Lord Durga.” The Hutt only glared in response. As she moved to exit the hall, Durga's guards tried to block her. Some even pointed blasters at her. “Let her go.” Durga ordered, knowing full well that there was a high chance she would kill every single one of them and he would be next. Guri just walked out without looking back, her audio receptors alerting her to any sudden moves. There were none.

Nal Hutta
Durga's Palace
Kira's tranport The Stinger

As soon as she had reached her ship, Guri broke into a run. When she entered the cockpit, she noticed Saenger and Tavira had already powered up the shields and engines. She quickly replaced him in the cockpit seat and donned her helmet.

With a mighty roar, the Stinger took off. “Did you get what we came for?`” “Yes. Now be quiet.” Having dealt with Saenger, Guri focused on the instruments.

Although she had no memories of Durga, she had guessed that he was not the type to let someone like her escape with this information. She had guessed correctly. Intercepting her in the palace would have been too risky considering her capabilities. Intercepting her in the air however, was a whole different matter. And Durga had decided to take that risk. A squadron of twelve snubfighters had been launched from the palace. In space, already two old bulk cruisers were manoeuvring to cut her off. It was an excellent trap.

But they had not considered her reflexes and the capabilities of the stinger. Flipping a hatch, she released six proton torpedoes at the approaching fighters. As they started to evade them, she detonated them via remote. The pressure wave in the atmosphere was enormous. All but one fighter were thrown of course, and the remaining fighter was quickly destroyed when she flipped the stinger and came up behind it.

The fghter was destroyed in an instant.

Then Guri accelerated quickly, leaving the atmosphere before the Hutts could put up the planetary shield. The situation in space was not as good. The Bulk cruisers had arrived at their positions and blocked the hyperroutes to the Remnant. A squadron of corvettes was now trying to do the same for the other exits to the system. Guri shifted all energy from weapons to the engine, knowing this was going to be a race between the approaching Marauder corvettes and her own ship.

But the Stinger was one of the fastest ships in the Galaxy and just before the trap was closed, Guri evaded the barrage fire by one corvette, slipped underneath another before and before the mercenaries could compensate, entered hyperspace.

Some time later

It had taken all of Guri's skill to get out of Hutt Space. The Hutt fleet had moved to block all hyperlanes – and had almost succeeded. The only route that had been left to them was a route to the inner rim, one which they were now travelling on.

Guri had been busy analyzing the data they had gained and as soon as they entered realspace, the Stinger transmitted the data to Ord Cantrell. Guri then was about to key in the route to Ord Cantrell when Saenger had an idea.

“Wait. It will take us several days, if not weeks, to get back to Ord Cantrell and for forces to arrive here. Time is a currency we do not have. Are there any pirate or smuggler holdouts Durga delivered fuel to in the vicinity?”

Guri was silent for a second as she calculated their options. “Several of them are in the vicinity. I suggest we start with the ones who use fast ships and ordered more than their standard fuel load.”

Tavira rolled her eyes. “Oh great. More nonsense.” Despite her objection, the Stinger soon switched course.

- Anzati assasins are fun, though they would not directly help Mirith
- Two huge reveals - first, the plan of Black Sun, second, the reveal of Guri
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

Pure Neimodiam Neimodia System, The Colonies

Image Image
The small convoy of three Munficent-Frigats, 8 eight Hardcell-class transports and 6 Marauder-Corvettes approached the planet of Neimodia. It broadcastet white-flag signals and was allowed to approach the planet.

Accompanied by two A-series bodyguards, Rina Fio approached the Neimodian greeting comitte.


After the ceremonial formalities, the Neimodians began to inspect the test goods. Some seemed rather interested in the A-series, but they were quickly told that those were off-limits.

After a few days of intense negotiation, the Cultural Union and the Neimoidian Skakoan Confederacy signed a mutual treaty about the free trade of nonmilitary hardware between the two factions.
Conclusion: Trade deal between darthkommandant and Serafina
"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
"In 1969 it was easier to send a man to the Moon than to have the public accept a homosexual" - Broomstick

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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

Newscast in the Vulpter system, transmitted on all channels

"And now, fellow citizens, Lady Serafina Morantor!"

"Citizens of the Culture. Today, i am proud to announce the completion a masterpiece of technology!
With the great deeds of Doktor Kimiko Ross, our superb scientists have created the new Guardians of our society.

Let me present you:
The ressurected IG-100: The Magna Guard!


Along with our existing A-series, we will create a elite division of droids to protect our society from the assasin, the traitor and the spy. They will guard our most precious assets, but they will also hunt down the enemies of the Culture.
They will watch over our dimplomats, our traders, our leaders and scientists.
Let them spark glory in your hearts, and let thems strike fear in the hearts of our enemies.
I present you: The Iron Guard!"

The image of the Cultures leader faded, and battledroids appeared.
A mix of B1 and B2 - dozens of them.
Seconds later, ten MagnaGuards entered the image. They were armed with a mix of ranged and close-combat weapons.
Within two minutes of combat, the MagnaGuards had destroyed 135 battledroids, with only a single casualty.

Conference Room, Research Station One, orbiting Vulpter

"As you can see, we actually managed to improve the programming of the old MagnaGuard. The old modell was just too focussed for close combat. The new one is stil excellent at short distances, but analysze the situation and use all weapons avaiable without arbitrary preferences" Dr. Ross reported.

"Excellent, Kimiko. I trust that you came up with various combat profiles for them?"

"Oh, yes, i did - what did you expect? So, we have the standard infantry model. Focus on infiltration and assault. They should be a nasty surprise.
We also retained the basic model with little changes. These are the bodyguard-models. They do not replace human intelligence -they are not supposed to. They are supposed to kill anyone who treatens their objective. And i think they will do so with anything short of a Jedi. And perhaps even those - it happened before.
Now, the third model was the most difficult - and the most sophisticated. You could call them the "Assasin"-model, if you like. They are specialized on cover ops in a non-military envirorment. Which is quite difficult for a droid, i can assure you.
But the third model more or less combines the abilities of the others."

"Ok, let's talk economics. Did Tey Haako file his report?", Serafina asked?

"Yes, he did. Or rather, he had one of his underlings do it. Either way, we have it.
We have comissioned 200 droids for now. We will use them as bodyguard for now, and epxand to division level later on."

"I guessed that would be enough for now. This way, we can implement the planned bodyguard level right now - and we won't need a heavy elite division right now, anyway. Now, when will the first units be finished?"

"Oh, they already are. You will be able to have a nice sparring once you get back home, i promised you" Kimiko replied.
Serafina blinked for a moment, and then fell into the laughter.
Conclusion: I have commisioned a heavy infantry elite divison of MagnaGuard droids. They are understrenght for now, but will be at full strenght somewhere around the middle of the next year.
A lot of them will be assigned for bodyguard duty. Assigments as follows:

-1 for each Captain of a ship between greater than a Marauder, up to Munficents.
-1 for important scientists (say, 10 per research station)

-2 for each Captain of a larger Vessel
-2 for each Commander of a Brigade

-3 for each Vice-Admiral (note: i do not have anyone with that rank yet)
-3 for each Station Commander (Colonies, Habitats)
-3 for each Divison Commander
-3 for each "minor diplomat" - ie those Ambassadors dealing with factions that are not that important to me

-4 for each Admiral (rank does not exist yet)
-4 for each "major diplomat" - every other Ambassador

-5 for every important, named character i currently have
-10 for Lady Serafina Morantor

I also upgraded my OOB with a picture of Lady Serafina Morantor.

"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
"The world owes you nothing but painful lessons" - CaptainChewbacca
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
"In 1969 it was easier to send a man to the Moon than to have the public accept a homosexual" - Broomstick

Divine Administration - of Gods and Bureaucracy (Worm/Exalted)
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Agent Sorchus
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Agent Sorchus »

Vulpter, High Orbit; VLADISLAV CC9600 Frigate

Cvetko Tomek looked down on the world to which he would be posted. The TSAB vessel contained the primary structure for the Embassy that they would build, along side the force of 20 security experts and 4 SD10's. Really it was going to be total overkill to defend the diplomatic staff, and almost undiplomatic to bring it. Still if the rumors coming out of the Imperial Remnant were correctly analyzed then it was a necessity.

Ambassador Tomek's job was to finalize the initial proposals and get them signed as fast as possible. A trade treaty was almost guaranteed. The rest however were important state secrets.
Defensive Pact Between the TSAB and the Cultural Union
The construction of either 2 Providence class destroyers or 2 Recusant class light destroyer or one of both by the TSAB for the Cultural Union at a cost to the Cultural Union of 5pts while the rest of the costs will be footed by the TSAB (15pts). Construction starts beginning of the 4th quarter of the 2nd game year.
Depths of the Balmorran Research Center
"So project Drausus has been approved?"
"Provisionally yes. Thanks to the progress with the Accipiter project the council is ready to approve Drausus with only a slight change in the project development timeline."
"What did they cut?" A common occurrence in state sponsored research.
With a smile the political adviser continued, "Nothing, they simply thought that we needed some more testing in one department and that they needed some earlier results. The final goal is the same and the total project is still mostly to our time table."
"I think this calls for a toast. Perhaps we can all celebrate latter?..." Spoiler
  • Cantwell Class Support Ship, 750m Dreadnaught analog; testbed for integration of self healing alloys, and point of impact shield generators (see SD-10 battle droid). Two year development starting next year. 4pts per ship 32 points of research.
  • Development of a Nebulon-B Elint variant, to prototype for the final projects sensors. One year of development starting the Year after next. 3pts per ship, 12 points total research.
  • Upgrade to the Dauntless design, greater hull strength and faster point defense turrets (total of 20% durability increase and hanger of 48 fighters). One Year, utilizing both Research centers. 15pts per ship, 45pts of research; if only one research center is used it would have been 18 months.
  • Finally, a ~5.5km Star Battleship, all information of the battleship has not been finalized. Development will after all other ships are research is finished. Estimate of 36pts per ship, ~4 years of research.
Note each step will be approved by the mods separately. This is mostly a announcement of intent dressed IC as political posturing.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

OOC: Abduction + 23

Four days later


“This is a very bad idea.” Tavira complained. Neither Saenger nor Guri particularly cared for her opinion as they were busy. The place had almost looked deserted had there not been two guards posted at the entrances of the cocoon-shaped building and if a disruption field had not been active, protecting the palace from even the sensors of the Stinger. Guri therefore did have the idea of infiltrating the place as it was obvious no legitimate business existed here. And they fit the profile perfectly – one heavily armed corvette, one freighter, numerous small craft.

The only trouble was that nobody seemed to be home. Well, except for the two guards they just tied up after Guri had stunned both of them. Saenger wondered why he had agreed to go along – oh yeah, somebody needed to carry the slicing equipment and Guri preferred to have her hands free. Tavira had no choice but to follow as well, as Guri did not want to leave her alone on her ship.

The three entered the palace. Security seemed to be low and soon they had arrived at a Computer terminal. Guri took the slicer equipment from Saenger and soon had hacked into the main files. After examining the files for a split second, she turned to Saenger, smiling triumphantly. “I think we found them.”

Displayed on the screen was a ransom note to the Imperial Remnant. After Saenger had composed himself, he asked Guri: “Is she here? Is Feena here?” The HRD looked into the files. Soon, data was racing across the screen. “No...but there are two cells reserved for...- Kriff.” Guri yanked the slicer gear out of the console and tossed it into Saenger's backpack. “We got to get out of here, fast.” She readched for Saenger and Tavira and started dragging them to the exit.

“What? Hold on -” Guri did not reply but continued pushing and dragging them. Then she stopped. “Too late.”

In space, Sol Mon's Marauder Corvette dropped out of hyperspace and started the descent to the surface.

Not wasting any time, Guri stunned Saenger and Tavira, threw them over her shoulder and after racing down a corridor, tossed them into a cell and locked the door.

When the Moff came to a few minutes later, he had a splitting headache. A moan from his left indicated that Tavira was not feeling any better, while the sudden appearance of Guri's voice in the headset he was wearing made him wince. “Moff, Admiral. Are you awake? To your left is some pain medication.” Saenger reached for it while Tavira screamed at the top of her lungs “WHAT THE KRIFF ARE YOU DOING?” She winced and grabbed her temples.

Guri's voice remained calm. “My ship alerted me to an incoming vessel, Marauder class. There was no time for us to get away. At their altitude, they would have noticed us running through the jungle.”

Saenger had applied the painkillers to his head and handed the injector over to Tavira. “And what are you planning to do now? I mean, besides locking us in a cell.” “There were two cells reserved for prisoners. I suspect one of them is who we're looking for. Security will most likely not be very strict here. We take out the guards, grab the prisoners and then run. It will take them several minutes to realize what is happening once their ship has powered down and then take some time to power it back up, time we can use to signal my ship to blast a hole in the palace and get us out of here.” “And where are you?” Tavira interjected. “In the other cell. Quiet now, my ship tells me the pirates have touched down.”

Indeed, there was a faint vibration running through the palace. Then it stopped and Saenger tried to prepare himself. Pulling out his blaster, he pointed it at the door, causing Tavira to roll her eyes. Stepping closer, she whispered at the Moff: “Have you ever handled a blaster, nerf-herder?” “Yes”, Saenger snapped back. “Really? Could have fooled me, with the safety clip on.” Saenger swallowed. “I knew that.” Tavira held out her hand. “Give it to me. I know how to use one.” Seeing Saenger hesitating, she snapped. “Oh, for kriff's sake. How stupid do you think I am? I am not going to betray you with her in the next room." She gestured at the neighbouring cell. “Now hand it over and go stand in that corner so the guard cannot see you.”


About fifteen minutes later, the palace vibrated slightly once more. Saenger recognized the vibrations as a crude musical beat, probably performed by a less-than-optimal band. They are having a party.

“Silence.” Guri whispered. “Somebody's coming.”

And sure, soon enough, the door slid open, revealing a gamorrean guard who pushed a clearly drugged women into the cell. The Moff jumped forward and caught the stumbling Feena D'Asta just before her head would have hit the bed. The Gamorrean guard froze for a second at the appearance of the moff out of the dead corner. A second was all that Tavira needed to push the nozzle of the blaster against his head and to pull the trigger, the flesh and fat tissue muffling the sound. The guard crumbled to the floor, his head a melted mess of tissue.

The guard who had been occupied with shoving another woman into the cell next to theirs turned around and looked at them, his mouth gaping wildly. He tried to reach for his own blaster, but before he had drawn it, Guri knocked him into the head with her fists. He too crumpled to the floor. Saenger was helping the drugged D'Asta to her fead and led her to the door. Bastards must have drugged her. “Guri. I got her.” There was a bit of silence. Then Guri answered: “What do you mean, you got her?”

Saenger looked up. Next to Guri stood another Feena D'Asta, wearing the same clothes as the one he was currently holding in his arms. This one however was not drugged. Clone? But which one? There was a moment of silence and shock on the part of the would-be rescuers. This almost proved to be their undoing as the non-drugged version exploded into action, pushing both Saenger and the version of Feena he was holding back to the cell. Leaving her to catch the blasterbolt the newly arrived guard had fired with her shoulder.


Grappa's throneroom

Macus Kayniph had demanded that they send the ransom note right away, but Grappa had decided that a celebration was in order and had demanded that his three slave girls and the band he had “hired” start performing. While the Hutt was reclining and watching the particularly striking blonde dancer twirl, Macus Kayniph was far less comfortable with waiting. “Grappa, I understand that you missed your home and your usual comforts, but let me get the communication out. The Remnant may already be tracking us and - “ “Nonsense.” Grappa cut him off. “Besides,”
“you'd never forgive yourself if you'd missed the entertainment.” Grappa reached for a cup and poured a liberal amount of drink down his throat. “Ah.” Macus Kaynip however froze, not sure whether he had just heard the faint echo of a blaster shot. It was a sound somebody like him, who had climbed to the top of the Black Sun hierarchy, would never forget. Then there was silence. Am I just getting old? No, there was it again, this time answered by three more similar sounds in reply. Kayniph reached for his blaster. Grappa was still lost in thought.

“Beautiful”, he mused. “Master Grappa. MASTER GRAPPA.” His protocol droid interrupted him, carrying a datapad. “What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?” The hutt replied, irritated. The droid was about to reply, but then the alarm rang through the palace, ending the party and sending everyone scattering.


In the hallway, Tavira spat out in disgust as the sirens rang throughout the hallway. “Oh, great.” Saenger was meanwhile more concerned with the two versions of Feena D'Asta, both currently lying on the floor, one drugged, the other one heavily injured by the blaster bolt to her right shoulder. A few feet away lay the body of the third guard which had been hit by three shots almost simultaenously after the one shot he had gotten off had hit Feena.

Guri finished applying a bacta patch “She needs to get to a bacta tank.” The woman stirred and came to. Her face contorted as she bit back tears from the immense pain. Guri smiled sympathetically. “I'm sorry, but I can't give you any painkillers. You need to walk – the Moff can't carry two of you and I need my hands free. You're both coming with us.”

Feeena #2 nodded and grabbed Saenger's right arm for support, who was leading the drugged Feena #1 with his left hand. “Can't you give me- her anything so that she can walk on her own?” Feena #2 inquired. Guri shook her head. “I don't know what they gave her. The chemicals could interact and she could go into shock.” “Move it,” Tavira ordered in a focused tone. Guri holstered her weapons and walked forward, Saenger and the two Feena's hobbling after her. Tavira secured the back of the atypical formation as they made their way along the corridor.

“Why is she working with you?” Feena #2 whispered to Moff Saenger, her voice clouded with pain. “We ran into each other and I asked her to help. She agreed.” “She? Yeah, right.” “She changed.” Saenger whispered back.

Guri suddenly tensed and charged ahead. A formation of thugs had rounded the next corner but before they could react, Guri was among them.
The resulting struggle was brief and very quickly over. Stepping over the unconscious bodies of the thugs, the team had almost reached the end of the palace. Now there was only one long, straight corridor littered with some small niches on both sides of the corridor. In the event of an attack, those niches provided cover against invading troops, which would have to charge down the corridor, facing murderous fire.

As the rescue effort had made it about halfway to the exit, two groups of pirates appeared simultaneously both at the exit and at the other end of the corridor, trapping them. Tavira and Guri had both trained their weapons on the thugs, but none of the groups had yet fired a shot or made an aggressive move. From behind the group blocking the entrance to the corridor the Imperial team had just passed, Macus Kayniph's voice rang out: “Surrender. You cannot escape.” His voice then took on a more concilliatory tone. “Lady Guri, I am surprised to see you working with such unprofessional Imps. Turn yourself over to me and I am sure I can find some tasks more suited to you.”

Guri reacted instantly. Pushing Saenger and his group in one niche, she and Tavira jumped into the opposite one. The corridor was almost instantly filled with stun bolts aimed at the organics and blaster bolts aimed at Guri, but they all missed due to the insane speed in which Guri had acted. Soon, she and Tavira were firing back, Tavira concentrating on the group barricading the exit and Guri at the thugs behind them.

Their efforts proved to be in vain, however, as under intense covering fire, small combat groups of pirates continued to advance towards them, using the niches as cover. One group would fire at the pinned-down Imperials, while the other would advance and then cover. It was a standard military maneuver and even to a non-professional as Saenger it was clear that he was in a heap of trouble.

Guri tossed him one of her two blasters. He caught it, but as soon as he had put it into his right hand an idea hit him. He yelled at Guri over the sounds of blasterbolts shrieking by: “Guri. Your ship. Tell it to attack the exit.” The HRD smiled grimly. “I already thought of that. A jamming field has been activated.” She squeezed off two quick blasterbolts, resulting in a scream being heard from the direction of the attackers before being forced to retract her arm once more. Saenger nodded. Yes, of course they would jam us. Damn them. He untangled himself from the two Feena's and tried to get a better firing position, but everytime he tried to even point the blaster outside the niche, two stun bolts impacted almost right on the blaster.

Then Feena #2 moaned and keeled over, the pain having gotten the better of her. By dropping her head against the body of the still drugged Feena #1, she imbalanced the latter who slid out of the niche and hit the floor. This seemed to jolt Feena #1 out of her trance for a moment as she mumbled “clone”. Then a stun bolt hit her and she went lax. Saenger dragged her back to safety while Guri dropped another one of the attackers.

Tavira's face meanwhile had contorted into cold fury as she readied her blaster for the impending close quarter fight that would happen when the sweeper group would catch up with them. The ex-Moff, ex-admiral and ex-pirate turned involuntary Imperial Commando glared at Saenger and then spat. “This has got to be the worst kriffing rescue operation ever.”

Saenger did not disagree. Instead of doing anything useful, he had delivered the pirates even more hostages or dead Imperials. Should have stayed with my datapads. “How far away are they?” he yelled at Guri. “My audio sensors tell me about two or three niches away.” Tavira nodded. “Let them come.” Saenger smiled, remembering the old standard motto of the Tetan Navy. Omnes veniant. A fitting end for an Imperial moff, he thought.

The pirates intensified their fire and Saenger knew the end was near. Tavira glared at him once more. “Worst rescue operation ever.”

Guri tensed, ready to jump forward.




Then the volume of blasterbolts flying past the niches intensified even more. Curiously, Saenger heard screams and after a while, only blasterbolts from the entrance to the corridor hit close to them anymore and the sounds of the weaponfire coming from the exit had changed to a darker, more powerful pitch. Confused, Saenger looked at Guri. She smiled and relaxed her posture. Emboldened by this, Saenger took a quick peek into the corridor.

Laying down covering fire and advancing in a precise, deadly manner, squads from the Red Guard filled the corridor. Blasterbolts tore into their ranks and many fell, but they advanced, pressing the attack in a way only Imperial elite troopers could. Already, their superior marksmanship and numbers had eliminated the group guarding the exit and the ranks of the group that had advanced on the niche were considerably thinned as well.

And behind them, the next wave of Red Guards was already visible. Leaning back and focusing on the sounds of battle, Saenger heard a series of detonations. He knew what this meant – Imperial breach teams had opened entry points into the palace via the liberal application of explosives. The pirates' position would change from bad to untenable within a matter of minutes.

More screams were heard from ahead as the Red Guard fire tore into the group of pirates who had been advancing on the rescue team's position. If Saenger had looked out once more, he would have noticed how the surviving pirates had ducked into niches as well. And if he had not closed his eyes, he would have noticed the grenade that landed in front of the niche containing him and Feena. He also would have seen the flash that was Guri throwing back the grenade before being hit by a blasterbolt and crumbling to the floor. As it was, he did not notice anything of this, his body finally surrendering to overexertion.


Something connected with Saenger's face, causing his cheek to explode in sharp pain and his eyes to open rapidly. Standing in front of him wearing her Commando uniform was no other than Mirith Sinn. The former Rebel guerilla fighter chuckled. “Only you would sleep through an assault.” She leaned forward and hugged him. “Thanks for bringing Feena back.” Then she did something she had not done before – she kissed him on the lips. The Moff was too startled to respond until she had withdrawn. Sinn smiled. “Although you should do something about your breath.”

“Ah...right.” Saenger rose with the help of two Red Guardsmen who helped him stand. “What about Feena? Or the Feena's?” “You mean Feena and the clone?” Sinn was all business again. “We put them both into the medical bay of the Eviscerator.” “How did you know which one is the clone?” Sinn smiled. “Easy. The non-drugged one obviously had stopped fighting her captors. And Feena would never do that.”

Saenger smiled as that as well. “Yes. But she saved mine and Feena's life – what is going to happen to her?” Sinn's smile vanished. “That is for the Baron to decide.” Saenger nodded, though he did not like that possibility. “Where is the rest of my team?” Sinn smiled again. “Look at you. Your team.” Then her tone became serious again. “We put the HRD into guarded quarters on the Eviscerator as well. Her ship has been transferred to that ship as well. Her picking up the grenade – I never saw something like this. She has taken a blaster bolt, but will be fine according to her. As for Tavira, she went quite battle mad and is currently sedated after trying – and I quote - to fry every single one of the bastards. She too will enjoy quarters on the Eviscerator. What possessed you to take her on this trip anyway?”

Saenger shrugged. “She had the necessary clearance with Durga.” Mirith punched his shoulder with just enough force to make it hurt a little. “And we will have a chat about proper intelligence procedure some other time.” Saenger nodded. He did not look forward to that chat at all. “How did you get here so fast anyway?” Sinn told him.

“I gained access to the Anzati central bank. A large transfer had been made to an Anzati couple. We have not yet caught them, but we traced the money back to the Muunilinst and made enquiries there. Our agents eventually traced the money back to a shadow company operating in this sector. Once you transferred Guri's list to Ord Cantrell, they forwarded it to my fleet and we noticed a correlation between the shadow company and this gang. Turns out they had been using it to sell Imperial goods. Admiral Thanas will be pleased – looks like we caught another pirate gang plundering our aid shipments to Ryloth. We then connected the shadow company's records with the ships Durga delivered fuel to – and found this system.”

Saenger clearly had more questions, but Mirith held up a hand. “Now, I suggest you go to the Eviscerator and join your team while I clean up here.” If Saenger noted the additional note of steel that had appeared in her voice, he thought better to not comment on it. He simply nodded and walked out of the palace to a waiting shuttle, escorted by three squads of Red Guards.

As soon as he had left her line of sight, Mirith Sinn's smile vanished and her face became one of grim determination. Turning to the Red Guard lieutenant standing next to her, she asked for a progress report. The report was short and to the point – the Red Guard had taken the palace and the majority of pirates were now prisoners. Some had tried to escape in snubfighters, only to be shut down by the two fighter wings of the ISDs that had accompanied Mirith Sinn's Assassin-class corvette. The pirate's larger ships had been caught in the hangar and had been incapacitated by torpedo strikes before managing to raise their shields. Red Guard units had then boarded them and Imperial slicers were currently cracking the hoards of data they had found in the palace's datacore. Red Guard soldiers were currently transferring all valuables from the Palace to her Assassin class corvette. Those prisoners who had been taken were arranged into five groups.

As Mirith entered the main Hall, she noticed the three groups arranged against the walls. The first group was small and consisted of the three dancing slaves who after a quick look into Grappa's files had been deemed innocent by Mirith. The members of this group were clearly scared, with the Quarren sporting a nasty vibrobayonet wound that had been sealed by a bacta patch.

The second group was composed of droids, including Grappa's personal service droid.

The third group was composed of those thugs, pirates and servants of Grappa that did not possess any valuable intel. This group was by far the largest one, consisting of over 80 persons of all races, with many of them clutching wounds inflicted by blasterbolts or the not so gentle ministrations of the Red Guard.

The fourth group was the most curious one. They consisted entirely of Zanibar.
The details of the cannibalistic cult practised by them was unknown to Mirith, but one look at the files confirmed her suspicions – apparently Grappa had sold them captured Imperial and civilian freighter personnel for use in their rituals. They showed no fear, instead looking with their skeletal faces at Mirith who felt a shiver running down her back.

The fifth group was only composed of two elements – Grappa and Sol Mon. Macus Kayniph would have made a good addition to that group, but he had been killed by the grenade Guri had thrown back. Sol Mon had revealed himself to be quite the coward – when faced with the Red Guard, he had surrendered as soon as possible. Grappa meanwhile did not seem to have comprehended what was happening all around him yet. He had offered no resistance and seemed oblivious of the guns pointed at him.

That will change fast. Keeping her face devoid of any emotion, Mirith walked over to the frightened members of the first group. She then took a datapad held by an orderly and after writing a few words on it with her data-stylus, she handed it back over. “These are to be transferred to Moff Saenger on the Eviscerator. He is to induct them into Imperial service.” The orderly took a look at the datapad and then saluted. Positioning herself so that the other prisoners could not see her, she smiled reassuringly at the former slaves. Wasting no time, four Red Guard members led the still frightened, but slightly hopeful women out.

Sinn turned back towards the second group, the droids, her smile gone. “Take them to my corvette, copy their memory banks then destroy them.” This caused some of the more advanced droids to struggle against the restraining bolts with which they had been fitted, of course in vain. They too were quickly whisked away by the Red Guard. Ignoring the third group, the Commander walked to the Zanibar, stopping in front of their leader. “You are accused of eating Imperial personnel. How do you respond?” The Zanibar stayed stoically silent, their eyes focused on her face. Sinn smiled grimly and walked over to Grappa and Sol Mon. Sol Mon evaded her stare, while Grappa stared back, apparently still not comprehending what was happening. Sinn was not going to give him time to recover. “I want the codes to all your files and every piece of Intel you have.” Sol Mon laughed bitterly. “And in return, you will do what?”

Sinn drew her pistol and shot him between the eyes. After his body had dropped to the floor, missing a large part of the head, she refocused her stare on Grappa. “I will not kill you. Do we have a deal?” Frightened, confused and still in shock, Grappa started to talk.

ISDII Eviscerator
orbiting Genon

The Eviscerator had received all her intended passengers. After transferring a status report to Ord Cantrell, it jumped to Hyperspace, racing to Ord Cantrell on Mirith Sinn's orders.

Grappa's Palace

One hour later, the datacore had been deciphered thanks to Grappa's eagerness to cooperate and the data had been sent to Ord Cantrell.

Three hours later, Sinn received a report that the palace had been looted and that all data had been copied. She held up a hand, stopping Grappa from babbling. “We will continue the interrogation at a later time. Lieutenant, transfer the Hutt to my corvette. We are done here.”

After Grappa had been taken away, Sinn looked over the assembled mass of prisoners. Then she turned away and started walking to the shuttle that was waiting for her in the hangar. “Signal the withdrawal.”

Twenty minutes later, the palace had been evacuated by all Imperial forces, with the only people left on the desolate planet being the former prisoners. Sinn ordered the transmission of the Order's of Baron D'Asta to the second Star Destroyer in system, the ISDII Punisher and the corvette then too entered hyperspace.

Ord Cantrell

Due to no holonet access available on Genon, it took the first transmission with the report of Feena being succesfully freed several hours to reach Ord Cantrell. Lieutenant Ganner was the first to receive it. He immediately raced to the Baron's suite, finding the Regent engulfed in a philosophical discussion with Gaeriel Captison. Both were drinking water.

The Red Guards, which had been notified of his coming, did not stop him as he barrelled through the doors and startled the two. The Baron regained his cool quickly after a split second. “I believe it is customary for junior officers to knock, Lieutenant.” Ganner came to attention and saluted. “Yes Sir. But sir-” he abandoned the posture and thrust the datapad towards the Baron, grinning widely. “Sir -it is my great pleasure to inform you that we found her.“

Gaeriel clasped her hands in front of her mouth, overcome with joy. The Baron almost jumped forward and instead of taking the datapad, clasped the hand of Lieutenant Ganner and shook it. “You got her.” Ganner smiled back. “Yes, Sir. I mean – Mirith Sinn and Moff Saenger led the attack. You can find more in the report - ” “Bah. Reports. This is no time for reports.” Then his face took on a more controlled tone. “Is she well?” “Yes, Sir. The report indicate that she was drugged, but otherwise she is in excellent physical condition. Her clone was hit by a blasterbolt but -“ “What do you mean, her clone?” The Baron's tone had gone from jubilant to cold fury in a split second. Barely controlling his rage, he turned back towards Prime Minster Captison. “Prime Minister, I think you better leave. I will inform the council in half an hour.” Captison nodded and started to leave, stopping for a second and laying her hand on the Regent's arm. “I am so happy for you, Baron.”

Ragez D'Asta nodded. “Thank you, Prime Minister.” As soon as Gaeriel had exited, he held out his hand. “I will have that report now.” Ganner came to attention. “Yes, Sir.” While Ganner was standing strictly at attention, the Baron sat down in his office chair and spent about ten minutes studying the report, then tossed it aside in a fit of rage. Ganner noticed that the Baron's hands were shaking as he put them on the armrests. “Lieutenant Ganner.” “Yes, Sir?”

The baron reached for a datapad. “Eons ago, it once was an old custom of the House of D'Asta to reward the messenger of good and to punish the bearer of bad news. My ancestors quicly abolished the tradition after noticing they were never fully informed. Today, I will revive that tradition. What type of news did you think you just gave me, Lieutenant?”

Ganner swallowed. “Neither good nor bad, Sir.” D'Asta nodded. “Yes, a rational mind would say that. But my daughter is safe.” He stood and approached the lieutenant. “That will always trump anything else. You are dismissed, Lieutenant -Commander.”

Ganner saluted, turned smartly and left.

Imperial Ruling Council meeting

It was a relatively small council meeting as four council members were absent. Still, the Baron wasted no time. After having the report distributed and having informed them of the situation, the second transmission containing the information of Grappa's datacore - which had been received by then - was distributed among the members.

While they were reading it, the Baron observed the reactions of the others. If any of them were disappointed in his daughter not being dead, they were smart enough not to show it. But the Baron had no illusions in that regard. After the members had finished reading, Marshal Praji signalled that he wanted to speak. The Baron nodded.

Praji stood. “I have three things to say. First, allow me to express the relief and joy I felt when I heard that the Lady D'Asta has been rescued. I am a father of a daughter myself and I cannot imagine what I would do if she would be harmed.” The rest of its council voiced its agreement by rapping their knuckles on the council table. “Second, I would approve of decorations being handed out to the brave Imperials who helped rescue her.” This too met with the councils approval.

Praji then cleared his throat. “I hereby call for the full weight of the Imperial military to come down on this criminal scum and anyone who is connected to them. I vote we immediately dispatch strike groups to any system that is affiliated with them.” Jir, Windcaller and Secura all rapped their knuckles in agreement, while Gaeriel Captison signalled that she wished to speak. D'Asta nodded at her. “I would be interested what Lord Praji deems to be sufficient for affiliation with such an organization.” Praji rolled his eyes. “I am not calling for war with the Hutts. Merely that we come down on those directly affiliated with Grappa and the Black Sun scum.” Gaeriel chose not to retort that the Hutts fulfilled both criteria.

Ragez D'Asta stood, his voice cold with carefully controlled fury. “I appreciate your input, but this is a private matter. I have already decided on targets and sent out orders for ships from the Core fleet to join the D'Astan fleet in retaliatory strikes.” Marshal Praji rose. “Regent, an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. I have sworn an oath to your family. The House of Praji stands besides the House of D'Asta. Please, Baron, use me.”

D'Asta nodded. The alternative of humiliating Praji was not a viable one. “Very well, Lord Praji. You shall have your orders in half an hour.”

After the council meeting was over, Baron D'Asta sent the following communiqué via diplomatic channels.
To: His Imperial Manticoran Majesty Emperor James I Manticore, Emperor of the Star Empire of Manticore, His Imperial Majesty, Aeron Bell, Emperor of the Second Corellian Empire and Supreme Commander, Imperial Corellian military, His Excellency Admiral Rowan, Head of State and Commander in chief of the Core Protectorate

From: Ragez D'Asta, Regent of the Imperial Remnant.


1. The Imperial Remnant wishes to inform you that the Lady D'Asta has been recovered.
2. Retaliatory strikes will commence within a few days. The Remnant considers this a private matter
3. In four days, Regent D'Asta will address the people of the galaxy via the holonet and long-range communications.
4. The Imperial Remnant wishes to thank you for keeping this secret and would appreciate if no record of this unfortunate event is made.
To: All nations of the Galaxy
From: The Imperial Ruling Council, Ord Cantrell

The Imperial Remnant wishes to inform you that the fleet exercise is going to end within the next days.
The Imperial Remnant also wishes to inform you that his Excellency, Baron Ragez D'Asta, Regent of the Imperial Remnant, will address the people of the galaxy via the holonet and long-range communications.

ISDII Punisher
Twenty minutes before the council meeting

The Assassin class corvette assigned to Mirith Sinn had just entered hyperspace when the Captain of the Punisher had finished reading the standing orders of Baron D'Asta concerning all those who dared attack an Imperial Ruling Council member. Looking out the bridge window, he saw Grappa's Palace just coming into view. Turning to his first officer, he gave an order that had not been given since Palpatine had died.

“Commander, prepare to execute order Base Delta Zero.”
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A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

CUS Prosperity
approaching Ord Cantrell

"Ord Cantrell, this is the CUS Prosperity. We are carrying a high-priority diplomatic envoy. Requesting clearance for approach" the bridges droid officer announced.

"Prosperity, maintain position for escort"

As representative of Ord Cantrell on the Council, Mahd Windcaller had received the request. She was curious about what they wanted. With a sigh, She reached for his comlink. "Get me Imperial Intelligence".

After a short discussion, the Imperials decided to allow a shuttle to land at the Council headquarters.

The shuttle was launched and soon passed through the planetary shield grid after being scanned.

The Prosperity passed slowly trough Ord Cantrells orbital defenses.
"Look at that. It's their capital, but the defenses are weaker than those of our colonies!" Dr. Kimiko Ross exclaimed.
"Madam, they are clearly making this up with mobile units. We are tracked by no less than four Star Destroyers and twenty smaller units" TP-14, the droid operating the sensors, replied.
"Well, this time, we are not out for an fight anyway. Hail them and request a formal meeting with their head of science staff, or whoever is responsible."
"Roger, Madam."

Fifteen minutes later, Dr. Kimiko Ross stood face to face with Baroness Mahd Windcaller.

"We are currently involved in heavy cybernetic research. Since you are responsible for the remains of Coruscant, we wanted to aks you for any data left from EmpPal Surgical Reconstruction Centre. My droid here" she waved at a normal-looking protocol droid "has a list of items we are intersted in, and a general description of their purpose. Our request is urgent, and we would be very pleased if you could fulfill it as quickly as possible. If necessary, i will search for the data myself."

After a few formalities, Doktor Ross returned to her shuttle. She hoped the request would be fulfilled - after all, the Empire had been cooperative so far.
"Destiny and fate are for those too weak to forge their own futures. Where we are 'supposed' to be is irrelevent." - Sir Nitram
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"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - Wilhelm Stekel
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Master_Baerne »

Manticoran Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Encrypted Communique
TO: His Excellency the Baron d'Asta, Regent of the Imperial Remnant
FROM: His Imperial Manticoran Majesty James I, Emperor of the Star Empire of Manticore

Your Excellency,

We wish it known that We, in both the royal and more usual sense, extend our sincerest congratulations on the recovery of your daughter, and that we would be honored to contribute whatever fleet elements would be useful to the retailiatory strikes against her kidnappers.

Sincerely Yours,
James I Manticore
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by The Romulan Republic »

(OOC: it has obviously been quite a while since my last IC post for a variety of reasons, some my fault and some otherwise. As such, I am still very much playing "catch-up" here, and I am responding to events that will no doubt have taken place some time ago according to the timeline of this STGOD. At the request of one of the moderators, I am clarifying that the events in this post take place in "unreal time," and that the envoys would have had to actually arrive at different times for this to fit the timeline.

If anything else is unclear or if I left anyone out, please let me know by PM and I'll edit accordingly.)

Mr Bean wrote:"Rim forces this is the CPS Serenity, Request acknowledged, ships will maintain stationary position relative to Tatoonie. On Admiral Rowan's orders I'll also pass a repeat of the earlier request for a direct face to face conference between First Consul Kossan Mical and Admiral Rowan at 1720 Galactic standard time.."
OOC:Local time it works out to whatever time you like the next day giving you time to clear up the two envoy's
Captain Oridian breathed a tentative sigh of relief. This force could cause them serious difficulties if it decided to attack, but for now it didn't seem interested in a fight. He immediately passed along the request for a face to face meeting between the Admiral and the First Consul. It would be up to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take things from there.

Some time later...

"This is Minister Tasari Leigh to Admiral Rowan, speaking on behalf of First Consul Kossan Mical. The First Consul would be pleased to meet with you at the requested time. You will be directed towards docking bay 32, Sector 5. I must regretfully ask that you are accompanied by no more than four security personel, and that they are equipped only with side arms. An escort and honor guard will meet you in the docking bay."

Thirdfain wrote:To the Rim Alliance


The Nebulon B-2 Frigate Baelarian arrived, broadcasting messages of greeting-

<<On the behalf of the Galactic Republic, we request permission to land a shuttle and open diplomatic relations.>>
Captain Oridian felt his blood pressure rise noticeably. It just wasn't fair, he thought distractedly. Three foreign embassies and a possible attack fleet showing up right on top of each other. But he knew what to do. He sent an immediate reply to the Frigate, then breathed a sigh of relief as Admiral Djerik walked onto the bridge and sat down in his command chair.

"Republic Frigate:

As you are no doubt aware, we are currently dealing with a potentially volatile and complicated situation at this time. You are free to proceed provided you take no hostile action and follow the instructions of traffic control. However, we advise that you remain at the edge of the system for the time being, as we cannot nessissarily garuntee your safety if you proceed. We will put you in contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as soon as possible, and we deeply appreciate your patience."

Defense Minister Rossan's office, Mos Eisly Spaceport:

Minister Rossan switched channels on his monitor again, expecting to receive an update on the situation with the CP fleet in orbit. Instead, he saw that it was an alert from the Mykyr System, informing him of a threat-level increase and warnings of a possible attack on Myrkyr and/or Neimoidia. The Minister's first thought was that this was an impossible disaster. His second was that it was an impossible coincidence. He immediately contacted Admiral Djerik on the bridge of the VSD II Alliance. The Admiral had just arrived, but since their was no sign of immediate hostilities from the CP fleet, he took a minute to review the Myrkyr report.

"Everything seems to be in order for now. However, I will instruct that Captain Sa'rok maintains the raised alert and updates both of us every hour. I also advise redeploying any local patrols or reserves to the Myrkyr system, with your permission of course." Minister Rossan immediately assented. He didn't really like (nor very often agree with) the Admiral, but he recognized that when it came to the practical as opposed to the political and beurocratic side of running a military machine, Djerik was far more experienced and capable than himself. He just hoped that would be enough to hold the Alliance together if these threats were actually precursers to a serious assault.

(OOC: full current Tatooine Defenses are as follows:

Permanent Defense Fleet:
1 Nebulon B Frigate
2 CR90 Corvettes
2 Corillean Gunships

Additional Ships (Tatooine is the home port of the First Fleet, and various military ships routinely rotate through the system):
VSD II and Alliance Flagship AFS Alliance
1 Dreadnought
1 Nebulon B Medical Frigate
2 CR90 Corvettes
1 Corillean Gunship
1 Assassin class Corvette
Various transports

Planetary Defenses:
Garrison Defense Package
Additional Theatre shield over Mos Espa
2 Gollan 1 Defense Stations
Military Bases at Mos Eisly, Mos Espa, and Anchorhead (main base at Mos Eisly)

Ground Forces:
1 Defense Corps Light Infantry
1/4 Division Artillery
1/2 Light Repulsorlift Division
Almost 1/2 Division Special Forces
2 Divisions Planetary Militia)
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Siege »

Flagship of the Sith Battlefleet
High Orbit over Korriban


The Allegiance class command star destroyer Marka Ragnos hung silently in space, its massive engine bells dormant for the duration of the demonstration. The viewers on the bridge offered a stunning look at the world below, Korriban seemingly dead and lifeless in the far distance. But appearances could be deceptive, and the activity in near-planetary orbit proved that the barren world was was anything but dead. A massive shipyard, halfway through construction, hung over the planet like a great spiderweb. Elsewhere squadrons of fighters screamed through orbit, and great warships prowled closeby.

On the bridge of the Marka Ragnos however Hariman Jacht was far more interested in the diminutive shape that arched and twirled around the massive star destroyer.


The dark side interceptor buzzed the hulking star destroyer, disappearing from view as quickly as it had come. It appeared there and not there at the same time, the mark of the advanced shrouding system that rendered it very difficult to detect.

Then a pair of other fighters zoomed by. They were TIE Hunters: nimble, mean looking craft composed of sharp angles and bristling with weaponry. They fish-hooked and weaved through space as they tried to track down the interceptor. From the look of it however they weren't doing too good a job, their sensors confounded by the sensor-masking mechanisms installed on the Interceptor.


Hariman could feel the song of the dark side emanating from the cockpit of the interceptor. The Hunters were piloted by some of the top aces of the fleet, but the prototype was flown by Mari Indigo, and her Dark Jedi abilities combined with the craft's innate agility made her virtually impossible to track. The dark craft twisted, looped and emerged behind one of the Hunters, putting out of commission with a quick burst from its laser cannons. Its wingman tried to break off, but the Interceptor corrected its course minutely and put two torpedoes up its tailpipe. If this was anything but a simulation, the Hunter would have been reduced to scattering debris. As it was it merely broke off to return to the hangar of a nearby cruiser.

Jacht was pleased. The new prototype respond well to the dark side. Soon enough it would make an excellent addition to the arsenal of the fleet.

Core Districts


In recent weeks the conflict between the unificationists and isolationists had taken a grim turn for the brutal and violent. Citizens locked themselves in their arcologies whilst mobs and angry militias of the various political blocks roamed the street looking for a fight. And now the violence was about to escalate.

A series of explosions ripped through the Kifune Skyplex, tearing it off its moorings high above the core districts and severing the repulsors that kept it firmly aloft. With a shriek of tearing metal the massive structure and the starship perched atop it wavered, then capsized and began to fall, billions of tons of materials gathering speed frightfully fast before smashing into the arcology directly beneath. The impact was disastrous and almost instantly annihilated the top third of the gigantic building, scattering debris across the lower sectors. And the crashing skyplex plunged on, like an enormous knife driving into the heart of the building. Tens of thousands died instantly, tens of thousands more would die when the better part of the building finally imploded, less than an hour after the initial disaster.

Ruins of the Jedy Academy
Telos IV


Red and silver armours prowled the corridors of the long-abandoned Jedi Academy. Buried under Telos' southern pole no-one seemed to know really just how long the structure had been abandoned, but it was clear that the last to depart so very long ago had still taken measures to ensure it would be difficult to loot the place's secrets.

Jared Veicht and his Sith Commandos had lost several of their comrades to automated defence systems, still operational hundreds, maybe even thousands of years after this place had been deserted. Two had been cut to ribbons by blaster fire from slits hidden in the walls; another had been caught in a blast of hypercooled carbonite, flash-freezing him into a grotesque statue. Sorcerous enchantments placed on the traps made them difficult to detect even for the force-sensitive commandos.

The diminished group of commandos opened yet another massive door, bracing themselves for any potential threats that might emerge. With a hiss, a potent poison gas spat out of concealed crevices in the ceiling. Fortunately for the commandos their armours were fully sealed, offering protection against such mundane threats. Still he refused to let his guard down as they moved past the latest trap – complacency was what got people killed in situations like this, and Veicht didn't plan on getting killed.

Beyond the antechamber and the poison gas the room widened into an immense storage facility. Rows and rows of cases receded into the murky distance, each shelf lined with dozens of small pyramidal objects that glowed red with strange symbols seductively promising the power of the dark side.

Veicht smiled and signalled for one of his subordinates. “Head back to the ship. Inform the Tribunal that we have found the repository.”

Results: -Test of a Sith Interceptor prototype
-Chaos on Mirial
-Discoveries on Telos IV
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by The Romulan Republic »

(OOC: just in case it isn't clear, this is set and whatever the current date is.)

The sleek diplomatic vessel rose into the Tatooine skies as the first hints of dawn showed over the horizon. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs favored the elegant, peaceful Naboo designs for diplomatic transports, but they were not careless when it came to security. Each vessel was accompanied by several star fighters and a CR90 corvette.

This vessel was headed for the world of Vulpter in the territory of the Great Cultural Union of the Galactic Core, following up on rumors that the government there was interested in establishing relations and trade. Visiting Vulpter as Ambassador was Minister of Foreign Affairs Tasari Leigh herself. As the ship jumped to hyperspace with a bright flash of light, the First Consul hoped they would meet only with success. Their was still significant opposition in the Council to extending full relations to the Core, and a great deal of resentment towards the people and politics of the Core worlds. It had been difficult enough simply to get this mission approved. But if it succeeded, it could be a new beginning, another badly needed step towards Galactic prosperity, Justice, and stability...

...The two small vessels leaped out of hyperspace on the edge of the Vulpter system, their shields raised. They immediately transmitted a standard hail, informing the locals that they were a diplomatic mission from the sovereign state of the Rim Alliance, seeking diplomatic contact with the Cultural Union and requesting permission to land.

A diplomatic mission is dispatched to establish a trade deal with the Cultural Union.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

Bureau of Rina Fio; below the Diplomatic Skyhook, Vulpter

"Well, Mylady, it looks like our advertisments were a complete success. It took some time, but we got contacted by six other goverments. Together, they represent more than thirty individual worlds." Rina Fio reportet with a large amount of enthusiasm and pride.

"Well, thats what i would call a success, too. However, do we get the necessary countervalue out of these trades?"

"We certainly do, Mylady. That's why we do not have Tey Haako in charge of these things. I took care that we get what we actually need from our trade partners.
First, we will import large amounts of topsoil, water, plants and even compresses atmosphere from the Rim Alliance and the Correlian Empire. I am afraid we will need several year to accumulate the necessary amount for our terraforming needs, but it is a start.
Both the Republic of Haven and the Kingdom of Manticore will pay well in refined raw materials for our droids. Since our refining capabilites are not as extensive as we would like, this should give our industry a major boost.
Now, i did not find anything in particular we would need from the Kuat Empire, the Bothan Confederacy or Empress Theta. But they have agreed to help with our terraforming efforts. The interesting point is that they will supply us with huge amounts of manpower.
If we can convince them to stay, new settlements on the other planets of Vulpter would be possible."

"Excellent work, Rina. I guess we have to rewrite our budgets then." Serafina replied with a smile.

"Certainly. Oh, and we need to work out an escort schedule for our merchant fleet. There were several pirate attacks on our diplomatic ships - and i guess these pirates will be even more interested in actual cargo."

"I will see to it that Amyria get's busy. I guess she will request some additional ships, but i think that's worth it. Again, great job, Rina."

I do not want to swamp you with half a dozen "diplomatic mission blastuffbla trade deal bla" messages.
Therefore, i wrote this summary.
If anyone has any objections to the details of the trade deals, just send me a pm.

-Diplomatic contact has been established with the Star Empire of Manticore (Master Baerne), Kuat Imperium (Fingolfin Noldor), The Second Corellian Empire (RogueIce), Free Democratic People's Republic of Haven (Beowulf) , The Shadow Empire (Darth Shady) and The Bothan Confederacy (Karmic Knight)
I also talk about the Rim Alliance (The Romulan Republic), even if it was a bit earlier.

-Trade deals have been signed between The Cultural Union (me) and all these factions. These will begin at the start of the next year.

Edit: Included The Bothan Confederacy in my list.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

OOC: Two days after the rescue operation


Baramorra was a temperate, dreary, rainsoaked planet that would have best been qualified as a minor world. Like most former Imperial planets, it had fallen under the rule of a dictator in the turmoil that followed the Battle of Coruscant. A planet located near Muunlinist in the outer rim, it was about two days travel away from Ord Cantrell, with its main export being agricultural or crude industrial products. The planet was currently ruled by the leader called the Boss Banjeer, nephew of the Imperial Admiral Banjeer who had perished at Coruscant.
Boss Banjeer had taken control of the planet and when the elders of the planet had objected, he had them all executed and had their heads stacked into a gruesome pillar in the central square of the capital city.

The planet was relatively well defended by Theater shields and two heavy planetary turbolasers. Space security was provided by one ISD-I Star Destroyer, which had been renamed by Boss Banjeer in true distasteful fashion as The Boss and two Vindicator class cruisers. All in all, Boss Banjeer could call upon two wings of fighters composed of a mix of TIE Bombers, TIE Fighters and several uglies. His ground troops consisted of two divisions of light infantry, 1 brigade of Stormtroopers and 1 company of Bounty Hunters, the latter forming the core of his forces and being infamous for terrorizing the local population.

All in all, Imperial intelligence regarded Banjeer as a waste of skin and someone who needed to be eliminated later on, but who currently was not a thread. This of course had changed when Grappa's files had revealed that Banjeer had been primarily financed by him and had provided intel on Ord Cantrell's defence forces and Imperial convoys via a spy in the traffic control center. The spy had already been executed and now it was Banjeer's time to pay the prize for collaborating in the capture of an Imperial Ruling council members.

Or at least he would pay the price if Ragez D'Asta had any say in the matter. The D'Astan fleet, composed of two Marauder-class corvettes and 3 squadrons of D'Astan fighters dropped out of hyperspace at the edge of the system. Wasting no time, D'Asta addressed the whole system.

“Attention all units. I am Ragez D'Asta, Regent of the Imperial Remnant. I hereby demand that you lay down your arms and surrender your vessels to my forces. The despot named Banjeer has been found guilty of crimes against civilization. He has terrorized the world entrusted to him and has collaborated with pirates. You have thirty seconds to comply.”

Turning off the transmission, he nodded at the commander of the D'Astan fleet, his colleague-in- arms and senior advisor M'Nista. “Signal the fleet.”
M'Nista nodded. “Do you think they will surrender, Baron?” The Baron shrugged. “If they are cowards, they will.”

The enemy fleet seemed to be confused for a second by the demands levied against them. Then, after a short period of chaos, the three enemy ships turned towards the D'Astan fleet, their bellies disgorging fighters of all kinds and sizes. “Apparently they are not cowards.” The enemy ships accelerated, trying to close to combat distance in order to attack the outmatched D'Astan personal fleet.

Only to be met with the second half of the Ord Cantrell fleet as it microjumped into the system. What the enemy had thought to be an easy battle turned into an ambush as the Allegiance-class command ship Fealty, flanked by the ISD-IIs Ravager and Irreverence and escorted by two Carrack cruisers appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Behind them, the Venator-class carrier Swarm started launching fighters. And in front of the whole formation, the 181st fighter squadron jumped into the fray, their TIE Defenders sporting the familiar red stripes that stroke fear into the hearts of any opposing pilot.

Faced with the choice of running the gauntlet or fleeing, the enemy commander chose the former. It was a good choice, D'Asta reflected. If he had run, the Imperial fleet would simply have used the acceleration left from their hyperjump to catch up. Whatever he was now, the enemy commander had once apparently been a competent Imperial oficer. Imperials killing Imperials – what has the galaxy come to?

The enemy formation closed, trying to use overlapping shields to their advantage. But they were heavily outmatched by the Imperial flotilla facing them, which focused about four times as much firepower on them than the Banjeer fleet could respond with. Unlike the latter, the Imperial ships had also not been forced to depend on third-rate replacement parts for the last two years.

The Venator-class cruiser flanking The Boss on her left was the first to go down. A heavy 720 teraton Turbolaser bolt from the Fealty burned through the shields, snapping the ship in half upon impact. Then, the Vindicator class cruiser to the right of The Boss shared the fate of its breathren, succumbing to the fire of the Ravager and Irreverence. Then, all three capital ships focused their firepower on The Boss.

The end of the Imperial Star destroyer was spectacular as its shields gave way under the combined onslaught. Within one split-second, the entire bow of the ship exploded in flames. The bridge was annihilated by three 40 teraton blasts. At the same time, MTLs and LTLs who had focused on counter-battery fire destroyed every weapons position facing them. Soon, escape pods broadcasting surrender signals escaped the flaming hulk that had once been a proud Imperial starship.

“Get us into the fray.” The D'Astan fleet surged forward, using the speed of the corvettes and of its specialized fighters to enter the fighter battle, which was already raging. The 181st had already savaged most of the opposition and with the added firepower of the other Imperial/D'Astan fighter squadrons, it soon turned into a wholesale slaughter.

While his fighter pilots were dying in space, Boss Banjeer sent a message to the Imperial fleet. The call was taken by M'Nista, who after listening to it relayed it to the Baron. “Sir, Boss Banjeer wishes to propose a ceasefire and talk to you. He doesn't understand why we attacked him, but is sure you and he can come to an agreement.”

Seated in his command chair in front of the observation window, D'Asta responded. “It is a cowards way to sue for peace when the battle turns against him.” The Baron stood up and walked to the window, watching his fighters tear into the enemy formations. “Exactly what I expected from a weakling like Banjeer.” Looking at the battle with grim determination, he responded:
“It galls me to call of an attack short of a decisive victory....but send a message to the Boss. Tell him I accept his offer and would like a private talk with him.” M'Nista swallowed, but knew better than to question the Baron. “Aye, Sir.”

On the surface, the Boss was surprised. “He wishes to talk to me?” “Yes, Boss.”, his second replied, “It has to be a trap.” The Boss shook his head. “No. D'Asta is an honourable men. Let him come. Besides, he puts himself at risk. Have my best troops lined up as an honour guard in case he tries something, but tell him we will lower the shield for him.”

A few seconds later, the personal shuttle of D'Asta descended to the rainy surface of Baramorra, landing in the yard of the former Imperial Garrison, now serving as the palace of the Boss. Along the yard, the brigade of former Stormtroopers had formed up and D'Asta nodded his approval at the sight of them, for whatever else had happened to them, their white armour was still clean. The Boss himself was waiting for him, surrounded by about sixty persons who were easily identifiable as bounty hunters and hired thugs.

D'Asta strode forward, 12 members of the Red Guard following in parade formation. They stayed behind him as the Boss strode forward. “Baron. What brings you to my planet?” The Boss' voice was barely concealing his fury at the destruction of his space forces. But D'Asta met his fury with a stare of greater cold fury himself. “You partnered with the crimelord Grappa in raiding our convoys. You also supplied information that was used in an attempt on my daughter's life. You also terrorized the planet you currently rule. Surrender and submit to Imperial judgement of your actions. If you do not my forces will take the planet.”

The Boss was taken aback at the audacity and arrogance in the Baron's voice. Then the anger that had bubbled up in him erupted. “Do you realize where you are, old man? I'll have you flayed. Troops, arrest him.” The bounty hunters trained their weapons on the Baron, while the Stormtroopers moved forward. D'Asta nodded. Honour has been satisfied.

Ragez D'Asta raised his hands over his head, taking the position of an emperor addressing his troops. As if on cue, the Red Guard dropped to their knees, revealing a holoprojector behind them. The holoprojector sprang to life and revealed Lord Praji. “Imperial troops, you know me. I am Lord Nahdonnis Praji, clone template, former commander of the 501st legion, former aide-de-camp to his Majesty Palpatine I, by direct appointment of his Imperial Majesty Marshal of the Empire and commander of the Stormtrooper corps. I order you to follow the orders of your lawful superior, Baron Ragez D'Asta, Commander in chief of all Imperial forces.”

The hologram faded out, leaving D'Asta to follow up. Activating the amplifierdisc implanted in his collars, he addressed the now hesitating Stormtroopers.

“I am Ragez D'Asta, Baron of the Empire and Commander in chief of all Imperial forces. I am by right of law and choice, your true commander. Not this criminal Banjeer, who has ordered attacks on Imperial ships and cooperated with the Hutt crimelords and Black Sun. I call upon you, my loyal stormtroopers, to join with me in bringing him to justice. I demand your loyalty to the Empire which you have so long and faithfully served.”

He pointed at the ground with both of his hands. There was a brief moment of hesitation, then the first stormtroopers started to kneel. Others followed suit until within the space of a few seconds, the entire stormtrooper brigade had sunk to their knees.

Boss Banjeer meanwhile had gone white as his brain registered what the Baron was doing. When he finally recovered his voice, he cried out “Shoot him”. But before his men did have the chance to carry out the order, they and the boss were annihilated in a giant flame as the hidden laser cannons that had been mounted near the ramp of D'Astas shuttle were activated and fired several blasts into the midst of the bounty hunter formation.

Ragez D'Asta smiled grimly as he addressed the troops. “Stormtroopers. Stand to attention.” With parade-ground precision, the stormtroopers came to attention, the sound of heels clicking together combined as one. “Arrest all members of Banjeer's government. Lower the shields and establish landing zones for Imperial troops. Secure the capital. Execute.” The stormtroopers jumped to it, officers calling out orders in rapid succession.

Half an hour later, the planet was secured as the last of the demoralized enemy forces surrendered, bereft of their leader and without any hope of victory. Two hours later, the Baron walked to the central square of the capital city to the cheers of a jubilant populace and after walking to a hastily-assembled dais, addressed the populace of the planet. “Loyal citizens, the rule of Boss Banjeer is over. He has paid the ultimate prize for his atrocities against you and for treason.” The cheer and applause was tremendous and D'Asta allowed it to go on for a minute before raising his hands, signalling that he wished to speak.

“No more will your planet be prey to thugs and petty warlords. From this day on, Baramorra rejoins civilization.” He nodded at M'Nista, who revealed the flag of the D'Astan family. “As head of state of the Imperial Remnant and head of the noble house of D'Asta, I hereby claim the planet Baramorra by right of tradition, popular acceptance and conquest.”

Taking the flag with both hands, he raised it and slammed it into the ground, claiming the planet to thunderous applause of the populace.

ISDII Stormfront
Two days later

(image credit: Fractalsponge)

The personal ship of Lord Praji dropped out of hyperspace near the deserted planet and Praji allowed himself a satisfied smile. The ship, crewed only by his household troops, had the reputation of being the best starship in the Remnant fleet. And by executing that masterful hyperjump, they had proven that this was not just idle boasting. For the ship had come out of hyperspace directly above the location of Macus Kayniph secret lab, or at least the position were Grappa's files said it was located.

Immediately, Ties were disgorged from the Star Destroyer's hangar bays, heading for the surface. The surprised defenders had the time to activate their laser cannons and time to send a distress signal. But the distress signal never got through the Imperial jamming and the defenders did not have time to sent a second one.

For at the same moment the three squadrons of TIE Advanced of the Scimitar Assault Wing appeared over the horizon. They had used their hyperdrives to jump directly into the system together with the Stormfront. Dancing gracefully through the laser cannon fire directed at them, each fired two concussion missiles at the communication tower. The effect was instantaneous – the tower was engulfed in a fireball at its base and then crumbled, depriving the Black Sun mercenaries of their communications.

The TIE Advanced then used their superior speed to get clear, while the laser cannons fired uselessly after them. Praji smiled. These men had been selected from the best Interceptor pilots the Empire fielded and trained by members of the 181st. A few mercenaries with manned laser cannons were no danger to them, especially as most of those below evidently were not prepared for an attack or did not understand how the Remnant knew of their location.

And they did not get a chance to understand for at this time the three Scimitar Assault Bomber Squadrons of the Scimitar Assault Wing started their assault, having been launched by the Stormfront in the meantime.

The Scimitar Assualt Bomber had been designed by the best Bomber pilots in the empire, under the direct supervision of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The result was a fast, heavily shielded bomber with great sensors and a good payload consisting of 32 concussion missiles or 24 proton torpedoes. The only drawback was their cost, but this was of no comfort to the Black Sun mercenaries below as the Scimitar Bombers launched a stream of proton torpedoes at the laser cannon installations. The Bombers came closer, ready to launch a second stream of torpedoes but this proved unnecessary as the first volley proved why the nickname of their reconstituted unit was the “White Death”. Marshal Praji nodded with satisfaction as the lab's defences went up in flames. Like the Avenger pilots, the bomber pilots had been drawn from the best bomber units in the empire. Some of the bombers hovered over the base, ready to lend fire support to the ground troops.

Praji nodded at the General commanding the First Infantry division of the House Praji. The first brigade of the division, composed of the most loyal soldiers of House Praji, had been detached from the division and assigned to the Stormfront. Now they were ready, sitting in their shuttles. “General, land your troops and start the ground assault.” “Yes, Sire.”

Soon, the first 12 Tyderium class shuttles touched down, disgorging a total of 240 light infantry soldiers. They quickly established a permeter, which proved to be easier than thought as the Scimitar Assault Bombers were more than happy to lob a few torpedoes at anything that moved. When the second and third wave touched down, they wasted no time in rushing into the lab. The disoriented and demoralized Black Sun mercenaries quickly surrendered. About ten minutes after the Stormfront had entered the system, the lab was cleared of all enemy forces.

Lord Praji himself took a shuttle down and was presented with a status report by the Colonel in charge. “Sire, we have taken the base. The scientists are in custody, the datacore secured.” Praji nodded. “Excellent. And the cylinders?” “In perfect condition.”

Praji allowed himself a wolfish smile. “Excellent. Transfer the scientists, the data and all cloning equipment to my ship. Then execute the rest of the pirates and erase all logs of this ever happening.” The colonel saluted. “Sire.”

A few hours later, everything had been accomplished and Praji allowed himself the second smile of the day. He had covered his traces well from any snooping by the Baron D'Asta. Neither the hand-selected pilots of the Scimitar Assault Wing nor any of his household troops and crewmen were going to say anything. All logs had been sufficiently doctored. And he had driven the engines past the safety threshold to safe enough time for this and still make it look like he had arrived just in time to perform the following operation.

“Execute order Base Delta Zero.”

As the powerful batteries of the Stormfront opened fire and turned the surface of Smarck into molten slag, Praji smiled for the third time in the day, thinking of the possibilities that had just opened up. Of course, it had required defying the Baron's orders, but if D'Asta was unwilling to do what was necessary for the defence of the Empire – the Remnant, he corrected himself – then he had to do it.

Adopted Homeworld of the Zanibar


The Zanibar were a dying race. Having been driven off by any civilized planet due to their cannibalistic rituals, they had eventually settled on Xo, a deserted planet. Counting on the secrecy of the planet, they had built primitive huts and focused on regrowing their numbers. They had almost come to the brink of extinction years earlier and still had a total of a few hundred members of the species left. They were a dying species, clinging to the illusion of their racial superiority.

And the Bakuran Navy was more than happy to help them with the dying aspect of their history for they had eaten several Bakuran and Imperial citizens crewing relief efforts. The Vindicator class cruiser Loyalty of Bakura had been detached from the anti-piracy fleet. It approached the planet at high speeds. Belatedly, a freighter took off from the surface, either to escape or to challenge the cruiser. It matter not, for it never got the chance as a salvo from the cruisers main guns blasted it to pieces. Grappa's files had been most elaborate and the gunners immediately had recognized it as the main ship of the Zanibar.

Abandoning their flanking position on each side of the cruiser, the two VT-Decimator-class Assault ships entered the atmosphere and soon hovered over the village. After noticing that a small group of women and children tried to escape into the jungle, they used their laser cannons to create a ring of fire around the village, driving the would-be escapees back towards the village.

Then a recording was played, asking the Zanibar to surrender to the Imperial authorities. This ultimatum was answered by a hail of blasterfire coming from the Huts. The ultimatum was repeated , but the volume of fire directed against them did not decrease. Had the VT-49 Decimators been crewed by Bakurans, this would have resulted in a repeat of the ultimatum as there was no chance of breeching the shields of a Decimator with rifles. But the Decimators were crewed by young, trigger-happy Imperials who had spent the better part of their service in battle against Pirates. Many of them had lost or knew someone who had lost friends and many believed that the Zanibar had eaten at least some of those they had lost. And after two ultimatums, they had enough.

The Response was decidedly Imperial – the two Decimators opened up with everything they had against the Zanibar positions. Concussion missiles blasted whole huts, while laser cannon blasts rendered Zanibars to nothing more than burnt residue. By the time the Bakuran captain commanding the Vindicator class cruiser had realized what was happening and had recalled the Decimators – who to their credit obeyed immediately and broke off the attack – all what was left of the Zanibar race were small, huddled and demoralized groups that quickly surrendered to the landing Bakuran marines.

Soon, a team of police experts was landed to dig up the bones of the Zanibar victims, to at least allow the families of them to pay their respects in a better grave. A second team was tasked with eradicating every presence of the Zanibar of the planet. Xo was to be left uninhabited, with the rest of the Zanibar species facing trial on Bakura for the murder of Bakuran citizens.

ISDII Eviscerator
On its way to Ord Cantrell

While Imperial ships brought death to the enemies of the Remnant elsewhere, the Eviscerator was fulfilling a more happier task as it carried the rescue team with the two Feenas to Ord Cantrell. And in sickbay, Moff Saenger smiled as the real Feena D'Astas eyelids fluttered open and greeted her. “Hey.” “Hey.” Then she looked as if something was wrong, but couldn't quite put her finger on it. “If you are wondering why your throat is not dry, I had the nurse force some liquid down it. Had that experience myself.” Feena nodded. “That was it.”

After a moment of companionable silence, Feena nodded at a point behind Saenger. “I see you picked up some new staff members.” Glancing over his shoulder, the moff nodded at the former dancing girls, who were now decked out in black Imperial uniforms befitting the personal assistants of the Council. “Yes, Mirith apparently thought it a great joke to unload them on me. So far they have wrecked one proposed policy initiative by me. Fingers crossed they do not manage to wreck another one by the end of the week.” Feena chuckled. “I guess they do not know how to write a real plan, to formulate a contact list and their typing is atrocious?” “Yes. By the seven suns, Yes.” The Moff threw his hands up in fake disgust. Feena smiled at that. “I do remember similar complains from my staff about you.” Saenger grinned at that. “Hey. My typing was always good.” The Baroness-designate laughed at that. “What?” Saenger faked offence, falling into their private routine. After a short while, as usual, his façade broke in face of her mirth and he had to chuckle. Breaking the routine, Feena suddenly reached for his hand and squeezed it, looking him into the eyes and whispered: “Thank you.” Saenger did not reply, just nodded.

A medical droid arrived to check on a few vitals, breaking the spell. After it was gone, Feena nodded at the Moff, her face returning to the cool businesslike manner shown in public. “What of the rest of your team?” “Tavira is currently enjoying the benefits of her quarters. She wants the Invidious back.” Feena nodded. “She came through, she should deserve some reward. But I do not like her running around the galaxy unsupervised.” “And I owe her a favour.” Feena's tone was a bit sharper when she replied “I told you to be more careful with those.” “It was the only way to cooperate. With regards to Guri, she has taken a blasterbolt but as it did not hit any vital parts, she will be okay after a bit of repair-work by Admiral Thrumble.”

Feena winced at the mention of Guri and Saenger chose not to pursue this delicate topic. After all, It had taken Feena several years before she had even trusted him enough to tell him about it. So he moved on, but quickly noticed the next topic was no less painful. “So...what about her?”

Feena fell silent. After a while, she answered: “That is for my father do decide.” “She did save at least one of us when she took that blasterbolt for us.” Feena nodded. “Yes. But....Jurang, she knows all about me. She is me. Can you imagine what this is like, knowing there is not one, but two of you in this universe?” Saenger mulled this over, then shook his head. “No, I can't. But then again, there are not two of you. She may have your memories, but you are still you. A person is more than the sum of his memories. From what I gather, she has been locked up several years in a prison cell – that must have had some impact on her psyche.”

The arrival of an orderly saved Feena from answering. “Lady, D'Asta, Moff Saenger. We have dropped out of hyperspace and are orbiting Ord Cantrell. The Regent is on his way.” “Thank you.”

After the baroness-designate had dismissed the orderly, Saenger was about to continue the conversation, but Feena released his hand and waved him away. “Go. Meet my father. Buy me some time to get dressed.”

ISDII Eviscerator
Landing bay

The three Tyderium-class shuttles carrying the Baron and his entourage touched down in the Hangar bay and soon Ragez D'Asta emerged from the lead shuttle. Seeing Moff Saenger waiting for him, he smiled broadly, breaking protocol and clasping his arm. “Moff. I owe you my daughters life. Don't think I will not forget this.” “Thank you, Sir.” The Baron looked around the hangar deck and then asked: “Why is my daughter not here?” “She is getting dressed.” The two men walked towards the turbolift, D'Asta accepting the salutes of the crew in return. Just as soon as they entered the lift and turned, Saenger caught a glimpse of three Red Guardsmen pushing a black computer workstation out of the second shuttle.

“Sir, please tell me you are not going to do what I think you will.” The Baron's smiled vanished, replaced by grim determination. “She needs to have her memory wiped. No mention of this is ever going to be recorded in any files.” “Sir, she saved Feena's life.” The Baron nodded. “Yes. And that is why I do not have her dimantled for what she did.” Saenger swallowed, remembering what Feena had told him.
Imperial Palace
Year 3 BBY
New Year's Eve

The Imperial palace ball had been exciting for Feena D'Asta, especially considering it had been her first visit to the palace. Her father had taken her to Coruscant as she had to be introduced to the galactic elite as the heir to the D'Astan family. She wondered why he had put it off until she had been eighteen, but she did not mind, for the annual New Year's ball had been a spectacle to behold. She had danced and dined and been regaled with great stories by many Imperial officers pleased to meet her acquaintance. But after five hours, it had been too much for her, which is why she had decided to escape to a more secluded spot – one of the many lounges of the palace that offered a view of the Coruscanti skies. She took off the shawl she had worn above her white dress and tossed it on a nearby chair, looking towards the sky, massaging her shoulder for a bit.

Coruscant's skies were flickering with lights – the nearest being the hordes of speeders buzzing about like insects around a giganteous queen. The stars behind them being the engine flashes of the Imperial Starfleet keeping watch over Coruscant. And further beyond, the real stars of galaxies and systems of the skies. She sighed. It all seemed so peaceful up there.

“It is beautiful, is it not?” The rich, cultured voice surprised her and almost made her jump. When she had entered the lounge, she had thought it empty. Now she discovered that this had not been the case. For there had been one other occupant in the room, his blue skin and white dress uniform ensuring that he blended with the unlit back of the lounge perfectly. But when he opened his eyes, Feena knew that he was someone to notice as he stood and walked towards her.

Regaining her composure, she nodded. “Yes. They are.” She smiled. “I am sorry if I woke you.” The officer – a captain, unusual for a nonhuman – focused his eyes on her and Feena felt as if she was being taken apart and analyzed within spare seconds. “I was not sleeping.” “I see.”

Anything she wanted to ask the officer was interrupted by another voice, as cultivated as the one of the strange officer. But unlike the first one, this voice made the hair on her neck rise. “I hope I am not intruding.”

Appearing in the doorway and walking over to them was no other than Prince Xizor, Underlord of the Black Sun. Feena smiled politely. “Of course not. Prince Xizor, allow me to introduce Captain...” “We have been introduced. Always a pleasure to meet you, Captain.” Xizor nodded at the Captain, who replied “Your highness.” without bowing. Xizor looked at him pointedly and after a second, the blue-skinned alien excused himself. “Forgive me, your highness, Milady, I have urgent business to attend.”

Feena did not want to leave – for she had read a good dossier on Xizor and did not want to stay alone with him. Not that he was alone – the blonde woman the dossier had also mentioned had been standing at the door and was now moving to allow the Captain to pass. “Will you join me for a drink, Milady?” Xizor produced a flask and two small glasses out of the pockets of his robe. Without waiting for an answer, he poured a substance into the glasses that Feena quickly recognized as Ambrostine, an alcoholic substance well known for causing a lack of inhibitions.
He handed her the glass, stepping closer in doing so. Feena did not like his visage – she recognized a predator when she saw one. Still, Xizor was powerful – she should not alienate him. But she also recognized the typical effects of his pheromones and definitely did not want to be in that situation. She could resist the pheromones, but combined with Ambrostine.... “I am sorry, but I already have drunk enough.” Xizor was undeterred however, when he stepped closer once more and offered her the glass once more. “I insist.”

To placate him, Feena took the glass, trying to find an out while Xizor continued to flatter her. “You know, you were quite the vision at the ball.” “Thank you.” Feena sipped the drink, feeling the warmth of the alcohol spreading through her. “I can't imagine your father kept you away from Coruscant for so long.”

Feena smiled a fake smile at him. “My father is very protective of me.” She downed the rest of her glass. “And I really should get back to him. He is expecting me.” She broke away and felt her knees almost gave out. This is not regular strength Ambrostine. Xizor steadied her, using the opportunity to get his arms around her waist. “Are you alright, Feena?” This close to him, the pheremones were even stronger and Feena noticed how Xizor's muscles suddenly became more and more glistening, tiny drops of sweat accentuating every curve -

“NO.” With a sharp jerk, Feena got free and stumbled towards the exit, only to impact on Guri's motionless form. “Let me out.” Guri remained unmoving. “Let. Me. Out.” Feena's voice changed into a sharp tone, but failed to have any impact on Guri. “Are you sure you want to leave?” Xizor's voice near her ear made her jump.

“Feena.” The voice of her father cut through the room like a knife. And sure enough, there he was. As Ragez D'Asta rounded the corner and was about to enter the room, Guri blocked his path. “Prince Xizor is having a private meeting.” “With my daughter? I do not think so. Get out of my way.” As Guri did not move, Ragez D'Asta's right hand dropped to the hilt of his ceremonial sword.

“Guri.” The blonde woman moved away, revealing the Prince, who made a point to have let go of Feena as fast as possible. “I apologize for her manners, Baron.” After a quick glance at the Baron, who still was grasping his sword, he added: “I do hope that you can forgive her. I can assure you nothing untoward was happening.” Ragez D'Asta glanced at his daughter, who shook her head. Then, he extended his hand, which Feena was all too happy to take and forced himself to smile at the Falleen. “Of course, Prince Xizor. No harm done. I shall see you later.”

Feena later learned that the Captain named Thrawn had approached her father under the guise of talking about new Assault ships. Needless to say, a certain percentage of D'Astan ships disappeared in the Unknown Regions later.
The Present
Saenger tried once more. “Sire, her memory of her time with Xizor has been wiped. She is not the same as she was.” The Baron considered this for a second. “It matters not. She is a recording device. No record of this whole affair must ever be allowed to exist.”

“Sir, I am afraid you cannot do that.” This caused the Baron's head to whip around. “What?” Saenger swallowed under the stare of the Regent, but held his ground. “You cannot wipe her. If they make a mistake, her brain will be fried and we need it for our project on Axum. Without her, Thrumble would bolt. Besides, such an action would be against the law.” “Explain.” If the Baron's voice would have been any colder, Saenger would have imagined himself to be on Hoth. “Sir, under Imperial law 3-369-CR1 you cannot wipe her.” “Those are the rules of the Imperial Ruling Council. What does she have to do with it?” Saenger produced a datapad. “I quote: No Imperial Council member may interfere with the personall staff of another councillor. Sir, I signed her to my staff two hours ago.”

The last part was a lie, but Saenger also knew that there was no chance of the Baron knowing it. He also hoped that with the Baron's eyes narrowing that he would not be the one to bear the brunt of his anger. “That law only applies to ordinary members. I am the Regent. The wipe will be carried out.” “Sir, your interpretation of the law is highly unorthodox.” “I am willing to take my chances.”

Realizing he had lost that battle, Saenger resulted to the only recourse left: begging. “Sir, I am asking you to please not go through with this.” The Baron mulled this over. As the turbolift had reached the medical area, the Baron walked over to the entrance and stopped, looking pensive. Then, after what seemed like an eternity to the Moff, he spoke. “I always expected you to ask for a big favor one day, but I never expected it to be this.” After a short time, he added. “Fine. You think that...thing is necessary for the Empire – go ahead. But you are responsible for her. If she goes insane or betrays us, I will not cover you.”

Saenger's shoulders sagged with relief. “Thank you, Sir.” He then noticed the Baron looking at the entrance and added: “Feena really is fine, Baron. I'll leave you two alone.” The Baron nodded, then grasped his arm as he started to leave. “Thank you. For everything.” Saenger nodded. Before the Baron released him, he asked: “Sire....I hope I get to ask you another big favor one day.” The Baron looked into his eyes for a long time, then slowly nodded. Turning away, the Baron walked right into the arms of his daughter.


ISDII Eviscerator
Guri's quarters

Moff Saenger brushed past the waiting Red Guard wipe team and pressed the door buzzer. Without hesitation, Guri's voice rang out “Enter”. Saenger entered, alone, and was greeted by the sight of Guri stretching and running through a combat training program. “Is it even necessary that you train?”, he wondered aloud. “I wanted to ascertain the effects of the injury.” Saenger looked. Close to her midriff, a hole was visible. “And?” “Nothing that Massad Thrumble can't fix.”

“I am sorry that you got hit. Thank you for saving our lives – numerous times.” Guri fixated him with a look of her blue eyes. “You're welcome. Why is there an Imperial team outside my suite preparing to wipe me?” Saenger suddenly felt like a mouse in the presence of a very, very large and angry feline. “Oh...How did you know about them?” “I have good hearing. Answer my point.”
Saenger swallowed. Time to go for broke. “Regent D'Asta wanted to have you wiped.” A the flash of fury in her eyes he quickly added: “I talked him out of it. It's not his fault. You did something to him earlier before you changed. It really is not his fault.”

Guri nodded. “What did I do to him? I asked you the same question 17 days ago. You promised me there would be no secrets.” “You nearly helped your master rape his daughter.” That gutted her and she visibly deflated right in front of his eyes. “It is not your fault. I'll make sure he understands. Feena does already.” Well, I hope she does. He walked closer and put his hand on her shoulder. “We are all grateful for your help.”

Guri brushed his hand off. “Thank you. I'd like to be alone now.” After seeing Saenger's hesitation, she cocked an eyebrow and added: “Unless there is something else.” The Moff fidgeted with his hands. “Uuh...I may have told him that I signed you on as my new staff coordinator.” “May have told him?” “Alright, I did tell him that. In my defence, I was trying to prevent him from wiping you.”

Guri chose not to crush his head with her fists and instead settled for: “And what do you envision for my new position?” “ would coordinate effect, be my right hand.” Guri stood and walked towards the window, showing the beautiful planet of Ord Cantrell. “No. I have had my share of playing lackey.” Saenger was livid. “I'll have you know I am not Xizor.” Guri nodded without turning back. “No. You're not. But you have manipulated me into something against my will.” Saenger walked forward, grabbing her shoulder and trying to turn her around. “I did not plan this. I DID NOT PLAN FOR ANY OF THIS TO HAPPEN.”

Within a split second, she had wrestled out of his grip, causing him to slam forward against the window. “No, you did not. But here we are.” Grabbing his injured shoulder, Saenger winced. “Yes. But I asked you for your help, I offered to pay you instead of just having you dismantled.” Guri grinned at that. “Please. As if that ever was a viable option.” “I also gave Thrumble the choice of working for us instead of forcing him to.” Guri nodded. “That you did.” “And I did pursuade D'Asta from not wiping you.” The HRD snorted. “As if they had any chance.” Saenger sensed an opening and pressed on. “But I did all those things. I think I deserve a little trust. Look, I don't really know what to do with you either. A few days ago, I had a professional staff recruited from the D'Astan family. Now I have three dancing girls who do not know what a planetary sector is and a women who could kill me with a single blow.” He paused for a split second, then continued. “And I would be willing to allow you to chose your tasks. Except one – keep your eyes open for any threats to Feena. And me. And when I go power-hungry or you disagree with anything, I expect you to tell me in no uncertain terms.”

Guri considered this, then nodded. “Very well.” She extended her hand and Saenger shook it. “What made you change your mind?” This time, the droid smiled, a genuine smile for the first time since Saenger had entered her quarters. “If you do not already know, I will tell you sometime.”

Shuttle of Ragez D'Asta
Approaching Ord Cantrell
2 hours later

Baron Ragez D'Asta regarded the two women in front of them. One was aggressive and well-aware of her attractive body, the other was more calculating and trying to keep a brave face. But whatever else they were, none of them had made as much of a sound after they had been brought into the shuttle. Feena D'Asta, Moff Saenger and his new assistants had boarded another shuttle and had already left for Ord Cantrell. And no matter how bittersweet the reunion had been, looking at the clone of his daughter caused more pain than he had imagined. Part of it was fury but for the most part he just pitied her.

But unpleasant things first. As soon as the shuttle had touched down, he turned to Leonia Tavira. “You will disappear. You never existed, there will be no record of you ever dealing with us. You will be given a new identity and be placed in command of the Invidious, which will also disappear. You are a pirate. I expect you to come up with a plan of how to wage indirect warfare against a number of targets I will supply you with.” He then got in her face. “If you ever, ever disobey a single regulation in the Imperial Rules of Conduct, I will crush you like a bug. Take her away.”

Not listening to Tavira's statements of gratitude, he waited until she had been taken away by two Red Guards. Then he turned to the clone of his daughter and found he could not find his speech. She is just like her. “Are you going to send me away to some desolate outpost? Or are you going to execute me?” Ragez D'Asta just looked at her. “It's true. I am a clone. But I am still of your blood. No less your daughter than the real Feena.” Ragez D'Asta looked at her. “You cooperated with the Black Sun.” “What choice did I have? I was their captive for ten years.” A tear slipped down her cheek. “I saved their lives. I took a blaster bolt for them. What else do you want?”

Ragez D'Asta could not stop himself from reaching out and cupping her cheek. “Come.” With a sob, the clone collapsed into his arms. After a few minutes of whispering encouraging words, he gently took her chin and forced her to face him. “You have her memories. You know I would never hurt anyone with her face. Come, my dear, let's clean yourself up. I think there is enough room for you here with us.”

- abduction storyline almost finished. One more post to wrap it up.
- My expansion points are spent on Baramorra.
- Additionally - do not mess with the Baron.
- The Scimitar Bomber Wing aka The White Death get their first assignment.
- A lot of fluff and character work.
- Praji is scheming again.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by NPC Factions »

Darth Raptor wrote:Mon Calamari Space

A MC90 Star Cruiser is pulled out of hyperspace by an interdiction field, weapons powered down and transmitting New Republic diplomatic codes. Ambassador Alyosha, a Mon Calamari herself, was a natural choice for this mission. Hailing from the watery world of Lecroia, Alyosha was eager to establish and staff a new embassy on (or even under) the surface of Dac. But before what was hopefully going to be a posh assignment, there was important business to discuss.

Nysacia was independent of the New Republic (or what fractured remnants still existed) but the Admiralty had grown quite fond of the few Mon Calamari capital ships they'd inherited from the NRDF. Ships that would soon require specialty parts. Also, the Federal Navy wished to build more and larger MC series warships to supplement their domestically-produced New Class designs. Whether it was a license to construct Mon Calamari ships in Nysacia or a contract to buy the ships from Dac, the President had assured her that either would be most agreeable.
While the Nysacians had been waiting, the MonCal senate had decided to deliberate on both offers. It was decided that they would be willing to sell parts, but were currently unwilling to build ship for a power that was not committed to the defence of the MonCal.

Menion Barakra disagreed but had to respect the wishes of the isolationist senate. Still, it was the first start towards a larger presence of the Mon Calamari on the galactic stage. Maybe in a year or so, the senate could be persuaded to reconsider.

- spare parts deal signed between the MonCal and Nysacia.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Serafina »

Orbital Habitat 10, Vulpter System

"We are going down. Touchdown in 30 seconds!" the computerized voice announced.

The space station was many times the size of a Star Destroyer, but had nowhere it's engine power. Eight capships were assisisting with their tractorbeams, but even they could barely stablizie the millions of tons against the gravity of the planet Nur.

The lower part of the habitat crashed into a mountain, but the shields were holding. Parts of the mountaintop were vapourized, other crashed down to the surface.
Slowly, the station was grinding into the mountain.

"Connection will be established in three minutes. Seperate the lower half of the station in 90 seconds." Dr Kimiko Ross ordered.
Once the planetary part of the operation was established, the rest of the Habitat would be pushed into geocentric orbit with tractor beams and repulsorlifts.
With two safe havens, even he acid atmosphere of Nur could be survived.

With an enormous noise, the uncoupled habitat settled into the mountain.
Within a few minutes, hundreds of repulsorcraft began to cover the mountain and relocate all kinds of structures - reactors, shield generators, weapon emplacements, housing blocks and much more.

"Inititating primary ignition."
An imense tractor beam shot out from the surface and hit the orbiting habitat, locking it in its place.
"The first step is done - now, we begin the hard part", Kimiko thought, looking over the surface of Nur.
Right now, it was extremely hostile - the atmosphere was filled with acids, lighting storms ravaged the surface and the landscape was a complete mess.
However, if everthing went as planned, the planet would soon be buzzing with activity.
Shielded droids would harvest the usefull elements and minerals, atmospheric generators would generate a hospitable enviorment and more and more settlements would be established.
And if the first planetary colony of the Culture was succesfull, many more would follow.

Conclusion: I am using my expansion points to settle the planet of Nur in the Vulpter system, upgrading one of my Space Habitats (minor world) into a average world.
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »

Ord Cantrell
Imperial Ruling Council Meeting
One Day later


It was the penultitimate official council meeting of the year. Unless a galactic catastrophe happened, this would be the last meeting at which business would be conducted. Immediately after this meeting, the departments would start to both write their summary and start haggling over the budget details for the next year. And at the next meeting, each councilor would try to shine as much as possible, of course trying to claim that the resurgence of the Remnant was all due to his/her ideas and to his/her political philosophy. So usually, this meeting would be the last one that really mattered before the budget meeting, which Ragez D'Asta dreaded. As the council members arrived, they cast suspicious glances into his direction. Which was non-surprising, considering that Feena and her clone were both present. The three of them had talked for most of the night and had finally come to an agreement.

“Fellow councillors, let us start. First of all, as you know, we have just weathered an extreme crisis. I would like to express my thanks to all of you for your help and support. Before we start our usual business, let us take a moment to recognize those who have helped us in doing so.” The council voiced their agreement to that.

D'Asta produced a datapad. “I have presented a list of persons who shall receive awards. First, the members of the military who have performed the recent strike operations with great professionalism. This will be a matter for Lord Praji to handle, but I trust he will agree that certain individuals deserve special recognition.” D'Asta paused a moment. “As this whole crisis will be kept secret, there will be no combat awards except for the forces who took part in the Battle of Baramorra. However, several Imperial officers will receive commendations.” Praji nodded and D'Asta continued.

“As Regent, I can award several awards at my discretion. Moff Saenger, I cannot give you a combat award for this, though you deserve it. Moff Saenger, for distinguished services to the Imperial Remnant I hereby award you the Medal of the Emperor's Fist.”
This Medal was an award awarded at the discretion of the Emperor for both combat and non-combat services that strengthened the Empire. It was the highest non-combat award of the Empire, second only to the Emperor's Will and the Imperial Medal of Honor, which were both combat awards. “Mahd Windcaller will put out a story that this is in recognition of your succesful service in the reconstruction of Axum and Anaxes.” Saenger nodded. “Thank you, Sir.” “Please stand.”

Saenger stood and Praji thundered “Council – on your feet.” Taking a few steps, Ragez D'Asta opened the medal case, took out the medal and put it around the neck of the Moff. After the round of congratulations were done, the Regent continued. “I would order a huge parade in your honor, but reconstruction work and military parades do not mix. Now, on to the second. Most of you know Leonia Tavira. She has been a great deal of help to us. I have therefore decided that she deserves a full pardon and reinstated her as commander of the Invidious. She will organize guerilla warfare against our opponents.”

Gaeriel Captison rose. “I protest. She is responsible for the death of thousands of Bakurans. I shall not agree to this.” Marshal Jir rose as well, thankful that Aiella was with the rest of the Jensaarai on Suarbi V, reporting her findings about the Remnant to the Saarai-Kaar. She had been certain the Jensaarai would not join the Remnant without further observation. “I say we put her talents to use. She is a despicable pirate, but we already decided to effectively pardon her when we made that bargain with her. Why not put her talents to use?” Gaeriel was livid. “Are we talking about piracy? Are we preparing for war?”

“Nobody is preparing for war. We needed a covert capital ship for intelligence operations anyway, and the Invidious does not officially exist anymore. She will be under direct supervision of Mirith Sinn and will spent most of her time trying to simulate attacks on our convoys. And I give you my word – if she tries to disobey regulations even one time, I will crush her like the bug she is. I give you my word.” Still seething, Gaeriel sat back down, realizing that nothing would change the Regent's mind.

“Now, on to the next. I am sure you have all read Moff Saenger's report? I have decided to offer a full pardon to the droid known as Guri for all crimes she committed during the reign of the Empire. She has also agreed to join our product at Axum and is currently there undergoing repairs. She also has agreed to serve as the top aide of Moff Saenger.”

This was met with a neutral reception by the council. “Now, on to Commander Sinn. Commander Sinn has done her duty with enormous competence. I therfore suggest she be elevated to the rank of full council member, with one vote. One moment, Lord Praji.” Praji, who had been about to stand, stopped. “I guarantee you that you will have the right of first comment. The second appointment. As my daughter Feena was the target of the abduction, I claimed the planet Baramorra in the name of my house. This planet adds another world to my house, which means that my voting tally will change from one to two. Administration of the planet will be turned over to Feena's clone, who has agreed to serve as administrator. Mahd Windcaller's holonet will turn out a news story alleging that she is her twin sister, kept away for security purposes. I hereby nominate Leena D'Asta to the Imperial Ruling Council as a non-voting member. I shall now take comments.”

Lord Praji stood. “I motion for a short break.” Marshal Jir seconded the motion and during the subsequent break, Lord Praji non-surprisingly sought out the Baron. “Regent.” “Lord Praji.” “I think you are trying to limit my political power and I do not like it.” The Baron nodded. Count on Praji to cut to the chase. “Really?” “C'mon, Baron. I was not born yesterday. You give one vote to the Idealists with Sinn and one vote to yourself, which is one vote for the Pragmatic faction. Which is fine, but let's not forget that Sinn will always vote with your daughter if something happens to her. In short, you just made sure that there are two more votes for you.” D'Asta nodded. There was no need to ask Praji if he liked that thought. “What do you want?” “Another vote for the conservative faction.” “I can't give you that.” “I could block both appointments.” “You won't.” After staring into the Baron's eyes for a minute, Praji nodded. “No. I won't. But I want something in return for my votes.” “What is it?”

Praji poured himself a drink. “I want your word as head of House D'Asta that no matter what happens to me, my daughter Tyla is confirmed as head of House Praji with all of my votes. House Praji shall never be divided.” D'Asta nodded. “What else?” "I want financial backing for the Bank of the Core to expand its share of Muunilinst and Saliche Ag assets.” D'Asta agreed. “The Imperial central bank will provide funds if they are repaid within the next years.”

After Praji left, Mahd Windcaller also called to ask for his support for a holonet station on Ryloth in exchange for her vote. D'Asta gave her assurances that he would support it in the budged proposal at the meeting at the start of the new year. When the meeting reconvened, D'Asta's the two proposals were put to a vote quickly. No doubt Gaeriel Captison had decided that one more vote for the Idealist faction of the council and one more vote for the Pragmatists was a political advantage for her. And with Praji voting in favor of it, the proposals passed unanimously.

The council then started to discuss the new holonet programs heralding the arrival of the Golden Republic into the Core Alliance. It was decided that a favorable portrait of Jos Kor was to be broadcast to the galaxy.

VADM Thanas' communiqué was read. He reported growing disaffection on Ryloth and requested that council-member Secura join him as soon as possible. It was decided that after the budget meeting, the Imperial Remnant would refocus efforts to a goodwill tour on Ryloth. Mahd Windcaller reported that the Cultural Union had asked for some information and that it had been turned over to them. Imperial Intelligence was tasked with finding out more about it. The Imperial Fleet would also lease two Tector class Star Destroyers to the Cultural Union as part of another deal.

The meeting then concluded and Baron D'Asta was pleased. But it remained unknown to everybody that one person was even more pleased with himself than the Regent – Lord Praji.

Lord Praji's palace

A miniature of the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, the palace of House Praji was still momentous. And thanks to the new money flowing through the Praji-owned Bank of the Core, it was easy to hide the money for this unauthorized research project in the depths of the palace, where nobody would come running.

Captain Brakkas of the ISDII Stormfront oversaw the final lab installation and then contacted Lord Praji via an encrypted holonet channel. “Sire, the lab is ready. Based on the bodies collected by Captain Hunt, we have selected several candidates.” Praji nodded. “Excellent.” He looked through the files. Of the bodies Hunt's mission had collected, the vast majority was in a condition too worse to be used. But there were some promising candidates. “The scientists have been settling in?” “I could....motivate all of them, Lord.” “Good. I am most interested in their memory transfer technique. I hear it is based on some prototype by Doctor Evazan?” Evazan was an unscrupulous doctor who had pioneered this technology. But it was unstable – until Black Sun had succesfully used it on Feena D'Asta.

Praji looked through the suitable candidate lists and then marked four candidates. “Him, her, her and him. I want you to take genetic samples from all of them, grow clones as fast as you can and then start memory transfer. Use one imprint each. In case of the third one – try a direct brain implant – her species is perfect for this.”

Suarbi V
The Saarai-Kaar sighed as Aiella finished her report. So the Imperials had kept their end of the bargain. Aiella had of course told her about the order to destroy the planet should an enemy get through the defences, but that had not surprised her. The Jensaarai had prepared contingency plans for such a case, anyway.

The affair of Feena D'Asta's abduction was a more concerning one. If they were unable to protect their councillors, then did they deserve anything from then? But she also noticed the bond that was forming between Aiella and the Marshal, something she was not sure she approved or disapproved of. After careful deliberation, she made her decision. “We will observe them for another year. If they are not worthy of our people then, we will leave this alliance.”

One Day later

Several Imperial Holonet News specials were broadcast to all holonet stations using Imperial technology. All specials were narrated by Holonet announcer Kirad Jerra, a human female and former spokesperson for Windcaller Corp.
Imperial Holonet News wrote:
Good evening, Gentlebeings.

These are just a few of the things that made headlines today:
A new Core alliance member
In a speech given today in front of the Diplomatic Corps, Councilwoman the Lady D'Asta made the announcement that the Golden Republic had decided to petition the Core Alliance for allowing it to enter. This petition was granted. In her speech the Lady D'Asta praised the Golden Republic as a model state and proof that the Core Alliance was neither hostile to nor prejudiced against Rim worlds.

The Golden Republic is a conglomerate of many worlds, including the worlds of Alsakan and Obrao-Skai. Please keep your connection open for a special on the Golden Republic.
A major strike against Black Sun
Imperial efforts to combat piracy have paid off once again. Three days ago, Imperial forces commanded by the Regent D'Asta himself, liberated the planet Baramorra from the Tyrannical reign of Boss Banjeer, self-proclaimed rule of the Baramorra system.

[various depictions of Ragez D'Asta eliminating Banjeer and claiming the planet].

According to Imperial Intelligence, Boss Banjeer was responsible for multiple pirate attacks on Imperial ships. During his reign, he instituted a terror regime responsible for several massacres, including the killing of the planet's elders, whose head he stacked on a pole in the capital square. The planet will now be administrated directly by the House D'Asta.

Bakuran forces also captured the members of a species called the Zanibar, which were involved in cannibalistic acts committed against Remnant personnel.
New voting arrangements on the council
With the addition of Baramorra, the political power of the House D'Asta has been enhanced with another vote being added. Commander Mirith Sinn has also received full voting rights in the Imperial Ruling Council. Observers credit her with being instrumental to the successful liberation of Baramorra.
Moff Saenger honored for reconstruction work
Moff Jurang Saenger has been honored with the Medal of the Emperor's Fist for his work on the reconstruction efforts. A close confidante of the Baron Ragez D'Asta, he has been responsible for the Reconstruction effort on Axum, Anaxes and Coruscant. The reconstruction of Axum was finished early this year, whereas the reconstruction efforts at Anaxes and Coruscant are still ongoing. The Medal of the Emperor's Fist is the highest award given for non-combat and the third highest award for combat services. This is the first time it has been awarded since the fall of Coruscant...
D'Astan security measure unveiled
Today, Baron Ragez D'Asta lifted the veil on one of the many security arrangements of the House D'Asta. He revealed today that the Baroness-designate D'Asta was the elder of two twin sisters. The second sisters, Leena D'Asta had been secured under a false name in case of the heiress to the throne dying. As Leena D'Asta had recently been misidentified as Feena D'Asta by local Ord Cantrell media, the reveal had become necessary. The Baron said that Leena D'Asta had been aware of her heritage since her childhood and had received the same education as her elder sister.
(Feena and Leena D'Asta.)
She wil now administrate the world of Baramorra, but like her sister she will have no voting power on the council.
Imperial Navy to expand presence in Cultural Union Space
His Excellency, Lord Nahdonnis Praji, Marshal of the Galactic Empire, announced today that the Imperial Fleet would lease two Tector class Star Destroyers to the Cultural Union as a gesture of goodwill. Under the terms of the agreement, the Cultural Union would pay for the maintenance costs while the Imperial Navy would crew the ships. The ships will be drawn from the Core fleet and join the ISDII Retaliator, which was the subject of a similar agreement earlier this year. Lord Praji rejected comments insinuating that the Core Fleet would be much weakened by this new development.
And finally, our special on the Golden Republic and its President.
The Golden Republic – an Imperial Holonet special

History and composition
The Golden Republic is a collection of some of the most cultured and civilized worlds of the Galaxy. From the city world of Alsakan to the library world Obroa-skai, no planet has anything to fear from a comparison with a Core world. The raw minerals of Arkania and the factory world of Mechis III make for a potent industrial base, while Onderon provides a large number of brave men and women for the military forces of the Golden Republic. All in all, the Core Alliance has gained a valuable and

Political structure
The Golden Republic is a coalition of various commercial and political leaders lead by Jos Kor. Jos Kor was born into an Alsakan noble family in 19 BBY. From young age he managed to impress people with his intelligence and foresight. Jos Kor was born early and underweight but quickly developed his body and he was trained in the arts of Echani from the time he was 13 years old, making him one of only two politicians trained in the arts, the other being the Baroness Mahd Windcaller. Overcoming the limitations of his body showed the discipline Kor is famous and beloved for.

*Images show Jos Kor in various heroic poses, leading men, hugging children and conducting government business.*

At the age of 18 Jos Kor left Alsakan for Obroa-skai to find out more about the powers he'd been discovering he had. It was there that he learned of the Zeison Sha and in 0 ABY he went to Yanibar to train with the Zeison Sha. The next eight years were spent in training to become a Zeison Sha Warrior, further honing his abilities and finding his soulmate.

In 8 ABY Jos Kor learned that his father was on his death bed and so returned home to be with him and take over as head of the Kor family. After a suitable grieving period, Jos Kor decided to put his resources to good use. After the disastrous battle of Coruscant Kor wasted no time in trying to prevent mayhem and chaos. Less than a year later after the battle of Coruscant he had formed the Golden Republic.

Thanks to his superior leadership, the Golden Republic thrived and is now considered one of the great powers of the galaxy. The Imperial Remnant is proud to call it the Golden Republic its ally.
This has been the Imperial Holonet News, a subsidiary of Windcaller Corp. We wish you a pleasant night. Ord Cantrell out.

- Core membership of the Golden Republic announced
- Propaganda effort on behalf of the Golden Republic
- The Cultural Union information is transmitted to them
- The Remnant will lend two Tectors to the Cultural Union
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Master_Baerne »

Bilbringi Star-Tribune
Manticoran Ministry of Information
File 22809

Settlement Drive Surpasses Goal: An Imperial program designed to recruit colonists for a pair of settlements on Bilbringi's outer planets, devastated by the late war, has reportedly exceeded its member target by as much as one million volunteers, and embarkation operations are expected to begin by the end of the week aboard three Star Destroyers lent to the Settlement Drive by His Imperial Majesty's Navy.

RESULTS: We're colonizing two depulated planetoids at the edge of the Bilbringi system; more to follow.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Siege »

Skaapa System
Half a sector from Mirial


The Imperial II class star destroyer Big Noise dropped out of hyperspace on the edge of the lifeless system, followed only a split second later by the starfighter carrier Smokey Liz and a rosette of escort corvettes belonging to Sector Group Khar Shian. Powerful sensors began scouring the system on every conceivable wavelength and frequency for potential threats even as the carrier and star destroyer disgorged scout fighters whose task was much the same.

It took roughly thirty minutes for Admiral Ramasses Alder-Sien to be sufficiently convinced that no threat was lurking in the recesses of this distant system. His flagship sent the pre-arranged signal, and minutes later the fleet was joined by a massive mining ship and several civilian freighters holding all the men and equipment necessary to construct a mining colony.

Fighters took up escort positions, the warships lit their mighty ion thrusters and, with the civilian ships in tow, began making their way toward the second planet in the system. According to Rulan-Thur Heavy Mining it was rich in minerals; that being the case, this world now belonged to the Dominion.

Meanwhile a similar scene played itself out in the Flo'ow system. Coincidentally both systems now claimed by the Gordian Dominion were, galactically speaking, not too far away from Mirial...



Fires raged across the horizon-spanning skyline of the Miriali capital city. Warships duelled above collapsing starscrapers whilst on ground level thousands of armed beings clashed. What had begun as a simple political conflict had now escalated into a civil war that was quickly tearing the planet apart. Tens of thousands died as the citizenry of Mirial killed each other with blasters, with vibroknives, and sometimes simply with their bare hands. Just what had gotten into the once-peaceful citizens, few knew – and even fewer cared. All that mattered now was victory over the hated others, and so the civil war raged on, despite increasingly frantic pleas by the Dominion and other powers for a diplomatic solution.

- I establish two mining colonies.
- Situation on Mirial worsens steadily.
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SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by Thanas »


Ord Cantrell
Imperial Ruling Council session
Budget meeting

“....and Imperial Intelligence expects that the situation on Mirial will continue to detoriate.” Mirith Sinn finished her briefing and nodded at the Regent. D'Asta forced the urge to sigh. Why did people always have to disappoint? It looked like Mirial would soon join the far too long list of planets devestated by petty warlords and internal unrest.

“Thank you Commander. As dire as the situation on Mirial is, there is nothing we can do about it. All we can do at the moment is implore them to stop killing each other.” Vic-Admiral Thanas, who had travelled to Ord Cantrell in order to communicate his troubles on Ryloth once more, rose. “Begging your pardon, Regent, but there is something we can do. Let us take a fleet to Mirial and end this fighting.” D'Asta nodded. “And what then? We cannot rebuilt another planet at the moment. Unless you are fine with pulling resources from Coruscant and Anaxes.”

Chastised, Thanas sat back down, giving Feena D'Asta the chance to speak. “We might be able to still do something later on. The Gordian Dominion is already heavily invested in the area – they have claimed two new mining colonies near Mirial. Maybe they will help keep Mirial from escalating too much.” Mirith Sinn continued that line of thought. “I doubt the dominion has enough power. If they do, it would mean that our intelligence estimates of them and the extent of their industrial strength are completely wrong.” Ragez D'Asta nodded. “Very well. Commander, please keep a close eye on that situation.”

The Regent then folded his hand. “Now, as we near the end of the current year, we have to decide on a budget for the next year. Voting members, please enter your codes at this time.” The various members did, among them Mirith Sinn, who got to vote for the first time. “I register 12 Votes.” Four conservative, three idealist, two votes for me, Saenger will join me and two non-aligned.

As always, the majority of the budget had been argued in meetings of lower levels beforehand. But just as predictable, aside from the necessary expenses in upkeep, very few had been agreed on as the various factions had argued once more over the direction the Remnant should take. The conservatives wanted a massive expansion of the military, the idealists wanted a massive effort in reconstruction and the pragmatists had tried to achieve both. Mahd Windcaller and Kandon Secura had been noticeably silent during the process – Windcaller most likely because he had promised her support for her aims, Secura had been silent because he had been more occupied by troubles on Ryloth. Another petition had arrived from the clans arguing for a repeal of Imperial policy just a few days ago. And the reports by Vice-Admiral Thanas had not been promising either. It seems as if Ryloth is slowly slipping away. But this had to wait.

“Gentlebeings, let us now hear the report on our economy. Moff Saenger?” Saenger rose. “Yes, Regent. Our economy is still going strong – we have opened several new trade pacts and reconstruction is proceeding rapidly on Anaxes. A great deal of this is due to the help efforts we have received from the Etti theocracy and of course, the Republic of Nysacia. Currently, we have the biggest economy of all states, however due to Coruscant and Anaxes our real available budgedt does not reflect that. It also seems as if we will soon hit the limits of our productivity. We need to expand our industrial base, and we need to do in the next years if we want to have any chance of rebuilding Coruscant in this or the next decade.” D'Asta nodded. In fact, Saenger had produced such a plan, but as always, more pressing concerns had made it an impossibility.

“Thank you, Moff. Now, before we discuss the huge proposals put forward by either side, let us discuss some single items on the budget list that I think are essential. First, we all know about the deteriorating situation on Ryloth. This situation is not to be blamed on anyone but our difficulties. What is especially hard for us is that news take quite a long time to reach us. This situation is intolerable and at least partly explains why things have gone so bad on Ryloth. We need holonet access there. I therefore call for a vote on whether Ryloth should receive a holonet station.” The vote carried unanimously and D'Asta relaxed after Windcaller gave him a subtle nod. And if Secura's relaxed pose was any indication, he would now be grateful to D'Asta as well for providing him with political cover. That meant he could just count on two more votes if the budget negotiations reached a deadlock.

“Two more essential costs are non-negotiable. These are the current reconstruction costs on Anaxes and Coruscant as well as the fund for emergency costs. First, a vote on the reconstruction costs.” After a short discussion of the emergency fund – or the war fund, as the Idealists led by Captison were fond of calling it - both were approved. Captison knew that a financial reserve was necessary and Praji knew that reconstruction was necessary, so the vote for that part of the budget too passed unanimously. D'Asta took once more the reins after that vote had concluded. “Before we come to the budget proposals, I think we should all hear the report of Vice-Admiral Thanas on the state of our convoy protection. Admiral, if you would please proceed?”

This was an unusual step, as Thanas was a non-voting member and those usually did not get the chance to speak in the middle of a budget meeting. However, the reason why Ragez D'Asta ordered him to speak became all too clear. “Regent, Councillors. We have currently opened up 17 tradelanes with other nations. Of those, 13 need protection as they are not close enough to us that no convoy protection is necessary. With the assets detached to my command, we can only guard each convoy with 1 ship – and the majority of those are corvettes. This is clearly not enough to deter large pirate bands and enemies. I would therefore recommend an immediate increase in the anti-piracy fleet and would recommend Imperial shipbuilding to concentrate on ships suited for convoy escort duty.”

D'Asta nodded. “You and Lord Praji will come up with a plan. You will also include Tavira in your preparations.” Thanas flinched at that. “I know, Admiral, I know. But we have to put aside personal grievances for the greater good of our people. Mirith Sinn will also help with intelligence gained from our recent operations. Now, let us hear for our budget proposals. Lord Praji?”

“Fellow councillors, there can only be one answer to the need for more ships – more ships. This also requires a further increase in our shipbuilding capacity and a need for research. Thus, our proposal would require a shipbuilding capacity increase of a total of 16000m of shipyard space, as well as the construction of at least 200 ships of all sizes and classes. Most important is the construction of more cruisers and two Tector-class Star Destroyers to make up for the ships we lent to the Cultural Union. And we also dearly need assault carriers for our forces.”

After a lengthy exposition on the advantages of his plan, Praji sat down. D'Asta thanked him and then asked Gaeriel Captison to speak. “Fellow members, our newfound wealth should be directed to one purpose only – the reconstruction of Coruscant. It is the reason the Remnant exists in the first place. If we fail in this, we might just as well not exist at all. Therefore, our budget proposal consists of the following...” As Captison spoke, D'Asta vividly remembered how he had promised her a major reconstruction effort this year. But Praji is right too. Our convoy defence is a joke. D'Asta was in a bind – on the one hand he had promised Captison his word of honour that he would back her plan, on the other hand he also knew that at least some new ships were needed.

So he did the smart thing – instead of letting Saenger propose a budget that would satisfy neither, he called for a recess. His two daughters and the Moff knew him well enough, so without orders they assembled around him in the now empty council room. After he had told him about the quandary he found himself in, he asked them for their input. They couldn't cut research funding due to the projects already made public, so that particular proposal by Leena went out the window. Then, after a prolonged silence, Feena and Leena both stiffened. After looking at each other for a split second, Leena nodded at Feena, who took the lead. “Jurang, what is the maximum reconstruction effort Axum's factories can put out in addition to trade commitments and the reconstruction efforts on Anaxes, provided we pour everything into this?” The Moff looked at his datapad, then shook his head. “I don't know. I'm sorry, I should have prepared that.”

“About 25% of the reconstruction efforts needed for Coruscant can be fulfilled currently, more than 33% if some private factories of the House of D'Asta are switched to producing durasteel.” Guri, who had stayed in the background until now, had chosen to speak up with this information. Saenger frowned. “Did you forget to enter something in my datapad?” Guri shook her head. “No, I just calculated it.”

Ragez D'Asta nodded, having caught on to what was happening. “And if this is the only thing possible for the economy – and if we agree to expand our industrial base next well as to convince Praji to base the new shipyards on Coruscant to help the recovering economy there...excellent idea. Get the Prime Minister in here.”

As soon as Gaeriel Captison entered the room, she crossed her arms and declared instead of a Greeting: “I refuse to budge on any of my proposals. We had a deal.” D'Asta nodded at the rest of his faction to leave, which they did. “Relax, Prime Minister. Reconstruction will be funded in full – to the extent of which it is currently possible. Are you aware of the current situation on Axum? Our factories are running at full capacity on every single one of our planets. The new projections show -” Gaeriel did not let him finish. “I am well aware of the projections.”

D'Asta nodded. “Then you also know that any industrial base upgrade we can try at the moment will be ineffectual if we cannot guarantee convoy security.” “Yes. And there is a compromise to be found here. Lord Praji's plan calls for shipyards. Shipyards also create jobs and help the recovery. Therefore, I want all shipyards ordered this year to be placed around reconstructing planets.”

D'Asta nodded. “I believe that can be arranged.” Captison continued. “Yes. And my plan also calls for an industrial base upgrade.” D'Asta shook his head. “I have seen the projections – with our current budget, such an upgrade would not react in any measurable changes on any world.” “Yes. I want your guarantee that next year there will be made a full effort to broaden our industrial base.” Gaeriel's eyes narrowed. “You promised me that you would support full reconstruction this year.”

D'Asta's voice had steel in it when he replied: “I cannot agree to such a broad promise.” After a short second of silence, D'Asta nodded. “But you knew that. And you also know that we need more shipyards. So what do you really want?”

“The new constitution I am preparing. I want your votes on having it passed.” D'Asta shook his head. “I shall not pass anything that is not yet complete.” Gaeriel continued on, unfazed and switching gears easily. “Then I want your votes at the end of this year in favor of installing a new court structure. The details are in here.” She entered a code into the council's filesystem and soon a holo of the written laws establishing the court structure was written in place. D'Asta looked at them. They were fairly straightforward and until a constitution was passed, most of the courts would be powerless. “I want some changes to that, especially a seperate military structure and immunity for the council as well as veto rights for the council until the new constitution is passed.” Captison pondered this for a few minutes, then nodded. “Very well. In exchange for a promise that next year, you personally will speak in favour of more industrial expansion.”

Ragez D'Asta nodded. “Provided the galactic situation does not shift to the worse, I will favour such a proposal, yes.” Gaeriel nodded and extended her hand. “Agreed.”

After Captison left, D'Asta called in Lord Praji. Instead of giving him a chance to respond, D'Asta immediately took the fight to him. “Lord Praji. You know as well as I do that your proposal will not pass.” Praji took the hit and rolled with it. “I may be amiable to certain...modifications.” D'Asta nodded. “Continue.” “The 8000 meter shipyard is essential. We need to stay ahead of the technology curve. And we also need to have several shipyards to produce our new Procursator class in two years. And we need enough shipyards to produce convoy escorts.”

D'Asta nodded. “Those are all valid points. I would be inclined to sponsor one 8000 and two 1200 meter yards.” Praji folded his hands. “That is only two thirds of my original proposal.” “Yes. In exchange, you will not block any funds the council may allocate to reconstruction. Furthermore, the Imperial Army will not be expanded this year. However, the Council will approve the funds for the research projects and will also agree to allocate a generous amount for shipbuilding purposes and for buying ships from other nations. I was thinking that we might come to a common ground here.” Praji nodded. “The research projects would have been funded anyway due to them having been announced to the other nations. You wouldn't want such emberassment. And we would have built escort ships anyway.”

“Nevertheless, Lord Praji, you could do a lot worse.” Praji did not reply to this at first. He immediately realized that once more he had been outmaneuvered, that D'Asta must have made another deal with Captison. So he chose to do the smart thing and took what he was offered. “Your offer, Baron, is quite generous. I accept it and you can count on my votes.”

When the council reconvened, the Budget was passed unanimously.

Ord Cantrell
Three hours later

The new year had started and the council had appeared in public and on the holonet, wishing the citizens a great new year.

Ragez D'Asta had made a live speech on the holonet, addressing the people of the galaxy:
Gentlebeings, citizens of the Remnant and citizens of all other nations receiving this transmission.

Today we bid you a happy new Year. These past three years after the disastrous battle at Coruscant have been tumultous ones. Many, far too many, planest have been devestated. Many, far too many people have suffered. And many, far too many, dictatorships have arisen. But there is hope. All across the universe more planets are recovering. New nations have arisen. The Imperial Remnant salutes them and hopes for a peaceful, cooperative future.

Gentlebeings, we wish you a Happy New Year.

After the speech, the Council had celebrated for a short time and then broken up. Ragez D'Asta had decided to call it a night due to his health and left, with his daughters, Saenger, Sinn and Guri in tow. The military men – Praji, Jir and Thanas – had too decided to leave, as they had to plan the convoy defence the next morning. Gaeriel Captison and her husband had left even earlier than the baron, both eager to spent as much time as possible together. Which left Windcaller and Secura, who both spent some time discussing the future holonet station on Ryloth, but after that topic was exhausted, both decided to go seperate ways.

Suite of Gaeriel-Captison Thanas
Gaeriel did not miss the little wince Pter Thanas gave as he removed his uniform jacket, though he did his best to hide it, not trying to worry his wife. “What is it?” He sighed and sat down on the bed. “My left arm has been bothering me lately. It probably is just stress,” he quickly added. Gaeriel nodded. “Stress or not, you are going to see the state physician tomorrow after your meeting with Praji, right?” Thanas grunted non-committally while removing his boots . Gaeriel slid up to him and put her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder. “You will, right? Do it for me, please.” Thanas gave in, knowing full well that if she used that tone, it was important to her. “I will. Don't worry.” Putting his right hand on hers, he gave it a little squeeze. “Good.” Gaeriel did not hide the relief in her voice and then chuckled as she contemplated the effect her next sentence would have.

“I want children. Now.” If she had expected a spontaneous reaction, she would have been disappointed. Instead, her husband turned and looked her in the eyes. After finding only resolve and love in there, he simply nodded. “Ok.”

Ragez D'Asta's suite
At the doorway, Ragez D'Asta turned to his two daughters, hugged them both and bid the rest of the small following goodbye. As soon as he was inside, he practically almost collapsed on his bed and only iron discipline prevented him from not taking off his uniform before sleep overpowered him.

Suite of Lord Praji
After confirming with Captain Brakkas that the secret project was progressing as planned, Lord Praji then closed that connection and then opened another one. Soon, the face of a young, women appeared.
As soon as she recognized the caller, her face broke into a huge smile. “Father.” “Tyla. Let me tell you what happened today, sweethart...”

Suite of Marshal Jir
Marshal Jir turned, and almost nodded at empty space before realizing that she was currently on Susevi. Smiling wistfully, he unbuttoned his uniform and started to go over the intelligence reports on recent pirate activities.

Suite of Kandon Secura
Clan Leader Secura prayed to the goddess that his people were safe. After paying homage to the spirits of his passed ancestors – the noble Lon Secura, long dead, his cousin Nat Secura, long lost after being captured by slavers – he also paid tribute to his cousin twice removed Aayla, whose exploits had made her a figure of legend among clan lore, no small feat considering she had been a Jedi. In recent times, he had taking a habit of paying tribute to her spirit as well, considering that it were the females of the Twi'Lek species that would suffer the most should he fail. After his prayers, he then performed the traditional dagger warrior dance, swearing vengeance to anyone who dared touch his people.

After exhausting his body, his troubled mind finally surrendered to sleep.

Suite of Mahd Windcaller
Baroness Mahd Windcaller ordered a third pot of caf and reviewed the newest profit returns.

Suite of Moff Saenger
Moff Saenger poured five glasses of Namana nectar and handed them out. When he passed one to Guri, the droid seemed surprised at first, but then smiled and took it. Smiling back in return, Saenger then turned to the others.

“So, what shall we play?” Feena grinned and announced “Sabbac.” Mirith had to quickly swallow her mouthful to avoid doing a spittake, coughing in consequence of the sharp liquor burning down her throat. “No way. I am not playing Sabacc against you anymore,” Saenger protested. Mirith snarked back: “That's okay. We wouldn't have played it with you anyway because you renege on your bets.” “For the last time, I am not running naked through the council room. First, I was probably drunk at that time. Second, I have no memory of that bet. You and Feena made it all up. Third, I don't even play sabacc.”

Mirith chuckled at that. “If it had happened to Feena and me, we would have fulfilled our bets.” Saenger shook his head. “In Feena's case, the Baron would have dismembered everyone of us before she had even gotten around to disrobing and in your case, everybody would suddenly develop collective amnesia because of the fear you would send Imperial Intelligence on their asses. In my case, however, I bet you would have sold the recordings on the market.” “No.” “No?”

“No.” Mirith grinned wickedly. “I just would have broadcast it to the Sith, who would have died laughing, leaving us to take over. C'mon, do it for the empire. Or are you an unpatriotic coward who refuses to do his duty to the empire?” Saenger could only lift his glass in a wordless salute at that. Feena, who had been about to keel over with laughter, noticed that her clone was hanging back, looking at her glass somewhat solemnly.

Standing up, she walked over to Leena and touched her arm. “C'mon, sit with us.” After looking at each other for a second, Leena smiled and then hugged her counterpart, no words being necessary. As Leena sat down next to Feena, she smiled at Saenger. “Oh, by the way, I do not remember such a wager ever being made.” “AH-HAH.” The Moff jumped up triumphantly. Mirith Sinn just rolled her eyes. “This was the time Feena had passed out on your floor. Quite likely, she does not remember a thing.” Before Saenger could retort, Mirith remembered something. “Did you turn off the security recordings?” Confused by the sudden switch of topic, Saenger could only nod. Mirith grinned once more. “But back then you did not have them disabled. I could sent a team to look at the recordings.” “I don't think that is a legitimate use of Imperial resources, Commander”, Saenger retorted. “Who cares?” Feena interjected in the banter. “Let's play Sabacc.”

Saenger was about to argue for a strategy game when he noticed Guri draining her glass and assuming a position at the door. Of course. “Guri. Come, sit. I need your help if I am going to survive against these rabid felinxes.” After a split second, the droid smiled, poured herself another glass and sat down next to the Moff, while Feena interjected: “So we're forming teams now? In that case I'll play with Leena” Saenger nodded. “I am. Just to avoid there being another story about a wager. Besides, if I am going to play Sabacc against you three, I will need a bodyguard who cannot get drunk.” Guri smiled at that. “I am very good at simulating, though.”

Saenger rolled his eyes, playing along. “Oh, perfect.” “Quit whining,” Feena ordered and nodded at Sinn, who had procured a Sabacc deck and started dealing the cards. "The Sky's the limit."

The third year after the Battle of Coruscant was over.

- a lot of fluff
- Budget is passed, more details to be revealed in media announcements.
- Situation on Ryloth even more deteriorating
- The first gameyear is over.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! - Chief Judge Haywood
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Re: STAR WARS: A Galaxy Divided IC

Post by RogueIce »

Corellian Holonet News

The Imperial Corellian Starfighter Corps announced today the formation of the elite 809th Imperial Fighter Group. Composed of the Kalidor, Hawk and Banshee Wings, the pilots of the 809th come from the top one percent of Corellian fliers. Their craft also represent some of the finest in the Imperial arsenal: Scimitar Assault Bombers, TIE Avengers, and three squadrons of TIE Defenders.

In a second announcement, the Navy announced the beginning of construction for two Tector-class Star Destroyers. The Tector-class is a variant of the famed Imperial Star Destroyer specialized for defeating other capital ships.

  • The elite units I bought last year are in service. The 809th Imperial Fighter Group is composed of the following:
    Kalidor Wing
    1 TIE Defender squadron
    2 TIE Avenger squadrons

    Hawk Wing
    1 TIE Defender squadron
    2 TIE Avenger squadrons
    3 TIE Scimitar Assault Bomber squadrons

    Banshee Wing
    1 TIE Defender squadron
    2 TIE Avenger squadrons
    3 TIE Scimitar Assault Bomber squadrons
  • And the first snippet of my game year 2 budget is revealed: I'm building a pair of Tectors.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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