Schoolgirls set Muslim student's headscarf on fire
By Lisa Chapman
Two school girls are facing expulsion after they set a 15-year-old Muslim girl’s headscarf on fire.
The pair attacked the teenager - identified as 15-year-old Diana - during a school trip last week at Catholic charity Caritas’ school for business professions in Graz.
Caritas spokesman Harald Schmied said today (Weds) the motive for the attack had been personal, not religious.
He added: "It was an incident that was very unusual at this school for its symbolic dimension and emotional abuse. Fortunately, the headscarf did not fully catch on fire and was only singed."
Schmied said two girls responsible for the attack had been warned in writing that they could be expelled if anything similar happened again.
He added the school, which has many students with a migrant background, promoted integration and mutual tolerance and respect and that while tensions developed at times they were "constructively handled" rather than "swept under the table".
SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
sorry if i wasted time. I was just shocked at the brutality, and the audacity of claiming "oh it was just a prank." Trying to light a girl's head on fire is a prank. Just was kinda shocked I guess.
ClownPrinceofCrime wrote:
They weren't expelled yet. They were warned they would be expelled if it happened again.
If it happens again? Golly Gee, glad to know that's the standard, the first time you set a student on fire it's just a warning! But it's a very harsh warning. If they set TWO students on fire then we might have to do something about it.
"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton