Losonti Tokash wrote:Yeah, Stark definitely hates him some Gears, that's why we're playing it all the time. Burnout too.
People who say that Stark hates video-games are misunderstanding him, which he why he comes down so hard every time somebody accuses him of being a crotchety git. ITT Stark is actually criticizing the difference between claims and end products, which is always larger for developers who are supposed to be awesome. Gears of War, which is a self-consciously retarded game that never really pretends to be more than "Quake 1 with cover mechanics" gets a pass, as does a game about driving cars really fast. To put it in a movie analogy, you wouldn't necessarily criticize a lightweight action movie or even give a shit about it, but if it was hyped as the best film since Orson Welles fucked a toboggan, you might think that was dumb. Thus this thread.
I voted for Bungie because I reflexively dislike HALO for getting so much attention while being so bland, but to be fair they're probably not the most overrated developer. I don't know much about the HALO community but I would have guessed they were too busy playing HALO, being racist, and mixing Mickey Finns for the Delta Phi girls to actually worship Bungie. Bioware is probably the most overrated, in terms of the difference between what they're hyped as being and what they actually deliver. Bethesda is close on.
The idea of criticizing Valve for harvesting talent from the modding sector doesn't make a lot of sense to me. In one sense it is a shortcut around the brainstorming phase of game development ("hey those guys have ideas let's steal them") but on the other hand buying out smaller players with good ideas is standard practice in basically every industry, and it just makes good sense. If Bethesda did the same, they would have fixed their shitty skill mechanic years ago and probably figured out a better way to design balancing. If you want to see how utterly broken their games are, just play through any of them while focusing on stealth. Morrowind, Oblivion, and FO3 all become a total breeze, because they included a stealth mechanic without bothering to figure out how to fit it into gameplay. The most flagrant example of this was the 100% Chameleon exploit in Oblivion, whereby you could build an "I win the game" stealth suit, but FO3 is almost as bad.
But in terms of Valve not turning shit on in time, that's a legit criticism, to which I would add that a while back they said they were writing new netcode that would totally redefine online gaming by reducing the effect of lag to almost nothing. Oh wait, that never happened and they haven't mentioned it in years.